
Summary Quotes

There are 596 quotes

"If I had to sum up everything you just watched into one sentence, it would be: I'm overwhelmed."
"Techscape: I read Elon Musk's 12 files so you don't have to."
"For those who don't know, the Opium Wars were a series of wars where China tried to ban opium because it was bad for their people, and Britain went 'no'."
"Limits allow you to evaluate a function when x approaches a certain value; derivatives are functions that allow you to calculate the instantaneous rate of change... and integration... allows us to determine how much something accumulates over time."
"We've got a little bit to talk about. There's been a lot that has happened in the world over the course of the last month, and we are reaching the last stretch of this sort of culminating two months of 2020."
"That's like the philosophy of the show in a nutshell."
"We're going to run through these really quick again."
"That does it for today's video. I hope they gave you guys some insight."
"In general, if you're looking for the TLDW, yes, this is a good, solid, all-around budget phone."
"Well, this has been 'The Good, the Bad, and the Brilliant'."
"This E3 feels like a TL;DR recap of known titles."
"It could be anyone's game, and then at the end, we will add them all together."
"A film that could be easily summarized by calling it Groundhog Day but with aliens."
"A good summary first and foremost is clear to someone who has not read or watched or heard the original material."
"Only the main details and of course a good summary has to paraphrase."
"A good summary presents information in the same order as the original if possible."
"I guess I should start wrapping this up after all."
"Let's keep going over the highlights and summarize here."
"We can go ahead and kind of drop it off here, wrap up our New 52 Batman explanation series."
"This pretty much sums up everything I have in the garage."
"I think it's the perfect summation of what is 2020. Agree? Just a weird-ass year. Nothing is making any sense."
"That's the overview of the complete history of lore of Doom Eternal. Rip and tear."
"This hits the spot, that's pretty much ties together everything I ate today."
"Hopefully y'all enjoy these were all the blood demon nars."
"It's been a nice overarching just sort of a summary, a brief one-hour summary of the Eldar and where they came from and how they got so [ __ ] up."
"We conclude by this headline right here: the best week for the year so far."
"So that is pretty much all I have for you. Thank you very much for watching."
"Just putting it all together to really solidify everything that we've learned."
"So, that's Sunday and Monday... and a bit of Wednesday of last week."
"That distillation of what we're facing here is the most compelling way to put it."
"It actually sums up car in a single item, the tools of his trade embellished."
"Keep in mind this is a heavily condensed version of these events."
"Let's just put that part in, everything else today was [__]."
"In conclusion, there's a lot to like about the edge plus."
"Let's just go ahead and recap quickly what we just did."
"I can give you the TLDR of everything I've done that week."
"Tune in to the A.M. Quickie tomorrow morning, I'll be doing a five-minute news roundup."
"It's hard to summarize everything, but just to sum it up..."
"Absolutely lovely moment, summed it all up, it was a lovely moment."
"It worked out. You know, yeah, I think that's a good way of summing it up."
"So far we've gone over four of my top five handguns."
"It's a tough optic, yeah let's wrap this up."
"They see you as someone who sees the higher picture and turns these struggles into your strengths."
"What a race, it had it all from the beginning."
"That concludes our look at the family tree of Christian denominations."
"I will definitely put some bright points to my summary."
"I think the thing about when you're sharing news on social media, you really got to give people a quick snapshot of what it is that you're saying."
"In summary, it's simply a revolutionary machine."
"So in summary, the five things that I did to the front here are: the cheap handling fix, I had the front end aligned, I installed the Safe T-Plus, I installed new shocks, I installed the Sumo Springs."
"I think that concludes our look at all that I have grown from seed all of my flowers all of the beautifulness of the summer."
"Long story short, I was killing it."
"And that's all I have to say about that."
"But that also brings me to my last and final tip."
"In summary, I just wanted to point out these two options."
"To determine which information is relevant and belongs in a one to two sentence overview for your stakeholders, ask yourself: How can I communicate a decision in a way that makes it easy for them to decide?"
"The log line, otherwise known as elevator pitch, a short one or two-sentence summary of your TV show's core idea."
"...alright guys so we covered quite a lot of things and that brings us to the end of this tutorial."
"We finish up with the conclusion, giving a brief overview of the legal concepts that we covered and also restating the thesis statement that we made at the start."
"Greg shares his simple three-word summary of the powerful idea of deliberate practice and how it can be the key to fast progress."
"All the entire, so basically what I'm saying is..."
"So, that seems like a good place to wrap it up."
"I would summarize this boat as um as being the little boat with the big boat options you've got the garage."
"A pretty interesting tool, the summary division."
"RB Money for me is just a summary of how I've lived my RB life."
"I like how he gives us the highlights, you know?"
"Alright, now weíre going to go through a radar simulation to sum everything up. This will touch on almost everything weíve learned in this module."
"This basically reduces any lengthy diet tribe to a few tiny bullet points."
"We can sum up what we know about them in one sentence: They were made about 2,200 years ago."
"But basically the short version of that is somebody could summarize by saying that the Egyptians contributed the concept of the astrological glyphs."
"That is basically how I changed my life in a nutshell."
"Let me summarize because, yeah, you're not going to be getting these details from me."
"So we've come to the end of this video and I just wanted to sum up my thoughts."
"If I had to sum up this case in the fewest words possible I would probably go with Relentless gut punch."
"To sum it up in one word: insanity."
"That's the end of the over, another very fruitful one. 63 for one New Zealand."
"I've had to go to my windy Wyoming hat because of this, but I wanted to summarize some of the things that we've observed about these features."
"So that's about all I've got today."
"With almost 250 years of history, we had a hard time condensing this video into just 50 facts."
"It's the same, I just told you what the movie's plot is, right?"
"...kind of ties this video all together in a lovely little bow."
"Well, my friends, there you have it."
"Orbit, need we say more? I mean, that pretty much sums it up honestly."
"That pretty much wraps up this exploration."
"So there you have it the history of Salisbury Cathedral in a nutshell."
"Summarize your findings and conclusions highlighting key insights and actionable recommendations for stakeholders."
"I'm going to wrap up for now, it's been like 2 and a halfish hours."
"Sharon and Vincent take a bunch of Sharon's dad's stuff and run away."
"In many ways, it feels like the summation of Lynch's entire career."
"More often than not a summary is going to give you a better result of something that you might want to come back to."
"So in summary airs Source heat pumps are magic boxes that heat water that hot water is a little less hot than the things that burn stuff which means you need to work a bit harder to keep the heat in the colder that the magic Magic Box can operate the cheaper it is to run."
"...the rise of Skywalker kicks off with Kylo Ren kicking the butts out of a bunch of Mustafarians."
"I thought I would provide some final thoughts here."
"Interpretation is a summary of what is being said."
"You don't need to do any of that kind of stuff. So that kind of wraps it up."
"It just sums it up perfectly, and it sums up the album perfectly, you know, from start to finish."
"Covered a lot of stuff. See y'all later."
"In conclusion, Sweden is a beautiful country with beautiful nature, beautiful architecture, and beautiful people."
"That's kind of the movie in a nutshell."
"In summary, Anchor Solx X1 is the Extreme Performance Energy Solution."
"So, just a little recap about how the day went by."
"That should sum up the trailer for you."
"I talk about the books so that you don't have to read them."
"Here's a summary of everything that we've talked about so far."
"Let's go with the best summary of the 1996 Tour de France."
"This is definitely a system that's in need of a recap."
"I like the piece a lot because I feel like it's for the people who haven't been keeping up. I think it's a good summary of the lore, like for real."
"A really nice summary of the Bliss Landslide and not just how this slide formed in 1993 but also going back to this older event fifty thousand years ago."
"The public school system in a nutshell."
"365 literally tells the story of a mafia don who decides he's going to kidnap a woman because he had visions of her following a near-death experience and he's just gonna keep her for one year until she decides she loves him. Nothing weird at all, totally normal."
"The entire religion is summarized in this verse."
"It's a culmination of the series' best aspects rolled into a simple few minutes."
"This was an awesome time, this is a good time, a hell of an experience. I think that's going to wrap up the video."
"So there you go, we're at the end now."
"And there you have it, bob's your uncle."
"So this sums up all these amazing sites here in Petra."
"All in all, a very, very nice package."
"I will summarize all of divine revelation in four words: 'There's only two things you need to know. Number one, I'm God. Number two, you're not.'"
"Just recap some of the points I covered in this video."
"Alright guys, it's been one heck of a day here at Loki Kia."
"The last answer is, on the contrary, the coping stone of the matter."
"Let's do a quick recap on the three milestones."
"Overall when it comes to my final [review]"
"Let's wrap out these weekend numbers so that we can get to the 2023 year in review."
"I'm going to give what I believe is the best and most concise summary of seven different earnings reports."
"We had fun and that's the bottom line."
"This is about the last 15 years of my life."
"Nakamura's main roster run in a nutshell: a sweaty boy on the hottest day of the year."
"In short, its convenience is fantastic."
"My best summary of the Xi Jinping worldview in all of its crudity has got three points to it."
"That's a wrap for day number one out here on the water."
"What a season it's been! Here are my top moments."
"Only 150 runs of Pakistan managed to get, losing all their wickets."
"That's the match in brief then, South Africa 268 for seven, DeVilliers making 115 not out."
"That's all I got to say about that."
"A great game capsulating a transformative year in ACC football."
"The most important things to remember from this webinar."
"...well folks I think that is it we have covered what has broke what hasn't broke the mods we've done and the maintenance we've done."
"Long story short, nobody gets hurt."
"That's everything we do right there."
"In three words, how would you describe your 2021? Let me know down in the comment section."
"Give me the three main points for Moana winning: magic, music, Moana."
"John Wick in 10 words: dog, wife dies, car stolen, man gets angry, kills everybody."
"To summarize the day today so far: beautiful, exhausting, beautiful, worth it."
"I want to do a whole summary, like a wrap-up, of all the adventures and misadventures that I've had along the way. So that's coming up next on my channel."
"Long story short, The Rock and Roman Reigns won that match."
"And just like that, that wraps a full-on day here in Split, I hope you guys enjoyed the video."
"Overall, I'm just going to wrap this up."
"Cadet Kelly is about a girl named Kelly, played by Hillary Duff, who we meet as a student at this weird artsy alternative school in New York City."
"Long story short, the elevator sucked."
"Long story short you should go pick one up."
"The summary of the story is really as you've heard it, basically a bold young girl who's a bit cocky, spoiled by the women in her life."
"I think that's gonna put a pretty good rap on this video."
"Everything we've talked about all wrapped up into one."
"So there you have it, five movies and a whole bunch of different shorts."
"Somebody in the comments completely summed up this story."
"And that's all there is to know about that really."
"This video is going to be a complete wrap-up of everything that we know about the Infinity Train."
"Your professional summary should summarize everything about you in five lines max."
"And that's the total for the boys."
"The final summary of Our Lady of San Nicolas is trust, mercy, and the Holy Spirit."
"Now I've rambled on longer than expected and indulged past the point of normal attention spans to lead us here to the end of this video."
"The final report to just let everyone know how it went and the outcomes."
"However, if I create a table, it allows us to create something known as a pivot table, which can help us summarize this data set."
"Here's everything we know so far."
"tldr: It's a manual that's clear, simple, easy to read, well written, well detailed, concise, and cuts to the chase."
"Okay, look at that long backstory short: hell."
"Let's do a quick little recap to remember where we are at this point."
"2020 in general has just been not the best year for everybody."
If somebody wanted to get a feel for what your business is about, that summary will be a one-page they can just go, "Oh yeah, I see what the vision is."
"Here's a summary of the coil data."
"There's much more to cover, but that's good for the broad strokes anyway."
"That's the TLDR version. There's a lot more to it or maybe not."
"I won't give the summary of the movie, Jacob, but can you give us the summary of the movie?"
"This is stuff that draws together things I've been working on since the mid-90s. So, 20-something years of stuff. So yeah, it varies in how new it is, but in some sense, it's sort of my career up to this point summarized."
"I'm basically going to give you cliff notes for about 12 minutes and just cover the highlights."
"A pitch deck is a summary of a company's story."
"Translation: I told you so. Pretty much."
"That was a very succinct summary."
"Let's do a summary. What have we done? I've told you my reasons why this is the best all-electric SUV you can buy right now."
"Let's give you guys a quick summary."
"This is it for this video, we did a total of, I don't remember, one big box from here with those two fabric things, and one big box right here, one big box here, then some loose stuff."
"Bad is Bad... it completely summed up what the movie was which is just you know bad people are bad."
"I mean, a lot of stuff happened. A lot of awesome stuff."
"Why are you giving me the cliff notes on an origin story? That should be the whole movie."
"I've been kind of going back and forth over the best way to summarize the plot because that's just what I do in these videos."
"We're going to do a little bit of a wrap up of the day."
"Was this an all hail or a total fail? I think overall, definitely an all hail."
"It's essentially a story about the boy who was meant to be king being charged with his father's murder because flag does some scheming."
"It's a story about a selfish princess who'd just been executed."
"I kind of feel like the thesis of this movie can be best summed up by this line."
"Thank you very much for watching. This pretty much wraps up our Sakura Shadows Die Twice story explained."
"Is that an accurate ish summary of the kind of main argument you were trying to put forward in that book?"
"Let's get into a deep dive summary of this whole story so that you don't need to read all 500 pages."
"It's never ending, but I'll spare you all the details."
"A summary is a map of where you've traveled."
"No other game summed up the 1980 Phillies better than Game Five."
"So, yes, this is basically everything, you guys."
"The main takeaways are on your screen right now."
"That pretty much wraps things up for this one."
"Let me now just summarize where we've been with uh this whole question of defenses of the lung very important feature of the lung uh has to do with atmospheric pollutants."