
Effort Appreciation Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"I'm just happy to be here, you guys. Like, this sh*t is fire. She went above and beyond for my birthday."
"It's the effort that counts, not always the outcome."
"The goal is simply to become the person who shows up and puts another Pearl on the string."
"He made an effort to learn the language and he didn't necessarily have to do that."
"Effort counts so I think just making that step and just like kind of going towards that direction makes a difference even if you're not a 100% cruelty free."
"Come on, give them a break. They're doing the best with what they have."
"I stopped by to remind you that your 70 percent might look like a hundred and fifty-nine percent to somebody else but it's still your 70 percent."
"Money doesn't grow on trees and just like I talked about when I started this particular live stream okay the amount of time energy and effort to create actual goods and services you cannot underestimate that."
"Your dog's team is very nice, Jack. You know what, mate? For the effort, it's a 10 out of 10."
"Even if it's bad, the fact that someone's putting in the effort and time is nice."
"I hope you guys have watched and enjoyed that video cuz it took a long time to make and I think it has the best animations we've ever done."
"Videos like these take a very long time for me to make... so if you could do those things that would really help me out."
"This thing was honestly so worth the amount of time it took me to build."
"When you see somebody give it a shot and then they figure out that it was a lot harder than they thought it was gonna be easy, that could be a good feeling."
"Mr. Market offers a second bite of value stocks: investing in opportunism as much as it is about hard work."
"Stuff that we put work into, we value more highly."
"Be proud that you gave it a shot and you know what Lisa next time you're going to try and do better."
"It really is cool the animations the boss fights it's just so much work and it really does prove to be worth it at the end."
"I would love to have this build featured, I put a lot of time and effort into it."
"This level of effort might be the only way one could hope that the subject of Sasquatch research is taken seriously."
"I'm appreciative of all the effort you put into this, Mini, you did take it seriously."
"Don't give up, trust that every single effort you make is leading to something."
"I'm just glad they're putting more effort and time into the stories."
"This video obviously took a really long time to make so I do hope you guys did enjoy it."
"I really hope you like the videos because I work really hard on them."
"The work is what makes it valuable. It's not the idea."
"It's skill-based. It takes effort to get that."
"Please enjoy that and yeah just enjoy this video please it takes so long to make please enjoy it please."
"It's hard to be upset when the effort was there."
"Result is irrelevant when the effort was there."
"Realizing like we're all doing the best that we can, really."
"It took six weeks to build and film this video, one of the most in-depth projects I've done so far and it was certainly worth the effort."
"This video took so long to make, hours and hours watching back over 40 videos of card magic."
"As long as you've done your best then it's not a problem."
"You went out there and you tried, and while you fell flat on your face, you put in that wholehearted effort. That's what defines you as a man."
"This is an extremely awesome set, a lot of time and effort went into this thing."
"There's a lot of work went into this, it's genuinely transformative."
"Not the best of traps, but I love the effort!"
"Remember, the person I respect the most is the person who comes in dead last in a race versus the person who's like 'oh yeah blah blah blah' they talking all that stuff but they don't even try anything right. [Expletive] that."
"You're really being rewarded for just everything you put into this connection."
"The love, the amount of work that went into this is astounding."
"And if you give it a chance and still don’t like it, by all means, criticize it, but do it sanely- with the knowledge that it was made by human beings who worked themselves half to death to give you the best story they could."
"Effort reward heuristic which is we enjoy things more and appreciate them more if we put a little effort upfront."
"Work is our love made visible. I think that you are worth the work, your life is worth the work, this world is worth the work, I'm worth the work, my brothers are worth the work."
"Honestly, we were really impressed with your effort and we were even more impressed by your lack of any kind of skills in the kitchen."
"I was very excited by the quality and the effort and the care and the success."
"I'm not gonna be mad at you for not being able to lint my code, I'll be mad at you if you're not going to give it an honest try."
"Just don't expect any thanks for your hard work."
"I'm still very grateful for the effort that he put into it and so that is where it's at."
"Give it your best 100%. And you can't ask more of me."
"I think it's probably like one of the most high effort and respectable forms of content on this platform."
"This was my first mod showcase that I've done in a long time, I put a lot of hard work and effort and time into this videos that enjoy."
"It doesn't take smarts to try... even if you don't understand, you can at least put some effort forward and try something even if it's wrong."
"I spent a lot of time putting this together and I really hope you guys did find this interesting."
"I can accept trying and failing but at least you tried."
"People feel good, they want to feel that they did all that was humanly possible."
"I've got to give it my best effort. I honestly do."
"It's deeper than just flowers... Imagine doing so much for somebody that won't do so little."
"These are good days, this is what all the hard work is really all about."
"Honestly, the top is kind of cute, that took me forever to put on, but overall this is a good piece already and I'm really hoping this looks pretty good because I'm gonna wear the [ __ ] out of this."
"What's your definition of greatness? Trying your best."
"If it was easy, it's not worth anything, man."
"You've come so far, don't let your past efforts, tears, and battles go to waste."
"You showed up for this thing. It takes a lot of (beep) balls, a lot of nerve."
"The effort was definitely there and in the end that's all I asked for when I watch a historical movie or TV show."
"If you succeed, it's trying that counts. Nobody can ask anything more of you if you try."
"The amount of effort that's going into this is amazing."
"You're gonna have to pay real close attention to the details of the costuming because as I said it don't seems to be just so like they you know put a lot of time into figuring out the details."
"He tries. Everything that he does, he puts his best in."
"Great effort, great job. And kept it simple, that's what I liked."
"There is no right or wrong but to me this was a really really good attempt."
"They actually made a lot of effort in the costumes, the look and feel."
"Never give up, never give up. At least they're trying."
"When you see that they're really making an effort to make you feel comfortable, valued as a customer, I don't mind giving whatever it may be."
"I know it takes a lot of time and effort and talent to do this kind of thing."
"No effort is lost, no effort is wasted."
"He's pleased with his efforts so far."
"We just finished up in here but you can see what a massive difference a couple of hours of work makes."
"It doesn't have to be absolutely perfect; you know you worked hard on this, it's a beautiful gift, and they're going to love it no matter what."
"That extra work, that extra step, that extra thought gives a deeper level of appreciation."
"It's wonderful to watch the effort that's going into this."
"Acknowledge the progress, acknowledge the effort they're even making to get there."
"My favorite thing is that everyone was really dressed up and made a big effort to be into the time period."