
Military Appreciation Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"There will always be people in this country, I hope, who are the military types, and I mean that in a wholly complimentary way."
"You don't have to be a soldier to understand and appreciate the importance."
"Veterans Day commemorates the men and women who served in America's armed forces."
"Hundreds of thousands of courageous African Americans defend our flag today, we salute your tireless devotion and all of the great work you do for our nation."
"Shout out to all the troops defending our country at home and abroad."
"Thank you for serving our country, bro. I just want to start off with giving honor where honors due."
"Just really seeing the service women and men tonight here on the carpet celebrating this movie."
"I want to dedicate this fight to all the first responders, all the military out there. You know this world would not be safe without you guys." - Colby Covington
"The United States military service members are doing just amazing work, and they're brave, and they're doing dangerous things on our behalf."
"Why do we celebrate Memorial Day? Oh, isn't it for the soldiers in the army who fought for our country?"
"Thank you to all of the veterans that serve in our country that have served and all the current military personnel serving in all the Armed Forces."
"Soldiers are real heroes. Give it up for the soldiers."
"Everybody who has served, thank you for your service."
"Tonight, we stand united in saluting the troops and civilians who sacrifice every day to protect us."
"Thank God for not allowing us to remain that way!"
"The military to me is number one. We won't be here without our powerful military."
"Together we will honor those who defend us, we will cherish those who protect us, and we will celebrate the amazing heroes who keep America safe and strong and proud and free."
"Let us never forget to give thanks more than we do right now, to those especially who paid the glorious liberty with which we enjoy to the very blood, sweat, and tears."
"Shout out to all of those who serve in the military in the United States of America, you are what makes this country stay alive."
"I feel happy, content that we're protected by the amazing military personnel that are in the US."
"You're a credit to your uniform. This is it, the key to humanity's victory over the mechanical [ __ ]."
"There's an intrinsic value to your soldiers."
"Thank you guys for your service, thank you for your sacrifices to our country."
"Mom, you can just hear, this is the sound of Freedom."
"Let's not forget the soldiers that fight for us every single day."
"Once again, a big salute and hats off to the Challenger 3 tank."
"The best military force we've ever fielded is the current U.S armed forces... a lot of that was due to the Vietnam veterans."
"Don't forget the veterans. That's the core of why we are where we are."
"I honestly find this to be an absolutely outstanding vehicle, and I'm very glad that the Australian Army is looking into trying to procure this vehicle."
"This program is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces past present and future."
"Our civilian society is not very well connected to the men who protect and serve everybody."
"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press."
"The project turned out to be highly effective, and sailors greatly appreciated it from the very start."
"Sometimes the best things take time and hard work."
"Thank you for your service, it was an honor to serve."
"Veterans Day honors those who serve, who live."
"God bless the men and women who serve in the armed forces of the United States today."
"A country, which in two years has produced soldiers such as you, can regard its future with tranquility."
"Your freedom is built upon sacrifices made by veterans and military personnel."
"How well was the 1911 doing in actual service? Apparently it was much beloved."
"The veterans we honor today are a powerful testament to all that a free people can achieve in the past six decades."
"The British troops love the Vickers yes like any other machine-gun it took training and care to run properly but damned if it wasn't reliable light and at times awe-inspiring."
"Shout out to every single person who's in the marines, military, anything along those lines."
"Ain't nothing bad about them. What's going on fire team, welcome to Shift Fire, the exploration and appreciation of all things military culture."
"Thank you for serving, Uncle never came home from Vietnam and I was very young at the time but I appreciate every single one of you."
"Navy's Blue Angels and Air Force's Thunderbirds salute frontline workers."
"Thank you for your service thank you for defending the red white and blue thank you for defending old glory are you single i gotta do what i gotta do."
"Thank you to all who serve our country in the military and as first responders. You are heroes in your own right."
"Shout out to all the veterans, active servicemen, people who have served this country."
"Our Florida veterans and their families thank you."
"Big shout out to all the armed forces and everyone who serves in our country. It's like it's more serious when it's like someone connected to you serves."
"We love this country, we love freedom. I mean, we're on a dad gum warship for crying out loud!"
"America is grateful for your service thank you very much."
"You exemplify the grit, the guts, and the grace that make America’s Air Force, by far, the best in the world."
"Every second of every day they protect us. They are the nearly 200,000 men and women of the UK's armed forces."
"We don’t take care of the people who go fight the wars for us."
"I just want to send this sincere debt of gratitude and a big heartfelt thank you to everyone in the military."
"It's always a good day when I get to celebrate Delaware, spend time with service members and their families, or introduce Jill... that's a trifecta in my family."
"Complement our aviators who did it and we'll have more to report on this a little later."
"I think the awesome thing that I love about the A-10 is, well, obviously the 30mm Gatling gun."
"Can't thank our military veterans enough, thank you guys for giving us a wonderful country."
"You can still be you, bro. You can still be you. And you know what? One thing I will say, bro, and shout out to Rasa, man, Rasa got a lot of love for the military, bro. A [ __ ] lot of love, homie."
"Bone Frog Coffee and Bone Frog Wines are supporting Navy SEALs fund and actively helping our community."
"If you or your loved ones serve in our military, God bless you and I just thank you."
"...it really makes you appreciate the Royal Air Force and everything to do out there the Army and everyone who's uh committed their lives to actually protecting the United Kingdom."
"We viewed them as heroes...helping the defense of the United States."
"I have so much love and respect for the military."
"I'm very impressed with the operational tempo, status, capabilities, and accomplishments these diesel boats did."
"To veterans all over the world, whether you commemorate Armistice Day or Remembrance Day or Veterans Day, thank you for your service."
"Without our military, we wouldn't have the country we have."
"Shout out to all of our troops, man. Thank you for your service."
"Happy Memorial Day, especially to all my fallen soldiers and veterans out there."
"I love talking about the F-14, and I love our country, and I'm happy to have served it."
"Thank you, and congrats to Navy getting a big win."
"I gotta thank first of all will last eternally is God, now I gotta thank that first, secondly I gotta thank my family and my wonderful friends over here from the Marine Corps."
"Shout out to all my veterans out there that serve this country."
"Thank all of our military men and women for the great service that they give this country."
"Much love and respect to the people in our armed services. Love you guys."
"Budweiser salutes all the men and women in uniform who proudly served this great country."
"So thank you for your service, chief, I appreciate it."
"Thank you for what you do, you are not a forgotten part of our armed forces."
"I'm very thankful for my family, my faith, particularly thankful for the brave men and women of the military."
"We're all here because of the military that makes it possible."
"I know our freedom doesn't come free, so thank you to all the military families and soldiers out there protecting us."