
Political Choices Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"When you're voting for Joe Biden, you're not voting for who you want to marry. This isn't 'The Bachelor.' You're voting for the coalition he's going to bring into office."
"When you vote in November, it's not about left or right, it's about whether or not you want America to remain America."
"It's always the result of political choices. Never has there been a famine in modern history that was not because people with power made very specific choices and decided to punish civilians."
"If you don't like what the Democratic party is doing, vote for Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis or Chris Christie. They have a choice, but they continue to choose the darkest, most evil approach to American politics."
"Foreign policy is a place where you are constantly making choices between unpalatable actors."
"I'd rather vote for the guy who starts war as opposed to the guy who ends them."
"American voters must choose between three sharply divergent visions of the future."
"What I look for in a guy to vote for is someone who's yelling at the TV."
"I would have voted Labour had they unequivocally backed a second referendum... but because they didn't, I voted the Dems."
"You might as well take it because if you don't, what you're going to get, you're going to get a Gavin Newsom part two."
"Weak men are going to choose political leaders that not only give them free stuff but also represent strength."
"This coming election is going to be a choice between two world views."
"We must choose between greatness or gridlock, results or resistance, vision or vengeance."
"Choose your path: sensible governance led by a democratic majority or larpy Nazis in gay uniforms."
"America faces a choice between democracy and tyranny, and the president laid it out at Valley Forge and in the State of the Union."
"Americans will decide whether we lift our nation to soaring new heights or whether we will allow Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, to shut down our economy."
"Unlike their peers who switched from Obama to Trump, they were perhaps a little too smart to make that leap."
"In choosing T'Challa over Killmonger, you've chosen charity over revolution."
"So, if Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the two choices next year, who are you voting for?"
"One presidential advisor said if you give Republicans a chance to vote for a sociopath or a socialist, they will vote for the sociopath every time."
"Are you going to pick the extremist party who screams about woke all day and is stripping away all of your rights or are you going to pick the party that's actually talking about issues?"
"The starkest choice for this election... president Trump says we are not locking down again."
"This election is a choice between a dark winter and a president promising a bright future."
"I understand that or two evils, you know like U.S elections."
"As long as you keep on trying to vote for the lesser of two evils, you're gonna get screwed in the process."
"Look, elections are a choice. You either get cheaper health care or you get tax cuts for rich people. What do you want? That's an easy one."
"I'm gonna get straight to the point if you got a vote for one of these guys who you voted for Ronald Reagan George Walker Bush Donald J Trump you gotta vote for one."
"It's a choice between two very different visions of America."
"Americans deserve more than two outdated choices."
"Voting for Clinton because she's a woman seems to be a good reason to vote for a candidate as any."
"In short, this election is a choice between American freedom and democratic socialism."
"It's the choice between historic prosperity under my pro-American policies or very crippling poverty and a steep depression under the radical left."
"Maybe they will finally stop voting for people who want to take away our freedoms."
"Most Americans want a genuine choice beyond the duopoly."
"Honestly, I can't think of one reason to vote for Joe Biden. I'm keeping options open. I really want a transformational younger leader."
"If you voted for Donald Trump because you didn't like Hillary Clinton, that doesn't make you not racist. That makes you racist."
"If you're voting for Joe Biden, I might have to question everything about you."
"The game was rigged, and they tell you, 'You can choose the white guy on the left or the white guy on the right.'"
"It's wild to see people in the black community saying they're voting for Donald Trump. When they realize their future's been stolen from them, they'll vote for the other guy."
"Most choices in the realm of power are between evils. There are very frequently no good options."
"You can't be a Christian and vote for a group that says kill babies. Square that, figure that one out."
"This is no longer a choice between right and left, it's a choice between right and wrong. Do we vote for or against democracy, for or against our own freedoms?"
"This 2024 is at the top of the ticket a choice about are we going to continue to have a democracy is your voice is your vote going to continue to matter or are we going to have an autocracy right the it's that's it."
"A vote for Republicans is to vote for fascism, what more does one need to say? A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy."
"One party plans to get rid of social security and raise taxes on the poor, and one party wants corporations to pay their fair share."
"It's not so much the lesser of two evils as it is the lesser of two mediocres."
"I think it's important to explain to the American people ... two very different Futures."
"Ending abject poverty is literally on the ballot in 2020."
"Americans have to decide whether they want a white supremacist in the White House."
"It's the most consequential election of our history because it's not just President Trump or Joe Biden who's on the ballot, it's America."
"A will is not about you... it's about your loved ones."
"This is election is a choice between a Trump recovery or a Biden depression."
"The choice between court packing and international fascism should not be difficult."
"This election is a choice between the far-left Democratic socialist agenda versus protecting and preserving the American dream."
"For people who really care about politics, not reflexively voting for Joe might actually be a difficult and certainly very active and maybe yes ultimately a brave choice."
"We now have two futures: go back to neoliberalism or deal with the fact that Trump is not perfect."
"This is what happens when you elect people because you hate someone else."
"If you're voting for Trump or you're voting third party when the stakes are this high [ __ ] off, vote Biden."
"I didn't know who he was going to choose for vice president, I just saw a few moves he was making."
"Every decision in life and every decision in politics, there are choices. Democrats and media chose a course of action that ended in economic devastation."
"Aren't you glad you didn't vote for Hillary Clinton?"
"A vote for Republicans is a vote to reject the Democrat politics of hatred and anger and division."
"There's conscious political choices that create these conditions in places like this. Enforce the law. Bad people should be in jail. These are real bad people."
"We only get two choices from the political parties."
"These are fundamentally public policy decisions, political choices that... we all need to have some basic understanding of in order to vote for what we want or the public interest that we want to prioritize."
"Mother Teresa was not available, and I think most of us vote that way; we know that Mother Teresa is not on the ballot."