
Personal Pain Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I don't want to hurt you. I'm hurt, so I don't want to hurt you."
"When I see them in pain, it hurts so much. It's so hard. And you can't take that pain away because that's part of being a person."
"Being in pain and then being able to take that to empathize with someone else later in your life is, yeah, it took a tremendous amount of strength to develop that capacity."
"She took most of the blow protecting him despite her own pain."
"Every black person is aware of the power and pain of being considered an outsider within one's own race."
"I'm just hurt, man. Remember me for the Adam that helped you."
"One thing that hurts me to the core is betrayal bro, like betray me and that stabs me in my heart."
"Perfection is not a prerequisite for anything but pain."
"Every time you judge someone else, you cause yourself pain." - Oprah Winfrey
"Judging does not bring you joy. It brings you pain."
"It's probably the most painful thing ever. It's just, it probably just sucks."
"This is just a journey, man, from turning your pain into power."
"No matter what pain you've dealt with in your life God can redeem it."
"Whatever pain you can't get rid of, make that your creative offering."
"You are not the idiot. Your dad may have turned it around now but it seems that he wasn't a good dad to you and that's a hurt that goes way deep."
"Most pain that people go through is self-inflicted."
"When you hurt me, ain't no proper way to respond."
"I won't forget. I won't give up. I'm still hurting and praying for your return."
"I know that that's got to be painful for them."
"I'm being lashed by the mounting storm, yet all I feel is the old pain from a ward in our grinder and from watch and I became Rivals."
"Your pain has created ripples of light in collective consciousness."
"I just hope that just like I said one person listening to this can maybe help themselves out of a lot dealing with a lot more pain than they need to."
"The pain that you feel is the pain you can heal."
"Joel has misunderstood that Ellie's pain is that she believes that only her death can bring meaning to her life."
"I struggle to have the words... how painful this is... the most painful and difficult thing I've ever gone through for sure."
"There is suffering there's a lot of pain and suffering here um and like you can heal and like anything's possible."
"The pain that you're feeling, the pain that you're experiencing, not just her, not just her people who are watching all over, the pain that you're experiencing, God didn't want that for you."
"I think it's important to acknowledge that it hurts like hell."
"I told her how I also don't want to end our relationship but I am hurting."
"Why are you still living in shame? Why are you still living in pain?"
"This is not about Robert, this is about every pain that he has caused."
"It might be right. The last thing is... where did you learn to hurt so easily?"
"My pain might be different than your pain but it's very real."
"Hurt people hurt people; it's their way of making themselves feel better."
"You hurt me to me you hurt me and I'm trying to tell you that and you can disagree with the sentiment or whatever but you don't get to tell me I'm not hurt because you're not me."
"I like how they introduce all these normal looking guys first and then they just dropped the most horrifying being on you."
"Strong people still bend, people who tell the truth still feel pain."
"This is a very painful journey, Lord help me, this is very, very painful."
"Allow your pain to lead you deeper into a place of feeling more compassion."
"You'll know when you know, at the same time, you'll know when someone is ripping your testicles off. Matt, please get some help, you need help, bro."
"I would relive every second of pain I've ever felt just to see us safe. It's all they would have wanted."
"I'm just gonna put our names this hurts so bad you know all things considered it's not looking too bad."
"Every person has pain and they have these childhood wounds that haven't healed, and we need to learn to live alongside that and become coming to companionship with it."
"Usually when people are unable to look at the pain of another person, it's because they're not able to look at their own pain."
"It's probably more painful for a person not being able to share than the actual pain itself."
"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hate and fears so stubbornly is that they sense that once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with their own pain."