
Online Interaction Quotes

There are 495 quotes

"Remember to be kind to everybody everywhere in your everyday life: in your home, in the grocery store, and especially in the comment section down below, please."
"So from the bottom of my heart I humbly thank you, every single one of you, my subscribers, viewers, and my online friends."
"Seeing how united the entire online community is right now, it's honestly wonderful to see."
"Especially since COVID and the increasing isolation of people, it's become more of a conversational point especially surrounding online content."
"The threat of cancel culture has improved how people interact online."
"Please be respectful of the other people in the comments section, please be kind and please just treat each other with a little bit of dignity and respect."
"Don't read comments with the heart; read them with your eyes and see the good ones, ignore the bad ones."
"We can benefit a lot from intergenerational relationships, even if only online."
"The trick is the OnlyFans model is not the actual person you are messaging. You are messaging somebody who is called an OF typer."
"When you go online you are entering in technically a simulated world."
"If a human being takes the time out of their day to consume your piece of content, consume it, and then spend time to leave a negative comment to you after consuming your content, think about how shitty that person's life is."
"Being a YouTuber is everybody's an expert and at least from my perspective in the comment section everybody's an expert and very few people actually do this stuff."
"A Discord server is meant to be fun don't take it too seriously don't be so crazy about the numbers just have fun."
"It is crazy that both thoughts can exist at the same time in a chat room."
"Don't get involved in arguments on social media unless you know the person well."
"Please do make use of the chat box on your social media channel."
"Great to see everybody here from all over the world."
"If you like this video you should click the like button and then you should subscribe and you should ring the bell and you will never miss another video."
"Turning off the comment section was a really good decision."
"Hit the like button, show the love, hit the like button, hit the Subscribe button."
"Join up with them, make friends, and have those friends that are online every time you log in."
"Thank you all for supporting Dee and all those beautiful super chats."
"There is one very, very important thing you must do, Adam. You must smash the like button."
"But the people who will say something where I'm like, I can find a funny angle to respond to this, right, I generally engage with those people."
"I love Twitter because it allows you to engage with people you would never be able to engage with."
"Oh my god, Linky, oh boy, thank you so much for the psych, but, uh, bye, that's one way to leave."
"We literally had chat perform surgery. Literally, if you missed it, you missed it."
"This audience is the best ever, and I have the best chat ever because you guys are hilarious."
"Akinator is basically this online mind reader AI where it asks you 20 questions and then it has to guess a person, place, or thing that the user is thinking of."
"I just want to let you know that that appreciation doesn't go unnoticed even if I don't reply it just makes my internet experience so much more fun with you interacting and all that."
"We're just a bunch of dumb [ __ ] on computers yelling at each other online."
"Well thanks for the Super Chat sir, yep hell yeah."
"Look at this chat amazing, all of us coming to assemble from across the globe, coming together, bringing that energy and passion."
"Thanks so much for the shares and the likes and the comments, all that stuff is super helpful."
"Before we run through the chats, hit the subscribe button if you haven't. Like 70% of people watching aren't subscribed, so take a second."
"We've got Kobe in the Super Chat as well, yo shout out to Rev and everyone keeping it poke positive in the chat."
"These abilities and it actually won't be that insane. You can legitimately do it. It's not that insane at all to fix a lot of these abilities and get a lot more compelling options out of this system."
"Let me know what you think, leave a comment down below."
"And I feel like social media is just more fun when you are more personal and when you share a little bit more about yourself."
"Sometimes I'll go into my YouTube inbox and there will be people who say that I genuinely help them with their boredom, I help them with their depression."
"Do not let it spoil your mood or distract you."
"Despite my best efforts to talk him down... the encounters I had with basil were the only times I'd ever been griefed."
"Don't feed the trolls." - A brilliant piece of advice that everyone should follow when navigating the internet.
"It's the only place where you can reach almost anyone on earth, where communities can come together, create their own culture, shitpost in the comments."
"You can adjust how you do things to negate the toxicity that you see or sure um and do I deserve people telling me I'm a piece of garbage and I should die because of a video game no."
"Damn Anastasia with a hundred dollar donut! Go ahead girl, you look good by the way."
"When you see the wave of verified comments inside a YouTuber's comment section, do the extra due diligence."
"The boogeyman917: 'I like the idea of a hard stop time on super chats.'"
"Thanks again for all the support, thanks for leaving the likes and commenting, it really helps boost up the videos."
"I'm just looking for the questions so cool means if you have questions just put q with them or question marks."
"How can you actually know that you are speaking to the real person via email?"
"We put the social back in social media. Real people communicating with each other."
"If you found it useful, please give it a thumbs up so others can find it."
"Let me know your thoughts and opinions down below in the comment section."
"Every online video game needs proximity voice chat."
"Andrew Williams everyone all hail lord of the chat."
"The metaverse is supposed to be the future of how we will interact with each other online."
"I have to have one of the best communities and comment sections on the internet, and I have each and every one of you to thank for it."
"I'm a genuine authentic loyal good-hearted person and no one know online comment no Twitter comment nope impulsive YouTube sentiment can take that from me."
"How do you guys tap this fast? It's like, do you guys just already have this pre-typed and then you just copy and paste it? That would be kind of dope."
"Thank you so much for joining me. This was so much fun!"
"Online dating has evolved from primarily in-person activity to primarily online activity."
"I don't love reading YouTube comments because they can be very cruel, but I do check my Twitter quite often because there's quite a love on there."
"Be respectful of other people's opinions in the comments below. I can take the abuse if you don't like my opinions. I don't care. Go nuts at me. I can take it."
"Guess what? That's why you see burners comment like, 'Whoa [__]!' and stuff like that."
"We need to shield ourselves from allowing hateful, hurtful things that people say to us online. We need to claim our power and know, hey, don't get me wrong, I know how it feels to be upset by things people say to you."
"I'm all about removing toxicity from my life, and if you want to be toxic, I will happily take the two seconds to permanently ban you."
"The nicest super chat: 'Hello, have a nice day, please.'"
"The secret sauce to social media is making people feel seen."
"Maybe those people online can give some advice on how to lose weight from the realms of the screen."
"Remember, any negative comments will get blocked. Stay positive, folks!"
"No need to worry, miss. So can I get your username?"
"When you beef with people online... I'm unbothered, I'm chilling, I'm having a good time."
"I suck at spelling... Please don't comment because I'll be sad."
"It's literally George, it's George and Dream, I was tabbed out."
"Please keep your opinions respectful in the comments."
"If you're happy and you know it, type what the hails."
"Probably shouldn't put that in there. Somebody's probably gonna freak out on me. Oh well, it's too bad. Leave complaints down below."
"It's really weird because when you see certain things online versus the real world they're very different."
"If you found this video to be helpful or educational please leave a like or subscribe."
"It's positive vibes over here only, I will have to mute you guys if you're not being positive."
"I understand you. I get you. There's nothing wrong with you. Feel your feelings, have your reactions, say the things you want online. You're good by me."
"I remember Apple had reported and I had some time to kill and all of a sudden some random commenter out there changed literally the course of my life."
"He comes on to every single video almost every single video and comments under it."
"Why have you not clicked the like button yet?"
"But what really got me interested is the fact that in the comments here there's only 24 comments."
"If anyone is online, you're going to get it, and you just have to think if it's talking behind your back, bullying to your face, doing it behind a computer screen—all of that, those people have their own issues."
"if you watch footage from human beings during this period you shake your head at their clothing choices that's when it's retro"
"The internet provides you the chance to go, 'I don't like that part of them.'"
"Is this a Mandela effect? That is my favorite thing to read in a comment section."
"Turn that like button into a beautiful, beautiful blue and let's get into it!"
"The futility of trying to appeal to the Internet's goodwill."
"Hit the like button if you enjoyed, subscribe if you're new. Take care and I'll see you next time."
"You just made me the happiest anon on the planet!"
"If people can call each other out on those things, then that's useful."
"The number one rule for me is always: don't feed the trolls."
"Be sure to subscribe and stuff and of course if you want to catch a live stream, join the Discord and hit notify."
"It's not about the number of upvotes you get increasing or decreasing your chances of me seeing you. I read through a lot of these in my own free time."
"Click the like button 'cause it does help us."
"Don't read the comments, all those pictures were genuine."
"Thank you so much for the Super Chat curves craving is hot dog water always always always."
"Hit that like button, hit that freaking like button!"
"Tickle that like button because it really does help us out a lot."
"Remember, if you want to jump into their conflict, click the link in the description below."
"Whoever the piece of [ __ ] who edited my Wikipedia article is [ __ ] you, alright? [ __ ] you, you son of a [ __ ]."
"Thank you in advance for being respectful to each other down in the comment section below."
"My sweetest girl I love you always now that's you know positivity we like that ally support came after Rachel Express not wanting to see online hate over her Snow White casting."
"They actually did send me two of the same things, so this will be the first giveaway."
"Housekeeping, indeed it's been a while. First of all, we should be saying hi to everyone that's co-streaming."
"Let's see who is the fastest to join and how long it takes them. Shadow Fox DK is the first one to join."
"All comments help the algorithm, they're much appreciated."
"The best chat on the internet, buy a [__] mile and it ain't even close."
"Anyone that sends Super Chat, Super Chat sticker, or PayPal situation, your comments are guaranteed to be read out."
"Everything that you think is right in a troll lobby is actually not right."
"I'm gonna be playing for a little bit today and I'm just like so hype like I'm truly just so excited and so hyped to be able to play this game with you all today."
"Michael Jones oh my god thank you so much for your hundred dollar tip and didn't even say a word."
"Someone said, 'Y'all slaying the house down. Bussy queen XOXO.' Thanks for the 10 pounds, Amy."
"The number one way to support the channel is smash the like button."
"You are putting this online and people are going to say what they want to say."
"Reacting to reactions: The art of engagement."
"You start catering to you instead of catering to random people online. I think it makes it so much more fun."
"Unpopular opinion: stop telling women on the internet how beautiful they are and go say it to your wife."
"Every so often I'll get a comment that tries to argue with a specific opinion I have in a video or worse, they'll try to argue with a joke."
"I'd greatly appreciate if you could hit the like button and let me know your thoughts down below."
"Make sure to drop a like. That's the best way to show your support."
"Oh my goodness, look at the top of the screen, everybody! That bar is crazy! There's birthday icons, there's color icons, there's heart, there's a J, there's a table!"
"I don't want people to lag out because of all the spam, so I had to put it in member mode."
"Don't forget to click on the Bell button for notifications."
"Join online language learning communities, make friends and contacts."
"So, when it comes down to how everything is and how it was wrapped in here now, like, we gotta show we can joke around on streams."
"Thank you for your friendship, thank you for your support of me and this channel, thank you for always being so wonderful and open to helping each other out in the comments section. You guys are amazing."
"Screw it, if you're going to hate on me online, we'll have a match against the real life online hater."
"Literally just the community. It's so damn friendly and wholesome."
"The whole point was that the definition is quite irrelevant. That's the point."
"Online forums and Facebook groups are risky but potential options."
"Thanks to all our subscribers and moderators for making this community great!"
"Just you being in the chats is Christmas gifts enough for us."
"If you liked about it, think about dropping a comment down below and give it a thumbs up and subscribing if you want to but no pressure."
"Hit that plus one in chat and we'll make sure to give them some points."
"Support me at new.love, get yourself some love notes."
"If you enjoyed it, do give us a big thumbs up."
"If you want to get into a conversation with me but if you want a longer conversation come to my website and I'll meet you there."
"A simple way to show support is a like costs nothing but it helps a lot."
"I do hope you all have a wonderful day. Thank you so much for hanging out with me. I'll see you on the next one."
"Hit the link in the description sign up now and I'll see you over there."
"The Borderlands games focus heavily on co-op play with friends online."
"I spent all my time on the church and now my house has fallen into ruins."
"Please come stand with me, you won't know this because it's my chat, but they're all spamming go and just make your house and ignore Thunder, he's stupid and doesn't have hair."
"It's a cautionary tale about how we all engage online and weaponize."
"You're the man, the chat trolls a lot but we all love you."
"Dating is hard enough without worrying if your chat partner will rob you."
"As soon as you see that 'join' button, click it!"
"Knowing that you're spamming my feed, owning me, it's like... you explain your point, yeah, I am gay. Okay, there, we're good."
"Let's see if we can get 12,000 likes, that'd be phenomenal."
"I’ve never done a comment of the day, but if there ever was time, it would be right now. How do you spell Mega Man?"
"Hell, this is fun. It is awesome seeing people you know that you grow familiar with in chat."
"For every one hate comment I get, we get at least 10 compliments or feedback."
"It's just amazing, really. I'm having fun. I hope you're having fun because I'm clicking around."
"I think this is probably where I'm gonna wrap this one up and call it quits. But I want to thank everyone for watching. I hope you guys had fun today. If you guys want me and Ben to play again sometime, make sure you smash that like button."
"Support wrestle, be kind to each other in the comments."
"The best chat in YouTube... you guys are literally the best."
"Just ignore it. I never read the comments. I turned them off."
"Thank you, Joshua, for that super chat. Appreciate it."
"Please be kind to each other and I'll see you in my next video signing off."
"There's this other thing... consciousness or mind... something beyond just some pink tissue in our skulls."
"It's all about fans anyway. What does it take for you to block someone on Twitter, Peter? Well, I'm not into abusing anybody. I don't like abuse."
"I see love all I see in my comments is love and positivity."
"The lobby's asking if I'm real. Should we say no?"
"Technology gives us the ability to define and experiment with identity."
"To vote on the question of the day, all you have to do is click the eye in the upper right hand corner of the screen."
"If you have any questions or just things you want to say, leave me a comment."
"I take it as a badge of honor tonight that we're nearly a hundred dislikes because I know exactly where they're coming from and that actually feels good."
"If you watch and enjoy this make sure you smack that like button let's see if we can go for 20,000 likes."
"Not reading the cards: this is a meme for a reason."
"Don't allow these people on the internet to shame you out of your ambition."
"These whippersnappers set down their game controllers long enough to crawl into the comments and call me old."
"Enjoy it while it lasts. Remember who's important in your life. It's not always the people on the internet."
"I cannot find one negative comment not one for how much do you modify other moderators don't you get nothing."
"We'll see you guys tomorrow for another stream, take care."
"I've been inspired recently to get back to the community aspect of the YouTube experience."
"Let's play Minecraft together... I want to make this a community experience."
"You're invited to the party, Patreons, YouTubers, subscribers, let's get lit guys."
"The dude with the sword just killed half the server. Going great."
"Don't let Twitter trolls or just all these people yelling at you online get to you."
"Meeting people online and even developing close friendships and relationships with them is more than commonplace in our day and age than ever before in history."
"Drop a hundred thousand in the comments below."
"Pressing that like and subscribe button, do it now."
"All you have to do right now is take two seconds out of your day and hit that like button."
"Boys out, just smash the like button for the boys."
"I am so so so freaking grateful for you guys for being in the comments helping me out."
"Some of y'all be hiding in the comments, bro."
"The world of Discord culture is undeniably weird, vibrant, and dynamic."
"Every time you clicked on a video, every time you hit a heart button, every time you created a comment, every time you shared a video, my wife saw that."
"y'all make sure y'all know subscribe to uh Miss Courtney"
"do us a favor for for you all that are here that did not hit the like button hit that like button before we end the show"
"If the worst thing that happens to me is I get some hate comments, like all right. I'm fine with that, you know?"
"It's great to put a face to the names and the comments and things that I see online, so it's awesome. Thanks for saying hi and always supporting me."
"Notify all the time sometimes I'm not quite sure choose the option that you."
"Creepy reading, your exact existence is giving my ad button more revenue, and I'm getting more viewership."
"I think they know I'm in the game because they were talking about me in the chat."