
Prison Life Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"Isolation, bullying, and drugs can all play their part and often lead to self-harm and sometimes suicide attempts."
"It's unbelievable because really, you know, I came into this channel to expose a little something on how inmates live and to possibly help people going into prison."
"He uses his training to help other prisoners prepare their appeals."
"So Josh is said to be making the most of his prison life."
"Donna Sue says she can't go to prison. She says she's seen what being behind bars for a year and a half has done to Charlie, and she's not strong enough to handle it."
"In jail, the former escapologist became a model prisoner and actively mentored young offenders."
"The difference between this prison and others is that in other places, prisoners see the light at the end of the tunnel. Here? It's all darkness."
"Alcatraz was once the only federal penitentiary in the US that provided hot showers for its inmates."
"You got inmates that would be good all year just so they can do this rodeo."
"The truthful thing about prison is it is exactly the same as the world up here, the world you're in right now, except the nice people are much nicer and the nasty people unbelievably much less."
"The movie tells the story of two prisoners serving life sentences at the Shawshank State Penitentiary, who become dear friends despite their difficult circumstances."
"I hope the man rots in jail, his quality of life is going to be nothing."
"Inmates can get very creative when it comes to life on the inside."
"What really touched me man, I got a letter for one of my homeboys here in the Texas state prison he was like 20 21 times like man I got a life sentence because I want to be like you man I looked up to you and I was like wow."
"Prison tattooing: where artistry meets ingenuity behind bars."
"Prison tattoos forged in adversity, these marks of identity can have a dark side."
"That little experience like that becomes foreign because in prison it never happens, you know?"
"Don't let these two stories give you the wrong impression about religion in prison."
"One thing about prison, trouble gonna find you, you ain't even gotta look for it."
"No cell mates also the food at Alcatraz was renowned as the best prison food in the country and the guards and inmates actually ate the same meals."
"You're in prison, and you gotta be able to handle your own."
"What's it like when one of your friends on death row is led away to be executed? Well, you spend, you know, years and years and months and months and hours of every day with a person..."
"I gotta watch my wife grow old through these bars."
"If you show any sign of weakness in here, the sharks will circle. I won't be a victim, I'll be one of the sharks."
"Prison life ain't nothing but something to get knocked down."
"He was very, very popular at a State Penitentiary because he was the only one we knew that who knew how to identify psilocybin mushrooms."
"If you want out of prison, you really must pick up some degree of common sense."
"You did your time like a man, you didn't rat no one else, tough little bastard."
"It is very hard to call somebody a rap god when they're wearing orange and they've shaved their head in prison."
"That's how ugly it be in prison you feel me you ain't got no gun or all you ain't got [] but your fist and if you want to [] around with a knife you can [__] around with a knife but that's it."
"In the nearly 15 years that I spent in the prison, I succeeded in helping 13 men to get out of prison."
"The main purpose for prisoners when it comes to these resource fairs ain't the resources, at least not the resources presented on the surface."
"What happens inside our prison's walls not only tells us something about the kinds of people we lock up but also something about ourselves, our politics, and our culture."
"I've legitly been in every single cell in Greensville Correctional Center."
"I pray to god that he has the most horrible traumatizing time in prison ever."
"Respect goes a long way in prison... and there's good people in prison that made poor choices."
"Life in any Russian prison is incredibly tough... Only way to escape this prison is by dying."
"You stay with your own there's not a lot of people talking back and forth between other races and whatever but there was nobody nobody's gonna steal anything from you and nobody's ever gonna there's no disrespect at all."
"If you can deal with your emotions inside and deal with the fact that you are inside, you do really well in jail."
"In Florida State Prison they call it TOH, test of heart."
"Dorothea Helen Puente passed away in prison from natural causes aged 82."
"Prison isn't the best life, but it is a life. Something that their victims no longer have the opportunity to experience."
"In prison, it's military, straight militant."
"The breaking of desperate men on the rock is all mental. There is no brutality or physical violence practiced or permitted by the prison officials. However, the mental torture is much worse than any physical torture could possibly be."
"Seventy-five percent of the prisoners there know they will never again experience the rapture of a woman's kiss. They will never again shake the hand of a true friend."
"You weren't going to get through a meal without seeing somebody fight in the chow hall."
"I was in prison, man, I had all my laid out like I was the best, like a professional."
"Imagine getting sent to prison in the year 2000 and then getting out in 2020."
"Being locked up, being in prison, being in jail is the equivalent of being dead but still having a heartbeat."
"Kanye West is one of the most influential artists in music history."
"I was highly depressed due to my predicament. They wake you up at 5:30 in the morning. I stayed in my cell, stayed in my bed."
"The prison is not going to break you, but it is breaking you through into your breakthrough."
"The only way you're going to survive in Walpole State Prison... take that knife, put it on you, and that's the only thing you got to save your life."
"There is no privacy in prison. That's a given. But now it's no privacy and no dignity either."
"Widow foreclosures Jesus what are the other inmates do to you in jail when they find out you're a widow for closer."
"Coffee is more than just a drink; it's a currency, a stimulant, and a lifeline behind bars."
"Twenty million dollars most certainly won't buy you a whole lot of friends in prison."
"When the prison doors slam shut, following the rules is the key to doing your time."
"It's it's weird that uh last year was like my 30th year that I walked out of prison wow like it was been it had been 30 years and I didn't think I was going to make it three minutes out so uh it's it can happen."
"Prisoners were taking their trays from the trustees serving them their trays through that little Chuck hole in their cell and throwing that tray right back out into the day room."
"We have a functioning prison economy, bottles of moon sugar."
"His fellow prisoners are child rapists, serial killers, and terrorists."
"The inmates actually built their own solitary confinement, which is interesting to say the least."
"What if you went to prison, would you make use of your skills as a survival mechanism?"
"We will guide them kindly and gently, letting them think they are guiding themselves."
"He's going to be a celebrity in prison for escaping and eluding capture and giving law enforcement a hard time for so long."
"He is in prison and is having a really rough time of it."
"You don't just sit around all day in prison; there are jobs, classes, and activities."
"Every day, whenever you're in prison, that's all I do, whenever I used to be in prison, I say, you know, you spend every day thinking about how to escape, at least for one hour a day."
"Yeah, like in California prison, for me, it was fun."
"People in the prison can be whatever they want to be."
"You want to be somewhere in the middle." - Inmate
"Prison is a world in of itself. It mirrors the outside world but in a crazy way."
"Just because we're in prison doesn't really stop us."
"Two directors got murdered within the time I was there, shot dead outside the prison for not accommodating the gangs."
"Prison isn't going to be a fun time. You don't have the freedom to do anything you please, so some criminals get creative with how they attempt to smuggle contraband into the prison's four walls."
"Even the smallest little thing in prison that officers can do for you makes a difference."
"Hope is a dangerous thing to drive a man insane. It's got no use on the inside. I better get used to that idea."
"I hate prison, Fletcher. I hate the air of defeat and the smell of disinfectant."
"I sold drugs in prison my whole life."
"You know what, bro? The only time I ever experienced like a crazy winter with snow is in Susanville state prison."
"I wanted to give yall the story on Billy red and strawberry man when gay love goes wrong in prison."
"It's a different ecosystem, the lifestyle, the way you're supposed to conduct yourself, especially if you're affiliated, and I mean, the reality is people can easily die in prison."
"Life Behind Bars is that you get so used to it that being outdoors feels more claustrophobic than being locked in a Cell."
"Most of my money came from like my my store to my prison store they I had like one of the biggest stores on the compound."
"Prison doesn't turn you into that. I've known dudes that been in prison 24, 27, 32 years, they never looked at a man, never had a craving for a man."
"What I experienced in prison where these inmates are oftentimes in for the rest of their lives, and watching their process and their struggles to lead a good, decent life even in prison, was just surreal."
"They brought me in, now the barracks put me in, all the guys in there were in there for either manslaughter, murder two, murder three, attempted murder. We were thrown in there, we were the lowlifes, let's put it that way."
"So like I earned mad respect from the guys, um, you know like they don't move weird, like they help me with my weights, no one tries to like ask my number, it's just mad respectful."
"I know I'm good at telling stories. Even when I was in prison, homies would give me candy bars and chips to tell stories over the tear at night."
"One of the things that really made it hard for fellow prisoners was, you know, there was one to be honest who made life effing hard for fellow prisoners."
"Inside the mega prison, gang members find themselves thrust into a world where survival is paramount."
"It hit like a beast I was like man the things these people can make me I'll tell you what inmates it's all they guys time that's all they have is time and they are genius."
"Moreover, Lindy's first-hand experience about prison life within and outside the confines of the cells makes her a person to rely on about real struggle and sacrifices, laws, and survival."
"He was so violent that later in prison, he killed a fellow inmate earning him a life sentence."
"Everybody at the end of the day wants love. Like these [ __ ] are still you know want somebody to come visit them."
"I want to be clear, when I first came to prison, when I first came to Solano, in San Quentin, there was no drugs, to the best of my knowledge."
"If you were in prison in Alabama and you ain't got no cell phone, something wrong."
"Prison is not glamorous. Prison is not where people want to be at all."
"Having the schooling from an older person who knows how to navigate his way through prison is extremely important."
"Rec is usually something that most prisoners if not all prisoners look forward to and no matter where prisoners are at whether at a jail or a prison no matter what they're able to or not able to do well at rec rec is usually still a break from the norm."
"This show took a simple premise like following the life of inmates and turned it into one of the most impressive visual spectacles ever to Grace the small screen."
"Food is the one thing in prison everybody gets along with."
"We're not glorifying anything about prison; prison is not the place to be."
"This type of stuff happens every day in the prison system."
"Imagine the world where you get three meals a day, you work out daily, you read a book every week. Doesn't it sound delightful? And welcome to prison."
"Ross Correctional Institution is a world of its own, with a hierarchy, economy, and rules."
"The hardest part of being in prison is watching your mama get old."
"Once one of the most powerful and feared drug lords in the world, El Chapo's life since he was put behind bars is nothing to write home about."
"At Oakwood, we aim to provide all prisoners with a platform to change their lives."
"If the prison walls could talk, these are the secrets they would share with you."
"The key to surviving in prison is building a life for yourself that's not focused on prison."
"Listen to me, you know what saved me in prison? It wasn't my muscles, it wasn't fighting skills, it was here, it was avoiding problems."
"Season three kicks off on Mother's Day where we see all of the inmates interacting with the children out in the yard."
"In some countries, prisoners enjoy delicious food and spend their free time on creative activities."
"A lot of people always want to know what it's like for people that have disabilities when they're serving a bid in prison."
"It's my same belief about prison, if everyone was to get their head out of their ass, you can make it a pretty good time."
"Prison is easy, it's leaving that's hard."
"He was a good dude man, I met him in the penitentiary, I ran across him two or three different times, he was a real good solid dude."
"It's a fight every day in prison, man, to just try to maintain your humanity and your sanity."
"The prison system... from the moment you walk in that door through that gate, the prison environment abuses you."
"My story could actually be of some help to shine some light on what going to prison is really like."
"Prison is reality in real life, and if you go there, there's going to be rules, regulations, politics, and a lot of things that you're going to have to abide by."
"It's all about money. Everything I do in the joint is business."
"We who live in prison and in whose lives there is no event but sorrow, have to measure time by throbs of pain and the record of bitter moments." - Oscar Wilde
"Michael Franzese, who experienced prison firsthand, strongly advises against becoming an expert in prison life unless involved in prison ministry with a genuine desire to help others."
"Visits from loved ones offered a flicker of hope, a temporary respite from the bleakness of prison life."
"Everyone has it hard in prison; it's just different."
"Welcome to After Prison Show, the realest prison YouTube channel in the universe."
"I taught myself how to write in prison... I studied and read 18 hours a day."
"After a while, prison becomes old, man. You get tired of doing the same old stuff day in and day out."
"Behind bars, there are two sets of rules: the prison protocol and the convict code."
"Everybody drinks coffee; coffee is universal in prison."
"When I was in prison, the old-timers always had good stories, man. They were always, most of them, good dudes."
"I've seen the most genius hacks or things that are very innovative done in prison."
"Respect in prison is all about respect."
"Every day they do a four o'clock count to make sure you're alive and make sure you're still there."
"What matters in prison is respect. How you carry yourself, how you respect the individual that's next to you, that's what matters."
"Human beings are human no matter where they are, and people even in prison have feelings and emotions and vulnerabilities."
"It was a different time and a different way of living in prison back then."
"I always say, you know, a guy can go to the pen; he doesn't have to hook up with no gangs, he doesn't have to be a super tough badass dude. He can do his time, learn trades, education, and get on out."
"One of the most shocking and bizarre aspects of prison life is the unexpected and sometimes surreal experiences that inmates encounter."
"The brave actions of these prisoners were like something you'd see in movies."
"Prison is a place that you're taking a time out and if you're going to be able to get through to somebody and help them change their lives, that's the place to be able to do it because their life's pretty much on pause."
"I kind of decided I was going to start writing other inmate stories because I really liked writing; it gave me a real feeling of accomplishment."
"They were locked in a cell for more than 22 hours a day."
"Existence at Holman centered on Alabama's electric chair, which inmates had painted yellow before attaching its leather straps and electrodes; they called it Yellow Mama."
"Rocco spent his entire prison term teaching his pet mouse to play poker."
"He's striving, he wants to become a carna, and you know, for the most part, it doesn't matter what prison you're in."
"I don't want to come back to prison; it's a dark world."