
Alien Theories Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Area 51 has been the subject of UFO and alien theories for decades."
"Alien theorists have long believed NASA has known of, and perhaps even made contact with, alien life."
"In my personal opinion, there are alien bases on the moon."
"When it was first posted online, people and even media outlets incorrectly concluded that it referred to an actual investigation into aliens that was conducted by the FBI."
"Many researchers today are beginning to piece together a theory that we ourselves may be the product of alien intervention."
"What if UFOs are in fact alien military, they may view us as enemies to destroy."
"Could this cluster of sightings be the focal point of the vortex, a portal where aliens travel into and out of our world and take those of us they wish?"
"Dr. Ken Johnston revealed astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and Advanced Machinery on the lunar surface."
"The unusual structure underwater looks like some sort of alien base."
"I think there is an alien presence on the earth."
"This is the definite proof that crop circles have an alien origin."
"Despite being part of a long line of outlandish alien claims, the Atacama skeleton has become one of the more controversial pieces of evidence in the great alien debate."
"Aliens might just be humans that have evolved... coming back to study early humans to figure out how to populate the future."
"How far back would an alien infiltration have gone? How many of these guys were actually human?"
"What if the aliens already have us and planet Earth is a human farm like we have ant farms?"
"Nazca Lines, Stonehenge, and other structures suggest ancient astronaut visits."
"Many believe that extraterrestrial visitors may well be the reason for the vanishings."
"Maybe that's what we've always been doing. What if aliens created life on Earth, basically planting the seeds of a human slave population?"
"My worry when it comes to aliens... is more interested in the stuff that the crosswalks with the remote viewing."
"One of the biggest influxes of Galactic's help came after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
"Do our eyes deceive us or is that an alien ship unearthed inside this cave?"
"Previous presidents have alluded... that aliens may exist and the government may have top secret departments that study them, even with direct contact with aliens."
"They had concluded by 76 that some of these visitors very well might be multi-dimensional in their source."
"So I hope you enjoyed today's video and drop a thumbs up on this video for the crushed souls of a thousand geeks who've been going around for years saying that the best proof of aliens walks in fact a duck or something."
"There's a long-standing idea that exists within the UFO community that aliens from another world will often abduct people and implant eggs inside them for the purpose of breeding some future alien hybrid race."
"Aliens, man. They're here for sure. I think they're either underwater or in Antarctica."
"Extraterrestrials exist, they've been interacting with humans for ages, and they've been conducting hybrid experiments."
"Biological SETI Theory suggests that aliens encoded our DNA with evidence of their existence."
"Maybe we can't find aliens because they've already found us and are actually walking among us, and we just don't know."
"Everyone begins talking about aliens, and a teenager theorizes the pods have roots underground connected to the main tree, which killed the crops."
"All these discussions about positive aliens or only negative aliens, both are what we call black hat deep state transactions."
"Aliens don't necessarily have to be you know short Grays or you know big eyes they could look startlingly like you or I do like the Nordic idea."
"Aliens... yes, this is the mysterious Thule Papyrus which some people believe to be proof of alien existence as recorded by the ancient Egyptians."
"Maybe the ancient concept of fairies does seem to have a lot in common with our contemporary descriptions of alleged alien beings."
"Much of the debate surrounding alien activity and influence on the movement and construction of the heads focuses on theory as well as intelligence."
"The mysterious manganese balls of the Atlantic Ocean... aliens, anyone?"
"We don't need to contrive a fake Alien Invasion because real aliens exist."
"From the perspective of aliens that have gotten to that level, we're a very lesser species."
"The evidence is starting to point towards a possible extraterrestrial origin."
"Did glacial waters create the ruts or have aliens been carting materials through our land long before we were here?"
"The House of Shadows, rumored to be the hosts of the ancient alien consciousness of the Delaque."
"There's a lot of sightings of aliens that look exactly like us."
"Alien experiences... went far beyond childhood."
"The Helicopter Hieroglyphics: evidence of ancient knowledge or extraterrestrial encounters?"
"If I had a theory about aliens, I would have to say the Roswell incident is more likely Northrop Grumman or Lockheed Martin of the year 2063 sending themselves a package."
"There are friendlies who have some vested interest in keeping us alive, keeping us going."
"Could we potentially be under the attack of aliens from another planet?"
"It's either an alien base or an energy vortex."