
Public Response Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Twenty crore people stood in queue, and no one had any complaint."
"We are very saddened this morning by the information from Flight MH 370."
"Authenticity... people respond to authenticity."
"It was horrifying to see the death of that young lady, and it's a source of serious agony for all of us."
"People would have related to that, with COVID right now and people being out."
"I never imagined this kind of response. It's really humbling and I'm really grateful."
"When Sandy Hook happened, we were selling about eight million guns per year in this country. Today, we sell 20 million guns per year."
"The overwhelming response has been traumatically positive."
"The boycott failed entirely all the warnings threats all of it failed the game was massively successful."
"Forget the legal debate here, why isn't there more outrage about this?"
"The death of George Floyd is absolutely tragic."
"He sent his lawyer out for 45 minutes to attack each and every woman and even to attack the lawyers who investigated the case."
"There wasn't a single person who didn't rise up to their feet and give a rousing standing ovation. This thing was electric, it was on fire!"
"People are fighting back in huge numbers. It's crazy."
"With what's coming out, there's almost no way the palace can ignore these accusations and remain silent, say many pundits."
"The American people have demonstrated over the last eight months that when given the facts, they're willing to put the health of their families and neighbors first."
"The new law is much tougher than many had imagined."
"Holy moly, indeed. The depths of government intrusion are shocking."
"People are responding. It has been phenomenal. Everywhere that I've been, people are now saying, 'Do you have any more?'"
"It's quite creepy that that many people came forward, all random individuals with no relation to each other but had such similar stories."
"We are heartbroken and angry that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted."
"This apology isn't enough... I shouldn't be able to just make an apology video and walk away from it."
"It was really solid and it's really respectable how he was able to handle something as serious as an allegation like that and just being able to move on from it, especially since he did it in a really compact Reddit post."
"Hope this video hasn't come across as insensitive it's a touchy subject and I did my best to sort of say what I think and I hope I haven't let you down in if I if I've made any mistakes yeah as you always do pull us up on them in the comments."
"It's got to the point, it's come to a head and they've tried to do a madness but what they forgot was the power of the fan."
"When covent first happened, I wanted to hear what Alex had to say."
"They passed the second stimulus check because of the outcry of Americans and congressmen pushing for a stimulus check."
"You didn't talk at all in that video and you haven't spoken at all in the last three years about these allegations against you, why not address them?"
"Congress finally effing did something and I think it's about time."
"I think getting a reaction is absolutely critical. Most people react to what we do. What we need to happen is to get them to react to our exposure."
"It was really strange after we broke that story. I mean, Bob had death threats."
"Refuse to answer any speculation... there is only one emotion that the public will relate to: sadness and sorrow."
"Now, as I've said, I'm not in favor of people losing their jobs for old things they say. But if you're buying a Barbra Streisand album after she says something like that, I gotta say, I'm not sure what's going through your head."
"I just find it utterly amazing that so enormous shift happened with remarkably little protest."
"Glad to see him out, I'm glad to see a lot of outcry about it, and hopefully we'll carry that same energy when inevitably this type of action happens again."
"The move, however, has rebounded badly against the government, many people unhappy at the act of coercion are taking to the streets in a collective display of defiance."
"This is how liberty dies to thunderous applause, people are cheering for the system burning."
"Undeserved panic does no one any good but neither does ill-informed complacency."
"If Jamie Oliver sued me, my tour is sold out. I'll add more dates and I need to pay for my losses with people."
"These types of allegations, these types of criminal cases can be very triggering for some."
"The people of Georgia stood up for the country."
"I think it's amazing that people are responding positively right I really I I really did show this because I wanted my son to see that it's okay to show emotion."
"The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I'm surprised at the number of people who binge watch all these videos."
"Look around us, the response has been incredible."
"It's actually working and it's resonating with people."
"Is this government unwittingly radicalizing the public against itself?"
"Merry Christmas to you this was an amazing gift we've all been given you're going to see people rally around Trump like never before I do believe you just saw the 2024 election one def facto."
"It's just validation when people respond like that that you're doing things right, you know."
"Once again, Creepshow moved forward by ignoring the controversy."
"Emily's video opened the floodgates for a wave of testimonies against Creepshow to surface."
"It's just so sad and frustrating to watch people who have dedicated their lives to learning the truth be turned away because people don't like what the truth has to say."
"The fact that the crazies lost and overwhelmingly and all throughout the country, that is great news. It's not a little good news, it's great news."
"Mike Pence repeatedly brought the audience to their feet in standing ovations."
"If Russia loses and their soldiers are driven out, many of them killed, you can see protests coming up there."
"I've never seen so many people celebrate a black man's death in my life. It took me by surprise."
"Every Monarch show I've watched post Oliver Cromwell is like the British just don't revolt."
"Just the fact that he feels the necessity to back down in his rhetoric is already a win."
"Politicians respond to pressure, not applause."
"There are more disturbing than the government's attempts are the people who are going along to support it."
"People saw the difference and they gravitated towards me."
"Once the crowd starts chanting 'stop the show,' I don't know why someone didn't listen."
"People are behaving as if this pandemic's gone away, which is probably the right thing to do."
"Why on earth would a parish like Holy Innocents be targeted for closure?"
"Booing is a form of criticism, it's just a bit weird. I don't understand why you'd ever do that."
"We are more enthusiastic now, not even close, than we were in 2016. I mean, we are getting crowds and this is pandemic and we're rounding the turn."
"Rage, concern, investment is the appropriate response."
"We ask that those people who are outraged channel their anger towards policymakers."
"Riots spread post-George Floyd's death, but what kind of phenomenon are they?"
"Guess what? That's why you see burners comment like, 'Whoa [__]!' and stuff like that."
"To all the people calling Matt Petgrave a murderer, if you seriously think... go f yourself. The guy was balling his eyes out on the ice and in the dressing room and probably still is."
"Why people are not more worried about it is just baffling."
"Nevertheless, despite the controversy surrounding Taylor Swift's recent remarks, her supporters swiftly came to her defense, punctuating the importance of individuals, regardless of their fame, speaking out against injustice."
"You cried wolf so many times over a dog whistle, and it turns out that when there are actual dog whistles, no one pays attention to you anymore."
"The most positive and the most surprising to me has been how people have responded."
"The hope message actually plays extraordinarily well."
"They're screaming, all the big heads are coming out."
"It's been good to see that people are expressing outrage, anger, condemnation."
"An obscenely rich person sits around watching others work hard and the crowd applauds."
"Congratulations to Shane! Most brutal cancellation of 2020."
"There's two parts of protesting, you go out and you protest, and then the company or the individual say, 'I hear you.' What did we do next?" - Jay-Z
"Stimulus money going out... very good news for you guys."
"It's time to hear from you and see what you have to say about all of this."
"Rioting is not justified even if there's a bad shooting."
"When the responses came in from the public it was like the spirit of those people was right there with me in the cell."
"If this was the case, guys, and that was literally all he was banned for over the potential violations of terms of service, I think that's an extraordinarily poor move on Instagram's part."
"This was for the senseless murder of several black people at the hands of UK police."
"Sadly, my reaction was not surprise. And that is, I think, what is fomenting the rage and the anguish that we're seeing across this country."
"Since you're attacking us, can you give us a question?" - "No, Mr. President-elect, that's not appropriate." [Applause]
"I feel like reasonable people are starting to wake up and say come on really you're taking a knee for George Floyd but you're not taking a knee for 25 people that have died and Chicago alone."
"I do want to point out remember the sympathy bounce Rachel Adedeji has..."
"Every time he bypasses the media, people respond to him enormously."
"After the lockdowns and the passports and the trucker protests and all this stuff."
"The appalling murders of such a beloved couple stunned the Davis community."
"YouTubers big and small have made videos on this situation, bringing light to her actions, past and present."
"But Suzy decided to dig herself into an even deeper hole, and made a video responding to all the criticism she had been receiving."
"Joyous and some thought inappropriate celebration."
"The bombing of Damascus led to an international outcry."
"People want to hear courage, they want to hear somebody stand up and say what's true, and they will reward you for it."
"Immediately press outlets and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people just started to say yes finally I literally am getting chills."
"The more people see that we're treating it in a serious manner, the more people are going to want to join that conversation."
"American people have great resiliency and I'm so incredibly proud of how the American people have responded."
"It'll be interesting to see how Calgary police deal with Rebel News."
"I appreciate his actual response into the situation. I do wish that he also addressed those misleading statements."
"Despite having sold 5,000 tickets for a venue over 3,000, Bella Thorne tweeted out: 'When there's 20,000 people lined up outside for #Tanacon...'"
"For an introvert, this is like, whoa, I can't believe this many people react to something that I create every day."
"The Wicked Will perish, he says and the crowd erupts which is quite an Applause line."
"For her to say that, those victims at home watching, I can't even imagine what they feel like."
"Republicans want to take it away, so I think it was bold, it was smart, and I think it was quite effective."
"This is a real rebuke of the Biden administration."
"They listened to people boycotting them they listened to people being outraged by them working with her and they got her out."
"The shame is that it takes death in order for us to be heard."
"Thirty thousand Czechs immediately demonstrated against his murder in the main square in Prague. But it was too late. The assassination worked, and Hitler brutally responded in Lidice. This heavy price meant no late."
"One-tenth of humanity is under some form of quarantine in China."
"We have to make this system respond to us, and it's never going to respond perfectly."
"This video made the rounds online and was mocked by all sides of the political spectrum."
"Stop bullying and patronizing the silent majority or they will rise in terrible revolts."
"Following the heavy criticism the esa announced it would bring E3 back to its former scale they hosted almost 250 exhibitors and raised the attendance cap to 45,000."
"Red yellow and blue had been the subject of a huge amount of criticism since it first arrived before it was slashed."
"All the drama that surrounded this film was for naught. There were no shootings, there was no violence."
"Once he made the apology video, it made sense to a degree."
"And we're just very proud, that the fans responded, and pleased and relieved, the fans responded in the way they did."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying how stupid the candy cane ban is. You spent 15 bucks for being mad about candy canes getting banned."
"The reaction it just really shot up this week too with my open letter to Joe Biden and the response that all of you have had to that."
"I think just any of them would probably work would probably get like a good reaction."
"It appears to be that for a lot of first world countries... you hit a certain amount of months of 'hey [ __ ] chill out' and then they just all decide to give up."
"Politics works run by small Elite suit tell everyone else what to do then came The Establishment attack on Corbin."
"Taking parents out of the equation when it comes to children's interventions and on children's bodies and their health is very dangerous."
"Focus on the big issues that matter to them. It's very much a boilerplate response if ever I've heard one." - Boris Johnson
"Enough! Shock out of China! Zero tolerance shall turn on the government as people rise up."
"Maybe in the end it will mean that the government stops all of this and the people are allowed to live their lives again."
"I can't wait for his apology interview after all of this."
"Protests sweeping China against authoritarian policies."
"Forced lockdowns are not things that people will basically Stand By and endure any longer."
"The apology is not because they listened it's because they lost. If you hadn't shouted loud enough they wouldn't have heard you and they would have carried on."
"Large sections of our country are really looking at other sections and saying wow that looks bad but they don't have the problem. I salute the American people for following our guidelines and social distancing."
"What we saw yesterday with Roe v. Wade is that the Supreme Court doesn't care about public opinion, but voters do."
"The sad thing is, I didn't see how bad it was until there was outrage from everyone."
"A lot of pushback against Activision Blizzard."
"This is self-respect of Telugus, and that resonated with people, and he had a landslide win."
"It's kind of funny that even though Mr Beast squid game seems to have recreated most of the same challenges as this multi-million dollar Netflix production there are actually fewer complaints about the conditions the contestants were subjected to."
"Carson's reaction spread around the internet."
"Not only did we not have that response, but I got thousands and thousands of emails messages and everything else."
"I certainly did not expect the sort of response that I have received."
"It's weird to know that your success is measured by the positive response you get from people."
"On its face, it is insulting, an abuse of power, and a punch in the nose of all Americans who've obeyed COVID-19 lockdown restrictions."
"People are capable of taking it seriously and are capable of adapting."
"The reaction of the world of the Resistance was impressive. Many protests."
"Why didn't anybody call the police during this incident?"
"I guess I'm glad it seemed to make a fair amount of people happy."
"I chose my approach and many of my words poorly. I chose to make the video and share my opinion. I expected it to be analyzed and picked apart."
"It's not as bad as everyone's making it seem, you know. I mean, there is a lot of hype, there's a lot of media, but it's really not that bad, so don't worry too much everybody. It's not that bad, take a chill pill."
"Nothing's created the amount of hostile social media attacks like Johnny, not even close."
"There hasn't been one arrest and now he's participating in an illegal, unconstitutional, and totally unnecessary lockdown of the American people."
"If you want more specific examples, Young Yay will make almost twenty videos on the EA Star Wars Battlefront 2 controversy but won't make a single video on how Wolfenstein 2 now has a free playable demo."
"Wow, like a lot of people voted, so I was just humbled and appreciative."
"Trump visited grieving cities as gun control debate boils."
"At first, I responded to comments, but you can't respond to every dumbass on the internet."
"What caused the rush? Now a very 3D response would just be to say well, it's people's excitement, it got out of control."
"Remember this is happening because of the extreme right-wing authoritarian behavior of... of Bibi Netanyahu over the last 10 years." - Activism in response to authoritarianism.
"Her whole tactic of either not acknowledging it at all or maybe saying an apology video is coming but it never does or giving a half-assed apology works almost all of the time."
"His mailing the mask has inspired others. Nearly half of the many letters I received said that they were moved to tears when Governor Cuomo read my letter aloud."
"When the public learned about these games, they flocked to the streets to make their opinions known."
"Astroworld is literally the reason why [she] is no longer alive... so obviously Travis is responsible in some way."
"When the people say we are willing to go after woke corporations, it works."
"Amazon rightfully ticked off a lot of people."
"Even in these liberal places like San Francisco, you see the DAs that are weak on crime actually losing."
"I'm not up in arms about how bad the EF scale is because the select committee is working on a fix."
"Everyone that is pissed off at this level of hypocrisy and wants to fire criticism at you as a result of this is absolutely justified."
"We as a community needed to get this upset for changes to really happen; we shouldn't have to wait years."
"People will react; they want to save the planet."
"It doesn't have to be complete silence or whatever man that makes it look worse in all reality right more people are going to be inclined to believe that these things are true if you don't properly respond to them."
"Just when I thought we were safe, bad ratings started to come in."
"You don't have to be a ABC NBC CBS talking head. You're doing something that's real, and people have really responded to that."
"I love that the US government is finally getting off their asses and doing something." - Bruce
"Everyone was quite amazed by it, and it was very interesting."
"That would get the people going, like they're already going when they see the banner but my face on it would really get people going."
"A one-off comment in poor taste is no grounds for severe outrage. Competitive behavior, however, might."
"The response is clearly enormous, there is a huge lot of love there."
"Singapore's approach was to put all of that information out there... that would result in calm rather than panic."
"Kamala Harris is a terrible, terrible candidate. And it was just great because this is a woman that started her presidential run with like pulling at like 15 and literally was at like less than one percent by the time her campaign was over."
"And for that, as the President said earlier today, we thank the American people."
"I'd rather get the amount of bashing that we get when they lose than to hear crickets."
"What kind of country is it where nobody says, 'Well, wait, that's kind of sad. They shot an unarmed woman. Is that really a death penalty offense? How hard-hearted are we that no one can even acknowledge that sad?'"
"The overall sentiment from just fans in general."
"Normal people are starting to realize, normal people are starting to push back."
"Trisha Paytas announces return of skincare line after trolls ruined it."
"Big big thank you to everybody who showered love on Kai's interview and wrote some really beautiful things in the comment section."
"Yeah, he's now also, by the way, facing potential criminal and civil charges for doing this, and constituents, they're calling for him to resign, which is a good thing."
"This is not a financial crisis, this is a biological crisis."
"The true disgusting story of what this individual been doing was revealed."
"Poor reviews and bad word of mouth were tough enough to deal with."
"Respect to Wargaming for taking back a stupid decision."
"This one's tough. People are coming out for this one and saying that's incredible what we've been able to do."
"I still maintain that when it comes to these social justice mobs, the best thing you can do is ignore them."
"They have every branch of government... and they're freaked out because the American people now are stepping up."
"Because if you can do that, people will be like, okay, all right. We got to fight this virus."
"It feels like people want Webtoon to pay for this mistake more than people want to see them use the experience to grow."
"If the government can't handle it the people will."
"Telling the truth never causes panic. If you just tell people the truth they will respond and they will trust you to continue to tell them the truth." - Dr. Michael Osterholm
"I think that a lot of things he said were being spun out of context and that was like kind of problematic in my opinion however the way he responded I think that was the majority of the problem you know he was very reluctant to take criticism."