
Paths Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"Moksha (liberation) is the goal, but all paths—karma, bhakti, yoga, and jnana—are useful and interwoven into a wonderful spiritual synthesis."
"Even though we walk different paths, we found a friend."
"Fallout New Vegas has so many paths you can take in this game."
"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."
"Everything is always a choice. You can keep following the new path or get caught up in old paradigms and toxicity."
"Interesting how like I just took a completely different path. Yeah, but we met up at the end. Like we're still on a path, like you still got a lot of time. I got a lot to do."
"You can go yes, or you can go no, but these two paths lead in completely different directions."
"Show me your ancient paths, show me your ancient ways."
"You take the high road, and I'll take the low road."
"Everyone must carve their own paths, but finding that independence doesn't come free."
"For every node, there's exactly one way to get to every other node."
"Each of those possible paths contributes with a particular weight which is written as e to the I times S over h-bar."
"Anything is one of a million paths; therefore, a warrior must always keep in mind that a path is only a path."
"Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak we all gaze at the single bright moon."
"Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread,"
"All roads lead to your happiness."
"Sometimes paths split and you go down a new one."
"There isn't Just One path and there are so many different creative ways to be successful."
"Every path has its benefit. Everything is contributing."
"...ultimately, there are multiple paths that you can take... you just need to start taking one and taking some action."
"The tracks split from each other, the Coyotes going far off to the left and the goats going far off to the right."
"Your life, my life, there isn't one path forward."
"They can change our lives in a major magical way. They can help us find our best path."
"Whichever path you choose, it starts here."
"There's so many paths to Rome in terms of getting stronger."
"But look at the barbecue you've become, you know. We all find our own paths."
"You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain."
"Nobody knows the right answer to this question for you because everybody has a different path."
"The narrow path is the center path."
"Everybody got their own path in life."
"The more we get down that wrong path, the harder and harder it gets to come back in a safe way."
"All of these paths are right. They're all trying to get liberation from suffering."
"There are no wrong paths, some arrive sooner, some arrive later, some mid-journey cause us to realize that the compass wasn't even pointed in the right direction."
"There are so many paths to become successful in America now."
"Everybody has their own path, everybody has their own idea of what they'd like to do."
"...sometimes things can be very elusive, very completely off a different road, a different path than what you would think."
"People change a lot. So yeah, sometimes paths diverge, and that's okay."
"Everybody doesn't want the same things and the path forward for everyone isn't the same way."
"There are multiple paths to enlightenment, one is the Buddhist and one is the Greek."
"Every path is fine and completely justifiable."
"Paths are archaeological touchstones. They lie at the center where the warp of time and weft of space connect like beacons shining through the fog of millennia and confusing haze of data."
"We'll be exploring the progressive path, the direct path, and no path."
"All roads lead to heaven, many paths to the spirit."
"As we explore the summit today, you're going to see new paths that the National Park Service has put in."
"There's not just one way to success."
"I thought it was pretty cool that they actually had a path that would follow along the river."
"Each of us has our own route through, and neither one is better than any other, these are merely different Roots."
"All paths lead to the same place."
"Life is two gates, two roads, two groups of people going opposite ways."
"Chris is unable to do so and the emotion Lords start to get angry at Chris, telling him that the paths are now closed."
"The road less traveled, we tend to take the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
"Many doors, same room. Doesn't matter what door you enter."
"There's more than one pathway to success."
"There are many paths to the top of the mountain and the view from the top is the same as they say."
"This career can have multiple paths to success, but this is coming from my own experience of being a working actor for the last 15 years."
"Everybody has their path in life. So, like, you guys need to wake up."
"Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few are dirt."
"If we took a different turn anywhere along the way, we may have had a completely different experience."
"You're either taking the left-hand path or the right-hand path."
"New paths opening up for you, new opportunities."
"Laughing with Rorke, I couldn't help but consider the wildly different paths that people can take in life."
"We all kind of arrive at the same place, but the path we all take is completely different."
"There's always gonna be some level of uncertainty with whatever path that we take."
"There are a lot of reasons why paths are super useful."
"There are many paths, you have to choose your path."
"Possibilities and paths opening up. Oh my goodness."
"It doesn't matter how you got there."
"There's many different ways to the top."
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and..."
"There's more than one path through which people have salvation or have a meaningful life."
"Every decision that you make is going to push you along a different path."
"There's lots of different paths to reaching your goals... you both will eventually get to that same end goal if you want to be a doctor."
"I always knew I was going to be here. I just had three different routes to get here."
"Recognize that within this journey there are many different paths that can be taken."
"Both of the roads lead to the same destination."
"Every single religion, Muslim, Jews, Catholics, Christians, you name it, they have a path to God."
"The religions are paths which take you to the truth."
"There isn't Just One path for any of us, the path of Duty is One path, the Path of Knowledge is another, and the path of devotion is yet another."
"I mean yeah that's beating the game we didn't play every path in the other games so yeah"
"I'm guessing there's going to be a lot more detail on the relationship of these two and the paths that they choose."
"Eventually paths will connect all this."
"I feel like people have different paths in life, nobody wants the same thing."
"We finished our drinks and fell to reminiscing. It's strange, I guess, to have kin and to be without kinship for as long as our lives have led us along our separate paths."
"There's a few paths to massive wealth in life, you know when it comes to career paths."
"...so it's like another instance where somebody had one door closed during their Saturn return but it sent them on a different path and another path that ended up working out for them in some way or being the path that they were supposed to be on in some broader sense."
"Never be jealous of somebody else, their path is different from yours."
"There's still so much room and so much need for a lot more people to craft their own paths."
"Nobody has the same path, nobody does."
"All roads lead to God. Sort of like a mountain."
"My goal was to have different paths that would still lead to me getting to the end."
"There are two roads: the wide path that leads to destruction, and the narrow path that leads to life."
"Bloomberg's career paths are what you make of them, with no defined way to reach your dreams, but ample training and mentorship opportunities."
"Jesus laid out two paths and you got a choice."
"Different roads going to different places, different ways at different times, none more or less important than any of the others."
"There really are those three paths, you know, only one of them is the best."
"There is no one set path for any one successful person."
"We always try to favor kind of unexpected and New Paths over well explored ones."
"Learn because there's so many different paths to success."
"The paths that are the best for us are often the ones we overlook, while the paths that lead to destruction, misery and, ultimately, hell seem more available and enticing."
"Given a graph, I might say, is there a sequence of edges, of links, between two elements? What are the sequence of edges I would use to get there?"
"The truth is there are very few paths our future can take."
"There's a narrow way, and there's a broad way."
"There are some radically different paths one can take which are still ultimately successful."
"There is more than one path to success on YouTube."
"In spiritual path, it doesn't matter the selfless path, knowledge path, devotional path and meditation. All paths are respectively same."
"Two different paths to the top, but both aiming for greatness."
"It's hard to explain, but it's like an alley of these grass with these overhanging trees on both sides, and they're very suffocating, like the way to make your way through is very, very narrow."
"College's cool and all because everybody got a different path."
"God is still able to make ways out of nowhere."
"I always think about the future and what can lose from it man you know your choices are you you you always got a different path to take in life you can choose the wrong way or you can choose the right way."
"It's common place for good paths to not exclusively be for efficient routes between name places but to also maintain the same quality for leisure routes."
"There are many roads to the same place."
"History is not a one-track street; history's paths are not predetermined."
"There are a lot of paths to satisfaction, and you need to find one that works for you."
"They both wanted the same thing but saw two very different paths."
"It's always great when you cross paths with a previous walk."
"Whoever strives for my sake, Allah said I will guide him to my paths."
"There are many paths to God, and the dark is one aspect to go towards light."
"There are many roads to the path that you're actually walking on."
"The pitriya is the path of reincarnation, being born again and again, and the divine path is sort of back to the spiritual world."
"There are many paths to God as there are people on the planet."
"The realization that even with an infinite number of roads to travel, you have to choose one and leave the others behind."
"They're all family, but they're all in their own lane."
"There's a hundred different ways to get from point A to point B."
"You never know what the future holds, you never know whose path you're going to cross again."
"You now have with this new approach two very distinct paths that you can go down."
"It's almost like they are two different paths, and at what point in your life do you decide which of these paths you were going to pursue more earnestly?"
"I've had a lot of time to think about paths and the choices that we make."
"We're just going to take our own paths right now, and we're excited to see what the future holds."
"For people who think that there's only one singular path to success, there could be multiple ways, and those ways could be things that you cannot even imagine."
"I'm so thankful that we crossed paths."
"Many paths will open doorways for you."
"It's okay to take a different path."
"There's always more than one way home."
"Not everyone's meant to have the same path, and that's okay."
"There's always more than one way home, all you got to do is get there, people, get there."
"I can understand why people took the paths they did."
"There's so many paths that you can or can't take in life, and the ones that I have chosen have led me to where I am now."
"God is infinite, and the paths to God are infinite."
"All the spiritual paths are paths to freedom."
"I'm just thrilled that our paths are crossing."
"Crazy how paths can pass in life."
"There's certain decisions you make that would just take you on a completely different path."
"I think there are many roads that lead to the top of the mountain."
"I believe now in destiny. I sure did before that, but I think somebody put two paths together."
"Two paths, one less traveled perhaps than the other."
"Can you take the high road, I'll take the low."
"The curveballs often take us down paths we would never take or could have never imagined."
"Here's the main road, and here's The Road Less Traveled."
"There's many paths to be able to get to where you want to get to in life."
"Paths are maintained to encourage people to only walk on the paths and not trample over delicate grassland."
"We're brothers; we'll always be brothers. We're certainly on different paths at the moment, but I will always be there for him, and as I know, he'll always be there for me."
"They guide you down the sturdy and trusted paths while encouraging you to make your own way in this world."
"This is a decision point and it's a decision about which path leads me to the world that I really want and which path do I have to leave behind in order to get there."
"The path 3D and path follow 3D, these are super fun, they can be used to create 3D paths or 3D curves."
"I love it, there's so many different paths in this park that you can walk."
"Integration isn't really about the choice of variable that we use; it's just about crossing co vector curves using a path."
"Remember, there's always more than one way home; all you should have to do is get there."
"Think of life as a long road, only there are branching paths everywhere."
"I'll take the high road, and you take the low road."
"There's plenty of ways to make it and everybody's kind of finding their own lane."
"Remember that there's always more than one way home."
"Two men on the same path to justice taking different routes are reaching the same destination and conclusion."
"Among all paths between two vertices, it's going to be one with the minimum weight."
"When you and your homie took different paths in life but you're still down to ride with each other."
"You decided to travel down both paths instead."
"The different religions are different paths which take you to that infinite reality and which is the goal of all religion."
"Taking all possible paths and summing up, that was a revolutionary idea."
"Success isn't linear; you can take different paths to achieving the things that you want."
"Different stories can lead us to very different destinations."
"I have infinite choices in life, a finite time, and I can only go down one path."
"There are many paths to the right."
"There's two different ways to go about doing things in this world."
"You and your future spouse's paths were meant to be intertwined together."
"Great decisions lead you to great paths, and great paths lead you to your destiny."
"We're all interconnected, we're all on our separate paths, and we're here for a certain reason talking right now because our paths were meant to cross."
"All doctrines are so many paths; but a path is by no means God Himself."
"Lots of different routes to the same outcome."
"All doctrines are only so many paths, but a path is by no means God Himself."
"You can always look for alternative paths."
"All paths lead to the source, and go to the source first, which is nature."
"The path that guides you, what is your destiny? We're seeing two very different paths but possibly to the same destiny."
"There are infinite paths to success."
"Traveling up these paths over centuries... they've been worn over several millennia."
"There's always more than one path to the goal."
"There are many roads that lead to Rome."
"There are multiple roads leading to the same result."
"The mystic way that leads to divine union is so well known that it is often forgotten that there is another path, seemingly totally different in root, that leads in the end to the same goal."
"The Christian Gnostic path and the third is the Rosicrucian path; all three paths lead to the peak of initiation."
"Just funny the way that life takes us down different paths."
"There's an infinite number of paths to get to where you want to go."
"Let's begin then by defining when we talk about the right hand and the left-hand path in the spiritual, mystical, and magical traditions."
"We talk about two parts but there's a unifying path in all this."
"There were three pathways, almost like fate, three ways to go, and three men."
"Choose a path. There are many paths before you, but you may only choose one."
"Please have a good life, we all got to walk different paths sometimes."
"We all take different paths to get to the same destination."
"There are a billion ways to find success in life, do it your way."
"It's always more than one way home, all you have to do is get there."
"You said about a repairer of the breach, restorer of ancient paths."