
Political Figure Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"The ideology of years past has cracked and fallen away; now at the center is a personality who perseveres even through defeat, even through chaos, even through two impeachments: Donald John Trump."
"Reagan was a trifecta: they liked him, they feared him, and they respected him."
"Nancy Pelosi deserves the honor of being Speaker."
"The dude [Andrew Yang] really has thought out a lot, and I agree with so much of what he's doing."
"Trump got 30 out of 30. And it's things like draw a cube, counting backwards from a hundred by sevens..."
"When Don Jr and Donald Trump are attacking your independent journalism you must be doing something right."
"The world looked at her and thought, you know she is a very honest decent capable proper head of state."
"She was an absolute model of correct statesmanlike behavior."
"Trump was what he was and he had no pretensions that he wasn't."
"Former president Donald Trump now a criminal defendant in the federal court system."
"The question isn't if Trump will be indicted at this point the question is when will Trump be indicted."
"Dwight D. Eisenhower, citizen of the United States, spokesman for and symbol of the free world."
"Nancy Pelosi has shown that she really is a historic figure."
"History's not gonna be kind to Donald Trump."
"Trump has broken through that evil racist system not politely I admit more like The Incredible Hulk walking through a wall."
"Bernie Sanders absolutely demonstrated that he has the capacity to withstand... he could absorb blows and also counter punch."
"Trump contracted this virus because despite trying to will into existence his alternate reality, the virus is real."
"Aquino fits into a certain category of world leader that was quite popular in the 1990s, someone promising the dawn of a new age where everything would be better."
"It blows my mind that he's looking like a dove."
"Trump is not a saint, but Trump is at the very least someone who's our only chance."
"People to forget all of the stupid [__] that came out of Donald's mouth uh in 2015-2016 on his opening in his opening statement where he was announcing his."
"Trump did that. He's the loser who keeps on being treated like he's a winner."
"In Senator Bernard Sanders, we have, in the words of Dr. Cornel West, 'a long-distance runner for justice.'"
"Varun Gandhi consistently worked to improve his image, talking about water conservation, unemployment, and farmers' problems."
"Trump is a genuine wild card, you have no idea, and the irony is, Trump doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything."
"Donald Trump is broke and begging for money."
"The American people hate this man. Most people hate this guy."
"Kellyanne Conway: campaign manager and advisor, creator of the phrase 'alternative facts.'"
"Fidel Castro's history doesn't paint the picture of a man who shies away from adoration."
"The importance of Law and Order and where we are in this historical moment is really symbolized though in that Trump mug shot and the reaction to the mug shot."
"If they had come across AOC... she wouldn't have had every reason to be afraid."
"I truly believe that Donald Trump was sent by God."
"No one's ever done that before. That is pure Donald Trump."
"Bernie is at his best when he's an angry old man."
"The real thing about Donald Trump was it he was somebody who was prepared to say do and be anything and didn't care what anybody said."
"Donald Trump does not respect loyalty, he does not give loyalty."
"Justin Trudeau is probably the most famous Prime Minister Canada has produced in decades."
"I think he's genuinely a man of like working common class people."
"She was different. She was, for so many people, the breath of fresh air because she didn’t talk like a politician."
"The most famous of all of them is the woman you see on the screen: ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ, the poster child of the so called democratic socialism."
"Arizona, along with America, needs a proven conservative fighter that's going to stand up for the people."
"Honestly Trump is going to be the guy unless something happens that's drastic because he is planning on running it's pretty obvious he still has high energy."
"Jill Stein is the most powerful person in politics."
"Wallace was reelected four times, and after being paralyzed in an attempted assassination on his life, Wallace became a born again Christian."
"President Biden isn't posting weird selfies of himself and saying do I look like Elvis do I look like Elvis no."
"Donald Trump, people like him don't come along very often."
"People were so eager to hear from America's Mayor."
"My daughter Ivanka Trump just wants to have people working."
"Imagine how I felt when I saw Donald Trump post a video of my friend giving people money for supplies and asking them to move picnic tables."
"The politics here is very good for Joe Biden."
"Bernie Sanders is of course imperfect but pretty damn near close to perfect in the grand scheme of things with respect to the time and place."
"One thing I loved about Trump was he was this blue-collar construction guy coming in and punching the lawyer in the nose and I just thought that's really our society needs a little more of that right now."
"After Donald Trump retires from politics, there will not be another like him."
"Trump is a one of a kind and we're blessed right now."
"I said, 'General, there's no way I can make it down that ramp without falling on my ass, General.' I have no really. It's true."
"I think that people are much more horrified at the crowd's reaction that they laughed along with Trump on all of those things."
"First president to be indicted in the history of the United States."
"I just think that Vice President Harris hasn't gotten the credit she deserves she was an attorney general of the State of California she has been a United States Senator she is really very very good."
"Trump was good at destroying things. He's the Undisputed world champion of that."
"Trump is the iconography of the latest embodiment of this fear."
"Trump's popularity is very much tied to the idea that the dude takes a hammer to the politically correct matrix."
"Trump has become a kind of symbol of rebellion, hope for many, hope for a better future."
"Hillary Clinton isn't accountable for breaking the law."
"Trump is a little bit nuts, and that's why he has the courage to take them on."
"It’s also behavior that’s unbecoming of the leader of the free world."
"The last mayor of a major city who was a socialist... connected tangibly to the needs and concerns of working-class people."
"Donald Trump is more popular than he has ever been in his entire life."
"Trump is different. Trump is a once in a lifetime once in a generation personality. He is just he is the definitive alpha male."
"Trump has been completely isolated on his own."
"Bernie Sanders might as well have been made and allowed to stand up to Trump's disingenuous tactics."
"There's never been anyone with the charisma of Donald Trump, there's never been anyone I don't know what it is but you can't touch that guy."
"He beat all of them regardless of what you think about him."
"I respect people that blaze their own trail, you know, and that's why I became such a fan of Trump because he literally broke the mold for how you become the president."
"People love Donald Trump because he is not a typical politician. He is authentic."
"For those of us who follow him in Florida, we've never seen Ron DeSantis make these facial expressions before."
"Boris Johnson was a token right wing around cultural values."
"Rhodes’ genius had an enormous impact on the development of South Africa."
"Dominic Cummings set himself the task of revolutionizing British government."
"Tulsi Gabbard's optics are arguably quite a bit better... she's a major in the US military."
"You can say what you like about Boris Johnson. He is a brilliant liar. He is a world-class liar. He is absolutely superb at lying."
"Donald Trump is still very much alive and kicking."
"It's also a sign that John Fetterman is far more entire human also in like far more in touch with what people care about than most people in Washington."
"He is batshit crazy and he is dangerous and he is unstable and he's obsessed."
"Tawfiq Yagublu represents the story of Azerbaijan."
"Donald Trump is a rough individual, but he loves America more than any president in my lifetime."
"Still, Marjorie Taylor Greene seemed keen on answering questions about things she had posted or said, 'I don't know,' or 'I don't recall.'"
"Donald Trump's first criminal trial will start on Monday. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"There will come a moment where tax fraud and money laundering will be Donald Trump’s biggest problem."
"Has there ever been a more polarizing figure in all of politics than Donald Trump? I don't think so, at least not in my lifetime."
"You either love him or you hate him and you hate him with a passion."
"It's about the preservation of the republic... It's not about Donald Trump anymore."
"Donald Trump is the most divisive political figure in American history."
"You can throw Trump into a dumpster, but he'll come out shining and smelling like roses..."
"Following the explosion, Russian President Vladimir Putin was captured on television looking terrified."
"Bernie Sanders, you know who he is, you know what he stands for."
"I think he's come across incredibly well. He's by far the best orator out of all of them."
"The person who has been under the most sustained attack from a viciously right-wing press but managed to retain a large degree of popularity in the United States is Bernie Sanders."
"Kissinger has no shortage of admirers... America has lost one of the most dependable and distinctive voices on foreign affairs."
"She is correct about this and as you know I've been very critical of Kellyanne Conway for being an over-the-top Lackey for the Trump administration well she is not wrong on this one."
"Trump knows he's a clever man, they like to say he's dumb he's not dumb."
"I need a special grand jury to investigate Donald Trump."
"The name Stalin becomes in itself almost a prayer."
"He was like the first celebrity president, he was pretty much white Obama."
"Her stubborn dedication to non-violence made her popular on the world stage."
"Nikki Haley is probably one of the smartest candidates running."
"Have you ever heard about their former president, JOSE MUJICA? Known as the 'World’s poorest president,' he quickly became the ultimate left-wing rockstar."
"Murray Rothbard the anarco capitalist was born."
"A former United States president pleaded the fifth."
"That's the kind of information that I hope RFK Jr will take a look at." - Ted Walter
"While her husband has struggled to get his approval rating over 40 percent, Melania has consistently remained the country's most popular Trump."
"Bernie Sanders is genuinely a nice person. He genuinely does not want to confront."
"Trump's the Phoenix, the more fire that hits him, the better he likes it."
"To my Republican colleagues, can we move forward without President Trump? The answer is no."
"Trump is like that gorilla getting riled up on what he's doing in the mirror."
"He's swarmed by journalists outside of his office in DC and he famously says hold on I have the quote written down."
"No person is above the law including Donald Trump." - Congressman Andy Levin
"People respect strength... I wanted to be a 1200 pound gorilla." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"Peace brings power... Power brings peace." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"The only way you're going to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons is... crippling sanctions and... strong military option." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"We're not occupiers... This Is Our Land." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"I don't compromise on one thing... Israel's Security in our survival." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"Trump is a fighter, he'll call people names, he'll insult people, he'll make up nicknames."
"No mug shot will ever be as iconic as the mug shot of Donald J. Trump."
"Donald Trump's mugshot has been the most sought after image since the moment he rode down that golden escalator."
"Winston Churchill meant explosive in terms of fires."
"Let's get back to the dictionary. Here's a book about who Trump was."
"America and the 75 million voters are not done with Donald Trump and all he did for the country."
"The biggest disappointment in your political career? Theresa, without a doubt."
"Australia's missing Prime Minister... it was finally ruled in 2005 that Holt accidentally drowned."
"America is strong, America is great, and America will remain great so long as this guy remains at Mara Lago."
"It's quite serious even if the charge itself doesn't reach the heights that some people would expect from a former president."
"Ultimately comes down to this: I think Paul Pelosi is a really, really big bad bad guy."
"Putin's cousin is the key to the entire invasion."
"She is much more of a daughter to Hillary than just an aide."
"He's a national disaster, he's an embarrassment to this country."
"Just stop lying...he is a billionaire president."
"The question isn't if he had an affair, but did she financially gain?"
"I'm concerned about is this a man that can be trusted to stay within the law."
"I think AOC is also another fascinating person that you guys have."
"DeSantis prioritizes other people, he's not saying me, me, me."
"To me, Bill Clinton is by far the most interesting."
"Americans are deeply concerned about his mental acuity."
"Why are they trying to interview Guatemalan maids at Mar-A-Lago? It's not gonna work."
"Boris quite remarkably, he is already known around the world and is already popular."
"Trump will be remembered as the billionaire who became the unlikely implausible defender of the forgotten American."
"Putin is this legendary president character, Larger than Life."
"Bernie Sanders is a transformational figure, I cannot hold on to old fights and bitterness."
"Keep the faith everybody, I seriously don't think Trump is going anywhere."
"Could Julia Nal emerge as a Russian opposition figure based outside of Russia? She already has and she's not just a possible opposition figure, she is the leader of the Russian opposition."
"What reason would Trump, as a racist, have to prove that he's not a racist?"
"Jim Jordan doesn't deceive, he simply tells you straight up what he believes."
"That was vicious. It was incredibly nasty. It was fundamentally wrong. People need to know that story. Who we're dealing with in Kamala Harris."
"Remind yourself that Kamala Harris was elected to many high offices."
"Amy Coney Barrett will be the most talked about woman in America."
"Trump would grow in likability and respect the longer he was out of office."
"This case is going to trial and Donald Trump is not going to be able to stop it."
"It is this area Donald Trump's lineage comes from as well."
"He was seen as somebody who reached across the aisle."
"The thing you have to understand about Boris Johnson is he really wants to be loved."
"Judge sets March 4, 2024, as Trump trial date in election interference case."
"Church attendance for Donald Trump is not high, but this isn't peculiar."
"Donald Trump clearly doesn't have a relationship with a God."
"Trump's rights to his own building... they just make up a puppet show of a case."
"Trump and his legal team have denied any wrongdoing."
"The evidence is overwhelming of Donald Trump's guilt."
"I think he's one of the most decent public servants this nation has ever had."
"Keep on praying for this country and old Grandpa Joe."
"He can't help himself. So that's Donald Trump. Trump is going to Trump. This is what he does."
"Bernie Sanders is still out there going ham."
"One thing we did learn... Katangi Brown Jackson is a rock star."
"Jacob Zuma was on the balcony waving at everybody."
"You know Lindsey Graham, I love him, he's great. He's a rhino."
"This reminds me a lot of 1983 Ronald Reagan."
"Of course, the 21 women, I believe, 21 that we recounted on Friday have accused Donald Trump of either sexual harassment or sexual assault."
"Hillary Clinton is the primary example of a psychopathic narcissist."
"I've covered Donald Trump longer than any other serious journalist, more than 33 years now."
"George Bush yeah George now this big is hard"
"Joe Biden his cool ass love them sunglasses"
"Chief Mosud Kashima Olawale Abiola, fondly remembered as MKO Abiola."
"Narendra Modi is born to be a leader without any doubt."
"Forget Obama got a lot of [ __ ]."
"Rejoice rejoice... Margaret Thatcher believed was worth rejoicing about."
"Nelson Rockefeller was the personification of everything these people hated. He was the eastern establishment."
"Nelson Rockefeller sent his agents and his checkbook to Atlanta and paid for and organized dr. King's funeral but he insisted that it not be made public because he didn't want to take advantage of the family's suffering."
"I grew up in Ottawa's East End in the early 80s... Brian Mulroney was the Prime Minister back then."
"The majority voted in Bill Clinton twice."
"This is the real Marcos, not the one that mainstream said."
"Richard Nixon was the most consequential political figure of the second half of the 20th century."
"'... Boris Johnson, an evolutionary dead end of the Honey Monster, a bend bag of albino body parts, a cross between the Incredible Hulk and the Haribo fried egg...'"
"Senator Feinstein really did have the respect of her colleagues both on the left and the right even if there were policy differences."
"He's immensely talented political figure. He's an incredible orator. He's a very intelligent man. He can be very personable. But he repeatedly screws himself over."
"Deng Xiaoping is one of the most important political figures of the second half of the 20th century."
"Tim Scott may be a play for more moderate voters."
"Trump is very keyed into tax law, real estate, the economy."
"He was an extraordinarily well qualified prime minister we never had."
"Thomas throughout the empire poses the champion of the poor, an enemy of corruption, and a tax cutter."
"Imran Khan seems like an honest, a decent human being who's trying to do good for the country."