
Commonalities Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"You get to find commonalities where you're interconnected, just sharing humanity."
"Across the month, I think you'll start to realize that there are common pathways underlying many mood disorders."
"The major pillars that make humans humans, we actually end up sharing all those same things."
"Find areas of agreement... it's important to hear where you've got commonalities."
"There is really a common denominator which is this notion of pleasure and fun."
"Middle Eastern music and European music have common roots."
"Comparative theology sheds light on common ground."
"They feel there's a very strong bond connection between you, a lot of strong commonalities."
"I actually agree with both of these as a kid I also thought the same thing..."
"Dolphins are marine mammals that swim in the ocean, and it was astonishing to learn that we had more in common with the dolphin than with the land mammals." - Horst Hemister
"Poor white person and a poor black person have more in common with the possibility space of their life than either of them have in common with a billionaire."
"I just find that we have so much in common as girls and I feel like we don't talk about it."
"Amazon warehouse workers and adjunct professors... share a lot more in common than they did ever before in American history."
"The things that we have in common are extremely important."
"You and I have more in common than you might think. You love chess, I love chess. You like to smell your absolute best, and so do I."
"They do network with each other, they do share a vocabulary, they do have many practices and specific teachings in common."
"Each of these people are walking their own path but sometimes the steps look really similar."
"How do you dive into them and try and figure out where the commonalities are?"
"We have far more in common as humans than what divides us."
"I think Shakespearean actors and hip-hop artists have a lot in common."
"We have more things in common than we do apart."
"This is outrageous, like this is because the suggestion... why is flood mythology a thing that everyone shares isn't that weird?"
"Love conquers all and transforms things, so you definitely both of you will have a lot in common as far as transformation."
"Everyone's favorite artists have in common is they're very light brush pressure when they're building their pieces."
"She forms a close friendship with Peridot which is nice considering they both relate to being defective."
"Focus on unity and love, focus on what we have in common not on what separates us."
"You're already familiar with patterns in your own language, and fortunately, when you compare English and Spanish, they share a lot of common roots."
"Wait a minute, the UK and the United States have more in common than I ever thought."
"Each country has its own reasons, but there are some commonalities."
"...if you start to look across various kinds of cultures what you do is you discover that there are certain kinds of features which are in fact very indelible and very common."
"It's so amazing to me. So, think about this. Okay, so you've got millions of people and they talk about these consistent common elements..."
"So we can see there were common realities in their religion."
"It was a poignant reminder that perhaps Scammer Brother and his victims shared some commonalities—yearning for their talents to be recognized, aspiring for success, and craving the spotlight to shine upon them."
"We need a manifesto which describes the things we have in common."
"We tried to say let's actually look at what the common themes are across these different mobile field workforce workflows."
"I feel like we would get along and like, we relate on both sunrise and guitar playing, I'd imagine that we have a lot more in common."
"They hit it off instantly and have a lot in common."
"It's always a common thread of human tales."
"Don't say that there must be something common to all games, but look and see whether there is anything common at all."
"Like members of the same family, cities are all different, but they share important commonalities."
"The history of Muslims and Christians still hides many common features waiting to be discovered."
"Darth Vader and Kyle Katarn had a great deal in common, both were decidedly non-traditional Jedi whose training began under unusual circumstances and at a much later age than normal."
"Use small talk to figure out what y'all have in common."
"Fantasy and reality share components, ingredients, elements they have a lot in common."
"Mythology and religion common threads can be found in folklore, animism, and anthropomorphism."
"The goals of management are the same for both operating systems: We need security and usability."
"Country and hip-hop have a lot in common, probably more than a lot of people give it credit for."
"Magic shows and puppetry have a lot in common - they both bring stories to life."
"We got a lot of things in common, more than what we thought."
"We have tons in common: built-in socks, pony jokes, and games and everything, really."
"I've been putting my time and attention on finding the commonalities in so many different indigenous societies."
"We are not friends because we just talk about YouTube; we have so much in common, but yet our lives are so very different."
"We were amazed how much we had in common."
"Success has to be specialized, but if you look at what are the roots of what makes someone successful in any industry, they're often the same."
"Twitter, social media brought us together. We found out that we had a bunch of weird crap in common."
"A spark immediately ran between them; the young people found many common interests very quickly."
"Although we don't exactly look the same anymore, we have a few things in common, like how we both love music and YouTube."
"With clustering, we're looking to take our input variables and see if we can group our observations based on what they have in common."
"It's like if you become friends with someone from another part of the world. At first, you might be quizzing each other about your respective lands, but if you're truly friends, that phase passes and you move from differences between you to the things you have in common."
"Why do all cultures invent mythologies, and what do they have in common?"
"Study success... If you study the really, really exuberantly successful people, they're gonna have some traits in common."