
Nursing Quotes

There are 1031 quotes

"We can't get our act together and produce enough nurses and doctors, which is just completely utterly bewildering."
"Nurses have to look after people, whoever they are."
"Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. The goal here is not just to pass the NCLEX but to prepare you for a lifetime of nursing."
"The greatest reward of all is finally getting your license and being able to practice as a nurse and live your dreams."
"Nursing is one of the most respected professions in the whole world."
"Nursing school is the equivalent of having no life. But believe me, it is so worth it when you are working three days a week; you're going to have four days off to enjoy that with your friends and family."
"New nurses, don't feel like you have to know everything right away."
"If you're a nurse, be a human being at work. Be kind."
"I was so amazed when I saw these nurses all come together. It was the biggest patient care focus that I've ever seen in my career."
"You are not alone even if you're in the hospital by yourself in the middle of the night. You are more than enough. You deserve good healthcare from people who care about people."
"We are constantly sharing the nursing side, talking about how nurses are stretched super thin, which they absolutely are, and how hospitals take advantage of nurses, which they absolutely do."
"You really have to have that empathy and desire to aid in the healing process to be a nurse. It's something that always spoke to me."
"As a nurse, your job is to advocate for your patient whether they're awake or undergoing surgery."
"We're the patient advocate, so we want to make sure that the patient's getting the best possible care."
"She's giving a great summary of what the medication does and so great job by the nurse in that scene."
"Nursing is more holistic; it's more of viewing the person as a person rather than just a disease or an illness that needs to be cured."
"Some jobs are physically demanding, some jobs are emotionally demanding, some jobs are psychologically demanding. Nursing is all three."
"It takes a certain kind of person to be a nurse."
"Everyone needs a nurse from now and then, and everyone also understands that when you need a nurse, you need a nurse."
"One nurse, 39 patients, overnight shift. Let that sink in."
"I feel like my passion in life was being a PICU nurse."
"It's okay if you start on a med-surg floor. You just need that experience, and then you can always specialize."
"I just got into nursing school! Oh my god, oh my god."
"Nurses have a huge workload, but they must be able to handle it by being organized in their work."
"This is actually my favorite semester in nursing school."
"Dealing with body fluids, nasty things... these are going to be things that you're going to have to get over if you want to be a nurse."
"The union wants more nurses hired, fewer patients assigned each nurse, and a guarantee that nurses won't be asked to take on more than they can handle."
"I almost lost my life for you. I feel so much better, thank you Nurse Briana."
"You're in a fabulous field, nursing is a fabulous field."
"The days of Florence Nightingale, the lady with the lamp, had arrived."
"We're nurses and we learn to adapt and do whatever the best thing."
"I think he is punishing nurses now in England these nurses are now paid and the worst across the UK when you look at what's happened in Wales in Scotland and is that fair it most certainly isn't."
"Good nursing care was the single most important thing that could save your life from flu."
"RNs are the greatest. If you've ever been in a hospital and you are dying, who is the angel of mercy? The nurse."
"Nurses are some of the most wonderful people on the planet."
"The Philippines is the world's largest supplier of nurses."
"Registered nurses: highly paid, always in demand."
"There's so many new nurses or students that are getting into nursing right now that have no idea what their future might look like."
"Nurses keep the hospital running without them we would not be able to do our jobs."
"People can be complicated and nuanced, and their intentions aren't always clear-cut."
"Nursing is a very high-stakes, emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding job."
"What makes nurses appealing isn't their sexy uniform, but the fact that they're capable and compassionate."
"Being the fighter that she is, she pushed through, became a hospice nurse, and provided comfort to the terminally ill for several years."
"She thought that if she could be a nurse, and she could pay back some of the kindness and some of the consideration that had been given to her during her short lifetime, that maybe she would make her own mark, and I think she did."
"I've had a lot of nurses on my shift say, 'Wow, you know, you've only been a nurse for this long and you've already surpassed this nurse who's been a nurse for ten years.'"
"You know, they've got to be seen, and you guys all stood behind me for that. It was such a great force of nature of these incredible women." - Nurses Stand Strong
"Nursing school: the hardest thing I've ever done, but so rewarding."
"Nursing school update: halfway done and feeling accomplished."
"I accidentally fell asleep, but honestly, throughout nursing school, I've learned that happens."
"Our goal was to really highlight not only the science of Nursing but also the art of Nursing and hopefully we all can learn from this."
"A big shout out to all the nurses out there as well because earlier this week was world nurse day."
"She was a nurse, and I feel like, you know, if your husband is wounded, you're going to try to keep him alive as much as you can."
"Respect your nurses and treat them with care."
"The worst part was that she, being a former nurse, tried her best to give him CPR."
"What Clara Barton did during the American Civil War should have alone cemented her place in history as a nurse."
"Nurses see people at their most difficult, painful, and stressful moments. Sick and hurting people look to their nurse to comfort them, listen to them, and take care of them."
"Nita found herself a job as a nurse at the mount Grant General Hospital in Hawthorne those who worked with Nita described her as a hard-working and dependable employee."
"It's about the potential, and the nurse has the best potential."
"Your resume should have something like provides great teamwork with fellow nurses in helping out patients in the hospital."
"Nurses run that [expletive]. Nurses are the ones who... make everything happen."
"I think nursing is a, it's, man, it's, it matures you. You see things, you see life, you see misfortunate people, unfortunate people. It really regulates your scale of life and how lucky we really are."
"A thorough and accurate health assessment is an essential component to providing quality nursing care."
"Your labor nurse carries around a little piece of you guys in their heart every day...just because it seems like the world has forgotten they haven't."
"I thankfully learned from that experience in the ER how to be a better and more empathetic nurse."
"The most important action when you're taking the tray into the room is to make sure that the correct person is receiving the tray that they're supposed to be given based on their diet."
"The one that you're going to report that is abnormal is actually going to be this radial pulse."
"Turn the patient every two hours is the best way to protect against bed sores."
"I do love the bond that comes with nursing, it really is like no other."
"ICU nurses... specialize in critical thinking."
"Nursing as a career goes beyond bedside and clinical work."
"I'm officially a dayshift nurse now which is so crazy and wild."
"That was kind of like the main question that I wanted to answer cuz I think that's such a big part of your first year as a nurse is like learning to deal with everything that you see."
"If I had to pick one kind of trait that makes a nursing student successful, it's resourcefulness."
"Happy first day of me starting my job as a pediatric oncology nurse."
"Encourage the female patient to drink fluids and urinate often."
"Habitually ignoring the urge to defecate can lead to constipation and the accumulation of feces or fecal matter."
"Left facial paralysis so the left side of the face is drooping where do you PR place the food? Yes everybody, B. You're going to place it on the right side of the mouth."
"AC means before meals and how would that relate to a CNA? It relates because we need you to check the blood glucose level before the patient eats the meal."
"So in this video, I'm going to be demonstrating to you the Prometric testable skill makes or changes bed linen while the person is in bed."
"If the bed is in a low safe position before you actually start performing a skill, if you need to raise the height of the bed to lessen your risk for causing self-injury, you will want to do that."
"Nursing assistants are never allowed to give medications."
"Nurses are required to provide care in a way that does not cause harm to the patient."
"Nurses act as advocates for patients by explaining anything that the patient does not understand."
"Welcome to a couple days in my life as a new grad registered nurse in the emergency department."
"Foundations is really where you're going to start seeing these nursing style questions that, yes, you really need to know the background information, but if you just memorize, you're not really going to be able to apply the information."
"You seem like a kind soul. You'll be a great nurse."
"She wants to be a nurse to help everyone."
"If I were to ask you to name a famous nurse, there's a very good chance that you'd respond with the name of a 19th-century woman."
"Inspired by the horrors she had witnessed during the Crimean War, she envisaged nursing as being a way to provide better and safer care for all."
"So that's when I went to nursing school."
"So I'm a nurse and I'm an LVN, a licensed vocational nurse."
"Remote nursing is more about the job role than the setting."
"It showed us the incomparable value of nurses."
"There are quite a few potential revenue opportunities for nurses outside of the clinical environment."
"It's just about stitching together your nursing knowledge and experience with whatever you're passionate about."
"I really liked this nursing pillow, it just made nursing so much easier and more comfortable for me."
"Your life is also important. You can't expect to pour into your patients if you're not the best version of yourself."
"But if you are a registered nurse, then you're a nurse and there is nothing that makes you more or less of a nurse from the job that you do, yeah period end of sentence."
"If you are burnt out, that's okay. You are not any less of a nurse."
"With a little determination, anything is possible. Just look at me. I'm a nurse and I'm remodeling houses and installing beautiful floors."
"You cannot be a nurse and walk away at the end of a shift and not have it affect you."
"I'm so excited to bring you guys along this nursing journey."
"Always remember to assess the situation first. That's the first basic thing that we learn in nursing before we do any sort of interventions."
"so when I was shadowing these young nurses I was like dang like I don't see a lot of positivity I don't see them ever talking about the positive Parts about their job so that's when I started sharing my nursing school Journey on social media."
"When I first started out during the pandemic, I was probably making $33, $34 an hour as a staff nurse."
"Hey future nurse, enjoy your happy mail. If this doesn't brighten your day, I don't know what will."
"Nurses for too long have been relegated to a stereotype of this female in starched whites with the hat either maternal or sex object Madonna."
"Your primary role as a nursing assistant is not firefighting, but rather providing quality healthcare."
"When I found out how much nurses get paid here it's mad B."
"Maintaining a professional attitude requires effort, but with practice, you'll become consistently professional in attitude, in behavior, and in your skill as a nursing assistant."
"After turning and repositioning the client, the nurse aide made sure that the signal device was within reach."
"He would make an amazing nurse or doctor because he was my best caregiver when I was sick."
"Nursing school does not prepare you how to be a nurse, just prepares you how to pass the NCLEX."
"...I think you can have the best of both worlds by becoming a nurse practitioner. You're almost, by the sounds of it, you're sticking with nursing school and you go a little further and become a nurse practitioner and you are in the same role as a doctor."
"The floor I worked on was the cardiac unit which often received overflow patients from the ER and other areas."
"I've been through a lot as a nurse, but that was like going into war."
"Women well-born and delicately nurtured nurse the wounded soldiers in hospitals before it became fashionable to do so."
"She increased the reputation of nurses she even opened the first nursing hospital it's st. Thomas's Hospital."
"Power to every nurse that we turn to in our times of need."
"Florence Nightingale is one of the most beloved figures of British history."
"She's generally considered the founder of modern nursing."
"Here in the heart of London tucked behind St Thomas's Hospital is an extraordinary museum dedicated to the lady with the lamp."
"...she completely revolutionized nursing and a lot of the things nurses use today especially during the pandemic stem from Florence's writing and research."
"...nursing was now a profession, and more to the point, it was a profession the ladies, people of status, could enter and actually have their own money, actually have their own existence."
"And if it weren't for Travel Nursing and... paying off all our debt we wouldn't be able to do what we're doing now."
"It wasn't about pay. It was about supporting nurses once they qualified to be upskilled to learn more and to train more so we put a thousand pound training budget for every nurse and midwife."
"This was a game changer for me. I actually considered giving up nursing after the first two weeks because it was a struggle. Obviously, Baby Sunny had a tongue tie and everything as well, so it was just not a good start. But this actually really, really helped."
"You are now a nurse [ __ ] knighted bro. Independent Registries."
"Paying nurses what they're worth improves patient outcomes."
"You're going to be amazing. Good luck on your nursing journey."
"Day in the life of an aesthetic registered nurse, I showed them that it's a whole bunch of nothing and then some facial balancing and botox."
"I'm a nurse injector now injecting the Botox and the filler."
"By taking this action, I ensured high-quality patient care was delivered, and my nursing colleague obtained the support she needed."
"Being flexible is a key skill for an ER nurse."
"Effective communication is essential in emergency department."
"Nurses are superheroes and now you want to be part of the superhero team."
"I want you guys to get over this hump. We need y'all in nursing right now because the shortage just got shorter."
"If you find the nursing specialty that suits you, yes, it can be fulfilling."
"Your nursing license is the next Ministry field and it's the greatest Ministry field because you literally will be committed to it."
"Congratulations to Nurse Caroline. I passed my RN inlex NextGen on October 16th."
"If you feel like it's easy, go for it. Get that nursing license. We're all cheering you on."
"Nurses are the heartbeat of any strong hospital, and their job is to love people back to life. Can you imagine having that be your job?"
"When you become a nurse, you will be able to work when you want to and take some breaks when you want to."
"Nursing care involves monitoring symptoms and educating patients."
"The NCLEX virtual trainer is the best training system for nursing students who need to pass the exam."
"I'm a nurse, an oncology nurse, so like let's say that somebody from outside the healthcare field came to you and they were like Cassandra, I fractured my toe."
"As a nurse, you are going to be assessing their symptoms."
"...Swift and decisive action is necessary to protect patients, maintain public trust, and uphold the integrity of the nursing profession."
"...the nursing profession is founded on principles of care, compassion, and integrity."
"Don't forget, nurses get taxed too, so I promise you we are not millionaires."
"Nurses get taxed too, so I promise you we are not millionaires."
"The amount of charting compared to when I was an ER nurse is like quadruple the amount. Honestly, even more than that."
"The charting is ridiculous, like, oh my goodness, there is so much charting in inpatient nursing."
"But the charting is like one of the biggest things that I had the most difficulty with, starting, is just managing, like, 'Okay, not only do I have to do all these tasks, but I also have to chart every little thing that I do.'"
"Nurses need to really know their team and their team members' individual strengths and skill sets."
"Being a new nurse is really, really hard. So give yourself a break, cut yourself some slack."
"Do I regret going into nursing? Honestly, I do not regret going into nursing."
"Option A is correct; it is crucial to prioritize the verification of the NG tube placement before proceeding with any other measures."
"I truly believe that's where you get the best experience in the workforce. Nursing school does prepare you but you get the best experience when you're actually working."
"Become the nurse that God created only you to befriend."
"I think nursing, especially in a hospital setting, is a lot like medicine...we focus so much in our own little bubble."
"Nursing is life and life is nursing, and when you learn nursing process, you apply it to your own life. You're using that nursing process with all kinds of problem-solving in your life."
"Review it again. Have faith, and you will really, really learn how to solve dosage calculation."
"Yes, learn it. Do the best you can to learn it not only for the NCLEX but for real-life nursing scenarios because you might use this someday."
"Hydration. So many nurses get UTIs, they're dehydrated because we try to put our patients first."
"Increasing the client's fluid intake, that's such a nice beautiful thing for nurses to do for patients."
"Nursing looks at illness in a different way."
"Nurses just naturally touch our patients appropriately of course, but this is just something that comes naturally to us and it's a really important part of healing."
"There's not really a nursing shortage, we're just short on treating nurses like humans."
"Nothing can replace what you bring to the table. When you become a nurse, you are the table."
"Nursing assistants do very important work."
"Administering IV fluids is it going to help my patient with this condition? Yes or no. If the answer is yes, go ahead and do it. You have the right order."
"In order to aid in decreasing edema, the patient should be placed in a semi-fowlers position with legs above the level of the heart."
"'Tina loved the nursing field. She loved helping people. Anybody she could help, she did. She had no self-esteem left till after she left him. Tina's new boyfriend, Robert Miller, was apparently providing a refreshing change from her controlling ex-husband."
"Nursing is an important profession."
"There is so much you can do with nursing."
"This is my go-to on the unit. I do not get report, I do not change into my OR scrubs, I don't do anything without this fanny pack."
"Overall, I hope this video can cater to you in a way that it can make your transition a tab is smoother and just help you become organized as you step foot into either the travel nursing world or even a new grad nurse."
"I really love my job and I just want to encourage anybody out there that is even considering looking into anesthesia and becoming a certified registered nurse anesthetist, go for it, you will not be sorry."
"Even if you don't have an idea for a business, if you're looking to get started as a nurse entrepreneur and you want to put it in drive and make something happen, hop on into my group coaching."
"Critical thinking is this really big scary word, I think sometimes in the nursing profession, and we use really high level definitions to describe it, but the reality is you use critical thinking every day when you make decisions, even in your personal life."
"Nurses who think critically ask a couple of questions: What do I know about this situation? What could be causing this patient's pain?"
"Reflection is important. This will not be the last patient with an abdominal surgery who's in pain that Tanya ever takes care of."
"Nursing is not just about having a secure job and making decent money. It's about changing people's lives and saving lives."
"Ethical behavior in nursing is not just a choice, it's a necessity. Documenting tasks falsely or neglecting sterile technique can have severe consequences."
"...so I have Simple Nursing but I understand that everyone's budget does not allow for that so I will just say that there are a lot of videos on YouTube that are the same quality if not better as Simple Nursing that you don't have to pay for."
"I think now when I became a nurse, that was kind of put in the back of my, I think it was always there but I didn't know consciously that I was becoming, that I was pulled into bereavement, perinatal bereavement nursing for that reason."
"Elle wants to go to nursing school so she can pursue her dream to be a nurse."
"She nursed him back to health; he paid her back by coming clean about how he felt, and it's not what you think."
"I put on my best professional smile and said hi I'm nurse Tasha I'll be taking care of you today."
"Florence Nightingale emerged as a hero."
"...the heroine spent several days in bed and Amber carefully looked after her..."
"You're never gonna learn how to be a nurse until you're out there doing the nursing job."
"That guy doesn't determine my self-worth. I'm still a good nurse even if he's a bully and even if I am still a learning nurse."
"Yes, I love being a pediatric nurse. I love playing with the kids, I love handing out prizes or even Christmas."
"Nurses are freaking incredible, they do so much, have a tremendous amount of impact, and are a huge reason why any healthcare organization functions at all."
"I've been a labor nurse for about nine months and I want to talk to you guys about what things have really made a difference for me that I kind of had to learn on my own."
"Communication is a huge part of the nursing process."
"A lot of creativity in our interventions with psych nursing."
"I worked as a travel nurse, okay, and made pretty good money before I had my daughter."