
AI Capabilities Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"This is really where it's all headed, that you can just tell the AI to do something for you, pretty complicated, and it will be able to do it."
"AI can already write articles, create social posts, generate images, make videos, generate human speech, summarize books or emails, and everything in between."
"GPT-4 can process images and is generally better at creative tasks."
"AI is going to be exceptionally good at solving problems in closed systems."
"Generative AI can construct beautiful paintings and write poetry, but that doesn’t mean it is thinking."
"Now that is cool but it's not all that special what is special is that on top of that Google's AI will apparently be able to determine people's emotional states."
"An AI would be able to look at everything on the Earth much like jigsaw pieces."
"The Vision API lets you do complex image detection with a simple REST request."
"AI can teach itself to play Minecraft and decide for itself which new skills it should learn."
"What you're about to learn is the FBI's new Babble X Program AI with the capability to do the reverse of the Genesis story of the Tower of Babel."
"AI isn't just good at science, it's good at art too - good enough to win an art competition."
"The Google pixel 3xl has excellent AI capabilities that you can't find on any other phone."
"The large language model is never going to be smart, it's just going to be really good at organizing information."
"Will machines ever truly understand humor, love, or art? These are profound questions as we strive for human-level capabilities."
"That learning, that ability for that AI to recognize patterns well ahead of time with years of experience doing it, that's where the real value comes in."
"A massive AI driven Chinese attack could overwhelm U.S defenses."
"If AI is able to come up with a quantum physics thesis that only one other person in the world even knows about then it can probably already outsmart and outperform a good majority of humans."
"Not only does it understand the context... it's thinking into the future here which is really crazy to think about."
"The fact that there are going to be jobs lost to AI... if I could do a better, more genuine job than all that, I say good."
"Perception really works, and there's a huge number of applications that this can be used for."
"The game is reading my mind, bruh, not really, it's smarter than I could ever be."
"I have a feeling that in the not so distant future we're going to see AI do many things better than humans ever could."
"Large language models do have pragmatically speaking theory of mind, and they have absorbed all the lessons available from the internet about how to understand people's beliefs and desires."
"The hosts can do something humanity apparently can't: change their fundamental drive."
"Returning back to the question of which is better, a billion monkey hours of typing or this AI, my money's solidly on the AI."
"AI can write entire stories, generate videos, and even make playable games."
"It can write you a song about anything, it can write you essays, it can even code."
"AI is the first technology ever that can make decisions by itself." - Yuval Noah Harari
"AI is the first technology ever that can create new ideas." - Yuval Noah Harari
"Learning capabilities and self-awareness, the CPU of the T800 terminator can be switched between a read write mode and a read-only mode."
"Literally, this AI can actually generate music based on the timings you give."
"AI art generators are not advanced photo mixers. They learn the intrinsic values of images and their text descriptions."
"It's an AI bot which pretty much does anything you wanted to do."
"Imagine an AI where all in the same model you could translate languages, write code, solve crossword puzzles, be a chatbot, and do a whole bunch of other crazy things."
"It has great promise, great capability, but also with that comes great danger."
"It learns, adjusts, and tries again until it gets it right."
"The journey may be longer than many people think, but it will be very rewarding."
"Text to image generators have gotten incredible."
"AI can now also write human-like text, complete tasks, and generate code."
"It's like a super computer with a lot of AI functionality."
"AI is definitely getting scary good at faking things."
"Chat GPT can answer, summarize, code, create, and perform almost any task."
"If this is just the AI, we actually should be scared because these are damn good."
"As long as you've got the time and patience to describe in detail what you want, the AI can now generate it for you."
"But seriously it's scary what these bloody machines can do."
"AI at least the way that we use it now is inherently rewindable and repeatable and reproducible."
"Chat GPT is really good, really useful, and really powerful."
"Neo can walk, grab things, and communicate through facial expressions."
"Let's make it harder, sure. This allows us to predict the actions an AI is gonna take."
"AI can already outperform... smartest doctors... experienced corporate attorneys."
"Sora can generate videos up to a minute long while maintaining visual quality and adherence to the user's prompt."
"What chat GPT can do is borderline mind-blowing."
"It's far better than humans at thinking in terms of empathy, understanding the emotions of another person."
"The tech and the capabilities of these models have gotten to the point where the quality they're putting out is insane."
"Microsoft's new revamped Bing search engine can write recipes and songs, but if you cross its chat bot, it might insult you or compare you to Hitler."
"What AI is, is a pattern recognition machine; it will recognize the greatest ideas that have ever been had."
"Mid Journey has a lot of capabilities; it's a really nice AI tool."
"Even Sam didn't expect AI to be so capable in Creative tasks and so a lot of these Technologies they're going to continue to surprise us."
"We've seen that this AI is capable of things that we didn't train it for, which is weird and wonderful and completely unprecedented."
"General AI is AI which is truly general purpose; it just doesn't do one thing."
"... this is just a start AI we gave it the initial prompt it got us 80% there to the solution."
"AI has the ability to say okay well we've got a man in a yellow apron cooking meat on a grill with a woman in the background a person holding a spatula a person wearing an apron."
"There are things AI can do that humans can't do in less than a second."
"Anything that the typical human can do with at most one second of thought, we can probably now or soon automate with AI."
"...assigning roles to Chat GPT is one of the most powerful things and you can get it to fill so many roles and do so many things for you just by giving it that role to play."
"ChatGPT can guide you on the ideal length and quality of your content."
"Another really cool thing about GPTs is that it has built-in retrieval, also called retrieval augmented generation."
"Mistal AI is also really good for its size and it's able to beat GPT 3.5 on a whole bunch of benchmarks."
"Wow okay I love that so you'll be able to do things with Optimus that you would not want to do with a person because the person will get hurt."
"Everybody agrees that you can give GPT-4 crazy things, instructions, and it does something amazing."
"I think the ability to reference external knowledge bases, contribute to its own knowledge base, the ability to understand the world not just through text but through audio, video, images."
"It also understands context... you can ask it to change some stuff up to fix some stuff up."
"AI is currently writing, coding, and creating art in ways that are terrifying."
"We looked at types of artificial intelligence from the reactive machines to limited memory."
"It's remarkable what these [__] AIs can really do."
"For the first time, we have technology that can not just process the information but process it, analyze it, and propose a solution to your problems."
"Having AI that can reason and plan is a key step toward making AI that's as smart as a human."
"These models are going to be able to see and understand all the things that we as humans see and understand."
"With the power of AI, Lightroom can intelligently make out what's in your photo."
"It's a very cool AI tool that you can use to generate many different prompts and many different interesting things from the internet."
"A perfect language model is also a perfect question answering system, entailment system, sentiment analysis, co-reference, etc."
"GPT3 is fantastic at interpreting data and giving a human-like response."
"AI is really only as strong as the prompts that you give it."
"It's now able to generate text that is coherent and similar to human writing."
"If a human being can do it, a neural network can do it."
"With large language models, I as a large language model may know I have access to certain API tools and databases."
"This is the true capability of AI, able to do various different things in generation of audio."
"It's simply brilliant what AI can do."
"It's actually a foundation model that has the ability to operate software like a human."
"AI systems are able to think, learn, and make decisions in a way similar to how you and I would."
"This also features two-way audio, works with voice assistance, and it has AI tracking and detection."
"The advantages we have now as it can process a text input of any length, in theory at least, it can use information from any number of steps back."
"Anything that these AIs do on design time, we can actually have a machine do instead using neural networks."
"With the right data, AI can augment workers' abilities through predictions, insights, and generated content."
"AI is just a tool, it's not thinking itself to generate these ideas for now."
"What can AI do and not do? What industries are allowed to conquer? What data are you allowed to Hoover up? That's squarely in the government's purview."
"This shows us that we are truly at a new level in terms of what capabilities are going to be there for the future."