
Consumer Perspective Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"This channel is different because I'm not here to sugarcoat it. I didn't get this sent to me by Apple; it came out of my money, my pocket. This is a complete real opinion."
"Falling prices for food on the shelves is good news for consumers, actually it could represent really bad news in the long term."
"I want to look at how we as consumers of media decide whether things sound, look, or feel realistic."
"Nobody likes inflation. Nobody wants to pay higher prices for anything, really."
"Epic Game Store exclusivity remains among the most hotly debated topics amongst games industry enthusiasts."
"The presentation was titled 'Let's Go Whaling' was pretty telling of its contents and of how it dehumanizes consumers as cattle to be milked or prey to be hunted."
"From the consumer standpoint, on its face, the model sounds like a great deal."
"For $1.99 it beats a Pringles can, am I right?"
"The only thing that matters in the world is goods and services."
"Everything's cheaper, that's a good thing right?"
"The price is right, y'all heard me say it earlier."
"Resale value is not a big deal in the luxury category."
"It's a video game, it's not like [] life-saving medicine or some []. I can live without playing a video game for a couple of months."
"That was worth it for me. I paid ten bucks for that. That made me feel like a kid. Some people go, 'That's not enough for me.'"
"Seems like another one of these, like, 'what am I getting?' It's a bit of a gamble."
"Spare a thought for the people who pay for these pixels."
"The price is a little tgh, personally, I think this phone should have been 800 bucks, not 900 bucks."
"So you can actually go anywhere you want in the greater solar system."
"Video games are worth the asking price because of the amount of entertainment you're getting out of them."
"I think the price is amazing for what it offers."
"At the end of the day, we're paying our money to be entertained."
"This promo overall, I think, has not been a bad promo at all."
"The only thing that matters to me is that brands are trying."
"You are not their customer you are their product."
"Spin-offs in a large franchise can go one of two ways: they can be useless garbage made to profit off of the name..."
"Consumer skepticism about the long-term value in driving a gasoline car."
"It's interesting you bring that up of like the apples to apples comparison. I think you said it so well, Paris, it's like I think we look at these and we just go tick for tat right of like they got that why don't I get this."
"I think a lot of people may be expecting prices to have doubled but in reality they're pretty stable..."
"Consumers expect inflation to rise 4.9% over the next year, the highest since 2008."
"I'm just not seeing how this is worth nearly triple the price."
"From a consumer standpoint, currently there won't likely be a huge impact."
"You know how much this costs right? Too much."
"People shouldn't be so worked up over whether or not something is defined as a remake."
"An awesome product you can never buy is not that awesome, right?"
"This is the most terrifying, and also the most affordable, which is even more terrifying."
"I don't know if that's inflated, but based on how easy this is, it's mind-blowing."
"If I were not a YouTuber, I would probably buy this pack just for the world."
"If you went into this game with a certain expectation of liking it, what the [ __ ] is wrong with you? Nobody came into this thinking it was Fallout 5."
"I think if I'm paying 1200 bucks for a graphics card, I think I would be looking for a 60 plus fps experience here in Cyberbug."
"But I really like the F-150 and the Ford F-150 in the United States, of course, is regarded as a half-ton pickup, which is small. There's nothing small about it, folks."
"Let's look at this as 1,500 bucks. It's worth every penny."
"Refreshing to see a company even if it's from China."
"If there's a gas pump with little dollar signs going down I'm like dude everything's fine."
"For $400, you get a lot of what's important." - Highlighting the value for money aspect of the phone.
"The price point at 200 what you get out of it I think lines up really really well."
"I think this will be gimmicky for the first generation."
"It's not absolutely identical to the new, but I don't really think it matters."
"Is it amazing overall? Yeah, but is it perfect? Right not really."
"If you can afford a $1500 card but that's it and you have a $300 card that's all you could afford, the problem is just as big to the $300 guy as the $1500 guy."
"That does it. That's my thoughts on Dollar Tree 2022."
"It's such a good deal that you'll wish the quarantine lasted longer."
"The rate at which Konami introduces new stuff is exhausting as someone who's only casual."
"You deserve this break, this spontaneity, this happy place."
"They do a good job. I just don't really see the value in that kind of money for something that I'm definitely gonna destroy."
"At the end of the day, we're still going to these Parks every day but we know they're not perfect."
"I just played video games for a living. I don't design them, but I know what I like."
"With the noise considered as the biggest con I think all things considered in my opinion the three blade is the best balance of everything."
"Every product is, you know, this product's not for me but someone else might find it useful."
"That seems like a brilliant, really good deal."
"For 55 grand, does it feel that premium? They're all right up there."
"If it ends up supporting a full Linux distro I'm probably buying one."
"There's a decent amount of content for the price."
"This retails for ninety dollars Canadian which is one of the most expensive primers that I have ever witnessed."
"High prices are okay when you get what you pay for."
"It'd be nice if they could bring that cost down a little bit, that would certainly be better."
"When I say affordable... I mean you're not spending thousands upon thousands of dollars."
"It's kind of crazy in 2020 that we can buy something this quality for 320 bucks."
"The annual membership is a game changer, you will never look at your other makeup the same ever again."
"Depending on who's putting it back together, it's a good car or a bad car."
"I'm just going into it thinking it's gonna be like a Model 3 with some more space in the hatchback."
"People expect prices to keep climbing higher."
"This is worth the hype, this is worth the money."
"If you can entertain me with stick figures, I will pay for it. If you can entertain me with really elaborate drawings, I will pay for that too, like most people will."
"People are asking more than what it's worth. Like, I'm looking for a treadmill, and they're asking more than what it's worth new."
"It's being sold to us, I feel sold too, and you know what? I feel sold to but I don't feel like it was a bad purchase that I made."
"Enjoy the car, don't get stressed out and don't let alarmist stories stop you from buying one."
"It's that good, it's that powerful, it's that effective."
"If I get two or three hours of entertainment out of it, I feel like, well, that's 90 well spent."
"Walmart comes in established well-known brand trips over itself chops the system shatters everywhere and then picks it up and sells it to you."
"Some of the best single-player games are $60 games at the end of the day."
"I had a lot of hits more than misses which is always great in a first impressions video."
"Games are the best value per dollar that you spend."
"Kinda makes sense why it's so expensive, which is a thing I thought I would never say about bottled water."
"It looked like the same hamburger and just like a different wrapper."
"We have to fight, fight, fight... to make sure that Joe does win."
"Price of beef jerky: 11 bucks for dried up meat? Unthinkable, unbelievable."
"Very well priced compared to what else is available from other retailers."
"Give me a good experience, and I don't give two squirts of piss whether it's as good as another movie."
"I've always thought that that might have been a marketing ploy."
"I'm struggling to find some downsides... people are paying like 1500 1600 for this card and we're getting ridiculous designs."
"I feel like this phone is really a $400 camera with a phone attached."
"At 900 the 40 70 chart is Dead on Arrival for just a hundred dollars."
"When others weren't thinking through that lens of consumer... that's where we would win often."
"We as consumers have to change the narrative that this is what you expect from an RV."
"I genuinely believe that if you're buying a kit, you should look at it like you would look a member of staff."
"...you really are getting value for money with this TV..."
"Harry's founders were two regular guys, all getting tired of being ripped off and paying for overpriced gimmicks."
"I hope you lose all your money because if I don't have to pay you a subscription fee to like be a fan and then you make a movie that cost way too much, no one asked for and came out only for like three weeks then what am I supposed to think?"
"When I saw this the first thing when I popped it open and I kind of just at face value saw how good it was that was the first thing I thought I thought this is going to put pressure on the market and that's not a bad thing for us the consumers."
"...it makes it truly feel like a more unique shoe."
"$50,000 if you try to resell your cyber truck in the first year. That's for the people, man."
"I'm actually pretty surprised that it at this price point of $29.99 comes with an actual another key. They could have very easily just had this be a Warthog for $29.99 and I would have still paid for that, no problem."
"The fact that they expanded on them, some people might see it as 'I already bought that one and now I have to buy these ones.' I see opportunities."
"I can't imagine anything being a better value."
"People's expectations are for continuous improvement."
"There's just such good value for money."
"It's pretty incredible what you're getting for the money."
"Think of yourself from the perspective of the consumer."
"It's not just about selling scopes to us."
"It's almost like, why wouldn't you have one?"
"It's nice seeing the brand trying something new, even if it's expensive."
"It's not about what you think is important, it's about what the consumer thinks is important."
"I'm always a consumer in my mind, and that's what's really allowed me to have a successful career."
"It's actually bigger than I thought, which is good, so you get a better value for the money you pay."
"Packaging doesn't make a huge difference to me as a buyer but I have to admit, I do appreciate when brands put in the work."
"I'm a consumer at the end of the day."
"Those who write docs for an API through the eyes of a consumer will find quality problems."
"The expectations are quite high and you would want this to be as good as possible for what you're paying."
"Put yourself in the consumer or the end user's shoes."
"Channeling their inner consumer and seeing it from a typical gamer's perspective."
"I want to try to take that Jackson Kayak hat off and give you an honest review of the Coosa X as if I was a consumer buying this boat at full retail."
"When you see how a company treats the influencer or the content creator, that should also show a little bit how they're going to treat you as a consumer."
"This makes Apple's repair option look horrible to the consumer."