
Personal Greatness Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Greatness is contributing your little bit to the world."
"I'm talking about the kind of greatness that attracts heaven's resources because I'm trying to do something that's bigger than me."
"Creating authentic power brings you into a life of greatness."
"Greatness is an individual measure, and it's something that you should establish for yourself."
"Greatness isn't running 200 miles at a time or doing 4,000 pull-ups or being a SEAL. Greatness is whatever the hell you've dreamed of in your own mind."
"Greatness to me is... getting up every single day and going after it."
"Greatness lies in the man that believes it's in them."
"I feel like the greatest... no one will ever stop me no one can stop me."
"In order to achieve your greatness, you've got to be willing to look ridiculous."
"To be great is not to rule others, but to rule oneself."
"You have what it takes; your greatness comes from within."
"You are designed for accomplishments, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness."
"When you're not accountable, you blame everybody else."
"If you want to live the life of greatness, you need to be comfortable making different choices than what other people expect."
"From a troubling childhood, he will come out there and put us in the corner and put our hands up to Greatness."
"You become great when you do things for other people."
"Walk tall, hold your head high, change the world. You are meant to do great things."
"You were born to do something great in your life."
"Embrace the awakening of your greatness and allow your inner light to shine even brighter."
"There are no extra people on the planet today. The very fact that you are alive means you are built for your own unique original form of greatness."
"Your hater is your best guide for actual greatness."
"Greatness is in all of us, and all that is required to unleash that greatness is freedom."
"We're all born with greatness; you earn greatness."
"Our greatness will be measured by our response to adversity."
"Your personal greatness lies in how well you do these small things."
"The accomplishments don’t make Floyd or Manny great, it’s the other way around - the fact that they were both great enabled them to achieve these amazing things."
"You are so greater than whatever the greatness is that you're doing."
"When you step into your greatness, confidently push forward to achieve what you want in life."
"The truth is nobody's stopping you from being great."
"Being great is not just winning all the time. Being great is like overcoming adversity."
"You're a masterpiece because you are a piece of the master so surround yourself with people who gonna see that greatness inside of you."
"You cannot rise into your greatness if you don't have people around you that are supporting you."
"My definition of greatness is you know of all-time shocking the world making people think that surprising everybody and doing something that everybody thought you couldn't do..."
"You are destined for success, or you're destined for greatness."
"From the ashes I will rise, because my greatness is burning within me stronger than ever."
"Greatness is doing what you love every single day."
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth."
"My definition of greatness is being able to get back up."
"My definition of greatness is not comparing yourself to others and just being the best to your ability."
"What is greatness? Exceeding normalcy and being the top of the pyramid for that situation."
"It's time to make the plan to manifest your greatness, and that plan has to involve joy."
"Revitalize the foundation of your life by setting intentions to manifest greatness in your home, family, and relationships."
"You've never needed anyone else's permission to tap into your greatness."
"I'm going to keep telling you wherever God puts you at, you're going to be great."
"I think we're all trying to move ourselves back into that greatness."
"Be great rise to the call rise to the mantle for which you were placed in this world."
"To achieve greatness, you must first believe you can."
"And ascend to levels of greatness where your name would be in history books for decades to come or generations to come it would be always do the emotionally difficult thing."
"I think people that are destined for greatness have it in them but they don't know and I think it may take somebody to get it out of them."
"Greatness is on the other side of suffering."
"That's often the difference between great people and people who just live long lives: great people strive to achieve something that seems almost unachievable."
"The definition of greatness is what you've done for others."
"For legends to be forged, it often takes a special kind of person to look at a challenge in a way never before seen, to take the road less traveled and become something truly great in the process."
"I always knew I was destined for greatness I believe I can be great too."
"They became great men because of their supernormal beliefs." - Narrator
"And hey man, no that's real though bro, I see nothing but greatness ahead of you, man. Thank you Robert."
"My definition of greatness is be kind and work hard and stick with your beliefs, surround yourself with good people, communicate your mission, give as much as you receive, in fact, give more than you receive."
"Life is not a competition. Everybody can be great and everybody can work together."
"Small milliseconds where there is greatness fighting to come out."
"You know they say, when you're good you self-proclaim and when you're great others Proclaim for you."
"His greatness is a different greatness, he understands who is doing what at what time."
"you are the true heir to all the greatness and glory in the universe."
"You are a magnificent being that has no concept of your amazement."
"You are a mass of pure energy, and you can experience greatness."
"You are everything. You are the solution. You are the all-powerful, and you are pure, unadulterated, unabashed, unembarrassed, plain pure perfect love."
"My formula for greatness in a human being is Amor Fati."
"People will try to trick you out of greatness."
"Lord, I walk into my greatness in Jesus Christ, perform signs and wonders in my life."
"You are far greater than anything you could ever imagine."
"Let the call of God come into your life, hear it, surrender to it, and it'll make you like him, it'll make you great, it'll qualify you."
"The indication of our greatness is the elevation of those around us."
"One of my biggest sports heroes, Kobe Bryant, said, 'I just want to inspire people to be their greatest, whatever their greatest is'."
"Sometimes greatness is revealed by times of struggle, but it is also made clear in the day-to-day."
"Being a legend means exceeding every expectation."
"If you're going to prove to the world you're so great, you better be great at home too."
"I am committed to bringing forth my greatness; I will no longer play small."
"You can be as great as you want to be, but you can't predict everything."
"And I just want you to know that you are absolutely awesome."
"Believe me, it takes a great man and one who has risen far above human weaknesses not to allow any of his time to be filched from him."
"We are immeasurably greater than what we thought we were."
"Condemnation says you lied, you're a liar. Conviction says you're way too awesome to be acting like that."
"I'm not here to prove anything to anybody. I'm here to be one and whole with my own greatness."
"You are now witnessing greatness."
"The finish line is not just a destination; it's the beginning of a new journey towards greatness."
"I am awesome. I think you were so awesome."
"Coming back from the brink of destruction always shows greatness."
"Healing past pain, I believe, is greatness."
"Greatness comes with a price, and sometimes God will send you through some stuff before you reach your destination."
"Being able to bounce back from adversity also makes you great."
"Every person has within them a seed of greatness."
"Many are on the cusp of their greatness, all they have to do is believe."
"Even if other people don't understand, I know how great you are."
"That's what you've got to do in order to be great, I guess. Just be the best version of yourself."
"Welcome to Greatness, it was made for you."
"When you have limitations and you understand your limitations and you stay within yourself, you can be great."
"Everyone in the world was great in his own way and everyone in proportion to the greatness of that which he loved."
"We should see all the options and pick the ones that work the best for our joy and facilitate our greatness."
"If you don't know how to be great by yourself, it's going to be hard for you to pull the greatness out of other people."
"You don't need anybody else; do your own thing and be great."
"Every day, be great. It's not comparing yourself to anybody else but maximize what you are as a person, as a player."
"I am absolutely amazing. Thank you for that great introduction."
"The universe is pushing you to dissolve anything and everything that's standing in the path of your greatness."