
Gaming Legacy Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"It will go down in history as one of the greatest games ever made."
"Super Mario 64 may be over 25 years old, but it is more than just a game in the modern day."
"Super Mario Odyssey would be the first 3D Mario game to truly get in touch with what made Super Mario 64 so legendary."
"Xband's legacy can still be seen today in services like Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network."
"The emblematic Dark Souls carved out a masterful adventure."
"Red Dead Redemption - will have a lasting impact on this whole gaming industry like its predecessor did years ago."
"Crash is probably one of the most long-lasting franchises to come out of the 90s."
"The game is argued by many to be the greatest game in the Super Nintendo's library."
"The legacy of Metal Gear is exemplary when it comes to pure quality."
"Max Payne's absence from the current realm of Triple A games is sad, but when one evaluates what the series managed to accomplish while it was alive, it's hard not to be appreciative of how it went out."
"The foundation for what will become the combat system of Dark Souls."
"Spies vs mercs: the legacy lives on as one of the only places where an infamously hilariously single-player style experience transfers over to multiplayer."
"Gran Turismo 3 helped start the system's legacy..."
"The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time are ones that will never fade, a legend and more than just a name, and an adventure that's most certainly timeless."
"Opposing Force has left a huge legacy in the Half-Life community."
"The Legacy left by panenkoic and the a button challenge cannot be overstated."
"Silent Hill 2 is one of those games with a fabled reputation, a title that's been dissected and picked apart for 20 years."
"Final Fantasy 7 has earned its spot in history."
"Ocarina of Time is widely regarded as one of the best and most influential 3D games ever made."
"Construct's legacy: a journey through gaming history, worth every moment."
"Sonic Generations was a celebration of the legacy and a confident outlook on the future."
"It began as a simple solution to use up monitors but 30 years after its debut Punch-out continues to be in the hearts and minds of those who played it."
"The Mario Kart series is a pillar of gaming."
"Years later SpecOps really does hold up and will always be a game that not everyone will praise but everyone should play."
"Left 4 Dead has continued to be a unique experience in a myriad of games that tried to live up to its legacy and none have quite reached it."
"The Legend of Zelda is without doubt one of the most celebrated and influential franchises in gaming history."
"Banjo-Kazooie is still considered to be one of the best 3D platformers of all time."
"Legend of Zelda is one of the most prominent video game franchises ever."
"Starmie is unquestionably one of the greatest Pokemon of all time."
"Love it or hate it, it's kind of hard to deny the stain power the Metal Gear Solid series has had on the gaming industry."
"It's amazing how well it still holds up today."
"They're an iconic part of Dungeons and Dragons and will continue to be so for years to come."
"It was the beginning of a saga that saw Faker transform from a young prodigy into a champion and in turn the greatest player to ever touch the game."
"The influence of the PSP is still felt to this day."
"Halo still deserves its place among the FPS greats."
"Modern Warfare 2 words that apart don't mean a whole lot but together are legendary."
"Max Payne wasn't just acclaimed by players and critics at the time, it's attested to this day as one of the greats."
"The legacy of the Chrono series has stayed in the hearts of fans for many years."
"The Runescape franchise would span over 21 years of run time and eclipse over a billion dollars in revenue, leaving an everlasting legacy."
"Age of Empires 4: Relic's worthy successor to a classic franchise."
"To most, this is the real Legacy of Quake 1 and especially its modding Scene."
"Resident Evil 4 is one of the most influential games of the current Millennium, no pressure or anything."
"Resident Evil 4 is still held up as one of the greatest games ever to this day."
"The motifs established in this game continued on throughout every single zelda game to come."
"If we never get a dedicated handheld console from Nintendo again then we can confidently say that the portable Mario Party games is one a hell of a five game long roller coaster of a sub series."
"The legacy of portable Mario party games is absolutely wild."
"DMC 1 is a true classic, but some of the later games like DMC 3 are just legendary."
"F-Zero X managed to maintain nearly every aspect that made the series so great in the first place, all the while making the transition to 3D with ease."
"Some of the most successful, beloved, and critically acclaimed games of all time aren't part of that subgenre... thanks to Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night."
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time—the best ninja turtles game of all time."
"Doom fathered an entire generation of FPS babies. Doom made the womb go boom."
"Left 4 Dead 1... a time capsule untouched by updates... responsible for not one but two of the greatest video games of all time."
"Blizzard in the 2000s and in the 90s was synonymous with industry defining games."
"Donkey Kong Country 2 has the greatest soundtrack in video game history."
"Quake 2's Super Shotgun lives up to the family legacy."
"Elden Ring takes the shards of what came before and forges them into something that will go down in history as one of the all-time greats."
"Games like this never age even when the graphics do because it's simply a tried and tested formula that's never been done better."
"That game is still one of the most beloved titles of all time."
"Ocarina of Time, one of the greatest of all time."
"Double Dash has managed to stand the test of time."
"When it comes to multiplayer shooters, I don't think anything has aged as well as Halo 3."
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for halo and its powerful impact on gaming."
"It's great to feel their respect for legacy; it's even better to experience how they've improved upon it."
"Street Fighter 2's influence cannot be overstated."
"Minecraft... the game that has truly stood the test of time."
"Without this one's success we never would have gotten Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 9, Final Fantasy 10, 11, 12, 8, 13..."
"One way or another, what is most important about Silent Hill though is the legacy it left behind."
"Portal's legacy: An influential and beloved masterpiece in gaming history."
"Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Nintendo Wii... packaged along with Prime 2 and Prime 3... still one of the most top-rated titles of all time."
"This 30th anniversary is a celebration of so much more than a piece of software."
"QPU has a strong case for being the most decorated NorCal player ever."
"Ocarina of Time is the most iconic game in the Zelda series and one of the most important milestones in gaming as a whole."
"Trained to try new things: the legacy of the Switch."
"Part of what makes the Elder Scrolls games so special is that 10 years on it doesn't really feel like a 10 year old game that's been forgotten."
"This is the greatest DLC map of all time potentially."
"Blizzard succeeded in giving both Thrall and Nova the attention they deserved, ensuring Nova will continue to live on as a series icon."
"Our next game is going to be bringing back the Donkey Kong Country franchise."
"The legacy of Resident Evil 2 is unquestionable."
"This is a loving celebration of everything Mario, reminding us why he is and will always be Nintendo's icon."
"It's one of the most important and beloved video games ever made."
"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild marks the culmination of 30 years of adventure."
"Twilight Princess earned its place in the Zelda series as one of its most iconic games."
"There's a reason why Mario is still synonymous with video games."
"We cannot have a Street Fighter tournament that doesn't absolutely pay dividends to the legacy of the series."
"In many, it stands as possibly the greatest last testament in the history of gaming."
"Unreal Tournament's Legacy is still felt today."
"Sega still lives on making games but it's always going to be remembered for the Genesis."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2 stands the test of time."
"Believe it or not, we're done here, that is reptile's entire competitive legacy."
"Streets of Rage, one of the SEGA Mega Drive's most well-known IPs, the title's legacy by this point is unquestionable."
"The core blueprint of the Zelda games was truly set by Ocarina of Time."