
Traditional Roles Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"We just aren't taught how to be men. Traditionally, men would be taught how to sort of grow into their masculinity by their fathers, grandfathers, uncles."
"I'd rather be a family man, find a woman that will gladly cook and clean for my children and me while I provide for them and look after the family life, which actually is important."
"The traditional wife is now considered cutting edge, fully consistent with a futuristic notion of the reproachment between technology and tradition."
"Traditionalist women are leading the trend, and feminists have absolutely no idea how to respond to this."
"Women clearly do not want modernism when it comes to dating."
"It's okay to be a traditional wife...there's nothing wrong with it...no shame in it."
"It's given them new opportunities beyond their traditional roles."
"There is a spiritual side to it or a satisfaction that I'm providing for my wife, I'm providing for my family, and that is what I need to do, that is who I am as a man."
"If that man is weak yes you can find your weak traditional man if you're a non-traditional woman."
"Give me my props for being a man and doing what a man is supposed to do, provided for my woman, provided for my children."
"The game critiques traditional hero tropes suggesting that 'save the damsel you love' narrative is a horrific ly selfish construct."
"I think those relationships are much happier when the man could lead a house and be proud of going out and going to work every day and fighting for his family."
"Women who are married need their husband to be the head in order to protect and guide them spiritually, to provide for them, and to correct them when they're wrong."
"The warrior monks have now requested a government service role of protecting and enforcing the new constitution."
"We need to get back to our traditional understanding of the family."
"If you want a traditional man right as a woman, that man should be able to demand a traditional woman from you."
"Men need to feel successful, like protectors of the family."
"Teaching modern women like myself how to be more traditional."
"If you require traditional values from your partner, you also have to be a traditional man."
"The Tosa Inu is the most feared of Japan's canine species, deeply rooted in the traditions and culture of ancient Samurai Warriors."
"I think women would be happier if we could act more traditional in relationships."
"Being the breadwinner is a responsibility of a man."
"I'm able to tell the woman that she doesn't have to work."
"Confidence is knowing that you're doing the right thing, not worrying about pleasing other people."
"She did what she was supposed to do as a woman... stick with her husband long-term through thick and thin."
"You can want a traditional woman but you have to be worth submitting to."
"It actually clears a lot of the path for traditional masculinity."
"If you're any man regardless of color that wants to do it traditionally you're under attack and you should have your eyes wide open and ready to go down fighting."
"Men want to be a provider, they want to ensure their legacy goes on."
"The idea of submission is that by giving up her independence autonomy and power, a woman will be taken care of by a good and godly man."
"Can you imagine being a priest, and every single day of your life, you have Lai Eucharistic ministers, Communion in the hand, and altar girls every day of your life?"
"It's the end of sitting at the feet of a spiritual guru."
"If we can shift the energy within the community from amateur detective work and more towards informed educational criticism of the judicial system, then the people who enjoy true crime can positively impact the world's understanding of justice."
"A married woman needs to make sure she is first fulfilling her god-appointed role as helper and homemaker."
"Allow the man you’re interested to pursue you."
"The rejection of the traditional conception of the family as the Bedrock the Cornerstone of human civilization."
"I'm gonna cook your food, you just gotta bring home the bacon. I don't ask for a lot."
"It's the man's responsibility to guide the woman, that's basically otherwise women can't see the right way to go."
"That's what another wife is for, that's what a concubine is for."
"He suddenly offered her something a little bit shocking. It was a proposal for her to stop working, stop going to grad school, and instead she could stay home while he worked and supported them."
"Your girl can cook and actually like do things at home."
"If you can't protect, preach, provide, no, I'm not gonna respect you as a man."
"I feel like there was a time... women that like ran the household ran the bags the money anything the man that he came through them, that's a real woman."
"Women are different, they may want to be home."
"Snow White's fairy tale isn't that she's gonna try and become a leader that was never in the original fairy tale that's not part of Snow White's story she's not supposed to be this girl boss leader Queen feminist icon."
"There's a grace to be a wife who allows the husband to lead."
"It's the man's job to guide the woman and if she refuses to be guided, you leave her alone, shun her, let her be, let her go on about her business."
"At some point, a man has to say, 'Honey, you stay here. It's not your fight. I'm the first line of defense.'"
"Men have an innate desire to protect and provide for their families."
"Men that are able to provide for a woman are not going to want a 50/50 relationship."
"The women who are the least happy in relationships is when they're relegated to just the simple traditional Trad wife."
"I believe that as women we were designed to live quiet peaceable lives honoring our spouses and serving the lord faithfully."
"If you're not on this planet to provide and protect for your wife and future children, then I don't care what you are. That's not what you're going to do. Then move along, sir, because that's what most women are looking for these days."
"Men determine who gets asked for marriage."
"Men are built to support the family."
"I feel very secure knowing that he's the head of the household."
"Janet always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom so she never worked."
"Allowing a man to lead makes him feel masculine, makes you feel feminine, makes you feel safe."
"You look rugged, like a man. You look like the guy where there's a saw, another guy on the other end of the saw, and they saw down a tree together."
"I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain in society across the world is a mother, a father, and a family."
"Men achieved it by providing for their families and broader society, by protecting their tribe and others, and by successfully procreating."
"Any man who is worth anything is the provider."
"I'm a Southern Belle and that's how we grew up, so I believe, you know, the man is supposed to be the breadwinner."
"I was raised where a man tries to take care of his woman as best he can."
"The wife should run the home and the husband should bring in the money."
"I was raised to be a wife, and I desired to be a housewife."
"Modern women want men to be traditional men."
"A woman should expect her man to be the breadwinner but be able to back him if anything fails."
"...it's men striving to get the women of their dreams and the family package, men knew back then that women, family, and a home were the catalyst for men's success in life."