
White House Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"It's an honor to be with everybody and—very importantly—where the White House is, and there's no place like the White House."
"The White House is a sacred place, an important place to our culture and our country, and it's representative of America at the purest form."
"It wasn't until we moved to the White House that we were together seven days a week, that we could have dinner together, that he had time to coach the girls' teams and go to all the events."
"It's bad when the White House is trying to manage expectations like this."
"We have built the best team ever to work at the White House. Experienced, savvy, the most diverse team ever."
"It is time for a president that will bring decency and dignity back to the White House."
"Politically, if you are working inside the White House and your goal is to try to prove that this is a rational, sane president, this comes at a particularly bad time."
"There's no better microcosm of the States’ attitude about powering buildings with clean energy than the White House itself."
"I know this because I spent years in the White House Press pool I talked to the Secret Service and even in the first year of his term they were having a very difficult time serving under him."
"Yesterday, the official White House Christmas tree presentation took place just behind us. It was magnificent."
"The White House lawn has infrared motion sensors placed around the entirety of the property."
"This is a moment that the White House is celebrating."
"We just passed 100 million shots twice as fast as the White House said we would."
"Meanwhile law enforcement is bewildered and Bamboozled which is weird because um there are a few cameras in the white house you would figure that this would be a pretty easy crime to actually solve."
"They were surprised to come the morning after election when they realized they had won the White House."
"A new president sits in the White House, and from his office in the West Wing comes some of the most important decisions in the world."
"The enduring qualities of the White House have lived on within its thick sandstone walls."
"Everyone's freaking out in the middle but you know they're not trying to say anything because it's the Oval Office."
"Twice in three months the White House has been responsible for super spreader events."
"We have never seen anyone this powerful in the White House who was not the President of the United States."
"Steve Bannon has more power than any White House staffer has ever had."
"Banner day here in DC with the return of former President Obama to the White House."
"It must end." - White House statement referring to Georgia's new voting law
"Congratulations to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on continuing to serve in the White House."
"The fact that I'm standing here taking questions, the fact that the president took questions from your colleagues just two hours ago demonstrates this White House's commitment to accessibility."
"The fallout continues over at the White House over Rob Porter, and you can see that the media are all over this."
"If you're the White House, you need to both create and maintain a sense of urgency about why this bill is needed."
"Apparently the White House is literally freaking out, that's like a literal quote, freaking out."
"I think that methodology and that messaging from the White House has been really positive."
"Jackie Kennedy hosted a TV tour of the White House, where she showed off her table setting, which included crystal wine glasses."
"The White House almost ended up looking like a giant chicken coop."
"Lincoln named them Dixie and Tabby, and frequently doted on them inside the White House."
"Renting the 132-room monstrosity at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would set you back a tear-jerking $2.1 million every single month."
"Here's the famous conference room. Recognize anything? At this long oval table sat Bush and Cheney in the aftermath of September 2001."
"It's rather simple, really. The White House staff needs a place of refuge and evacuation should the traditional exits be compromised..."
"The White House Christmas tree has been a tradition since 1889."
"The move means the democratic-controlled White House can no longer side with CRT."
"I will never concede. America voted for you. Stay in the White House."
"Her allies say Harris has found her place in the White House."
"I couldn't sleep and I was like if I have to go to the White House and knock on the door I'm going to do it."
"The latest one he did that was in front of the White House."
"She offers a little bit more of a progressive voice in the White House."
"She will give them an advocate in the White House."
"Now, Laura Ingraham has been speaking with a high place source within the White House and she is hearing that the president is going to be looking to declassify everything next week."
"The White House now sounds like the world's fanciest nursing home."
"You got a chance to take over the White House."
"Meet the newest four-legged member of the White House family."
"I think the White House legal strategy of bruxism, and strong-arming Congress, is more illegal than even the things that were uncovered in the Mueller report. It certainly makes a legal case for impeachment stronger."
"And it's great to acknowledge the legitimacy of those words from the White House."
"Not one reporter has asked the White House about that since those early expressions."
"These actions demonstrate that plaintiffs can likely prove the White House defendants engaged in coercion."
"Karine Jean-Pierre will be the first black, first female, and first openly gay press secretary in White House history."
"It’s estimated that there have been more than 400 pets who have called the White House home."
"The White House has pledged full Federal support in response to this tragic attack."
"The community's goal is to try to connect the dots between the actions and decisions that took place in the White House and the president's inner circle that were then magnified and whipped up and led to the events of January 6th, the violent insurrection at the Capitol."
"What did Melania do at the White House this week? Carve another number into the wall."
"The White House got the White House looking like a frat house."
"As for the White House Christmas decorations were you able to capture the vision of our first lady and rather than having a sugar rush and then a hypoglycemic crash afterwards were you able to see Christmas Through The Eyes of a child I hope so."
"You see me at the White House, you should be asking yourself what's the agenda."
"I don't think the White House would exist if Lincoln hadn't lived there."
"Oh my gosh, you're going to be at the White House."
"For the entirety of his first and second terms, George Washington did not live in the White House."
"Even I never imagined the White House would become a literal disaster zone."
"It's not just that we're using unnamed sources that bothers me or that everything we print the White House denies or that almost no other papers are reprinting our stuff."
"There is a situation where that is clearly what the White House wants to do but events may overtake them."
"Jackie Kennedy saw her role as establishing the White House as a beacon for arts and culture."
"He just does and I mean even in those times he did and said what the [ __ ] he wanted to do and now that he's in the White House he does the exact same thing."
"CBS News: The White House floats a trial balloon indicating its willingness to bypass impeachment debate in the House and go directly to a Senate trial."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the White House."
"I challenge you to think of one person who's been in the White House with as much style and grace as you."
"All the White House photographers that I've known have been superb practitioners of their craft."
"Lincoln invited Frederick Douglass to come to the White House."
"Winning a national championship, that's a part about winning the Super Bowl, the World Series, or the NBA title. Guess what Skip? We get invited to the White House. Yeah, the losers don't get anything. This is not a participation award."
"She started using a peroxide rinse for her teeth during her stay in the White House."
"The Cornerstone is laid for the executive Mansion aka the White House."
"I personally fixed the White House Chief of Staff's phone twice."
"Hurricane is a retired Secret Service K-9 who protected the White House and is quite possibly the most decorated working dog you'll ever get the opportunity to meet."
"I think if White House is anything, it's a very strong sense of individuality and personal expression is really important."
"This is the first White House ever where you know every single person who visits the White House."
"She did a great job decorating the White House."
"It's the second most visited home in the United States after the White House, with over 650,000 visitors a year."
"The White House also has its share of haunting stories."
"The White House is a historic home; Melania needs to think carefully before making any decorating decision, no matter how small."
"Whatever changes that Melania decides to make during her stay at the White House may become part of its legacy."
"The White House therefore has almost every safety feature you could think of."
"I can't believe that I am right in front of the White House."
"The White House is an absolutely incredible beautiful building."
"One of the proudest moments of my life was the day in 1993 when Itzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat shook hands on the South Lawn of the White House."
"Limitation of access to the White House might indicate that mass preparations are underway."
"Legend has it that after the British set fire to the house during the war of 1812, it was painted white to cover up the burn marks."
"We are just casually walking onto the White House."
"Biden has promised to appoint a White House director of disability policy."
"Bless you, Sleepy Joe, but wait, hold on, since when was there a movie theater in the White House?"
"The White House is rumored to be haunted as well, most notably by Abraham Lincoln."
"Dolly Madison served the first bowl of ice cream in the White House, true story."
"We will have cornhole tournaments at the White House, it'll be amazing."
"When you start your junket off with a dress rehearsal in the East Room of the White House, it promises to be a pretty wild trip."
"This is a very special occasion and a first for the White House."
"She was so beloved that she even had her own treehouse built for her in the White House yard."
"Pushinka remained a Kennedy for the rest of her days."
"While Congress has always been a zoo, so too has the White House at times."
"I was recognized by the White House Office of National Drug control policy for contributions to the field of pediatric addiction medicine."
"The Inner Circle politics of Trump's White House brings more uncertainty to US foreign policy making."
"My son never set foot into a school room but he went to the White House to see two presidents."
"The jets didn't have a chance when the jet came screaming into the White House airspace, the UFOs left the scene at 7,000 miles per hour on the radar screen."
"The rose garden serves as an official location for White House media announcements and major events."
"The high point of my trip was a state dinner at the White House."
"We started with spoken word, because no one had ever held a poetry slam in the White House, that's for sure."
"It's an honor to have you all at the White House."
"This desk has been in the White House since 1880."
"It's a great day for everybody, a great day at the White House."
"She was probably the smartest person in that White House."
"This will be the first time that President Trump has invited all current senators to the White House."
"The first iftar dinner was held in 1805 at the White House with a Moroccan diplomat from Tunis."
"The President is pleased to welcome the University of Alabama Crimson Tide football team to the White House, in celebration of their 17th National Championship."
"We got to meet Barack Obama, and we went to the White House."
"The location is fantastic, literally the White House is like three blocks away."
"Putting a garden on the White House lawn would be an eloquent statement of abundance."
"It's an honor and a privilege to go to the White House no matter who the president is."
"Imagine a White House that was actually feeding the poor of Washington as well as feeding itself."