
Final Moments Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The bride and groom are on fire in a burning church, they've decided that they can't escape, but they're gonna have one final moment together."
"Tony Stark aboard the Guardians of the Galaxy ship, the Benatar: 'Food and water ran out four days ago, and oxygen will run out in the morning. He tells her that his last thoughts will be of her, always her.'"
"These are the exact poses of the victims at the very last moments of their lives."
"Little did I know that the evening of March 9th would be the last day that I would get to spend time with my son, and that the last word I would say was 'Good night' before I went to bed."
"Ted was determined to be with Joy in her final moments, even though he was locked up."
"Steve Jobs, according to his sister, as he died, looked into the middle distance and said in wonder, 'Wow, wow!'"
"The poignancy of Eve and Kenny's last scene there was something in that that you know if she now knows it's their last moment together but there was something in that that I just I thought was so moving."
"She really must have loved pie if eating some was her final thought in life."
"When someone's passing away, what the brain does is like, 'All right, it's go time. This is final exit.' The brain just fills the body and the brain with some dopamine so you feel this sensation of like clarity and everything's all good."
"They just had accepted the fact that it was over and they wanted to go out doing what they loved."
"At least he was having fun in his final moments."
"The band played the song 'Nearer My God to Thee' as the ship sank to the ocean's depths."
"She spent her final evening, laughing and joking that, she may well be known to history as quote: ‘Queen Anne lack-head’, this was perhaps the last act of defiance open to her."
"It was clear that in her last moments, Kelley really fought back."
"Richard Wagner let out a cry of pain while resting in his Venetian villa. He died within the hour."
"It was you, was kind of like a warning. Okay, like to like go find you in the crowd. I mean, you're dying, those are your last thoughts. I mean, the previous last words were like 'you've lost your touch,' so yeah, that's not a good way to go."
"It's been comforting to them in some way to know that they weren't alone in their final moments."
"Little Kaylee blew her grandfather a kiss through the window and he had no idea that this was the last time he would ever see her little smiling face."
"He was dying he said Laila ha Illallah, and his soul escaped from his body."
"That moment before you die when you're laying in your heart, when you're laying in your bed, and you say thank you for this journey."
"After a sudden stroke in 1891, P.T. Barnum died at home. R.I.P."
"We can only imagine the final terrifying moments of Jessica Lynn Keane's life, fatally pursued in a place where the concept of death is all-pervading."
"Dying thoughts are just like this is delicious it slaps you're like slowly epipening yourself."
"The Mississauga Steelheads take the lead with thirty-five point nine seconds remaining. I'm glad I watched it, why not?"
"I'm dying, what you do is you'll talk to me and then you'll go, 'Yeah, yeah, look at that goddamn script.'"
"The final 24 hours before the rapture... Do you ever ponder what the world will be engaged in during those precious fleeting hours?"
"It came down to the very end, and here we are."
"It's very important that the last face you see be the face of love."
"Luffy smiles when he's about to die, just like Goldie Roger."
"Jon Dies on the steps after saying his wife's name, summing up what his life was really about."
"Jackie was in total charge, as sick as she was, of every detail of her final hours, which is just an amazing thing."
"They are looking to win the Super Bowl in the final seconds."
"This is my last one here, I think I'm just gonna call it."
"She held him in her arms as he took his last breath."
"He yells at the host that the old man who fell proved he wasn't a loser because in his last dying moments he was thinking of someone else."
"No one could have imagined it would be the last photo taken of them alive."
"May history remember this moment as your last."
"Those last words 'I love you' were the last words that I was going to hear my daughter say to me."
"Few things are more heartbreaking than knowing Gwen's last words were of love to her killer."
"Just imagine sitting writing your final letter to your family knowing that in a few hours time you're going to be executed and hanged by the neck until dead."
"I hope to God that when I breathe my last breath, the last breath I'm holding the blessed beads in my hand."
"Quiet's Final Moments demonstrate a remarkable amount of strength and will."
"Those were the last moments I ever had with Freddie in the studio."
"Good Christian people, I am come hither to die..." - Edward Hall's Chronicle
"We are in the final five minutes of this story."
"On her deathbed the beautiful socialite Babe Paley made a confession that was so dark it shocked the room into silence."
"Feeling his life ebbing away, he summoned his chief retainer and handed him the Gorin no Sho."
"She did everything on her terms right to the last minute."
"Amanda was a fighter right until The Bitter End."
"Kurama's last words show concern not for himself but for Naruto."
"When we're taking our final breaths, none of other people's opinions are going to matter."
"As his Spirit Bomb overtakes him, Boo's last thoughts are about his closest friend, Mr. Satan."
"In her final moments, all Hollis could do was laugh, perhaps a laugh of victory knowing that she had won the day."
"This is your last moments to collect together the information that you need to make a decision."
"Every player that could be playing in their last game to participate and soak in this moment."
"This undeniably proves that they are meant for each other with their last moments spent together, both going out at the same time."
"His last moments were with somebody that loved him."
"Their last words uttered as the flames rose about him were a prayer."
"The last thing she saw was that little boy tipping that lantern over extinguishing the last light she thought she'd ever see."
"I watched him when he took the two fatal breaths and when he fell unconscious within seconds."
"Lincoln holding his wife's hand leaned into her and spoke his final words."
"With only 44 seconds left, pandemonium rocked the Coliseum."
"The taste of death is upon my lips."
"It's gonna come down to the wire."
"It's not even old age yet; they are old in this aspect, but to go out like that peacefully, in your lover's arms, in your husband's arms, what more can anyone ask for in such a situation?"
"The game is never done until that Huda goes."
"They gave it absolutely everything in that last five minutes."
"Scoreboard pressure will certainly take effect now in this last seven and a half minutes."
"If it's just me and my body at that last moment, then I'm going to take as great care as I can of myself."
"I've held friends in their final moments on the battlefield."
"Maybe it was because your brain wanted you to see everything again, to maybe give you some sort of comfort or closure, some happiness in your last moments."
"He's not going to catch anything now between the final hooter."
"It's just you and God when it comes down to that last moment in your life."
"Absolutely everything right down to the final second."
"Eventually, there comes a day when they will fly for the last time."
"I would bring all my family to one place and spend my last days with all my family."
Then saying, "It is finished, goodbye," Hitler took Eva back into their rooms for the last time.
"It's going to come down to the final 15 minutes."
"There's something really special about the last hour of the hunt; you seem to be at your best because it's the final moments of the adventure."
"We see his final moments on a closed circuit TV camera at an airport, and there's multiple camera angles."
"We are all tied up with 70 seconds remaining."
"Is that not the most fervent wish of every man? To die naked, in bed, and beneath a beautiful woman riding him into everlasting oblivion?"
"Daddy died... but I want you to know he held on because he wanted to say goodbye to you too."
"Andrew Murray spent his last moments on earth praying and rejoicing in the goodness of God."
"It's like the last thing you'll hear before you go to heaven."
"We are heading into the final 15 minutes of this game, crucial 15 minutes too."
"In the great ocean liner's final moments, they played 'Nearer, My God, to Thee,' until they too vanished into the dark waters."
"Saint Joseph, please intercede for all those who are in their final moments of life."
"Viewing his writing now shows a man who spent his last moments doing what he loved."
"She comforts Huey in his final moments by thanking him for saving Zhang and stating that he is the most noble animal she has ever seen."
"I want my last memory to be a good game."
"When I'm laying on my deathbed, I don't want to look at my bank account. I want to look back and say, 'God damn, you went hard, you gave it everything.'"
"Before you go, before you leave this realm forever, tell me, is there anything you'd like to say? Any final words to utter out into the cosmos?"
"In an uncanny twist of fate, their lives became further intertwined as they approached their final moments."
"To use the last moments of her life to sit down and to give everything she could, it was one of the strongest demonstrations of strength and fortitude that I've ever seen."
"I would spend my last day telling everybody how much I love them."
"When it's your last life, that's when you're completely at peace."
"I just wanted to tell the woman that I loved how I truly felt before I died."
"What a statement he would make here in the final 9 seconds."
"It's going to be an unbelievable final four or five minutes."
"We were the only ones there out of the entire family, holding her hand to her last breath."
"Leave in the comments what song that you would listen to before you died."
"All smiles with under 40 seconds to go now in this game."
"With his dying breath, he did point Lee Chang in the right direction."
"I do pray that his final moments were peaceful."
"Christ is the kind of Savior that can save you even in the final moments of your life."