
Public Good Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Blockchains combine this really weird combo of individualism and individual control and the ability to leave along with consensus and community and cooperation and build this giant public good."
"Transparency will be a good thing for society. It'll be a very good thing."
"Education is more about attaining a collective public good than it is about personal development."
"College education started being treated as a new national priority and a public good."
"Our government has championed a zero-tolerance approach to corruption so that every dollar is spent on the public good."
"Trust is a public good. We're all much better off when we have trust."
"We must provide a world-class education in every ZIP code, to every child, because education is a critical public good."
"We should do things that benefit the people as a whole...increase the probability of the future is good."
"We want the best for our country... and generations to come... Let's do what's best for the people."
"Trump's urging of officials was consistent with the public good."
"There's certain things that should not be owned by private business Health Care in my opinion is something that's too important to let private businesses own."
"We need to put healthcare, you know, we need to make it a public good again."
"We need to stand up and fight for the greater good like our lives depend on it."
"Public service should be about serving the public, radical idea I know, not serving oneself."
"We fought for the public good, and we would have enfranchised the whole of the groaning creation."
"Implement policy that will help the lives of average Americans."
"It has always been one ideal of my life to be the greatest good to the greatest number of my people possible."
"We need to return to the idea of higher education as a public good."
"Free college is not a racist policy; it makes a public good broadly available."
"National interest means the interest of the people of your country."
"Art, especially art of our day, is a public good, and you deserve more from your art."
"Sometimes you've got to do things that are unpopular but that clearly supersede individual choices."
"Cryptocurrencies offer decentralization, which means the interests of the greater good are in mind."
"Every day, good people show up to work in the government to do those things."
"The preservation of the means of knowledge is of more important at mon-sol lowest ranks is of more important to the public or to the public than all the property of all the rich men in the country."
"But as a representative, which I'm running for, I absolutely think that for the greater good of everybody, you gotta do something." - Joe Collins
"The principles behind it are very pure, focused on a public good rather than any particular agenda." - Jack Dorsey
"Imagine a United States that committed that kind of money to a sustained hunt for an anti-COVID 19 vaccine that would be made available to the whole world."
"you guys just stop fighting each other and just try to do something that's good for the people"
"Bitcoin is a public good for Americans. Superior Tech that's a public good that's owned by no Corporation is good for the American citizen."
"Conservatism for you right there like a disregard for the public good."
"Education should be a public good."
"The pursuit of unrestrained profit must endanger public good."
"The general will is always in the right and always works for the public good."
"...I'd rather see the energy pushed forward over the longer term into things that I know will do good in terms of public investment and that just seems to me like the better approach..."
"We need to celebrate the activity of hacking because, like lawyers, maybe better than lawyers, what this hacking is is the use of technical knowledge to advance a public good."
"Tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right for the benefit of private advantage rather than public good."
"One of the basic issues underlying all of this is whether and to what extent education is a public good necessary for our democracy, necessary for our economy, necessary for our future."
"The purpose of that site is to advance parapsychological research and efforts that inform and are informed by the public good."
"Europe is often providing a global public good where there is a positive spillover if environmental benefits are also enjoyed by consumers in other markets."
"The 'invisible hand'... led by an invisible hand to promote the public welfare, which was no part of their intention."
"Turning private data into a public good... being a thorn in the side to the big data and AI community globally."
"We can say what we like, do what we like, so long as it is consonant with the public good."
"We should aspire to peace as a global public good."
"We are advocating to think about this world of digital money as a global public good."
"The public good has to do with feeding the hungry and giving shelter to those who don't have shelter and giving education to people."
"We have to look beyond just the hard and fast passionate partisanship of politics; we have to think smart about how we do things that are better for the people."
"The COVID-19 vaccine must be considered a global public good."
"The public is creating the good, and the private sector is reaping the profits."
"We must get over all ulterior motives for the mind building on ulterior motive continues to perpetuate those very attitudes which are least likely to contribute to the public good."
"Ideas were a public good, freely available to anyone in the world."
"Good education, that's a public good as we give it to our kids, that has a value."
"Public education is a public good to create citizens who can participate in this society."
"It's important for Afghanistan, for America, and for the current government in Afghanistan, to do good politics for the people."
"If we don't put the public good back in the public hands, we will continue to undermine democracy."
"...we're in great need of sort of small scale civic education about stuff like public good approach to government and critical thinking."
"As a community of students and scholars committed to the unconventional idea that learning is a public good, we regularly offer public programs featuring eminent thinkers, cultural leaders, and distinguished performers and artists addressing many of today's most pressing issues."
"Imagine how different our politics would be if those same skills, influence, leadership, talent were put at work in service of the public good."
"Health care is a public good and you've got to find a way to finance it for everybody."
"We want Ethereum to be a public good, not a private good which is owned by some external jurisdiction."
"Knowledge was a public good. In fact it's a global public good."
"A democratic political order is a public good; it's got to be provided for everybody if it's provided for anybody."
"When Hashem does these things with His endless brilliance, it's always for the benefit of the individual, it's for the benefits of the public, and also for the benefits of the individual."
"I think that what we're doing here is a public service of the highest order."
"We pursue peace as a public common good and have played an important role in securing peace as a standalone goal of the 2030 agenda."
"They need to understand how, in a democracy, their learning is useful not only for them but for the greater community and public good."
"The use of conservation easements has successfully protected millions of acres of wildlife habitat and open space, keeping private lands secure and generating significant public benefits."
"These things need to leave the private market; they need to be put into public institutions."
"We want the possibility for our technology to become a public good if it can."
"To honor and reward virtue, not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good."