
Catchiness Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"It's another thing, it's like I love the sound of this track plus it's so catchy. There's so many memorable lines. It's a good ass song."
"I hate that I can't get it out of my head, but I kind of love it."
"The music... My god, is it insanely catchy... You'll be humming the songs in your head for hours to come."
"I am the Sun... is easily one of the catchiest tracks."
"I think this is really catchy, I like it a lot."
"Journey knows their way around a catchy song."
"This is a fantastic track everything about this track is amazing seriously the chorus is incredible extremely catchy."
"This song really is hook after hook after hook."
"God, I love that melody! Oh, it's so catchy, it's so great."
"It'll have to be something cool, has to be catchy, it has to be cool and people have to know who the hell we are."
"The songs are catchy, they're catchy as hell, you know?"
"It's honestly insane how good he is at writing catchy pop songs about ridiculous topics."
"The harmonies in this song are so good, the chorus is hard-hitting, very catchy, great hook."
"Catchy and good, good solid message I guess as well."
"Butt rock songs are catchy and memorable, but they're also heavy."
"This song really has a pulse and super catchy."
"Melodies are infectious, her harmonies are sharp."
"I think many of these hooks are infectious, I think these beats are earworms."
"Jpegmafia never ceases to walk the line so well between outgoing instrumentally while also palatable and catchy."
"Impeccable melodies, endlessly singable and catchy."
"It's got some very spirited tunes, probably some of the catchiest Mac DeMarco has put out to date."
"It's just really fun to do, obviously the music and they're all so well written too and really, you know, just catchy."
"It's very catchy. I understand why it's so popular."
"Do what is best for you now, what would be best for you is that if somebody moves on from you, you should do the same."
"There are so many reasons why a song might be catchy but at the basis of it they all come down to some musical component of how that song is constructed being easy to remember and easy to replicate."
"I absolutely love the tempo in this song, it's so upbeat, it's so catchy."
"Ghostbusters is basically a commercial jingle set to a popping beat, catchy and infectious."
"The chorus often contains the song's hook, which is the most catchy or memorable part of a song."
"The character in this '80s song is a little unhinged, but the chorus is so catchy and relatable."
"Truly one of the catchiest and happiest songs ever recorded."
"I hear a more, I don't want to say typical song structure but like something that I'm familiar with that's hooky and catchy."
"The crowd is just going to rock with it if it's just something catchy."
"Bro, that was clean, oh, this is catchy."
"Many of these songs have in common, they're super catchy but kind of annoying to listen to."
"Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches. That song is so damn catchy."
"...that song came on people you would have thought these people were [ __ ] they were gonna chop their limbs off to give them away to Carly Rae yeah that's a good it's a catchy tune but it is let me tell you uh yeah."
"That's almost as catchy as monkey news."
"That was my favorite so far easily it was super catchy I already feel like that one could definitely be a single I just feel like it had single energy written all all over it."
"I think a lot of the times my songs will live or die by the hook."
"This song has an absolutely genius unpredictable yet extremely catchy and user-friendly structure."
"The opening chorus is really catchy and I like it a lot."
"The candy was sweeter, the chips saltier, and the jingles catchier back then."
"I love the cheesiness of 'I am your robot.' I think it's so catchy."
"... the chorus is just so catchy."
"There's kind of a pop aesthetic behind this record. A lot of the songs are very catchy."
"I love catchy tunes, I love melody. Absolutely."
"The way that he's cutting with the words is so catchy and there's like a lightness and an airiness to his voice too that lends itself so well to the sound."
"It's impossible to not get it stuck in your godamn head."
"Ruby is red hot, bomb, it's gonna be stuck in my head for weeks"
"Music that's so catchy and uplifting that I can listen to it whenever I want. I can listen to it a thousand times and it never gets old."
"...the melody is genuinely the catchiest to hip hop music this year."
"They always managed to inject really catchy hooks and melodies."
"A master class of how to write brutal music that is somehow also catchy."
"Help me Rhonda is just so catchy. It's just relentlessly awesome."
"Saga's albums are top to bottom, catchy, and memorable."
"It's like she just finds melodies to be catchy, 'cause that's so catchy."
"Simply phenomenal with its expert singing and beyond catchy chorus."
"This damn tune, and I was like, 'Will you like hate it that much?' Because it does have like this bubblegum kind of feel, right? He goes, 'No, I can't get it out of my head. I like it. It is super catchy. It's like, I genuinely love the tune.'"
"It's the details, that's the little thing that makes that puts this song to be super catchy."
"I've had Dumb Ways to Die stuck in my head all day."
"It's almost like it's a hook. Right, like when you hear it, it's catchy to the song."
"'Parachutes' at number two though, and I love the sound of it, I think the songs are all really catchy."
"The song was nonsensical and repetitive, the music video itself was strange, and many found Rebecca's singing to be subpar. Yet, the song managed to be catchy and would spread across the internet."
"This might be the catchiest new little jingle I've ever heard."
"...my favorite release from ATS that I've heard so far is definitely Deja Vu, the amount of times it's been stuck in my head is Limitless, the limit does not exist..."
"I remember in the song came out I just replayed it endlessly. What makes it so catchy is the simplicity."
"Every song is legitimately catchy in one way or another. These guys have hooks for days."
"songs the Loyalty song When We perform it bro that that part that he says everyone yeah see that part yeah that's so catchy that's where you are a genius to me"
"These riffs make it instantly so catchy and sucks you in."
"The drumming was awesome, their riffs were instantly catchy."
"The music is instantly very catchy."
"It's catchy, I just love this so much."
"They truly created a composition so deliriously catchy there's just no denying it."
"The real trick with writing something catchy is to think about phrases."
"One of the trademark facets of lo-fi music is the simple bass line, simple but catchy."
"Damn, that's a hook, that's a real hook."
"I love that it starts with the chorus, it's one of the catchiest and most immediate choruses on the record."
"Unironically some of the catchiest songwriting ever in pop music."
"Billy Oxygen, it's one of these epic, amazing, so catchy songs that you think should have been an absolute classic."
"I don't mind it, it's kind of catchy honestly."
"No son of mine is also a standout for me, total Banger with a great hook."
"It's very catchy and maybe it's heavier than people at first gave it credit for."
"Catchy anthems, hummable melodies, man just an expert guitar playing no matter who is in the band."
"He's a great lyricist, his objective was really like make the song as catchy and memorable and simple as possible."
"I love Carly Rae's songwriting; she really has a knack for brilliant hooks."
"Every time I listen to it, it's so catchy, it's got such great hooks, I'm like how is this not a huge hit song."
"It's just what he's good at, man. He can make some catchy music."
"Something about that hook, man, is so infectious and catchy."
"A hook is the thing that you remember after hearing the song once."
"If you repeat something a lot, almost anything can become catchy."
"This song has the catchiest hook of them all in the chorus."
"It's so catchy and so easy to listen to but so emotionally potent."
"It's about taking big things and finding out what makes them earworms, right? What makes them little hooks."
"You'll hear a particular lick from a song and find yourself humming it in the elevator, at your desk, all throughout the day."
"It's low-key one of the catchiest hooks of the year so far."
"Their music had that crossover appeal, mixed with R&B, soul, a little gospel, very melodic, simple, and catchy."
"I love that song; it gets stuck in my head."
"It's such a good theme song, it's so catchy."
"Whoever wrote the melody deserves an Emmy because it is so catchy and memorable."
"It's just so catchy; it's like such a hype song."
"This song has a very incredible infectious ability to grow on you."
"Don't say Red Solo Cup; everyone's gonna have it stuck in their head for another day."
"Okay, so now we're all gonna have that song stuck in our head for the rest of the day. You are welcome."
"The chorus is super fun, it's impactful, it's catchy."
"I like the song a lot, I think the song is really, really catchy."
"Oh my god, why do I like this song so much? It's so catchy."
"The melodies are very catchy, very easy to remember."
"You want it to be something catchy, something people are going to remember."
"The chorus is very catchy, probably my favorite thing about it."
"Thursday's child has far to go, it's so catchy and like so fun."
"The biggest hits always have a memorable hook that people could sing along in the shower or in the car."
"I'm loving it. I was about to sing it, yeah, that's it."
"Martin's is poetry put to music, it's catchy, it's hooky."
"It's quite catchy, it's got you know the trumpets and things, it's a solid start."
"Wow, that was amazing, Tommy. I think that song is going to be stuck in everyone's head all summer."
"It has one of those beats that as soon as it drops, it just hooks you instantly."
"That song is gonna be stuck in my head forever."
"It's this continuation of what can I say in roughly three and a half minutes that's catchy."
"The melody is quite nice and catchy, very easy and pleasant to listen to the ear."
"That's what you call the hook right there, that's that hook that people just want to keep singing."
"It's quite catchy, I'm enjoying it."
"It's so catchy, and that is what one of the greatest riffs of all time probably."
"The catchier than hell Silver Shamrock theme... the minute it enters your head, the goofy catchy song is stuck there and won't be going anywhere anytime soon."
"They were incredible songwriters and performers, the songs were just so hooky, so big, you just couldn't help but be enveloped by them."
"It's very sweet, it's very catchy."
"A song had to be recognizable in the first few seconds, meaning it had to be unique or catchy enough to the point that you would know the song right away."
"Like every song is so groovy, so catchy, so distinct."
"It's just incredibly catchy, well produced, want to sing along to every song kind of album."
"Man oh man can this man write a catchy tune."
"Both tracks have an insanely catchy guitar hook."
"It's got to be short, it's got to be catchy."
"The track features an impeccable hook backed by a very familiar chord progression."
"Selling the Seeds of Love, that is the by far catchiest song on the record."
"I found the chorus to be very, very catchy."
"The song is irresistible, we're hoping it'll be the earworm you can't shake off."
"Their songs were all hooks, all about the hooks."
"So the hook is the catchiest part of the song."
"Fata Morgana's iconic song lives rent-free in our heads."
"This whole album so far has just been me sitting here thinking, I shouldn't like this, all of these sounds are so contrasting and weird together, but it's catchy, it's very catchy."
"It's just absolutely hilarious and so catchy."
"It's so catchy, it's possibly the catchiest thing Twigs has ever done."
"You want it to be simple and catchy."
"Now we got a little catchy melody."
"The hooks on this album are super infectious."
"They've got so much power to them, they're catchy as all hell."
"I always want to have a catchy chorus because I want to have fun and I want people to be able to sing my record."
"I adore 'Dum-Dum.' I think Red Velvet's catchy music that's almost annoyingly catchy is great."
"My god, dude, that's catchy as hell. I don't know how they pull this off so well."
"It's very refreshing, I guess, like how their music is just so catchy."
"The chorus is so fun and so catchy."
"It's so cool, what a hook, what a great chorus."
"If you listen to it for like five seconds, you'd probably be able to sing it in the shower, so that's when you know you've hit the gold mine."
"I really, really like Untouchable; it's just so catchy."
"Every song just has a huge big hook."
"It's a really nice song to play, it was kind of dark and edgy and had that sound but it was also super catchy."
"It needs to be a good song; it can't be totally random and crazy. It needs to have a strong hook and a strong progression."
"It's going to be the melody, it's the hook."
"It's memorable and well played and well-performed and hook-filled."
"It's catchy, I haven't gotten this out of my head."
"It's like a Bop, and it's catchy and funny."
"Who else can do such a simple song and make it so unbelievably catchy? Paul McCartney is the absolute master of it."
"I think this is really catchy, and I really like it."
"Certainly puts the bop in the bop she bop she bop."
"Top 40 hits are in the top 40 for a reason; they are catchy."
"It's got the catchy hook, it's got the energy just like coming at you, such contagious energy."
"The hook is the most important part of the song."
"This is really catchy, I kind of already want to sing it."
"Super catchy as well, really catchy."
"My favorite b-side is Action Figure; it's so catchy."
"It's great, it works for a reason, it transcends language boundaries, it's just fun and easy to remember, and it's catchy."
"It's fluorescent adolescence's catchy sound and memorable lyrics that make our list."
"The chorus is very catchy, it's just that it seems like the chorus is what hypes up the song."
"There's shorties like a melody in my head. Look at this little guy."
"They are very catchy, like Mambo Number Five catchy."
"Okay, what a bop. Holy moly, that is so, so, so catchy."
"Every song is hooky like crazy but it still captures the darkness."
"The actual song itself is really catchy."
"It's fine, maybe even catchy enough to have some staying power."
"The more rhyming typically the better, and that's what makes our stuff sound so catchy and so impressive to the listener."
"I'm going to give it a low A, it's just got that catchiness, you know, it's got that like repetitive catchiness."
"Snowy is also so catchy, might be one of their best b-sides."
"Problem free philosophy, cool name, rhymes, sounds good, just rolls off the tongue."
"I'm Gonna Make You Sweat; that was very catchy for me."
"An earworm means it gets inside of your ear and into your head very, very quickly."
"It's just the perfect mix of heaviness and musicality and catchiness."
"They're choruses are literally addictive, they are way too catchy."
"It's just packed with killer hooks on great tracks."
"They can make some catchy tunes that might stick in your head."
"Usually if it's a really good top line and it's really a catchy vibe to it, then I think you're better off taking or basing the vocal off the top line."
"It's very catchy, it has one of those kind of simple melodies that sticks in your head."
"I know how to write a nice melody that will be stuck in your head."
"I should hate this song... but it's so fire."
"Everything about that song is so catchy and it makes me feel really happy."
"It's kind of like a viral kind of a sounding chorus."
"A tune which is very catchy spreads through the population."
"We're still prone to bursting into 'Your Welcome' or 'Let It Go'."
"I'm obsessed with it; it's so catchy."
"If you can make something catchy, you did it."
"I think if I had to pick one favorite B-side, I would say 'Shoot' - that one's really good, super catchy."
"Rockstar is a pretty fun song, I like Rockstar, catchy as hell."