
Financial Philosophy Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"Money is a tool to create a life that you love, and building wealth does that in scale."
"At the bottom of Bitcoin, I've found life, liberty, property right - it's what Western civilization is based on."
"Prioritize what your 'more' is. Some of us are spending our whole life spending money on someone else's idea of more."
"Once you exit that system, you become relentlessly optimistic."
"Money at its core is just a tool. It allows you to do more of the things that you want."
"Is it free if it comes from already having something? It's like if you own stocks and you get dividends. Are the dividends free because you wouldn't have got them if you didn't have the stocks in the first place?"
"Money is meant to be redistributed through the society."
"The purpose of money is to use it, not to save it in a hole in the ground."
"It takes purpose to make money, not money to make money."
"There's no limit as to how much money you can have. Money is infinite."
"The way that money feels, the way that money acts is money wants to go to people that are adding value."
"When you're not chasing money, money just comes."
"If you die with anything more than zero dollars in the bank account then you have done something wrong." - Bill Perkins
"Money is energy, and it moves like magnetic energy."
"Money is a driving factor for a lot of people well I have to come to notice is that money it really doesn't make you happy doesn't matter how much you have."
"The separation of money and state would be as big an event as a separation of church and state."
"Look at wealth as a means, not the end goal. Use it to serve the Deen and please Allah."
"There is no such thing as good debt; all debt is evil."
"The harder you work for money the poorer you gonna get that's the tragedy."
"Money offers real solutions to imaginary problems and imaginary solutions to real problems."
"Wealthy people trade value for money with the value that they bring to the world."
"All the business, all the money, all the opportunities in this world come from Allah."
"Your soul is the source of every dollar you've ever made."
"Money is just money, how you view it matters."
"Money is a tool. You don't want to be a slave to money; you want the money to be a slave to you."
"The purpose isn't to buy fiat currency, the purpose is to use the fiat currency as a transactional denominator."
"It's the concept of owning nothing but controlling everything."
"Acquiring wealth need not be a struggle but can be an effortless dance with the Universe."
"Money should never be primary, money should always be secondary."
"Money is like oxygen, the most important thing in the world."
"Money doesn't make you happy; happy makes you money."
"We're not going to live below our means; we're going to live in the promises of God."
"You're around your friends and stuff on a Saturday afternoon and everybody's talking about financial success, they're like, 'Hey, let's make lots of money,' and you're like, 'Yeah, that's cool and everything, but I don't worship money.'"
"True money is not a dollar bill, true money is assets."
"Ultimately that kind of is worth more than a quick buck."
"That's in front of the bag, you know. That's the real bag because man make the money. Money don't make the man."
"Everyone has different attitudes towards money... we shouldn't be too quick to judge people based on what they do with their own money."
"Money is never an end, only a means to an end."
"Money is a great servant and a terrible master. Let's get on the right side of that relationship. #FenSov"
"It's not money, it's ideas and asking for solidarity."
"Money at the end of the day is not just a bunch of numbers on a screen or a piece of paper, although, in some ways it can be easier and maybe even more healthy to think of it that way."
"Money can buy happiness when you give it away."
"Every time you spend, your joy decreases; every time you give, your joy increases."
"Provide the value, money is nothing but a byproduct of value creation."
"Money is about what I can do to positively impact the planet."
"Money in a way is a little bit like energy here at least the money that you gain is a little bit like energy."
"Making money and losing it is actually worse than not making money at all."
"You don't see money as something to buy stuff. You see it as a tool."
"Money is an amplifier. It doesn't change who you are, it amplifies who you are."
"There's a difference between being rich and being wealthy."
"There's some pain involved in living like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"Money is naturally attracted towards appreciation and gratitude."
"Money flows to the person who needs it the least."
"Money is a form of energy, and where you want to put that energy is really up to you."
"Money is just simply the byproduct of how much value you deliver in the world."
"You don't get rich unless you enrich other people in the process."
"Money is the vehicle for generosity and serving others."
"Perfect nation or to be profitable, maybe the Dave Ramsey approach."
"Our definition of wealthy is achieving true personal sovereignty."
"Money is only energy, it's just a frequency of energy."
"Money is a medium of exchange; there are infinite ways to generate it."
"Money won't even matter, bro. I know. Then what's the point, fam? Like, why are you worrying about things that we can't control? Like, it just goes the way it's supposed to go, I guess."
"Money is not inherently evil, it's simply just a tool."
"What you put out literally comes back, so when most people are focused on saying how can I make more money, the key is to understand that it's not about making more money."
"Money is a tool not a goal, and the goal of the money is to buy more time. Time is freedom."
"Money never ends so your happiness will, you'll never reach your happiness because money never ends."
"Money is not there just for you to exchange it for things but money should be there for you to build wealth."
"Money's not the important thing, money's a resource to help you do other things."
"Stockpiling money is a waste; you've got to do something with it. Have fun, win the game, do what you like, and get paid."
"Money buys happiness if that money actually has a purpose, if it has a purpose to do good, if it has a real meaningful purpose in your life, it will bring so much happiness to your life."
"Money is energy and when you chase money you are chasing a symbol."
"Money is a tool, nothing more, nothing less."
"You can only become rich by knowing already that you have enough."
"Money isn't the be-all and end-all of Happiness."
"Once as a person that you get to that point, money, it's like, you know, everything else I do is a plus."
"Money is a side effect of an energy exchange."
"Money is an amplifier. If you're an incredible being with a vibrant heart, with a big mission and a huge purpose, money is going to amplify that and create that change."
"Money is like energy that flows... start enjoying and it'll come."
"Money is just energy vibrating at a certain rate, and wealth is a state of consciousness."
"You realize that money earned is a byproduct of value creation, and there's nothing wrong with making lots of money."
"Money makes you more of what you already are."
"You don't have to be rich in order to be wealthy."
"Money is the sixth sense without which full use of the other five is not possible."
"Money only has value if you spend it. If you don't use your money, then it's just dead cash sitting in a bank somewhere. It's not doing anything for you."
"Money is something that supports your life, it's not something you should be worrying about, fearing about, racing after all the time. It's something that should be kept in its place."
"Money don't make you happy, happy makes you money."
"The stock market is there not to instruct me, it's there to serve me."
"Money is like fuel, as long as it comes second."
"Time is money, I learned that early on. Time is money."
"Money isn't dollars, euros, or Swedish Crowns even, its life energy."
"The purpose of money is to use it to flourish and have a better life."
"If Bitcoin is perfect money, which I hope it is, even if it is, it's controlled by imperfect human beings in an imperfect world."
"The amount of money you make is related to the value you bring into the world."
"Money is a tool; it's energy. Where you put your energy is what will grow."
"The trickle-up economy largely pays for itself."
"The whole thing around money, the whole thing is going to change, the thinking, the way it's used, all of that."
"Once we stopped chasing money, we made just all the money in the world. It's crazy."
"Money is just a medium, one tool among many in order to help you live the life that you want."
"It's not so much about financial gain for me as it was about Financial Freedom."
"Money to me is just a tool. I don't really splurge or get excited about. I'm not impressed by most things so I'm really able to utilize this money to truly help and cultivate my team and change my family's life."
"Money only has two assignments in a believer's life: time redemption and efficiency."
"Being abundant, which includes the form of money, understand all money is an exchange of energy."
"A lot of money could be a blessing and a lot of money can be a curse."
"There's nothing very satisfying to me about just like watching my money grow in a bank account like I just I had."
"Your reality is not your potential. In order to heal that financial depression, we gotta change our philosophy."
"Money is not bad it's an energy and the more that you are provided for the more that you're able to give."
"To me that is the big difference here is when you separate it away you can have monetary maximalism."
"The natural end state for money is that you are a maximalist."
"Money talks, but wealth whispers: the philosophy behind quiet luxury."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but happy makes money."
"We want to have money, but we don't want money to have us."
"Money isn't evil it shouldn't be something that controls you but it is something that is necessary."
"Money is not an end, money is a means to an end."
"Bitcoin forces you to think through so many different possibilities. Bitcoin is unique in that it changes your life in many different ways."
"Money does not equal happiness... I've been dealt some bad cards here and there."
"Money is in and of itself totally inert. It only has value because we agree it has value. It is utterly meaningless until you give it meaning."
"The poor say 'I can't afford it,' the rich mindset is asking the question 'how do I afford it?'"
"Money is energy, what you put out comes back."
"Money is not everything for this life. This is amazing. I cannot think of a better start to this challenge."
"God sees our giving as lending to Him; He will pay us back."
"This is a game of patience and this is a game where the strong survive, the patience survive."
"Money is a wonderful slave but it's a terrible master."
"Freedom matters economically. This is the Ramsay show."
"True wealth isn't about having the most money... It's about having income sources that earn money as passively as possible."
"Money will not ultimately make you happy. It will just pacify the demons in your life if you don't straighten out those demons that are there."
"Money buys time and it helps people and those two things are something that you cannot duplicate."
"Gold is money...bitcoin is the people's money."
"Money just makes you more who you are, so to speak."
"Money exists to buy us options. Therefore, do not trade optionality for it."
"Because if you don't give it to God, the devil will take it. I'm just asking, how has not giving helped you?"
"Being wealthy means that you have a life that enhances your sense of well-being." - Rick Rule
"That bloke who said 'money isn't everything' was perhaps the most prescient fucker going."
"If you're not filthy, you're not rich. Get out there."
"Live like no one else so that later you get the opportunity to live and to give like no one else."
"Your value is tied up in can you be debt-free. That's the value, the value is tied up in what's the wealth you're creating, what are you leaving your children."
"Cash is trash. If it wasn't trash, they would pay you for it."
"Money is just a tool, like a manifestation scroll."
"Money is a tool to bring about happiness and peace usually if you use it wisely."
"Debit cards pay for things with the past working hours of your life while credit cards pay for things with the future working hours of your life."
"Earned dividends are outward manifestations of inward grace." - Doug Casey
"We attract wealth because we are channels for that wealth."
"Bitcoin is the only money in history that maximizes our ability to act as we see fit."
"These things tend to rhyme, they tend not to repeat. If you zoom out of today, what do you see? You see the need for censorship resistance and the need for an alternative to fiat store of value going up in people's minds."
"Money's the rot of all evil but sometimes not having money also is the rot of all evil."
"I've never believed in leverage. Leverage is what gets you into trouble."
"I'm not convinced that I'm enough until companies come to me. Money follows me, not the other way around."
"Money doesn't equate happiness. It doesn't equate happiness."
"Money is a tool for me to have the experiences that I want to have out of life."
"When you create money out of nothing, you also face the fact that money goes back into nothing."
"What good is storing up all this money if you're not going to do anything positive with it?"
"Your wealth is not about trading, it's a physical representation of your hard effort."
"Financial literacy isn't a skill set, it's a life worth living."
"Money is not for buying yourself stuff, money is for freedom."
"Money is a tool but the love of it is what distracts people."
"Making money should never be a goal in itself. It's always a byproduct."
"The harder you work for money, the poorer you're gonna get. That's the tragedy."
"Being generous with your money can help loosen its grip as an idol in your life."
"Money is Just Energy, it's an energy abundance is an energy y'all"
"If you can count your money, you ain't got enough."
"Abundance on the other hand, is just very open. It's understanding that money is energy and there's always more where that came from."
"Money is the understanding of abundance itself."
"One with nature, one with cryptocurrency. Harmony, you just imagine harmony, you think moon."
"I think Bitcoin is a prism through which people see the world in different ways... People see different things in it."
"It's more than just about the price, really, when it comes to the larger goals that Bitcoin is trying to accomplish."
"Imagine that money was a gift to you from the universe, with which to do every good thing for yourself and for others."
"It's not about the money itself, it's what you can do with the money that matters."
"There's more to life than just money, there's Bitcoin."
"Money is not a goal, it's a tool. Two, it's the muscle."
"Learn how to use mobile order ahead of time."
"Money isn't the answer to happiness, it's just a tool."
"Money is essentially just a means to live a life that is meaningful to you and hopefully can be positive for others."
"Money is just a tool. A collective belief system. It's not bad, it's not good, it's just a tool."
"By following your heart, money will flow from there."
"Money is okay. Having money is okay. Pursuing money is okay. Money is a tool. Money buys you freedom."
"The point of money is not to spend money, the point of money is to be able to give it away and make the world a better place and also to use money to make more money."
"Money's kind of like meant to be burned anyway."
"Money wants to be for you, yeah, money wants to roam. Yes, it's imprisoned in banks."
"Bitcoin is love, bitcoin is hope, bitcoin is relentless optimism, and bitcoin is good vibrations." - Max
"Money does not have to come from hardship and hard work. There is such a thing as money coming from ease."
"Prosperity is a state of consciousness which can be generated by you when you let money be a means not an end."
"Some people actually think that at some point additional dollars have negative utility that is it's more of a headache to manage maintain and otherwise deal with more money at some arbitrarily high level than it is a benefit to have it."
"In the short run, the market is a voting machine; in the long run, it's a weighing machine." - Benjamin Graham
"What is money actually for? For me, the answer was Freedom." - The Psychology of Money
"The Austrian economics is just catching fire in a way."
"Don’t venerate markets. They don’t deserve it."
"God wants you to have money for three reasons: to fund the kingdom, provide for your household, and subdue the earth."
"Money is your friend. It allows you to exchange for desires and be free. It's not the ultimate exchange but it is just one simple exchange."
"Imagine someone else just choosing to give money to another individual because that person had helped them out. Money is meant to be hoarded and only spent when people force you to spend it."
"Money's not, you're like blasi says, money comes and money goes."
"When it comes to money, what a tragedy to live a smaller life than you have to."
"I fundamentally believe there's no such thing as good debt, so personal debt at least, we can talk about business debt or government, those are two different conversations."
"What's money to the Chinese government...to Black Rock...don't talk to me about money...we're building towards simplifying...to provide a happier life for people."
"Money is manifestation. Money doesn't mean anything. But if you manifest to have a nice home, a nice car, you know, a nice life, it takes money."
"Money becomes irrelevant. You know there is a point where a million, 2 million, five million, six hundred thousand, twenty dollars, thirty dollars, that's not why you do it."
"Do we value in our life and when it comes to money I think that's a phenomenal way to approach it."
"Money isn't real. You know what's real? Poverty. Poverty's real."
"His approach to money and what he calls happy money."
"Money isn't real and you don't need it to be happy."
"The whole point of money is like Freedom."
"Minimizing the impact of money is one of the most powerful things you can do."