
Interfaith Dialogue Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"I've enjoyed learning about other religions and meeting the Dalai Lama. That's been a fun path to a different type of spirituality which, to me, is more meaningful."
"Progressive Christians actually feel closer to atheists and Buddhists and Hindus than they do conservative Christians."
"The Bible says you must believe Jesus is God to be saved, and the Quran says if you believe that, you're going to hell. So, it's disrespectful to both Christianity and Islam to try and pretend that they're compatible with each other."
"You will most certainly find in time to come that there will be a Christian people who will be closest in love and affection for you Muslims."
"Allah tells us in the Quran to come to terms and agreements and find similarities with the people of the book."
"Every religion has this: 'They're not the real Christians; they're not real Muslims; they're not real Jews.'"
"Sunni and Shia should dialogue and debate, but we should never get violent with one another because of the differences in our belief."
"I'm very happy that Jordan Peterson, as a prominent public intellectual, had this conversation with a believing Muslim."
"Dialogue between faiths is also common through history and leads to unexpected alliances. It would be interesting to see how characters of different faiths interact with each other and how this reflects broader trends in the world."
"As we go on we're going to see that the Quran doesn't simply affirm the initial inspiration of the Torah and the gospel but also the preservation of the Torah and the gospel."
"There are many Muslims, Hindus, and people from various faiths who diligently seek God and find Jesus."
"Why would our Muslim friends tell us to believe in Muhammad while simultaneously telling us that he bears one of the surest signs of a false prophet?"
"Whether you're a Christian or a Muslim, tonight may be a great time for us listening and learning from each other, asking some questions, hopefully learning something new, and I also hope making some new friends."
"One of the things that you can do by like comparing and combining religious traditions is you can see similarities between them."
"When a Christian and a Muslim argue, they should worry less about who's right and more about how much they've moved away from their prophets' teachings."
"Talking with people of faith and reminding them of our values."
"Faith amid the ruins, Pope calls Iraqis to affirm kinship under one God... We all worship the same God, we just all need to get along."
"The way religions complement one another is more important than the way they contradict."
"That's my husband, he's the person I listen to most in my life."
"I thought this film was well-shot, well-acted, fantastic music, very sort of atmospheric."
"We can be better than this; atheists and theists should not adopt an us-versus-them mentality that is ultimately self-defeating."
"Muslims and Jesus are brothers in one faith, teaching the same principles."
"Even if you're an atheist or agnostic, I'd really be interested to hear your viewpoint."
"I think it was great that Jordan Peterson invited a Muslim. We need more discussion and less prejudice."
"If you want to know what a Mormon believes or what a Buddhist or a Hindu believes, don't ask a Baptist, because many outsiders would rather give you the wrong answer than to admit that they don't know."
"Adapting various practices with Christ at the center will help open the door for the Hindu worshiper to see and understand who Jesus is."
"We are about people, other people of the book."
"We covered a lot of ground a lot of different issues and questions and they would look at it from a Jewish and evangelical and then I from a Catholic perspective."
"It's our time to show the beauty of what we are and we should mention the good about others as well as the negative."
"Most Holy Father, in the presence of God, I implore your Holiness in the name of Jesus Christ who will judge us to retract that statement of the interreligious document of Abu Dhabi which relativizes the uniqueness of faith in Jesus Christ."
"We're not here to attack each other's religion, we're here to talk about the positive future for our youth and the good that we have."
"As a person of faith, I'm bound by a different Covenant than Dr. Arroway, but our goal is one of the same. The pursuit of truth, I for one believe."
"Muslims understand... that there is going to be a genuine interchange of ideas."
"I pray that the Holy Spirit convicts him of the truth of Christ and the falsehood of Islam."
"There's a reason for this, by the way, right? The Quran says that Muhammad is mentioned in the scriptures of the Jews and Christians, in the Torah and the gospel."
"It's like a Muslim version of the atheist experience, full of philosophy and civility."
"Don't be telling me Mormons got an extra book and Catholics do that it's simple Christians we be making it too hard for people to come and be involved in this."
"I've never met a Japanese Imam before so this will be the first time and yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be really nice and hopefully insha'Allah eye opening and heart opening as well."
"I love Roman Catholics and I love them enough to tell them the truth."
"We need to come together even despite our different belief systems."
"Muslims and Christians both believe in Jesus... we have common beliefs with our Christian friends."
"We've shown the world that Christians and Muslims can disagree immensely with each other on matters of faith and then despite all that come together as brothers and sisters in humanity."
"I've lived all my life Christians telling on stuff new Muslims you believe in something false and so I honestly sat down and began to read the Bible."
"We know that Jewish and Muslim, Israeli and Palestinian communities are hurting right now. They are scared and we should all work together because first and foremost we are Canadians."
"Which religion says go talk to people of other religions which book says that this is an incredible deen it's a revolution actually it's the it's the it's the religion that's like no other religion even in its structure."
"It's just an honor to see a Muslim that has converted to Christianity and now is Walking with the Lord."
"To have a true Interfaith dialogue, you have to have an identity."
"Would encourage a broader reconciliation between Judaism and Islam."
"This exploration is especially pertinent in today’s globalized world, where interfaith dialogue and mutual understanding have become crucial for peaceful coexistence and mutual enrichment among diverse populations."
"Each generation must take up the torch of interfaith dialogue, not just to preserve these teachings but to adapt and apply them to the changing circumstances of our world."
"I become a better Jew by recognizing what other religious traditions also have to offer."
"And so the abbot was just walking along and the Dalai Lama was ahead of him and he saw the Dalai Lama stop in front of the statue and bow, the statue of the Virgin Mary, and he said that was more meaningful in terms of this inter-religious dialogue than all of the words."
"We now can admire and love people of other religions because the later documents from the present Holy Father suggest that grace is working in other world religions and that some of their rituals, the Holy See is not their place to decide which ones are salvific."
"Understanding the thought in the world of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism is actually basic to our knowledge to communicate the gospel."
"...Muslims and Christians coming together as brothers and sisters in humanity to discuss and talk and share values that are dear to us and most importantly demonstrate the beauty of our faiths by talking to each other respectfully and honoring each other in front of God."
"Muslims are to be held in high esteem because they believe in the omnipotence of God, and they believe in our Father Abraham, and they believe in Jesus and revere his mother Maryam."
"The well-being and future of the world really do depend on the ability of Muslims and Christians to find ways of working together to address global concerns and challenges."
"Not because I need their approval, but because I do think it's good if Catholics and evangelicals can come to the same page."
"Thank you for hosting me and inshallah looking forward to having this word out to inspire Muslims and Jews to have a conversation with love."
"I extend my special and personal request to the Muslim brothers and sisters of my community to give a better chance to the non-Muslim audience present here."
"Prophet Muhammad was prophesized by Jesus."
"I think the major division religiously in the world today is not between the religions but within each religion. I have much more in common with progressive Jews and progressive Muslims than I do with the absolutist wing of my own tradition."
"I want Jews and Christians to study together, to learn from each other, civilly and in Shalom."
"We need a stronger interfaith dialogue where people find the common ground."
"I am delighted to get questions from non-Catholics on the Creed."
"Since becoming a pope, he has made interfaith and inter-religious dialogue his top priority."
"The Quran calls us to begin our dialogue with other people on the basis of commonality and then get to the differences."
"It is very important that people of all faith have a point to meet and to focus on the things that draw us together rather than those things that divide us."
"Good interfaith is when we talk about those differences in a civil fashion."
"This is the conversation we must have. Between faith and those of no faith, as to what kind of world we seek to bequeath to our grandchildren."
"We the Muslims and the Jewish people can have conversations; we can talk in a friendly fashion and reach conclusions."
"If you are non-Muslim and you would like to ask us questions about Islam, we'd be very happy to have you on."
"The fair also had the world's first parliament of the world religions, which ran from September 11th to September 27th, marking the first formal gathering of representatives of eastern and western spiritual traditions from around the world."
"It's a lot of vitriol, a lot of fighting, a lot of bad energy, but if we could be shown that Christians and Muslims could have these conversations without any of animosity, no problems, extremely better."
"People are learning the truth about Christianity, the truth about the Bible, the truth about Islam."
"We believe in all of these prophets, telling the Christians not to worship Jesus and telling the Jews not to reject Jesus, to bring them back to the path which is worship God alone without partners."
"I'm here to discuss the issue of Christianity and Christian theology versus Muslim theology for the benefit of everyone around."
"This style of dialogue and discussion between Muslims and Christians is very beneficial for people."
"We're talking about our religions being cousins."
"Orthodox theology will only find its distinctive and authentic voice through an honest and constructive engagement with Western theology at its best."
"Let's all be respectful. The respect we expect of others when they speak to us about Islam, let's extend the same respect to the others."