
Social Improvement Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"We found the free lunch! All we needed to do was ensure universal provision of education to children."
"A better life for the people is the goal which we struggle toward."
"Society is a team sport. Our society, as exists today, is flawed. I recognize that. I am doing what I can to make it better as I can."
"Hopefully, everybody got to reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and also hopefully everybody thought about what they can do to make the world better."
"Talking about countries all over the world who have used their government to try to improve life for working families, not just the people on top."
"There's a huge value not just to raising the ceiling; there's a huge value to raising the floor."
"Thanks for listening guys and for being interested in. I hope you get your acts together and fix up the world 'til next time. Bye-bye."
"America, we will make us better than what we saw in that video."
"Would it be better if we had fairer systems, a better democracy, a better justice? How about using your technological advantages for that? In the metaverse, we do offer pencils, would've smelly erasers too."
"How do we create a system that emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad?"
"We already know the towns that have started doing this are better."
"Juvenile crime rates dropped between 1994 and 2000."
"Make the world a better place, that's the goal anyway."
"For me, delivering on responsibility feels even more meaningful than receiving thanks."
"We want to lift our people from welfare to work from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity."
"People in predictable conditions will make predictable outcomes. If we fix the conditions, we can fix the outcomes."
"So it's not personal when somebody tries to correct you on something, it's trying to make the world better."
"Let's do this work together. It's the responsibility of everybody."
"We're figuring out what we need to do to make the world a better place and for people to have more meaningful lives."
"We need to upper game as a society when it comes to debating."
"Sometime you got to have those difficult conversations, sometime you got to point some things out so things get better."
"Comedians are absolutely crucial towards bettering society, bettering our discourse."
"I wanted to understand her more so I decided to live more like her...to build empathy and understanding and together make a better world."
"The wealth went towards improving the average person's life."
"The ultimate aim was to enable the working classes to lead better lives."
"Macaulay's assumption: the natural tendency of society to improvement."
"World though seems to be improving actually."
"We need to do more to address issues that negatively impact women each and every day."
"Poverty among children in America falling by 61 percent."
"Politics... that's how you make a better society."
"The more you pull people out of poverty, the more you reduce criminality."
"1 million people have been lifted out of poverty."
"Small businesses that form the economic backbone of our communities now face immediate and oftentimes crushing financial pressure because of the pandemic."
"We're going to push those who are elected to explain how to make things better."
"Lifting people out of absolute poverty is the most important piece of the puzzle."
"We will engage with people, and our objective is to get them to a better place."
"The world needs more of and just like a lot less hate."
"Policies based on love, compassion, and regulating the market... massively reduce the problems."
"If everyone started doing this more than doing this judgmental, we will see a lot of change."
"People treat one another as if they're touched by divinity, their lives improve."
"Improvements coming in your friends group... as well as for you and your partner."
"If we all did this, the world would be a better place."
"There's like rules now, and it's there's a law and that it's just I think that makes the club so much better makes one other people want to go there."
"A new positive career beginning, improvements in social status, and possibly a marriage in the next 18 months."
"You give homeless people homes, their life tends to turn around, and it's cheaper than just cycling them through criminal justice and all this crap."
"I think it's finally time to improve people's lives."
"Trying to get people to be more tolerant, generally. To raise the bar for differences they can accept."
"We're going to make a world that's better for everyone."
"Your job on this tiny, tiny time you have on earth, Joe Biden, is to do everything you can to make people's lives better."
"It'll help make us all better... certainly help make the world a better place."
"For 40 years, China has been consistent in dealing with internal matters, trying to increase the lot of the ordinary person, and they've succeeded. And yet, continually vilified."
"When he was in power you know he helped fight poverty he helped expand social programs health care education very important things that these countries have all lacked."
"Many fewer children are dying, many fewer families are living in extreme poverty."
"Reflect monthly on your progress; stay intentional and mindful on your journey."
"There's never been a time like this for people coming out of prison getting jobs."
"He doubled the number of people who had quality education, he shrunk poverty in half, he reduced the murder rate in half."
"People want to better their lives and they want to better their situation, that isn't really the issue here."
"We've got to bring these communities together, make everybody's lives better."
"Every year we have the opportunity to invest 1.3 trillion dollars or approximately something like that uh you know to make our community better."
"Elections are ultimately about improving people's lives."
"Giving, raising frequency in society instead of deteriorating it, instead of pulling it down."
"You want to see things generally improve in this country? That's how you do it."
"Prevention education will help prevent us from needing all these shelters someday."
"Nobody knows better how to improve the quality of life of low-income communities than the communities themselves."
"If we loved everyone like you do, I think that we could get like way way way better outcome."
"You're not only erasing your problems but you're contributing to the betterment of everybody."
"You value freedom of expression and want to improve the conditions of people."
"We ought to stop talking about one another but rather start talking to one another."
"Real patriotism means bringing people together, lifting people up, and improving each other's lives."
"My plan is to go from homelessness to home ownership."
"A third option: Seeking a middle ground for humanity's betterment."
"Let's make the U.S. a better place in a positive way."
"The best way to make corruption unattractive is to reduce the power of politicians and improve the economy and social structure."
"But there is so much that we can do for one another and with one another to make life better for everyone."
"If we stand together and keep our eye on the prize of creating the kind of nation you and I know we can become, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish."
"Certainly making people aware of the possibility of bias would be important..."
"We need to keep the communication going, break all these barriers."
"That's the whole point, we want a better way of life for them and the whole world."
"A collective effort for the betterment of society."
"The ultimate goal that everybody has is just to make it better."
"We need to work on making our world a kinder place."
"Unlike other Generations these girls have a genuine interest in educating themselves and bettering both themselves and Society."
"These changes actually would help everybody."
"If you guys want changes to happen, you have to do it the right way."
"This man was making the mostly 90% Indian population of Bolivia, bringing 60% of the people out of poverty."
"Innocent people will be better off without either of them."
"That means the eradication of anything that is deleterious to our community."
"I want to make this world better for every single man, woman, and child. And you know, I believe that's what we're doing. I believe that this what this movement represents. We are securing the future for the next generation."
"Goodwill knows that giving people the opportunity to find a job is giving them the chance to make their lives better."
"Maybe now we can have the courage to say, can't we do better?"
"We've got to make things better for ordinary working people in this country."
"President Johnson set in motion his Great Society."
"It's not just about treating people with mental illness; it's about making the world a better place by getting people to engage in more pro-social behaviors."
"We need to actually renew public housing, repeal the Fair Cloth Amendment, and increase our housing stock."
"We need to change the narrative on our people."
"The system has to change in order to elevate the best aspects of us."
"We no longer have a homeless population, that's good."
"Once you take it out to generations and these people are able to consistently keep the crime down... then they won't be in the pattern to commit it in the first place."
"That attempt to make the world a better place."
"We have to find a way to do better than this."
"It makes and this is really the conceptualization we make the world better by making people safer."
"We need to focus on those of us who are awake, figuring out how to work better together."
"We both want to encourage people to fulfill their potential and improve society."
"We have to continue to expand human rights and improve the human condition."
"I'm witty. And I think I am filled with this desire to make the world a better place for people who are different."
"If everyone did that, I think the world would be a much better place."
"We have to be collectively on the same code to be on the same path for a collective uplift, that's the thing, that's the bargaining."
"We've all got to stay optimistic about things that can be done to make things better."
"It's clear that when there's diversity everything is elevated."
"I mean look at the last time that we checked there is there's been a two percent increase in uh, and middle-class people coming in that is that is absolutely brilliant that's really really good."
"We sit on this side of the house because we know that the way to improve the world is to work is to create it is to build."
"Let's make this world a better place and let's earn, man, let's earn at the same time."
"What's better than one billionaire? A stable black community."
"Guys, this is a genuine plea. We can all do better. It doesn't have to be this way."
"Let's also focus on the repair part of what needs to happen in our society."
"This will have an enormous positive economic impact of course the thing that matters more than the economic impact is the lack of suffering."
"We know we can't say that Y is better than X for society, but couldn't we say that Z is better than X? Isn't there some way to say if you move from off the possibility frontier to on the possibility frontier you can say it's a social improvement?"
"Where are we going to get to that point where poverty is totally abolished not through a literal cataclysm but rather by us constantly working on all the different things that we do to improve society?"
"When we talk about women's issues, we're really talking about solutions that make our society better as a whole."
"Maybe we can't stop these big blowout disagreements or politics or whitewashing at Hollywood and what people think about different ethnicities on tinder and things but maybe we can just be a little bit better to each other."
"Everybody can figure out that if you educate these people and get them to earning well, good citizenship, built-in high sense of self-esteem, you're going to get your money back and the nation will be a much better place."
"And personally, I think that is a pathway to making this world a better place for everybody."
"'How great would it be if we lived in a world where prison was the best thing to happen to some of those people?'"
"To make the social sphere work better."
"The main point is, why don't we work on things that actually show evidence of making lives better for black people?"
"For somebody who's trying to better society, or at least make things less cumbersome in regard to having to deal with the judicial system and the prison industrial complex, I don't see that as something to try to make fun of somebody crying for."
"She became a major philanthropist and activist, trying to improve the lives of women and African Americans."
"The decrease in football-related violence in recent years is undoubtedly a positive development."
"People are living real lives and they need to get educated on ways to try and make it out of those situations."
"We got to do better, people. We got to do better, and that's just the honest truth."
"Nearly 5 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps."
"When she saw people in need, she stepped forward. When she saw something that could be fixed, she stepped out and she stepped up."
"New Democrats believe that we can make a better Island when we lift everyone up."
"The solidarity and the commitment of the students and the workers to get a better work program — that will help the students."
"The government transformed slums and unhealthy dwellings into tenements, launched a wide range of infrastructure projects, and provided free health care and education."
"We must work to make life better for workers, for families, and communities, to create hope and opportunity."
"Cleveland replaced hopelessness and degradation with decency, dignity, and a fair chance in the pursuit of happiness."
"I used to have social anxiety but I'm so much better now."
"We believe that increasing the living standards for the poor is the core purpose."
"It's like they're trying to better society, right?"
"The objective of which is to stimulate thought and action for building a better, more caring society."
"Many of the diseases identified as tropical had only recently been present in Europe, and they weren't eradicated by temperature, but by broad social and economic improvements."
"Poverty will not be wiped out, but it will come down to more manageable numbers."
"We wanted to build a good company and improve the social status of our industry."
"I care about improving the quality of life for black men and boys."
"For the majority of Poles of peasant or worker origin, they have never had it so good."
"Digital networks might have something to do with improving this horrible pattern of human social behavior that's existed throughout history."
"If you can reverse any element of the cycle, the entire cycle reverses direction."
"The role of trade unions in improving social and economic conditions."
"If you improve on all those accounts, you reduce inequality."
"The communal violences that used to be there... have been drastically coming down."
"The idea really is to increase the resources so people don't have to."
"In order to make the world a better place, how can people think about the community before themselves?"
"I was driven to try to improve the lot of Newfoundland and Labrador."
"Crime and employment rates were lowered, making the welfare of Underdog City restored."
"It's great when people try to operate as a collective and really try to move for the betterment of an entire community."
"The number of people living in poverty went down in a non-trivial way."
"I just feel like the government just needs to improve Jamaica a bit more."
"We got to do better though, y'all, for real."
"We are working hard every day to reform our justice system in order to strengthen families, boost our economy, give people a chance at a better future."
"I'm not afraid of poverty. I think that's really important. I want to improve the society that I live in."
"We need to improve conditions in low-income communities."