
Liability Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"We do not need to make the profession even more damaging and liability like, we don't need to do that."
"If the current Twitter board takes actions contrary to the shareholder interests, they would be breaching their fiduciary duty. The liability they would thereby assume would be Titanic in scale."
"This will help shield you from any potential liabilities and if you were to ever get sued, it will also protect your personal assets."
"The trustee alleges that at all relevant times the CFS defendants knew or should have known."
"Copyright infringement is a strict liability offense."
"If you overserve somebody and they drive home, you're liable."
"They're all jointly and severally liable... they're strong men and their flesh and blood."
"The first reason why you want to form your LLC is not for the business, it's for you to protect your assets from business creditors."
"No cap though, Dignitas' bot lane has been nothing but a giga liability."
"A party to a civil suit cannot be liable for the intentional wrongful conduct of his attorney unless the client is implicated in some way other than merely having entrusted legal representation to the attorney."
"The less liability they have, the more they have immunity to just do whatever they want."
"Global populations are a rapidly increasing liability to those in power."
"Honestly, you know when if Twitch does that a lot of the liability gets off on their shoulders."
"To hold YouTube liable... I think would be completely ridiculous."
"Discharge any presumed liability if you've been given or find no remedy or recourse."
"I agree with this bill. If Amazon is hosting all these resellers on their site, they should be liable for what they're selling."
"It is very impressive and I described it as being at the intersection of art and liability."
"If Trump is too big of a liability to get a job at your local mall, he's too big of a liability to be President of the United States."
"I'll have Kautilya assume all liability and criminal charges."
"Buying a home can actually be a financial liability."
"Gold is the only financial asset that's not simultaneously somebody else's liability."
"An asset is something that generates money for you or that can be used to generate money for you later down the line, and a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket."
"...because any of those risks I named can wipe out 100 of your asset and all of human action is a liability working against you now."
"We are definitely not liable to pay the hospital bill and neither the hospital nor any collection agency has contacted us since."
"They never said you're our guy but they allowed you to continue on leading people to believe they never cleared it up they're going to be liable you're an agent by a stopple."
"Energon inherently exposes itself to the tort liability of each state in which it performs in-state conduct."
"Oh I know I know it's a gnarly liability but at the end of the day [__] yeah that would be completely amazing hook him up hit this up."
"My dad is wild to take places like actually he is a liability when you take him in public."
"If you were going to design a nuclear power plant even if it was stable, if you had a big red button that said self-destruct and you just said, 'By the way guys, don't ever press that,' it's a huge liability, right? It's an accident waiting to happen."
"Is there any concern from a liability standpoint?"
"I'm glad Judge Faith agreed. So, on the issue of liability, I don't find you to be liable for this accident."
"The plaintiffs almost caused her death by leaving a door open, which exposes dangerous stairs."
"I feel like that show has so many more liabilities of like teens throwing themselves into things and just like not realizing that they have like scoliosis."
"They're going to limit their liability."
"...if someone sues your business entity, the assets that you own as an individual are likely not at risk."
"Partners are jointly and severally liable for the debts of the firm upon partnership debts."
"Anything that we are showing you here obviously is done at your own risk... if you change something and it ruins one of your modules then we are not liable foreskin is not liable."
"If you don't do those, you really are putting yourself at risk of exposing yourself to personal liability if something should happen with the LLC."
"Respondent Superior liability doesn't work. What you need: The plaintiff has to allege and prove an official policy or custom that brings about a constitutional violation."
"But until he decides that he's not going to be an addict no more and addicted to the lifestyle that he is and he was used to, ain't no insurance company, ain't no company or nobody going to ever deal with him because now he's a liability."
"We had three different companies come out and mark, and then one guy said as long as we were one foot away from where they marked, if we hit something, they're liable for it."
"The defendant will only be liable for losses that were reasonably foreseeable to the defendant as arising from the breach."
"You're a bit of a liability when it comes to my survival, Carl."
"Remember we talked about abandonment? The doctor being able to be sued for abandonment, right?"
"As you scale you might need more umbrellas policies are the same exact thing all they do is provide more capital to fight a lawsuit but they're not going to cover intentional wrongdoings."
"Try to break even, right? You don't want to buy an asset that you have to pay for every month. That's really not an asset; it's a liability."
"Incorporating doesn't necessarily mean that you get to shield all of your own personal financial assets if there is any judgment against you."
"In a corporation as a shareholder, you have limited liability."
"The reason the plaintiffs didn't get money for additional parts of the wall that might collapse, that's just speculative. It may happen in the future, you can't sue until then."
"Why not have liability insurance for guns? This just seems so logical."
"The opposite of a key man is a liability that's what a lot of you are."
"If he did restrict your access to the property it gives a weight to your argument that he took it upon himself to cause this problem for you, making him personally liable for the situation."
"Separate business bank accounts help limit liability and protect personal funds."
"Why would I want to be personally liable if something detrimental happens? I'm trying to make an impact and a difference in this world."
"Directors the directors of the company are potentially personally liable commencing to trade without at Renison."
"A breach in your duties as a director can result in you being held personally liable."
"A limited company protects its shareholders from personal liability."
"They were found fully liable and had to compensate me for everything. For the land they destroyed, the structures destroyed, the crops they dug up, just everything."
"We have developed a misunderstanding of what a corporation is. Corporations exist to limit liability and encourage people to take risks."
"My insurance company, you know, they told me on the phone that they found that the other driver is 100% at fault and liable for the accident."
"Never get to the point where you are a liability. It's not cute and it's not safe."
"The LLC means Limited Liability Corporation and it does exactly that; it limits the liability you carry for owning that asset."
"Regardless if the landlord has a duty to repair or not, if the landlord actually does make a repair and it is negligent, then he is liable."
"A lot of these apartment complexes or like you know nice office space that we're in here like they require an umbrella like well over a million dollar policy so like if you want to score those big jobs like you need that stuff otherwise you're really."
"LLC for sure, it separates you from your business in case something happens."
"Everyone's just so worried about liability of like slander and stuff like that. Like, what if he is found innocent? You said this on the news, now you're liable for defamation. Crazy. It's like the whole world just walks on eggshells now, you know?"
"We can't legally let this man talk anymore. He's literally gonna get us in trouble."
"Your marriage can be your greatest asset or your biggest liability."
"Section 230... established that websites relying on user-generated content cannot be treated like publishers."
"Negligence: that's when a person has a duty of care but if it's been breached and causes damage or loss to another person."
"just be an asset a set of a liability if you could be an asset set of a liability towards life that's a huge thing to break it down even further"
"If you can impose liability on companies which have sold a product under a government-controlled program that has caused warning labels to be applied to every package of the product, then you sure ought to be able to allow people to sue."
"You don’t want our officials to be worrying about being sued when they have to make these very difficult decisions about protecting the national security."
"The liability or guilt of a subordinate is imputed to his superior even though his superior is entirely blameless."
"...there is a legal category for giving you liability even though it was something someone else did even though you didn't know it was there."
"The jury did ultimately find OJ liable for the murders and the victims' families were awarded $33.5 million."
"Hey, you kids playing soccer with no helmet? There's a whole thing that... Especially with skateparks, if you try to enforce pads and helmet, then you're liable."
"The accident was caused by an agent or instrumentality within the defendant's exclusive control."
"...a helmet that sits too low is a liability."
"A sub limit in a liability policy puts a ceiling on the payment for all claims that arise from a single incident per occurrence."
"This is important for the brand of Air Cover because a lot of hosts lately and a lot of owners of properties lately have been so worried about what if a guest trips and falls and stuff like that."
"If you've got a one-pound company and you lend it a million pounds, it might have a million pounds in the bank, but it's got a million pounds liability, so the value of the company is still a pound."
"Your liability goes down 75% when the client is with you."
"When a broker goes out of business that was a good broker, OTR is liable."
"Nominal damages are like, 'Okay, you're at fault, pay me like a dollar.'"
"You're not a capability, you're a liability."
"Your greatest asset became your greatest liability."
"The corporations of social abstraction, right to take this thing that just exists in our heads and treat it in some senses as a person that can own property and where you limit liability, that was a social convention that people had to arrive at."
"The whole point of being an LLC is limiting your liability."
"Limited liability is a protection at the end of the day."
"You can end the contract with no liability falling upon yourself."
"Most companies... have what's known as limited liability."
"There are systems in place for you guys to be able to document these things, so that way you're not held liable after the fact."
"Their actions placed the city at risk of unneeded liability and described their behavior as extremely unacceptable."
"Every person's greatest asset is also its greatest liability."
"Protects your personal assets from the debts and liabilities of your company."
"We are not liable for any damages incurred, but we are liable for the fun."
"If you want to deny liability, that's fine, you can do that. You don't have to admit blame, but guess what, I'll put it before a judge and they'll order that you are to blame."
"An LLC or Limited Liability Company... the name tells you what the whole purpose is: they want to limit their liability."
"If you create a corporation and the client is represented by the corporation, who would the client be suing? The corporation rather than you personally."
"The removal and wreckage represents a legal argument that was used to make the ship's owners responsible for its running aground."
"The amount of compensation they can receive will be reduced in proportion to their own faults."
"An asset is something that will give you money or you can make an investment on it; a house is a liability if you have a mortgage on it and you just keep on paying on it."
"The entire idea of a corporation is to in fact protect the owners from being fully liable for things that go wrong."
"Every situation is unique, and you never know if some unknown liability might pop up."
"The sole proprietorship and the partnership has one major flaw, which is that there's no limited liability protection."
"Superfund requires that responsible parties must assume liability for the cleanup of environmental hazards."
"That is one of the big advantages to a corporate form of organization is the limited liability for its owners."
"The tax liability is the income tax which is due on the taxable income."
"Americans like to say their cars provide them freedom of mobility, but it is arguably more of a liability."
"The liability you have is enormous."
"If there is a contractual obligation to deliver cash, it is a financial liability."
"The most common form of commercial organization is a company, and the great thing about a company is that it will have limited liability."
"Always think about that long-term liability and the Cradle to grave management of those materials."
"Leaving your customers with poor service... is a huge liability."
"Good Samaritan laws are based on a common law principle that when you reasonably help another person, you should not be held liable for errors or omissions that are made in giving care."
"At the end of the day, you sign have them sign a contract that basically says I'm not responsible for any damages that happen in your driveway."
"Safety is about avoiding harming people, so that is naturally the fact that the NF atopic or liability."
"Buying a house to live in is not an asset, it's literally the definition of a liability."
"A partnership has unlimited liability for partners."
"When you are getting into a relationship, it is very important to understand the level of liability that you are taking on with the partner you're taking on."
"If you learn it and do it right, folks, you're not going to be exposed to liability."
"80% of all new businesses set up are LLCs, and the reason for that is they are cost-effective and they are also going to help limit your liability."
"As business owners, we have to learn how to separate ourselves from the liability of the business."
"Caution in naval warfare is often a liability."
"The way you deal with liability is to have good insurance, rather than try to avoid the liability in the first place."
"If someone is hiring you to do this, make sure that they're not hiring you to be their insurance policy so if it breaks, again there's liability involved."
"It's Pinkman. He's become increasingly incautious; he's a risk, a liability."
"Section 230 has become a suicide pact. We have basically said to these companies, you are absolved from liability, make money, and they're at it in overtime, and deaths result from it."
"Your mind can be your greatest asset or it can be your worst liability."
"That six inches between your ears, your mind, can be your greatest asset or it can be your worst liability."
"The primary advantage of a corporation over some of these different forms of ownership is the fact that you get limited liability for the owners."
"If you do not do the brakes per the manufacturer's specification, you take all of the liability."
"Private limited companies are incorporated businesses that have limited liability."
"Good heart without a prudent head is a liability."
"When you violate the Constitution, you've got to be held liable."
"It is absolutely not the case that eliminating qualified immunity would expose police officers and other government officials to a regime of strict liability."
"State actors shall be liable to the person injured for the deprivation of any right."
"A liability is anything that does not add value to your account or life."