
Lordship Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"When Jesus Christ is Lord over your life, there is a change that should happen; there is a change that does happen."
"Jesus is the Lord of lords; He's the King of kings, whoever apparently won the last election."
"Christ is Lord, he is transcendent, he's above all, he defines the limits of government, his law reigns supreme."
"If Jesus Christ is Lord of anything, Jesus Christ is Lord of everything."
"Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord."
"Jesus is our Savior and he also needs to be our Lord."
"We don't save ourselves. We yield to Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and master."
"Jesus Christ is Lord, he wants full control."
"Don't get so caught up in his lordship over the universe that you forget what it means to let him be lord over you."
"The puritans were post-millennial in their perspective. What did they do? They established communities where they saw Jesus' lordship from the bottom to the top."
"Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!"
"God demands total surrender. It is submission to His lordship."
"Those who are really under Christ's lordship are those who are under the authority of Christ in the Church."
"He's either Lord of your life of all or not Lord at all."
"The whole point of the prayer is to get heaven here."
"Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Jesus Christ is the word of God."
"Every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"During the Blackfyre rebellions, the lord of House Peak was one Lord Gorman Peak."
"Jesus Christ is still the Lord of lords and he's the king of kings and he is the one who is present in the tabernacle upon our altars and even on our tongues."
"You don't receive Christ as Savior and later make Him Lord. You receive Him as Lord and Savior all at the same time."
"You can't say, 'I want you to save me, but I don't want you to be Lord.' He says, 'I am Lord.'"
"A commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ, to the word of God exemplified in the confession of Faith."
"Jesus in verse 9. for to this end Christ died and lived again that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living."
"Dominion is nothing more than the lordship of Jesus Christ over every square inch that belongs to him and the whole world belongs to him."
"Christ is either Lord of all or is not Lord at all."
"It's one thing to say, 'Yea, verily, I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.' But the second question follows, is he your Lord?"
"Jesus said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.'"
"Jesus is Lord and King of the entire world."
"God wants you and I to bring all of life under the lordship of Jesus Christ."
"Allah is the Lord of everything with the exception to Allah."
"It's a life of total surrender, a life of complete trust. Either Jesus is Lord of all or He is not Lord at all."
"I will abandon the title and name and all that goes with it. I will renounce my lordship and my claims on Highgarden."
"...we will be with the Lord forever, and his lordship will be most on our minds."
"...no entrance into the kingdom of God is possible unless Christ is owned as Lord."
"In Christianity, there shouldn't even be a question about lordship, about preeminence, about who is Lord, who is the savior, who is God manifest in the flesh, who is the Creator, who is the Almighty God. There should be no questions at all."
"In your heart, set apart Christ as Lord."
"Ultimately, regardless of those things, we still look to Christ as our Lord and our Savior and Redeemer."
"He's good, he knows what is best for you, he's Lord of your plans and dreams."
"Jesus Christ is a sovereign and a reigning Lord and King."
"For most of my adult life, Jesus was my Savior, but he was not my Adonai until I turned 54."
"For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord."
"Jesus Christ is Jehovah to the Lord God the Father, the eternal of the Spirit."
"Every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"The gospel is the story of Jesus and the announcement that Jesus is Lord."
"Serving Jesus as Lord of your life is not a diminishment of pleasure or opportunity."
"He's not just the Lord, but he's also their Savior."
"Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Messiah."
"Jesus Christ is Lord, my destiny is glorious."
"Who is Jesus right now in your soul? Is He your living Savior? Is He your Lord God Almighty?"
"It's one thing to say, 'Jesus is Lord,' it's another thing to submit to Jesus as Lord."
"Truly your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, a revealer of mysteries."
"Jesus is our king, He is our Lord."
"That Jesus Christ is Lord in all the fullness of what that word 'Jesus' means and what that word 'Lord' means."
"Every knee shall bow, confess Jesus Christ is Lord."
"The Lord of the whole earth is so significant."
"May we humble ourselves and surrender to you that you would be central in our lives as Lord and Savior."
"Christianity is an admission that we are not the Lords of our life, Jesus is the Lord of our life."
"For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living."
"Jesus Christ is Lord over their lives, Lord over Rome, Lord over all."
"Jesus Christ is not just Lord over the church. He is Lord over all Creation."
"You are not saved because you believe He will be Lord; you are saved because you believe He is Lord."
"Christ is king, he is Lord; to him all authority in heaven and on earth has been given."
"Thank you, Jesus, that you are my Lord."
"The most important thing that any Christian minister can do is to make the announcement that Jesus the crucified one has been raised from the dead and is the lord of the world."
"Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord."
"...the writings by the apostolic fathers of the church...they all view Christ as Lord, he is Lord, he is Yahweh..."
"Jesus is no longer just your Savior but He's also your Lord and your King."
"The Holy Spirit is God and He is Lord."
"The concept of being a Kingdom disciple is to be a Christian, a believer who is progressively participating in the process of learning what it is to live all of life under the lordship, rulership, kingship of Jesus Christ."
"I am sarva-loka-mahesvaram, the Lord of the universe, the vital factor."
"At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"Every knee must bend, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"Brahman is the lord of words and it contains the universe."
"We're under the lordship of Christ."
"We worship you our Savior, we worship you our King, You are holy, you are worthy, you are Lord of everything we honor."
"Give Him the preeminence in every situation you face; He's Lord."
"...what really matters is have you repented of your sins and made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life."
"Every knee must bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord."
"Jesus must be your Savior, but Jesus must become your Lord."
"At the mention of His name, every knee must bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord."
"You are our Lord and our King, our creator, our keeper, our provider, our protector."
"Peace through Jesus the king, who is Lord of all."
"Jesus Christ is Lord, Lord of life and Lord of all."
"Every knee should bow... every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
"I declare you my lord and my savior."
"Jesus is Lord of all; everything comes under His control."
"The lordship of Christ over all of my life, the lordship of Christ over all of life."
"All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord."
"Putting God first in your life establishes His lordship."
"God is the Lord of all, or He's not Lord at all."
"For he is Lord, he has risen from the dead, and he is Lord."
"If you're going to follow Him, you must make up your mind about who is Lord in your life."
"We don't fit Jesus into our life and our schedule and our political party; we say Jesus, You are Lord."
"If he's not Lord, he's not Savior."
"We live this way because we live under the lordship of Jesus and we belong to him."
"To confess that Jesus is Lord is distinctive of Christian faith."
"Lord, our lives are not our own, they're Yours."
"Mary, did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?"
"He's supposed to be our Lord, He is the King of the church, amen, and we should be listening to what He had to say because His words are important."
"The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all)."
"You may know that I am the Lord your God."
"Jesus is the Lord and our Savior."
"Every knee bow, every tongue confess His lordship, and His kingdom will have no end."
"Spirituality is not highly impractical; it's highly practical because Jesus Christ wants to be Lord of every area of your life."
"When Jesus comes into your heart, He wants to be not just a Savior, but also Lord."
"Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Christ is Lord."
"Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
"There's nothing that Jesus is not Lord over."
"Jesus alone is the savior, Jesus alone is the Lord, Jesus alone is Our Redeemer and King."
"Jesus Christ, Son of God, is Lord and only Savior."
"True submission starts with making Jesus Lord."
"He is Lord, he's risen from the dead, and he is Lord."
"Jesus Christ is my Lord, not just my savior or my deliverer, but the Lord of my life and everything that concerns me."
"I am asking for your help, my lord."
"The realms protected by the holy dragons were under the stewardship of their most powerful lord."
"And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live."
"You can't make God the Lord of your life and have something else have a position of lordship at the same time."
"The minute you accept him and you say, 'Jesus, you're my Lord,' he becomes your king, and then you abide by his kingdom principles."
"If it's not Lord of all, He's not Lord at all."
"The narrative of my life is telling the story that Jesus is Lord."
"Your mind is under the control of the lordship of Jesus Christ."
"The one thing that determines everything is the loving and absolute lordship of Jesus Christ in every arena of our lives."
"Jesus is Lord, and that means I'm supposed to obey Him, not the other way around."
"Christ is the Lord, oh praise His name forever."
"He's either the lord of everything or he's not the lord of anything."
"Jesus, the only Savior and the only Lord."
"We need a people who desire another Lord above all in this hour, and more than anything, so we can truly see revival break forth."
"The gospel is not about how to be saved; it's a proclamation that Christ is Lord."
"He's King of Kings and He's Lord of Lords."
"Jesus is much more than some faith healer or genie that would do some of the stuff we want him to do. He is Lord."
"Hold on to Christ. He is the supreme Lord of all persons, all dominions, worlds, and events."
"If Jesus Christ is not Lord of all, then he is not Lord at all."
"Jesus is raised from the dead and He is Lord."
"And yet not three Lords, but one Lord."
"At the final judgment, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord."
"Yahweh Savaot, Lord of hosts in Hebrew."
"One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He and He alone is Lord."
"No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, except by the Spirit of God."
"We honor you, King Jesus, as Lord over this atmosphere."
"Your God, he is the God of gods and the Lord of lords and he reveals the secrets."
"He's either your Lord or he's not."
"At the mention of your name, every knee must bow, every tongue confess you are Lord."
"The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength."
"Jesus Christ is risen from the dead; He is Lord of all."
"You have to be committed to the lordship, the reign, the supervision, the overseeing of every detail in your life by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"The Bible says that every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father."
"A doctor can be your servant, but he cannot be your Lord. Jesus is Lord."
"Jesus loves you, and He is Lord, amen."
"Lordship is what governs you, what rules you."
"Jesus is Lord and He's coming soon."
"A prophetic word from heaven will always produce in you the lordship of Jesus."
"We're going to have to choose who's Lord over our lives: is it God in His word, or is it us in our desires?"
"There's a God who rules in heaven, he wants to be lord of your life, he wants to be your savior and your deliverer."
"Our humanity must always be adjusted to our Christian faith and to the lordship of Jesus Christ."
"At that name, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord."
"Jesus is Lord! Get with the program, Jesus is Lord."
"The Bible is actually about salvation; that salvation belongs to the Lord."
"Jesus Christ is Lord of all and Savior, and He wants to be your Lord and He wants to save you."
"The invitation of scripture is to know Jesus as Lord."
"Great are you Lord, Lord over our lives, we worship you."
"Lo! I, even I, am Allah, the Lord of the Worlds."