
Public Services Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Privatization and corporatization of public assets is increasingly the result, much to the delight of slews of corporate entities more than willing to monetize and profit from what had formerly been publicly funded public services."
"It's amazing that we are not providing free daycare in the same way that we're providing free kindergarten and free elementary school and free high school. Children are at their best in terms of learning during the preschool years."
"Different citizens will value and need different services."
"We take for granted things like decent jobs, good schools, Wi-Fi, public transportation, reliable sewers, grocery stores, and medical insurance."
"We needed education, we needed decent housing, we wanted fair treatments in the court, wanted medical care."
"Unless governments actually fund the services that are providing all these essential services, we go back to the same point."
"Taxes are very important because tax is how we fund education, how we fund the highways, roads, a lot of public services are funded through taxes."
"Isn't the fire department an example of socialism that works?"
"Imagine like your public library and you go to the public library and you know the library itself is not responsible for what's in the content of those books."
"Nationalized services are bloated and slow... Privatization drives down operating costs and results in a blossoming of innovation."
"Most people want a convenient, affordable, fully regulated, hopefully publicly owned bus service."
"Public libraries, everyone likes public libraries."
"Health care should be a basic human right. It doesn't make any sense to me that we get public education but we don't get public health care. Like, I think that's nonsense."
"I pay for that uniform. I pay for that car. I'm the taxpayer, right?"
"I fundamentally believe that every quality Public University education should be very affordable in every state."
"Let's improve our healthcare, let's improve our public transport, what Carol Williams and others call the foundational economy."
"It's a National Health Service, not an International Health Service."
"We do need to be taxing the rich to properly fund our public services."
"The more services we have in the city, the more the [population will benefit]."
"We all want the same things: Great Schools, good jobs, safe roads and communities."
"It's amazing how much money you make when you don't have to pay for schools or police."
"If our officials are providing basic amenities, things wouldn't be this bad."
"The slow pace at which lines with voters has been moving."
"We need to put healthcare, you know, we need to make it a public good again."
"Education and healthcare in this country, that's the two."
"Residents turning to private police for safety."
"The taxpayers pay for the Amber Alert. That's me. That's us."
"Estonia has public health, education, roads, and public transportation, all with a public debt of only 8.4% of GDP."
"You can decommodify stuff like say housing or railway networks transportation medical care..."
"At the end of the day, all I was doing is going there to buy a stamp and I was leaving. So all this for a stamp."
"The state should be making a very strong effort to provide more services in poorer areas."
"Surely all of us make a contract with the government that we pay our taxes you one way or another take care of us whether it's through ongoing infrastructure schools roads hospitals name your priorities."
"Nobody's upset because there's no choice between public and private firefighters."
"The public are best served by having public services managed by the government."
"That felt really nice. Fire station, everyone is protected, everyone is happy."
"As far as this show is concerned, Social Security is today cancelled."
"Defund Public Schools, defund the FBI, defund gun control, defund the IRS, then defund the police."
"If anything good comes out of this tragedy of this virus, it is a lesson... about how we need to invest in our public services permanently."
"Our strategy had two parts: Part One help asylum seekers... Part Two provide services... more efficiently and in a more cost-effective manner."
"We're here to uplift people for the betterment of everybody across the board, their healthcare, public health overall, education."
"Governments... are basically there to keep the lights on and the bins emptied."
"Trash collection is one of those interesting things that everyone just expects to happen."
"If you can't get your trash collected, I don't want to live there."
"Efficiency savings, running public services to the absolute limit - hopefully this crisis delegitimizes that idea."
"The freight rail system should be treated as the public infrastructure it is."
"People want health care and education to be social goods, not market commodities."
"We can choose to put public goods back in public hands."
"When you build the public good sector, you improve public schools, create public transportation, build a public health system, and provide universally free higher education."
"I personally think we should have free public college."
"The federal government can just build public housing."
"What we want is for the poor to have access at public hospitals."
"Government stops showing up for us in a real way, not only is it potholes. What happens when you call 9-1-1 and nobody shows up?"
"The whole attitude is weird to me. I don't understand why anybody would anybody on any part of the political spectrum would be opposed to receiving these amenities from the people they work for."
"The implications of a government shutdown, it can just read like 'oh government shutdown,' but it also impacts people's actual lives."
"PR is the only way to stop the Tories from privatizing everything again."
"When you inject a profit motive into functions that are historically public function... bad things come of it ultimately."
"He made us the party that wanted to invest more heavily in our public services and he was right to do so."
"There are a lot of things that work best if you have functioning public institutions."
"Governments are only going to have two choices: raise taxes and cut services."
"Conservatives like to say they're for the people. But they cut services for everybody else."
"Privatizing essential public services is just a license to print money."
"When has there ever been a service that was privatized and got better or cheaper? Never. It gets worse and more expensive."
"Free childcare, medical, dental, pharmaceutical services."
"I think the US will expand its public services after its current year of political instability."
"What have these people ever done for the places you live in the communities you're from? What have they ever done for your kids, for the public services you rely on?"
"Public transportation should be a public good."
"If government stops working, yes, that hurts everybody, but it especially hurts the people who need help the most."
"Taxation is theft, especially when we have public broadcasting."
"Nothing is free in this country, not even the free vaccine."
"America lags behind the world in many things. One, education. Two, public transportation. And three, meats in tubes."
"A return of the government to the things that matter to the people: education, health, housing, and above all, the economy and jobs."
"It always trips me out, these folks who complain about taxes but never think about the stuff that taxes pay for."
"Taxes are evil? They pay for things like water, roads, schools, hospitals, scientific research, police departments, fire departments."
"Universal healthcare... it is not perfect but it is really great in so many ways."
"In terms of progressive taxation, there are issues about taxation in order to finance better public services and public education."
"One is, the 1% doesn't need public roads. It doesn't need public schools. It doesn't need public health. It doesn't need these publicly provided services. And so they don't support them."
"Income tax should be increased for people earning over £80,000 a year to pay for public services." Strongly agree
"Free fiber-optic broadband for every house in the country, strongly agree."
"We choose progressive taxation to increase investment in the NHS and public services."
"We're going to start right away for funding for our frontline public services to deliver better healthcare, better education, and more police on the streets."
"Costa Rica's commitment to Public Services underscores the nation's dedication to its citizens' welfare."
"So .. with defense, justice, infrastructure and education, a publicly financed government seems to be the most fair and logical solution."
"...the first lever that we will pull is the growth lever because in the end that's the only way to get the money that we need to fund our Public Services."
"Tax pays for our public services and our public services deliver our future. They help us realize our aspirations whether that's good health, good education, good infrastructure that leads to improvements in productivity."
"Remaining in the EU will mean we have more money, we can invest more in our public services, we'll be better able to improve people's lives and help to resolve that division."
"Public charging infrastructure carries a lot of its own, let's say, complications."
"But yeah, where does the money go? It wouldn't be so bad if we paid all this tax if we actually felt that we're getting something back for it."
"Strong public services require strong and stable leadership that delivers a strong economy."
"the privatization of stress has been part of a project that is aimed at an almost total Destruction of the concept of the public"
"Everybody fusses about taxes and, you know, sometimes for good reason. But the fact is, we have to look at what the taxes are for, how the taxes enhance our lives, what we're getting for those taxes."
"Prop 13 limited tax increases for residential and commercial property owners. A victory for taxpayers, but arguably a loss for public services."
"Doesn't it make sense that every elected official all the way up to the president be required to utilize the public services that they've been elected to uphold?"
"When you go to Florida, you see exactly where your tax money goes... I don't see dead carcasses laying in the streets stinking for weeks on end until they melt into the Earth, that says something."
"The quality of public school education varies widely depending on where you live."
"I don't mind my taxes being raised if the money is going towards stuff like education or healthcare."
"Probably the easier way to bring in more revenue to pay for the services we want is to enforce the laws that we have on the books better."
"The state has failed in public health, public schools, police, and fire."
"World-class public services, better jobs, more homes, a stronger economy."
"We take a balanced approach to our economy that deals with our debts, keeps taxes low on working families, and puts more money into our public services."
"New bus stops finally arrive in Norwich, but people baffled by upside down timetable."
"Our rural communities must be given the same funding and public services as everyone else in our country."
"As conservatives, we believe that if we bring down the tax burden, that will fire up the economy, create more jobs, more money for public services like the NHS."
"Privatization just doesn't work, not just in health but in water, in energy, in rail, anywhere you look."
"Access to health and education is free; there are hardly any private firms."
"It has been a decade of failure on the economy and public services by the Conservatives."
"The way in which we can both improve public services and have better living standards is to grow the economy."
"It is through growth and only through growth that we can sustainably resource strong public services, raise living standards, and compete internationally."
"With the 2023 elections questionable due to unfulfilled peace agreement and independence day stripped off of its celebratory atmosphere due to poor economy, South Sudanese are calling on the government to ensure peace and security in the country and to provide basic services."
"The public are really concerned about the state of public services."
"The government transformed slums and unhealthy dwellings into tenements, launched a wide range of infrastructure projects, and provided free health care and education."
"Having public services where anyone can attend is great."
"We've got a free health service, freedom of speech, free education."
"Public services matter; they are the heart of our society and they are what should be prioritized."
"Property taxes pay for many of the vital services we use every day."
"No one likes paying taxes, and some people think that if we just charge people only for the public services they choose to use, we could create a more fair, just taxation system."
"Ottawa has a very low crime rate, high quality of life, great public transit, and low population density."
"City tends to focus more on police stations and fire stations, whereas Friends is more focused on actual life."
"We as a collective... if we're not willing to pay for it and not willing to use it, they won't build it."
"Japan's excellent public services, healthcare, and education ensure a high standard of living, softening any economic slowdown."
"Imagine a country where 99% of Public Services are online and everything can be signed digitally."
"Observing locations where services such as water sanitation are provided."
"Everyone needs child care, everyone needs health insurance, everyone eats food for instance."
"All of these services will be available using your OHIP card, never your credit card."
"A growing economy creates growing tax revenues which pay for public services."
"We need to invest in infrastructure which includes roads and highways, Health Care, education."
"It is important that those who come here contribute to our public services."
"The International Project Finance Association defines project finance as the financing of long-term infrastructure, industrial projects, and public services."
"Malta has a strong public healthcare system, which provides free services to all Maltese citizens."
"I have a plan to raise $3 billion from the wealthy, to invest in transportation and education."
"Local people want transport that works, education that delivers, and streets that are safe to walk on."
"We've got to invest in the NHS and schools and all those good things that the British public wants to see."
"Rising debt may lead to dirtier streets, fewer public services, and tough decisions from public officials that need to make ends meet."
"AI makes our Public Services run better."
"The availability of health, education, and recreational facilities will determine a country's quality of life."
"Building an economy for the many also means bringing ownership and control of the utilities and key services into the hands of people who use and work in them."
"Budgets start with people; let's look at all the services that are needed, build the budget, calculate how much it costs."
"Our taxes go towards something that we can all benefit from: roads, schools, public health care."
"Homeless people should be offered safe shelters with services."