
Spiritual Exploration Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Studying the physical universe, in particular cosmology or astronomy, is certainly a way of getting closer to understanding God."
"Shamans have used psychedelic compounds throughout human history to enter spiritual domains and communicate with supernatural entities." - Unknown
"Astral projection gives you incredible freedom."
"Neil, do you think we'll be able to see any angels?"
"Adapt and who cares if you're not going to give up, you'll solve it."
"If you seek out God and everything not in these phony churches but just you know seeking God like Christ said."
"Before you resign that exploration on insufficient evidence, take seriously the possibility that God might exist and explore the person of Jesus for yourself."
"Start some occult studies like psychology, astrology, energy healing."
"To think deeply on these spiritual questions of life opened me up to a whole world of knowledge because I realize how much I don't know."
"The Quran is like an ocean, and all we do is get a little wet."
"Swedenborg got to experience both heaven and hell."
"They clean out their house and get rid of it and then they go wandering in the world and they come back with new age spiritualism and seancing communicating with the Deads and all these other things that they filled their house up."
"I'm about to get my dreams analyzed, this lady might be a witch."
"I think there's different flavors of transcendence."
"Why would you not go and see what God really got for you before you leave this world?"
"Love always will be the primary road to discovery of God."
"Highlight on healers: a series to demystify your soul's journey."
"The future of religion lives in escaping the limits of faith systems and entering into the mystery and the wonder of what God is."
"The Bible offers valuable insights into these matters, and as Christians, it is our responsibility to explore and understand them to deepen our faith and spiritual awareness."
"I became convinced that I had to follow that philosophical and spiritual feeling."
"Doing psychedelics has kind of unlocked that part where I could... it's like... like imagine being in the Psychedelic temple with the beings that you're like, these are not humans but talking to you, you know?"
"Fasting is going to unleash. Fasting is going to take you to the forefront of the spiritual realm where everything is conceived and let you have a landscape view of what is pulling the strings to your life that you cannot see on a normal basis."
"Music as a vehicle for Spiritual exploration."
"If you want to know God, what's one of the most important ways you can know God? Christ in you, the hope of glory."
"If other Christians have always worshiped this way where could I go so for me coming from the Western Christian perspective to me the historical church always sort of meant Rome."
"Doubt is not the enemy of faith, but doubt is often an invitation into a deeper faith."
"We're gonna be honest, we're gonna have fun, we're gonna dive into God's word, but we're gonna be honest for the next few moments we have together as a family of faith."
"I think these existential spiritual issues are extremely important and that you know this goes beyond psych of therapy how one finds purpose and meaning and tries sometimes I say trying to make sense of the senseless."
"Set your intention to dive down into the inner journey and discover the truth of who you really are inside."
"There might be something beyond what I believe."
"By bringing the mind into this center, we discover a portal to the most intimate and luminous space."
"This energy is about your intuitive self, your spiritual self, everything else that composes you."
"Are there gods? And then the shaman appeared, and then men learned to build great temples and architectural wonders."
"Sufism has a potential that kind of breaks through this institutionalized understanding."
"God, I give you everything I am to discover everything you are."
"We are entering into an age of multidimensionality, experiencing this on various levels. Younger souls are naturally exploring these dimensions, pushing boundaries."
"This is an energy of going deep. This is an energy of transcending our normal perception of reality."
"Let's have some fun tonight, see if we get some insight from Source about what's going on with love."
"In the ages to come, you will just be starting to discover the richness of His grace."
"Now if I were 18 and having these relationships with God and all these feelings that I'm having in the explorations that I'm having now, I would go back to school and I would double major in Theology and world history."
"You can literally just drop it open to any one of the Psalms with your eyes closed and put your finger down and start reading it randomly, and you're gonna have a good experience."
"But what's He really like? And if you had to describe not just what your God does, but what is the being of your God like, what would you say?"
"A growing curiosity about spirituality and self-discovery is often a sign that your higher self is Awakening."
"We are truly finding our spiritual purpose in a way, we are discovering why we're here." - Ashala
"There wasn't just one single path, there were many different paths into many different Heavens."
"It's almost like a window into the spirit realm or whatever, it doesn't make sense but it does at the same time."
"God, in the full meaning of the word God, is both in a sense God and the Godhead."
"If you would know God, be not therefore a solver of riddles."
"I am so excited about the kind of emotional spiritual journey that Din gets to go on now."
"The mirror is a magical tool for introspection, for looking into the abyss, for going deep in meditation."
"This is a wonderful month to explore that to be open to what the soul reveals because that answer comes from deep within and it comes from your soul oh your soul knows that answer."
"Only those who have done the work will be able to have a real contact with. Wow fascinating."
"Do not be scared of your spirit. Ask questions, get in your space, your spirit's counting on this."
"A curious journey of the most amazing love, hope, and faith."
"You have to discover the wonderful love of God."
"You need to tap into your spirit and find out what's going on in that space, what you can achieve, what you are capable of."
"I'm really into the idea of doing ayahuasca."
"My new purpose now is to understand what pure love is."
"As a non-scientologist and former Christian, I watch SP TV and ex Jehovah's Witness channels because y'all escaped from religion as did I."
"The true mystic ancients turned their attention inwards to the mysteries within them."
"I've been blaming God for a lot but I've been doing a lot of research on angels in Fallen Angels recently actually."
"People read Crowley in the 60s. I read Crowley in the 60s. I read Crowley before the 60s. And it opened everything up."
"A writer is often addressing himself to ultimate concerns... a religious quest."
"If you really want to know more about spiritual things... there is hope, so don't give up hope."
"...how does the feminine face of God look like?"
"They accept what they were taught as children, and then spend the rest of their lives defending that instead of asking God if there is more that they could learn."
"I'm very much interested in Buddhism and Hinduism, and I want to take the time that I have now to learn more."
"We have seen only the mere edges of God's ways, only whispers."
"Not every religion is going to work for each person, which is why it is so great that there are so many religions and spiritual journeys available to people."
"I write about religion and spirituality."
"Christianity is dying in our generation, and if we are going to secure a legacy of our faith for our children to inherit, then we must make effort to begin to explore God, to begin to exercise our spirit."
"Good luck, and I wish you many lucid dreams but also for you to go beyond those dreams and enter the objective reality of the astral plane."
"Stick around right till the end because this one goes in all sorts of directions, deep into the spiritual side of life and then deep into the metrics of building a high-growth company in a modern world."
"When we are out of the body in a normal OBE, it's much easier for us to access those memories."
"This is a spiritual thing, a core kind of exploration of yourself."