
Film Themes Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The Eternal Memory... It's a film about sacrifice and learning to let go."
"The theme of the movie is family relationships and the relationships of abandonment."
"Part of the major theme of the film is their weirdness and their uniqueness is what makes them beautiful and what makes them special. But they need to embrace that, and they're not embracing it yet."
"There are plenty of powerful moments that legitimately do speak to the evils of prejudice and stereotyping."
"The message of the film is compassion and friendship, and Gunn does his best to showcase those things and succeeds most of the time."
"Some people can't handle talking about themes of a movie."
"The fear of the unknown makes 'Under the Skin' scary."
"Even in the darkest movies, good always wins over evil... that's what Star Wars is about."
"Ultimately, the film is about the value of human life, no matter how inconsequential you may seem to others or even to yourself."
"Blade Runner 2049 raises questions about what defines life and humanity. What does it mean to be human?"
"Happiness is a mindset. There are always, always, always gonna be bad things that happen in life. Anybody that tells you that you're always gonna be riding high, they're full of it."
"So you want to do a movie about women... make them sly and manipulative, people are going to be all down for it."
"Pacific Rim is a movie about humans being human."
"It explores some really deep philosophical questions about life and love."
"The struggle of 'Return of Godzilla' is not only in defeating a force of destruction that has suddenly returned after decades, but in a country trying to remain strong when caught between the world’s superpowers."
"The Force Awakens as a whole is a movie about how characters deal with the trauma of their past." - Discussing thematic elements in the film.
"Constantly, expectations are brought up and then those expectations are cut at the knees."
"This is the first movie I've seen that really tackles the kind of psychology of a parasocial relationship."
"Despite some betrayal along the way, overall the movie's message is about the triumph of true love and the importance of loyalty, friendship, inventiveness, persistence, and family."
"Ultimately the movie to me is not even really about racism, it's about identity."
"The '70s Bond films reflected some of the popular themes and genres of the time, incorporating elements from blaxploitation films and even venturing into space with 'Moonraker.'"
"As much as Poltergeist is about the haunting, it is about the picturesque family to which this haunting is occurring."
"They'll watch movies about aliens or robots, or robot aliens or regular people. But they will all be movies about what it means to be human."
"Family it is such a central theme of this film and this Trilogy as a whole."
"We don't celebrate friendships in cinema enough."
"Mama Imelda is the matriarch of the family and basically, quite frankly, this is what the movie really is all about."
"Tenet may have similar themes as Inception and Memento, but there is also a similar link to another popular Nolan movie: The Prestige."
"This movie really is about Brotherhood and the love between black men."
"The first movie is about family... the second movie is about the boys growing up... and the third movie opens up their world on a level no one would have seen in a ninja turtles movie before."
"It is a deep movie... This is a movie that is about a coming of age, like acceptance of loss, acceptance of death, taking responsibility for your gifts."
"This film isn't a violent or exploitative affair but rather one that explores themes of grief loss and regret in a disturbing fashion."
"The moral implications of this question and more are asked in Nightcrawler."
"What makes the slice of life so interesting in The Incredibles is how super their lives are naturally."
"I love when adults in movies take their kids' relationship advice."
"This is the movie about collateral damage and responsibility so it makes perfect sense that its villain should be about that."
"I love any movie that can depict the love of two men for one another without sexualizing it."
"The film is about the powerlessness of the powerful..."
"I find myself always interested in movies that try to predict the future."
"The film is a great exploration of acceptance and adversity."
"At root it is a love story... the themes are very big."
"I'm sure it'll be dark and have its moments, I mean it's at the end of the day it's about, you know, kids who got axed off, it's gonna be dark."
"It has a lot of heart, it has a lot of points to make especially about relationships between people and also racial tension."
"Volume two is about being in a family and the conflicts that arise."
"The theme of the film is survival and spiritual growth through physical pain."
"The whole movie is about deconstructing myths, and when you take Bruce Lee out, the point of the movie is really hammered home."
"The film effectively uses this as a metaphor for the invisible forces that can control our lives, from routines to obsessions."
"There wouldn't be a Batman without a Joker, they need each other to thrive and this sentiment is reflected in the live-action movies as well."
"It's a beautiful film about family, a movie that perfectly illustrates a very realistic sisterhood."
"Demolition Man beautifully demonstrates how essential individual liberty is to a healthy society."
"The shield can mean a lot of different things but it really depends on who's holding the shield."
"The point was, it's a movie about a [ __ ] villain and about the descent into madness."
"The horror you'll take away from Midsummer has everything to do with what you make of the destination."
"This isn't a movie about overcoming an enemy or standing up for the sake of good. This is a movie about finding family and overcoming trauma and personal pain to trust yourself and the people around you to connect."
"Hook was an intense movie and it was like about how you get along with your children and like overworking yourself to where you lose like so much in life."
"This movie could actually be pretty interesting, like a satirical look at slavery."
"I think that opening the movie with this scene would have really set the themes of the movie into motion immediately."
"Foreign films thrive on the idea that something dangerous or sinister is afoot."
"The sequel to the 2016 blockbuster will, as the name suggests, take a closer look at the concept of multiverses."
"We didn't want to make a movie that was condemning the internet or internet culture."
"This movie is our love letter to the Internet."
"This isn't a supernatural story but like most of his movies it contains three major elements: fear, anxiety, and a sense of humor."
"The movie is more driven to explore how humanity's growing thirst for nuclear war is the real villain here."
"It's an operatic breakup movie and a dark contemporary fairy tale."
"His films would explore the dark, gritty underworld of humanity."
"It's more than just a boxing movie; it's a study of a man's descent into his own personal hell."
"The film's got, you know, scale, scope, and big themes, but it's really an intimate story that I feel like everyone can relate to."
"If you told me going into this that this movie is just one big car chase, I probably would have pre-judged it."
"Aquaman's relationship with his parents means something because it's so successful."
"Firstly, great tabletop adaptation requires a game style that reflects the themes of the film."
"It's a movie about love and life and fighting for things worth saving."
"One of the recurring themes in the Black Panther sequel is a relationship between Vengeance and well-being in the community."
"There's a sincerity to them... the films are very much about friendship."
"This film is about bringing community together."
"It's refreshing to see a movie from a hero that is pure."
"This film is about dysfunctional people who are in real life normal today it's the normal people who appear dysfunctional and that's what the best thing about this film is."
"The scenes that get me right at my heart are the scenes of extraordinary displays of friendship, almost irrational displays of loyal friendship."
"It's nice to see a movie like this, men supporting women."
"The theme of John Wick is clearly Revenge; the theme of Gladiator is clearly Honor."
"I love when you actually have these movies focused on the family because that's what they have all been about."
"Many of its themes such as Godzilla being a metaphor for nuclear weapons was still present in the film."
"This movie is a condemnation on sexual exploitation."
"It's a film full of dreams failed and a few dreams realized."
"With unrelenting machines and a bleak view of the future, its kinetic presentation and originality has captivated audiences since it was released."
"A movie about friendship, trust, and hope."
"The past and the present are interconnected, which is actually one of the more radical parts of this film."
"In my comedies, there's always a sad element that runs through them."
"Absurdism is hard to come by in films about influencer culture."
"The film deals heavily with the themes of grief, depression, and loneliness, which make it quite the emotional venture."
"Color of Friendship is probably the most mature any of the Disney Channel movies have ever been."
"All of these movies have in common is humanity."