
Global Strategy Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The ultimate aim here is to make Eurasia, dominated by China, an economic and trading area to rival the transatlantic one dominated by the United States."
"The future will really be determined by how America and Americans respond to the shifting world order." - John Huntsman Jr.
"The US needs to find a constructive role to play on the global stage among all other nations."
"If we did that globally and financed it for five weeks, we could actually eliminate the virus entirely from the planet."
"Hijacking the sense of the possible is very, very important... vital to this global game."
"We want to avoid a World War III until we're positioned ourselves to win it."
"It's incredibly important for us to pursue peaceful coexistence with Russia and China."
"By aligning with Russia's push for multipolarity, South Africa positions itself strategically to break away from historical constraints and actively contribute to reshaping global power dynamics."
"Prepare yourself for the changing global order." - Geopolitics in Conflict
"China is trying to achieve global domination."
"The free world has to gather all its resources."
"If you can develop some creativity with a good global vision, virtually any country can become a major power in geopolitical influence."
"Europa Universalis 4: a global conquest game set in and around rich historical events."
"To not spend five minutes to talk about the other versions of the game don't sit up there and say it's a global game when you don't even spend five minutes talking about the global versions that's a good point."
"Defeating the CCP is what we need to do to save this world."
"Starting from, let's make sure that we're launching... globally at the same time just to show respect for the customers there. That was important."
"Tencent's influence, along with Huawei's infrastructure, gives the CCP incredible leverage over the entire world."
"China wants Western powers to be destabilized."
"China seeks to control both ends of the global industry chain to compete with the West."
"Putin only invaded in 2022 because he understood that the world order is crumbling."
"If that doesn't give you pause to think about our strategy in western rich countries then you're not, you know, we're not thinking about it."
"The reality is this president, I think more than any other global leader, has led the charge in the get tough on China strategy."
"Price will be adjusted by country proportionate to purchasing power."
"When one market dumped you or decided you weren't fashionable I didn't like it anymore we went okay we'll go to France we'll go to London we'll go to you know back to Australia."
"Zimbabwe's economic journey highlights the crucial role of global strategies in shaping a nation's destiny."
"Great powers, in order to remain great powers, had a task that was simple to understand but difficult to execute, which is to balance wealth and their economic base with their military power and strategic commitments."
"Preventing the CCP from exporting its benevolent surveillance practices and stopping the spread of digital authoritarianism is an inevitable battle."
"World domination for America is allowing American businesses to make deals in countries all around the world."
"North Korea... will only add to what Russia, China, and Iran have."
"Pay attention to the currency because it's not just about China, it's about a holistic approach to risks."
"China's development of commercial ports and outposts around the world has been described by us officials as a clear effort to develop footh holes for military access."
"There's going to be a very interesting time in the near future where I see Ripple in a very good position in the global payments landscape." - Paul Barrow
"The mother of all wars is between the Atlanticists and the Eurasianists."
"The best thing we could do realistically would probably be international trade blocks."
"Mr. Putin has played the world democracies and free markets like a fiddle."
"We're entering a new era of geopolitics here."
"A reusable Hypersonic aircraft that can deliver conventional Munitions to targets anywhere in the world, collect intelligence and fly home to do it again the next day would turn that cost benefit ratio right on its head."
"It's time for the world to wake up and come up with a strategy."
"We must counter the Chinese Communist Party globally, as it seeks to establish more robust logistics and basing infrastructure around the world." - Congressman Michael McCaul
"If they fail in Ukraine... the prospects of them reasserting themselves over China and Asia do not exist."
"Locking the entire global population in their homes was a bad idea."
"Mercedes is planning eight fully electric vehicles on three continents."
"It is a plan for peace, stability, and freedom."
"Normalcy only returns when we've largely vaccinated the entire global population."
"So this is where I see it here moving forward... as far as the new triangle for the global balance of power."
"China is an expanding power, an imperialist power."
"The solution is multilateralism and multipolarity."
"The attack on the financial system, the global attack, is already being wargamed."
"China is Pinky in the Brain, even though if you wanted to really turn that into an analogy, China is the brain."
"Manchester United is following many players around the world."
"This changes everything; this puts America in Checkmate globally."
"It's a war against NATO, it's a war to redesign the world."
"Getting rid of some people on Earth is the root of all these plans."
"Collaboration for developing countries, these are all things that we need to do."
"In a way, the necessity for Bitcoin is a way to distribute it all around the world."
"China's Belt and Road Initiative aims to transform the economic landscape of Central Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia."
"It's unsustainable...rethinking around the world work with the United Nations."
"For more than 10 years, China has been on a buying spree for seaports around the world."
"Game theory and game design is a very important thing to me because it allows me to do the systemic analysis of what's happening around the world."
"The best protection against even new variants right is the broadest possible vaccination of the global public."
"China is telling the world we are the more attractive version of who you should be following because we are offering our services to the world."
"We need you to take charge of resistance operations throughout the world, establish contact with the local cells, and bring them into the fold."
"Multilateralism has to have a goal itself." - Dr. Miles Yu
"How do we find a pathway that doesn't involve World War three? That's what we've got to do."
"They're doing it for a reason... a one-world currency in a one-world government."
"Henry Kissinger's strategic decisions will continue to shape the globe for generations to come."
"The global rollout of vaccines will be key in defeating the pandemic."
"We could hold on to these guys and try to create another sort of super State. A Renewed British Commonwealth."
"China's leader announced his Global civilization initiative."
"With great power competition comes great power responsibility."
"China is the country that has benefited the most from the American cold war strategy of Market access and defanging the various Maritime powers and therefore has the most to lose in the imminent future."
"Viacom is basically moving their entire global media everything all of it one of the world's largest."
"We need a left wing internationally coordinated strategy in order to make sure that working people do not pay the price for the coronavirus crisis the same way they did the financial crisis 2007 2008."
"We see Sri Lanka's plan and World Economic Forum's plan of growing holistically is possible for the world, sadly it's not."
"Russia and China's Alliance will further contribute to a precipitous shift in the global order."
"Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un vow to form a new world order."
"The Earth agenda is how would we organize civilization on earth right."
"The competition with China is not a competition between two states, it's a competition of alliances, coalitions."
"Napoleon is back and ready to take on the world."
"China's economic influence creates political influence."
"What we're seeing with the G20 roadmap, what we're seeing with 90 plus central banks, is really the understanding of a Bretton Woods 2.0."
"They're very protective of their image globally. They use disinformation to protect their brand."
"Ukraine is not just a war between NATO and Russia; it is a war that is meant to lead into a broader conflict with China."
"Understanding their global strategy and what areas they're focusing on would definitely be important for this stage of research."
"KTM's ability to sell these bikes as premium offerings in densely populated areas in India and Asia while simultaneously being lauded as accessible and affordable beginner bikes in the states and Europe is really quite savvy."
"Ensuring that there's a track for Global cooperation on AI is critical."
"What these developments mean for the war and also what a long-term convergence of China and Russia will mean for the geopolitical landscape."
"If you have a global mindset, you scale that small business from that corner and grow it."
"Investing in energy alternatives is important, and with the global supply uncertainty, we must ramp up clean energy to eliminate reliance on hostile nations for our energy needs."
"He must once again demonstrate to the world that the U.S. military will always support our friends, deter our adversaries, and if necessary, defeat them."
"The best part about this strategy is that it's proven and it works worldwide."
"We've got to have a strategy that recognizes that the interest of the developed world in feeding the hungry, in educating children, that that's not just charity; it's in our interest."
"This move comes as part of the brand's strategy to increase its visibility and expand its market reach globally."
"Our global strategy for change supports research and development of digital financial systems in vulnerable areas."
"It's everything, it reaffirms our decision to go global."
"The UK and its allies need to adopt a harder edge for a tougher world."
"Design seamless global processes first and then overlaying the tech that is able to deliver the process that you want."
"We're about to take a small Australian company and turn it into a massive global empire."
"Both countries actually need other places to follow their ideology if it's going to work in the first place."