
Health Priority Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"I would rather just be mentally well. No amount of money or fame is worth your mental health."
"Food safety will always be the top priority."
"Protecting a baby in the womb is just as important, if not more important, than protecting a baby outside the womb."
"Can we put the health part before the aesthetic part?"
"Sleep is a non-negotiable. Everything else is second tier to it."
"All the money in the world doesn't help if you're sick. That's why I showed you physical is first on Maslow's hierarchy of needs and then safety."
"Health over stuff, right? I mean, you have too much stuff, that means you have to let go of a lot of it."
"The best and in fact most radical thing you can do is be better."
"I prioritize sleep. If I hadn't had the last 10 years, I would never have had this year."
"Put your health first guys. This is physical and mental."
"No matter what you value, your health has to come first. If you're not healthy, you won't be able to excel in whatever you want to do."
"Why put money and trade above the well-being of people?"
"Health is the most important thing. If I had all the money but I can't like do anything, I would give the money up to be able to go do the things I want to do."
"Nothing is more important than your health and well-being."
"My health has become such a huge priority in my life, and I have this laser, laser-focused on what I'm putting into my body."
"Health comes first, it's important to really look at it and address it before you continue."
"Ensuring health and safety is a priority will always drive our reopening efforts."
"Make this the year you prioritize good sleep; simple changes can make a big difference."
"Our top priority at Twitch is keeping our community safe and healthy."
"I love eight sleep because we spend almost half our lives in bed so improving our sleep routine habits and overall Sleep Quality should be a priority for everyone."
"Make exercise your priority and you be the boss of your body and your mind."
"Worry about your health first and the rest will follow."
"No content is so important that you should sacrifice your physical or mental health for it."
"Above all else, securing your physical health is the primary goal of survival."
"Prioritize your health and well-being for powerful self-healing energy."
"Nobody is too busy to prioritize their health."
"I would stand in line at 2:30 in the morning to get the vaccine."
"Controlling blood pressure is vital to prevent harmful effects on kidney function."
"Self-care is the most essential component that you will need in this lifetime."
"Getting a good night's sleep is so important to me."
"If you're not happy or healthy, I think it's not worth it, so you have to really consider that."
"This is what matters right now... stay healthy and stay safe."
"Staying injury-free should be one of your top priorities."
"I really try my very best not to sacrifice my health... I always ate well, I didn't go into the takeouts like I always made sure I cooked."
"Your body is your most precious treasure. Health is the primary thing in your life."
"Their best bet is finding a cure to this horrifying disease."
"I think getting the full eight hours of sleep is much more important."
"Health first and then you're going to be receptive to training."
"You really need to commit to sunscreen because that is really the thing that is going to keep you from getting any more sun damage."
"Your number one priority is healing, I've said that a million times and I will say it until my face turns purple."
"I think saving the money was a huge bonus and positive outcome of all of this but it wasn't the main reason that we decided to make this change."
"The vaccine isn't important, the vaccine is important."
"We need more and more people to make their health a priority much earlier so that they are not ending up in the ICU."
"Your health should never take a back seat, should always be number one. Prioritize you, prioritize what you need and what you need to be healthy."
"Stress management should become a priority for every single one of you."
"The most important thing to me is being healthy, career and everything aside."
"Money doesn't mean much if you don't have your health."
"A weight loss journey isn't five years of gaining weight. It's not about what other people think. It's about being more confident in yourself and saving your life."
"Injury prevention is the number one priority of any serious lifter."
"It's so imperative to your health, especially if you have babies."
"My health is more important to me than my beauty."
"Health is the first step, and performance is the second step."
"I started focusing more on health first over any body or physical appearance goals."
"Your health is your wealth and without your health, you know what is there."
"We need to make health the main thing going forward."
"Recovering and getting your life together is more important."
"I'm excited about the future, but I don't think I would necessarily have the smile on if I hadn't put my health first."
"The vaccines keep you out of the hospital; what more do you want?"
"As long as this baby comes out healthy, that is literally all that matters."
"How you eat is more important than what you eat."
"First, a strong and healthy immune system is your body's first defense."
"Part of being a member of Team Healthy means if the other individual chooses to be in an unhealthy state and stay there, I choose healthiness."
"Resistance training is probably the most important thing that everybody needs to be doing in the gym."
"Remember to look after your body because it's the only place you have to live."
"The American people know that the good health of themselves and their families and their loved ones is what is important."
"Lifestyle behavior: possibly the most important part."
"Being healthy and happy should be a priority."
"She chose to prioritize her health and well-being."
"Your health is priority at all times."
"Just remember, your health is priority at all times."
"Your diet is so much more important than what you're doing in the gym."
"There's nothing more important than taking care of yourself."
"Health is number one always, it's always number one."
"Jennifer, focus on your health first."
"Health has become a huge priority for me."
"Health is most important because without your health, nothing else matters."
"Take care of yourself and prioritize your health."
"Doing what's best for you and your health."
"Health has to come first, it always has to come first."
"Make sure shoulder health, that should be a priority, these are things that they're not expendable: hip health, shoulder health, back health."
"Caring for yourself is job one for any caregiver."
"Self-respect and prioritizing your overall health is important."
"Fixing your sleep schedule is critically important for your health and overall well-being."
"Your health goes first, your mental health goes first, you go first."
"The most urgent thing is to take care of my body first."
"Health is your number one priority; everything else you're trying to do is secondary."
"As long as I have health, I have happiness, nothing else matters."
"The most important thing we should all be doing is taking control of our health."
"Health is the top priority for all people, with no exceptions."
"What's important is for the baby to be healthy."
"The health and well-being of our student-athletes will be my first priority."
"Health should come first before everything."
"Strength training for longevity purposes is superior."
"The top priority of doctors should be the health and safety of the people in their care."
"Safety first when it comes to the sun."
"Be safe, because at the end of the day, your health is more important than anything."
"If you're not healthy, that's the first thing, isn't it?"
"If you value your life, if health is a priority, you don't give up on your life."
"Plain water is always a huge priority of mine."
"Taking care of your health starts right here."
"Prioritizing nutrients is the first most important thing when it comes to weight loss."
"This is how your hair looks when you put health over length."
"Prioritizing quality sleep is one of the best ways to take care of yourself."
"Choosing the right one, especially for the health of the kids, yeah, number one."
"You really want your medicine with your best safety profile."
"Making water a priority over anything else."
"Make recovery your first priority."
"It's really important to prioritize your health and prioritize sleep."
"I'm not going to sacrifice my health for another record."
"Doing something as simple as getting enough water in has to start becoming a priority for me."
"Taking care of yourself should be a priority."
"The brain is more important than the body."
"He always had our health and our well-being in mind."
"We'll never be able to come back here, but it's so powerful because with tears in his eyes, he's like, he always had our health and our well-being in mind."
"I’m sorry I have to put my health first, I don’t have health insurance and I won’t be the reason people at work get sick."
"It was in Lucy's best interest to prioritize her health."
"Your health is important, if you don't have that, you ain't got nothing."
"Health and good state of body are above all gold, and a strong body above infinite wealth."
"Of course, my son Logan's health comes before a trip."
"I've really just been starting to look at life differently and I put my health very much up my priority list."
"You're putting your body first, and by doing that, you're putting your health first."
"Your health and well-being has to be your number one priority."
"Getting more quality rest and not just sleep has been a non-negotiable."
"My body should always come first because we only have one."
"My health is more important than these videos."
"At this point, as long as it's healthy, I don't care."
"Nothing is more important than this young man's health."
"Health comes first, mental health too."
"My health is the most important thing, right guys? Right."
"My health and me getting healthy is so much more important than what the number on the scale says."
"Put your health first, if you consider all changes that you're making in terms of your health, this is going to set you up so much better in the long run."
"Sleep is the single most important thing."
"If you're suffering with an autoimmune condition or chronic inflammatory condition, sleep becomes more important."
"You've got to keep the barrier healthy."
"My health is more important than anything."
"The moral of the story is, entertainer or not, you gotta take care. Your health comes before everything."
"I'm not trying to scare you a lot, but my health has been something I've put at the top of my priority list."
"Life is too short, work is not everything, health is the most important thing."
"Please remember that. So please, please, please take care of yourself. Dedicate one hour from your 24 hours to physical fitness, that's all, nothing else."
"Make sure you're taking care of your body first and foremost."
"Putting your health first is really putting your food in your gut but also you need to exercise and move."
"Focus on your health first and foremost."
"Health is what you should look after first of every other thing."
"Yes, because your health comes before anything."
"You always gotta do what you got to do for your health; health comes before anything, man."
"Listen to your doctor and unfortunately, I have so many clients that will come in and they'll start worrying about how they eat and how they care for their health as a result of their hair when your health is far more important."
"Physical and mental health... it's like the most important thing in my life."
"Prioritizing natural sweeteners, foods that are in as close to their natural state as possible."
"Looks are not that important. Like, I know you think they are, but to me, health is always more important."
"Make sure your health is a priority, especially as we move into that second week of April."
"Your health, you got to put your health before anything else."
"Your health and well-being also need to be a very big priority for you, no matter what."