
Perception Of Reality Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"All fear, judgment, evil, anger, and suffering are delusion and falsehood."
"The world is an appearance; there's nothing to protect myself from."
"Everything you see is happening milliseconds after it actually happens because of the amount of time it takes for light to travel."
"Reality only exists in your head, which is why it's beautiful; you can unlock the cell door and walk out."
"Recognizing the falsity of the mind, you realize, 'I am not the mind, and the mind is not a reality.'"
"The holographic principle tells us something quite astonishing: our ideas of volume, of that the real world, in a sense, might be a kind of illusion."
"Your reality is good enough for about 80 years."
"No matter how much time passes, it remains dark outside. Perhaps this isn't reality."
"Everything is paranormal until it becomes normal; everything is supernatural until it becomes natural."
"If you only look at the world as you want it to be, you will be endlessly miserable."
"It's not about reality, it's not about moments like this."
"Reality is so complicated that we're all in a permanent state of being wrong."
"Your success is created by what you perceive reality as, your calling, your unique purpose here on earth."
"Reality is not something that's fixed, it's something that can be tinkered with."
"Reality is just what I think about all day long. We are what we think about all day long."
"There is nothing solid, anything that looks solid is only solid because of an illusion."
"Two different realities and it's impossible to convince people what's true."
"When we see a miracle, it is rare that we perceive it as such. Our past is a history of lies of this kind, miracles of man explained by recourse to God and miracles of God explained through the fears of man." - Omar Ibn Rashid
"The only difference between nightmare and reality is that reality lasts longer."
"A delusion, a happy delusion is better than a sad reality."
"Reality is the thing we have, hard as it is to sometimes see."
"Everything is already okay, but it's your perception of reality that makes you feel like it's not."
"There is no such thing as bad or good as far source is concerned."
"Your reality is just a hallucination of all the knowledge you've accumulated in your life."
"It feels like I'm going insane because you see what is happening and then you go to institutions that you kind of think that you should broadly trust to tell you the truth and you see things are one-sided or ignored or just like kind of skewed."
"The reality is so powerful and challenging that we easily scale it down to something we can fit into the way our minds already work."
"Chaos isn't necessarily evil, it's just a different expression of reality."
"It's about our perception of reality and the need for us to have a shared understanding."
"Sometimes it's very hard to see reality for what it truly is until your reality changes."
"The world becomes a magical place when you grasp the correct patterns."
"The mind's a game. It's not true reality. True reality is pure consciousness."
"No matter what you hear, half of what you see."
"They transcend us by drinking this plant and they get to see like all these different universes."
"Our familiar time and space, they're nothing more than appearances, appearances of this reality, subjective appearances as seen from some specific point of view."
"Reality means whatever is happening is happening, but in our heads, we only want the universe to behave how our mind thinks it should behave."
"Reality is just information, comprehended through the lens of information."
"Every habit we have, good and bad, is a lie because basically, they are illusions."
"I can't tell which of there was more of lies or spelling errors and he lives in a completely different reality than everyone else."
"The walls of space and time are illusions, science is just beginning to grasp the nonlinear nature of reality."
"Everybody knows how to use their imagination...imagination is valid and there's a form of reality and imagination that we can use."
"I'm literally seeing it all in frequency, you know, all energy, all frequency."
"This is reality folks, this is not a conspiracy theory."
"So would you call yourself overall an optimist or a pessimist? I think of myself as a realist trying to see the world as it really is and not the way I'd like it to be."
"We're all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It's just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality."
"Reality is illusion albeit a persistent one." - Einstein
"So like a CGI that's fake yeah and that's really that's the way I see it right is it doesn't even really matter about um the the facts for that kind of stuff right people are already going to make their mind up coming into it."
"People have gotten to this point in their egos or whatever where they legitimately think that reality bends to their whims."
"Our primary sense of reality is based on light energy; it's all happening up here folks, and here right."
"Your level of Consciousness is basically the way that you think and perceive reality and your energy is the way you act and conduct yourself in that reality."
"Your understanding of reality is flawed if you believe something that isn't true."
"They live in their own world, they don't see reality for what it is."
"Ignorance is one of the most important components of reality."
"I can't shake the feelings that things like lidar, 5G, dolby vision, U1, they're all here on a schedule that's just a little bit faster than reality."
"What is illusion? What is truth? All you know is how you see people act."
"Reality is just what we perceive."
"Beingness and whatever you see because of it is an illusion, isn't it?"