
Ancient Cultures Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Every ancient culture virtually has a great flood story. Maybe because there was a great flood."
"The mythology of the Anunnaki is complex and spans several ancient cultures."
"Buried in 1940, it was modeled after a cell that one might find in an Egyptian pyramid... inside the gigantic vault lies items that have been deemed crucial to our civilization."
"Researchers from Warsaw initially believed a male priest occupied this tomb; however, their discovery shocked them as they uncovered a woman within the coffin, more astonishing was her seven-month pregnancy at the time of mummification."
"The Egyptians saw that when we're asleep, that's when our eyes are actually open and where we have access to see beyond the veil of this 3D world."
"In the ancient world, people could be identified by their land and often wore more so than their ethnicity."
"Even in the afterlife, Irukaptah will be comfortable."
"The Picts may have spoken an earlier form of language before it was influenced by Goidelic language-speaking Celtic people of Ireland."
"The ancient Greece thing really caught my interest."
"The common denominator in this sound and resonance that brought things into existence. The common denominator on planet Earth and the common denominator between humanity and all ancient cultures is our obsession with gold."
"Amazing discoveries about ancient South American cultures continue to be made. Archaeologists recently discovered a never-before-seen figure of a giant cat."
"Is it us or do the eyes of this incredible ancient Dacian helmet appear to stare back at you when you look into them?"
"You are an ancient Egyptian with arcane knowledge."
"Ancient cultures knew about the human experience."
"The gods were as real as the fields they tilled and the families they raised."
"Pillar 43 is about cosmic geography... the path from the physical mundane world into the sky world."
"Quite why these ancient people had such specific beliefs about feathers and the afterlife is unknown."
"The concept of giants was not only widespread but also taken seriously by ancient societies."
"The ancient Maya civilization was one of the great civilizations of the western hemisphere and the only one with a fully developed written language."
"Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god, symbolized power, creation, and the cycle of life for the Toltecs and beyond."
"The new Nascal lines: Four new geoglyphs identified by AI technology... 2,000 years old, etched into the surface of the Southern desert in Peru."
"Pictish man: Buried in a cave that may represent an entrance to the underworld, the largely built man is not believed to have fought in battles or to have performed labor-intensive work."
"The burial provides the first solid evidence of the Greek language being used alongside Latin."
"Certainly, we would never have come here if it hadn't been for a handful of finds deposited by a group of people worshiping a completely different set of gods two thousand years ago."
"Understanding and addressing dangers in the form of a god: Sobek was a way of coping with the dangers of living in ancient Egypt."
"Each one contains in its fragile form a glimpse into a lost past, the distant world its owner once inhabited."
"With the discovery of Ashurbanipal’s library, thousands of contemporary texts were discovered telling the story of the Assyrians in their own words."
"While we're talking about things that happened five thousand years ago, that's also about the same time that a so-called graveyard of the giants was laid down in China."
"Nowadays, we believe these dream worlds are illusions conjured up by our brains, but if you lived in ancient Rome, you would credit them to Morpheus."
"The Macabre findings in the Royal Cemetery of UR provide a unique insight into the beliefs and customs of the ancient Sumerians."
"No other culture has left behind so much written evidence as Athens."
"The library of Alexandria, the goal of Agnodice's dreams."
"Representing prestige, power and authority, it was common for ceremonious chariot burials to take place in ancient Thrace."
"Both us and the Stone Age people-- we are the same, absolutely. And we have the same intelligence."
"The ancients put a huge emphasis on celestial cycles."
"Every find, every detail, even a large earring illuminates the Chachapoya a little more."
"All of the prophets and seers of the ancient moabite hittite Canaanite tribes always promoted social justice."
"Perhaps with death all around them, the Chinchorro believed that mummification could cheat it, a way of keeping loved ones almost alive."
"Mythology helped shape the ancient world, explaining the unexplainable."
"For 500 years the Inca Maiden has guarded the secrets of how she died."
"Archaeologists have found mysterious bronze figurines, over 140 elephant tusks, crazy-looking ceremonial vessels, weird effigies made from jade and ivory, and even a ceremonial pit that could have been used in ritual sacrifices."
"Virtually nothing is known about the Hongshan culture aside from the fact that they were a Neolithic era culture."
"Costa Rican petrospheres: ancient spherical carvings."
"It's likely this child was wrapped in clothing made from waterfowl skin and was then laid carefully on a bed of feathers before being buried with great care."
"It's hugely important to celebrate the difference of the ancient world and make that difference seem exciting."
"The Terracotta Army opened the door to a lost world."
"You go to south africa today go to the south african museum they show the people that knew geometry and they spoke in geometry they spoke in a mathematical language it's written on the walls."
"Voila opened a window into the lost magic and mentality of the Ancients."
"Heroglyphs in ancient Greece were ancient characters used to represent either a sound, a word, or just a syllable."
"The Anunnaki, a group of deities in ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians."
"Every ancient culture has words and phrases that they turn to in times of need for comfort, for strength, for reassurance, in times of loss."
"I've been looking into the Siba tree. That's an ancient Maya."
"So in the ancient world, one of the ways that God symbolized and signaled for His people that He has arrived, that His presence was near, was loud noise."
"The mysteries embodied the values of peaceful farming and trading societies."
"The oldest part of the ruins at Balbeck fit absolutely no known culture."
"So, every tree, river, mountain, stone, actually had a copy of an eternal form or archetype that resided in the heavens. Every city in Mesopotamia was dedicated to a star or constellation."
"Many different ancient cultures and Masters knew so much about the third eye and used it to achieve incredible things."
"Humans living thirty forty thousand years ago were growing grains, roasting the grains, grinding the grains, and using the flour for bakery products."
"Based on the provided data, there exists a plausible hypothesis suggesting that for certain ancient cultures, the weapon of the Sun God was represented by an ass's Jawbone."
"Cats might have had... an ancient spiritual significance... in cultures that are now lost to time."
"Bakit's gaze was drawn to the walls of the chamber where inscriptions and hieroglyphics detailed the king's accomplishments."
"The Anunnaki were believed to be the gods or heavenly beings in Sumerian culture."
"Just like the internet, the Egyptians loved their cats."
"Ancient peoples saw the world in quite a different way than we do, they saw the world as something they were a part of."
"I want to try to understand the ancient Near Eastern concepts that may help us to understand what's going on in the text."
"We sometimes think these ancient cultures, they had no engineering, but they had amazing engineering."
"If you wanted to live a long and healthy life in ancient Greece or Rome, your best bet was to pay Asclepius the respect and the roosters that he deserves."
"The Kushites are actually the most praised... of all foreign peoples mentioned in the Bible."
"The history of the ancient peoples and cultures of South America is shrouded in mystery."
"The idea of human life emerging from a cosmic egg can be found in many ancient cultures."
"It shows a burial of a small child and all the treasured items this child would have carried into the land beyond, the land of shades."
"For almost 3,000 years, the Egypt of the Pharaohs endured in a world which, even though no longer ours, still remains recognizable."
"The Ancients worship these things, the meteorites."
"The richness of the Ice Maiden's burial suggests that she was a high-status individual, possibly a priestess or a tribal leader."
"We're getting a glimpse into the worldview of these people that were living 10,000 - 11,000 years ago."
"The economy of the Vinča people centered on agriculture and animal husbandry."
"The La Tolita culture is distinguished for its remarkable artistic achievements, particularly in pottery and gold work."
"May you live, may you spend millions of years, you who love Thebes, sitting with your face to the North Wind, with your eyes beholding happiness."
"Ancient cultures valued dream interpretation as a very sacred healing technique."
"Ancient cultures around the world have left behind strange symbols and unusual carvings."
"What did people in the ancient world do for fun?"
"These ancient peoples had a Stone Age culture; stone was the steel of their time."
"The Nok culture lived in what is today Nigeria, one of the first in Africa to master iron working."
"The Lost Legion: 2,000 years ago, Rome and China were two of the biggest civilizations on this planet."
"Many cultures were created 3,000 years ago at a time when Humanity, elves, dwarves, and many other creatures lived together."
"She was believed to have been given the 'me', which represented all positive and negative aspects of civilization."
"It almost looks like Egyptian, yeah, like an Egyptian mer kitty."
"The Aztecs paid tribute to another race that was living in that region."
"The royal game of war is arguably the most ancient board game known to us."
"All ancient cultures started building nearly identical stone dolmens or 'dwarf houses' at the exact same time and for the exact same reason, but we just don't know what it is."
"The history of the Native American indigenous people actually goes back thousands of years."
"Aphrodite Urania is the queen of heaven and she's older; she's the Ishtar version."
"This discovery proves just how widespread these people really were."