
Political Warning Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"If Donald Trump is elected president of the United States, we do not know if there will be a verifiable next election that has integrity. He already tried to overturn the results of a presidential election by force, by inciting a riot. We need to be very realistic about the grave impacts of a Donald Trump election. It is not a joke, it is not a game. We need to protect our democracy." - AOC
"We may not have a democratic election for President after 2024 if he makes his way into the White House."
"There is no alternative unless you want to see the United States dissipate before your very eyes."
"January 6 was just a dress rehearsal for some of these folks."
"Please don't allow the Senate to rot from within."
"Donald Trump is a danger to America, he is a danger to the Free World."
"It's a real possibility and I think it is is a tremendous warning to the CCP that the West, and if the United States does it, others will do it too."
"Guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex."
"We're seeing over in France, 20 generals have written an open letter to Macron saying that due to leftist dogma, France is on the verge of civil war."
"They want to dominate the world, they want to change the way each and every one of you live here in the United States" – Warning about the CCP's ambitions.
"This should scare every person in this country."
"They're opening the door for a real smart fascist."
"If you have a pre-existing condition, they're coming for you."
"The real danger... is 2022 or 2024 when we may see people begin to change the results of the elections."
"Make sure your friends and family truly understand how dangerous Donald Trump is."
"Figures in Washington are warning about the dangerous long-term impact of neoliberalism."
"Remember Dwight Eisenhower when he was departing office he said in his farewell speech beware the military-industrial complex."
"Dictators know that democracy dies in darkness."
"Scary as hell. Frank Luntz sounds alarm on nearly half of Americans saying losing candidates should not accept election results."
"He constantly warned about how we were going to lose our democracy."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be waving a flag and holding a Bible."
"What happened to me can happen to any one of you, can happen to every one of you, will certainly happen to a slew of people who are on Donald's Hit List."
"The threat to our democracy exists right now in many of the MAGA Republicans who are running for office."
"Without significant change towards true democracy, the consequences are becoming quite clear." - Warning about consequences of centralized power
"Breaking news today on Seculo: The Biden administration was warned of Afghanistan collapse back in July."
"This is the moment we've all been warning about. It is the loss of democracy."
"The recall sent a very clear warning to the rest of the nation that California is not a model for the nation."
"Valheim is incredible definitely go play it."
"The reality should be a concrete warning to western countries."
"Eisenhower warns about the dangers of the military-industrial complex."
"We will lose our Republic. And I think that's the message that you've been sending."
"Guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex."
"Donald Trump presents a clear and present danger to democracy."
"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush; it will be a slow extinction from apathy and indifference."
"Believe the autocrat. He means what he says."
"This brings us to an interview this week with European MP Christine Anderson. She's warning us that people who are in power want more automation, less autonomy for humans, and therefore more control."
"This is not a drill. These are real threats coming from the right."
"It's a warning to The Establishment: underestimate this man and this movement at your own Peril."
"We are seeing the dawn of totalitarianism in the west, and the vaccine passport is the back door to it."
"You don't want to see what the future holds if Trump's still in power."
"It will come to America if we do not stay vigilant."
"Americans still do not understand the nightmare that is ahead."
"We are heading down the same road as Venezuela did."
"History has so many lessons for us on the warning signs of fascism." - Jessica Denson
"A standing military force with an overgrown executive branch will not long be safe companions to liberty." - James Madison
"Putin is not your friend. He is a trained KGB operative, former agent." - Tillerson warns the president
"Democracy is fragile... we need to worry about unprincipled men seizing power."
"Foxconn CEO sent a letter to Xi Jinping, a letter that warned that if the Chinese government didn't relax their zero covid policy, it would threaten China's bottom line."
"Government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob."
"Washington cautioned the nation against the formation of political parties."
"Democracy dies in darkness." - Washington Post
"Authoritarianism can happen and it can happen here."
"Putin doesn't bluff; his warnings are intended to be taken seriously."
"This should be not only a cautionary tale to people in South Africa, but a warning to people in the West."
"Arrogance is a trap a lot of us fall into, Senator."
"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stresses the threat of United Front groups in the U.S."
"Stop voting for people who promise socialism – it brings millions of deaths, famine, and poverty."
"The right to gay marriage was given only a few years ago. It can be taken away. Don't allow it to happen."
"Cheney's removal is a warning sign to those trying to normalize the party."
"Let this serve as a warning to all those who stand in the way of the Glorious Revolution."
"A lot of these people are pro-authoritarian... should be a giant warning signal to anybody."
"The liberty of democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of power to a point where it becomes stronger than the Democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism."
"Do not let yourselves fall as we in the UK have fallen. Do not let yourselves become what we in the UK have become."
"Shen Yun was kind of a, you know, canary in the coal mine."
"The accumulation of all powers... in the same hands... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
"That's what we're up against you know what authoritarians do that too."
"Don't let anybody lie to you; they are taking Nigeria to somewhere that is not good."
"We need to learn from Romania's mistakes of communism." - George Roscoe
"Authoritarianism is here, and it's going to get worse."
"Right-wing dictatorship is coming... but I tell you a mannequin will not be Trump."
"Don't become like Britain your second Amendment is the reason you have your First Amendment don't become like us."
"It's saddening how people don't learn from history, barely a century ago the Nazis came to power with the exact same game plan."
"The only way we stop things like this is by calling them out and catching them early otherwise... I'll warn you conservatives."
"If we don't get a hold of it sooner than later, we will lose our country."
"Nationalism is always, always a very dangerous thing."
"A vote for Biden is a vote to eradicate your auto industry." - Warning against potential consequences of political choices.
"Tyranny is literally at our doorstep knocking on our door unlocking it it's that close and what I just don't understand is how anybody and this is anybody how anybody can close their eyes and just pretend that this is not happening."
"Obama issued a stark warning about growing nativism."
"We cannot have a Trump second term or we will move from a democracy to an authoritarian system."
"There is absolutely zero chance the UK will ever get a trade deal with the US if the Good Friday Agreement is undermined." - Neil Richmond
"Kennedy warned the public of the dangers of secrecy and secret societies and of a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies upon infiltration."
"We are on the precipice of a group of truly evil people who are prepared to destroy the constitution and the rule of law."
"Democracies cannot survive if you allow the anti-democratic to seize control of them."
"Bolton is somebody who is close to the president. The president hired. And for Bolton to say this is going to be a hand grenade that could blowup, be careful, that is very, very significant." - Robert Reich
"America better wake up, socialism is on the rise."
"We are not in a safe state; they have already forecasted their playbook for a nationwide abortion ban."
"We're in the midst of a fascist slide." - Sam Seder
"1984 serves as a wake-up call for the dangers of centralization and totalitarianism."
"This tribalism, this white nationalism, this Maga...is how democracies end."
"US democracy is on the brink of complete collapse, turning to an autocracy, maybe quasi-fascist."
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
"We're seeing this across the country, and that's why it's gonna be a slide into tyranny if we allow that kind of thing to happen."
"If we do not get [an effective Socialist Party], then fascism is coming."
"The risk of factional strife... could destroy the Republic and erect a new government on the ruins of public Liberty."
"Democracy has never been in more precarious shape since the 1930s."
"Let me warn against the spirit apart by which unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people."
"This is how democracy dies and authoritarians take over."