
Difficulty Levels Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I reject the idea that if you ever succeed in XCOM, you immediately have to crank up the difficulty. I say, just meet the game at your own level and have fun with it."
"If developers do decide to add an easy mode, I agree that nothing's really lost as long as that's completely optional."
"Play harder games to get good at aiming, like Apex or Valorant. Also, osu is cool too."
"This room never changes you know depending on what difficulty you're on."
"The content this year, the difficult stages have actually been very good."
"From what we've seen there's gonna be 15 world tiers in total and every world tier increase will increase the enemy level legendary drop rate chance for higher rarity items and the item levels."
"This is Chapter 5, a lot of people think it's one of the hardest stages in the game."
"We have been in Easy Mode for much of the past 15 years."
"We did it! We completed the game on the easiest difficulty. Now we can go to adventure mode."
"Plowing your way repeatedly through end game boss rush just makes all but a few difficulty juggernauts mere speed bumps."
"To this day not one player has been able to complete this challenge until now."
"The game is tough, a lot for a player to handle, but there's a surprising power fantasy in environmental mastery."
"Sections that were tough as hell to pass on console were significantly easier to clear on PC."
"Yeah, I mean, this one, that was actually the second hardest, but I could for some reason..."
"Impossible levels are a staple of many games, with creators trying to push the human limits of what can be theoretically achieved."
"It's kind of like trying to detect a dark gray amidst a black background."
"The legendary difficulty showed us a vision of destiny that fully functioned."
"This game had one of the hardest difficulty spikes I've ever seen in a video game."
"It's either too easy or too difficult right now but it's also a lot of fun when it's really difficult because it makes the enemies really dangerous and the fights actually feel like a desperate struggle."
"Difficulty as a concept was handled much better in this game."
"This is ultimate difficulty, you're gonna concede a lot of these goals. The AI just plays so well."
"Austin's levels are difficult but easy to understand."
"I would love if there was one raid Difficulty and there were activatable hard modes on some bosses basically old war."
"Each difficulty level ramps the tension and the difficulty up quite nicely."
"In other words, classic difficulty comes from before the poll and retail WoW difficulty comes from the actual boss fight."
"Difficulty is created in two totally different ways between these games."
"Reload canceling is something that will become useful to you on higher difficulties."
"The Uber Medics... one of the most common reasons teams get pushed back so hard."
"We're putting this on hard mode and see how well I do."
"Facing off against a vampire and its bosses getting more and more difficult is a test of ability depending on the level of difficulty you chose."
"This thing can one-shot kill smaller enemies on the highest difficulty."
"95 is the hard part. Once you get 95, 99 is like super easy, man."
"The game throws you into some tough situations... each level is fun to play and there are many types of enemies in each stage."
"Easy mode is not cheating; it's about what you get out of it and enjoying the experience."
"There is a world gray area between something being too hard and too easy."
"We gotta make sure we do this guys, this is the easiest version. If we fail this, it's going to go into ultra-hard."
"Defeating the Wall of Flesh changes the world into hard mode... It's a whole new quest, new enemies, new items, new bosses, and even a new biome."
"A legendary campaign will offer a difficulty that many reviewers and new players may very much enjoy."
"This run is incredibly difficult. Damn, so difficult."
"Welcome to Minecraft but hardcore Minecraft, this is not it."
"Lasso it basically means legendary all skulls on with skulls being the in-game modifiers that ramp up the game's difficulty."
"The game's pretty easy to pick up and play but it can be as hard as you want it to be."
"A blue run is quite an easy run, it's like one of the easiest, easier ones."
"Never mess with the edge, I know guys, the morphs at the very end are always the trickiest."
"This boss fight is a clear case of being kind of frustrating to newcomers and pitifully easy to veterans."
"Roblox Simulator games are easy but Roblox Simulator games where you have to be stronger than Goku himself and fight bosses the size of mountains now that is more challenging."
"People ask me a lot of time about what torment levels should you do early on. Torment 1 is your first big break point."
"Every difficulty level feel natural and just as doable as the last, leaving no depth to the fault of pure rng difficulty level bs that really can't be countered."
"My solemn belief is that it will finally be the game with an increased difficulty mode. Pokemon already knows that people want it."
"The combat cards are random, but you will need to think carefully about your every move with each hero, especially as the difficulty increases in the game."
"Level up quicker playing on a harder difficulty."
"It's literally impossible to die in this game."
"Not everyone plays The Game of Life on easy mode."
"Phase 2 Gael plays out like an easier version of Manus's boss fight."
"There is a difficulty for everyone."
"We're playing a game of life, and sometimes the difficult mode."
"It's all up to you; you can choose how many you want to do from Easy, moderate, or hard."
"I now believe that practice difficulty comes in different flavors."
"There are people in the world who play video games on the highest level of difficulty because they want to be challenged."
"The Omni climb will have several different levels of difficulty."
"The questions are described officially as easy, medium, and difficult for questions 1, 2, & 3 on each day."
"This is about building; I had to do things the extremely hard way before, then he helped me do things the regularly hard way, now I'm going to try to help you do them the medium difficulty way."