
Leadership Failure Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. He's failed to protect us. He's failed to protect America. And my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable."
"The number one reason that leaders fail is because of hubris."
"It's the leadership who failed the game and the community and the development team, and yet it's the developers who suffer the consequences."
"The reason why the Mighty Fall is they do not look at the data that doesn't make them happy. They don't have the guts to do it."
"What a super satisfying story. New boss comes in, knows nothing about how anything works aside from numbers, ends up losing great employees over his idiocy, screws up everything beyond belief, and gets canned for it."
"He proved how little he cared about sexual assault and harassment, both in his workplace and in his friend group."
"Where did it all go wrong? Personally, I'd say this level of negligence goes straight to the top."
"The real crime is what he did on coronavirus."
"We have not come here to beg world leaders to care for our future. They have ignored us in the past and they will ignore us again."
"Restrictions and lockdowns are not the problem. It's the government's failure to properly support, educate, and lead by example."
"Let them alone, they be blind leaders of the Blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
"It's embarrassing to watch, and she should never be installed as Prime Minister."
"How embarrassing for Perez, how humiliating for the Glazers, how embarrassing for Cronky and Gazidis."
"This team lacked inspiration... the biggest indictment on their head coach."
"In all the catalogue of ineffectual leadership, nothing is quite so public, puzzling as the virtual absence of any deterrent action during the last precious hours of daylight before the Japanese attacked."
"I think he's destroying them and I don't even think he realizes he's doing it."
"Everything that Gavin Newsom touches, he destroys; everything that Justin Trudeau touches, he destroys."
"Trump is the most dangerous cult leader on Earth... he utterly desecrated the office of the presidency."
"They know this ends badly. And yet, they don’t stand up to him even on the most basic things."
"Who is letting these people run wild? Well, we know who it is. It's the guy who's in charge."
"Stinks of incompetence at board level," says Emily.
"If you hate the thing you're leading, you can't effectively lead anything."
"This did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated... Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country."
"You know you've been bad as a CEO when it's not just 'yeah, you're fired' and there's a massive fine for you and your company, but it's that you know you've been bad when you go into prison."
"The company has quite clearly lost its way." - Former Founders and Executives of PayPal
"The leaders of the people yielded to the temptation of Satan."
"The situation is unprecedented... absolute unmitigated failure on the part of all previous Executives."
"He allowed this toxic culture to consume his creation."
"We have a president who is not only incapable of addressing these crises but is leading us down the path of authoritarianism."
"More people are sick in America tonight because Donald Trump is president."
"But as the president fiddles, people are dying."
"I never hear my former party talking about issues... Kevin McCarthy won't even tell Joe Biden what he wants... He refuses to because it's a gesture... They never think about actually helping middle-class Americans." - Joe Scarborough
"Putin may lose power as a result of This Disaster."
"These are the captains of the institutions abandoning ship."
"This is the problem of having a monarchy and an aristocracy in place... they're going to jump ship."
"All the agitations you've seen today... is a cumulative effect of leadership failure over the years."
"Nicholas's failure to recognize the public's animosity toward Rasputin... would eventually lead to the downfall of the Russian Empire."
"I really think that what's going on is our ruling classes mismanage the country and they don't want to have to face up to it and deal with the people who are very understandably frustrated with them."
"The six other states were defeated not only by Qin, but by the incompetence and corruption within their top ranks."
"We risk creating a generation that turns its back on the politicians who failed them."
"What happens when the people in charge aren't willing to address the issues?"
"The entire world is not only laughing at our [ __ ] pig-faced dufus president but they're just laughing at us now."
"This was a coup orchestrated by the president against the vice president and against the congress."
"His career as prime minister is going to end in failure... inevitable."
"We've lost out on Kante... we want rejects that's what we want because we can't get a decent coach."
"So, look, there's obviously a reason why the Ukrainian administration completely dropped the ball."
"Stalingrad is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"It's clear to all the top bras around him that it's Hitler's fault this did not need to happen."
"There was a whole scandal that ended up with the top CEOs having to resign from the board of directors."
"It is distressing that a man who held such a position could behave like this."
"That's the message right now: Donald Trump cannot protect you, does not want to protect you from coronavirus. He couldn't even protect himself, couldn't even protect his own staff, because he doesn't give a."
"The next accusation of foolishness comes from the fact that Varus failed to uncover the ambush."
"Putin lost control of the battle he started for political gain."
"Putin's miscalculated in the past; he has shown a level of ruthlessness beyond that which any other leader on earth is capable of at the moment."
"If leaders do not listen... from my experiences."
"You're talking about a character that murdered his brother banished his nephew this let and his entire kingdom be destroyed all because he was spurned because he was not chosen to be the king."
"Owners who don't know what they're doing have ended up being exposed."
"You not only want great football players but you want great people on your team."
"There is now a rebirth going on, a return to regenerative agricultural practices, to permaculture, to community gardens, and people coming together when they see the leadership completely failing."
"Boris Johnson has personally pissed off the public, he will never regain that popularity."
"It's about the death of a god in more ways than one. Not just his physical defeat but also the fact that someone who has been in control over a hundred years is now losing his mind and everything is going wrong for him."
"The only reason we have Donald Trump as our president is because of the unadulterated failure and corruption in the Democratic Party."
"Putin's consecutive gaffes were the final straw for Russian generals."
"There is in one sense an abdication of responsibility by the elites during the Great Plague."
"Leaders lose a common cause, Corruption spreads."
"Your behavior, Mr. Johnson, makes a mockery of leadership."
"Historically, historically that has not done very well for companies when a leader against the group people disagrees with in a country uses violence to suppress them as a very slippery slope."
"A sitting president stood by and did nothing, fell down on the job, failed."
"Joe Biden's own policy is a catastrophe. And I'm like, you are saying this about your boss ultimately. Like, this is like if you were working at a private company, you're saying this about your CEO."
"Remember, war is the most well-funded, most lucrative business in the world."
"Soldiers dying for leaders who fail to provide ammunition."
"This is a president who has lost his political ear at the worst possible time for him politically, but for the rest of America as far as health care issues go."
"The decline was due to micromanaging and bad decisions."
"Joe Biden is very much the starvation president. That's what he's going to be remembered as."
"They're greedy pigs who are destroying America's game, and Manfred is a disgrace."
"Empires like men grow old. Leaders lose a common cause, corruption spreads, old enemies learn the empire's tricks and devise new ones of their own."
"Putin, who has made several mistakes in dealing with the Ukrainian conflict and internal difficulties, will not be able to avoid the power of the people this time."
"Donald Trump's administration is turning America into a government of the worst people."
"We are condemned on both sides of political leadership. It seems nearly impossible to imagine any sort of real democratic consensus to be forged from our options."
"When the monkeys take over the circus, they don't care if the circus makes money or if people want to come."
"The worst thing you can do is kind of be an insensitive [ __ ] or just be incompetent at running the Inquisition."
"David Miscavige done messed up. Scientology done messed up."
"Kamala Harris: 'Donald Trump's failure of leadership has cost lives and livelihoods.'"
"Pope Francis himself has either colluded in this corruption or, knowing what he does, is gravely negligent in failing to oppose it and uproot it."
"Putin's Invasion methods are backfiring as the circumstance demonstrates once again."
"You're the one that killed those men by leading them down the wrong path because you're weak."
"When your government and your leadership starts to fail you or has already failed you, then what do you expect from people?"
"Every time he walks away from the table, a person, he's got something to say that degrades either the customer, the employee, or everything that's beneath him."
"Nicholas II's poor track record as a leader resulted in his unpopularity with the people of Russia."
"We're being governed by incompetent, corrupt, dishonest losers."
"Stone Teller managed to beat out the likes of Leopardstar, One Star, Clear Sky, and Rowanstar for incompetence, racism, senseless hostility, and refusal to learn from his mistakes."
"The failures of the house leadership with her holding the gavel I dare say are inexcusable."
"But it's us we need not to look to the political leaders anymore because they have gotten us into this mess that we're in..."
"It's a nightmare situation if there's ever a reason to impeach your president."
"Musolini's failures had hardly left him in good standing with Adolf Hitler and his new fascist regime was all but completely subordinate to its Nazi counterpart."
"Trump messed up where he really let the country down."
"The Glazer family are giving away control of football operations, which in my mind is an admission of failure."
"If these guys are so close to God, right, and they're to be revered and they're to be like Jesus... who did these men feel like they were emulating? It was not Jesus for sure."
"Any time we did bring up an issue to him, he basically just sends out threats."
"There seems to be some real cowardice in the boardroom."
"When you stop communicating, when you think you know it all and you're not listening to your people, that's when you get in trouble."
"There's no question about it that most of the leaders in this country today have failed the test of leadership."
"With great power comes great responsibility, but some people just fail to handle the prestige of being an authoritative figure in the community."
"If corrupt leaders won't do it, then the American people can."
"We can save lives... Donald Trump does not give a damn about the 237 thousand people that died. He doesn't."
"This mess here that was created by Bartomeu, by his decision-making, that was criminal."
"This is just very basic level competent stuff which him and the white house are not showing whatsoever."
"Hillary's campaign was a complete disaster, a complete cluster F, and the reason was because the person at the top didn't know what she was doing." - Ben Shapiro
"Leadership failure and the betrayal of what's right by a person who holds legitimate authority in a high-stakes situation."
"How embarrassing for the US... We should have been well prepared, and this is no doubt a failure in leadership and preparedness."
"Napoleon's failure isn't really at a military level, it's at a failure to actually build any real alliance."