
Undeserved Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Forgiveness, almost by definition, is never deserved. And that's part of what makes it so powerful."
"The Ukrainians do not deserve this kind of fight. They've never done anything to anyone to have this brought upon them."
"None of this is your fault and none of this is something that you deserve to be on the receiving end of."
"Grace is God’s goodness that we don’t deserve."
"Mercy is only Mercy because it's undeserved."
"Grace is all that God is free to do for you that you do not deserve."
"Grace is the goodness of God dispensed to you that you do not deserve."
"Grace is when you get what you don't deserve."
"He's giving us something we do not deserve."
"It is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. You do not earn it, it's not your due, it's not a reward, it's simply a gift, unmerited, and therefore you cannot lose it."
"Mercy is so good that it often gave me what I didn't deserve."
"It was the worst loss ever because they didn't deserve to lose."
"Upon his kindness, she said to him, 'Oh, sir, such grace, such kindness. I don't deserve it.'"
"Grace is God's favor apart from human effort it is undeserved."
"Continues to be grace, we don't earn it, we don't deserve it, but we receive it."
"In this new agreement, you get what you don't deserve."
"In grace, God adds blessings we don't deserve."
"And all of a sudden for the first time the scales balance and God receives you not because you deserved it."
"Jesus in an act of grace gives the man what he hasn't earned what he doesn't deserve."
"Maybe you shouldn't have the attention, maybe you shouldn't have the spotlight."
"Grace is getting something that you don't deserve, you didn't earn it."
"Grace gives me what I don't deserve, and mercy holds back what I do deserve."
"Grace is God continuing to say good things about us and bless us in his power even when we don't deserve it."
"Grace is God giving you what you don't deserve."
"Grace is getting what you don't deserve."
"Spiritual gifts are given to people who don't deserve it."
"Grace is unmerited favor, undeserved favor."
"Grace is getting what you don't deserve at all."
"God blessing you even when you don't deserve it."
"Grace grants what you don't deserve, gives you what you have not earned, and pays for what you cannot afford."
"It's sad to see you being put through it like this because you didn't deserve it at all."
"Grace is what God gives that we don't deserve."
"Mercy is what God doesn't give, what we do deserve."
"Mercy is not mercy unless it's undeserved."
"Let God be merciful. Let Him give you things you don't deserve."
"Grace is when God gives us what we do not deserve."
"Grace is giving someone something they did not deserve at all."
"Suffering is just a part of life, but that doesn't mean you deserve to suffer."
"Grace is receiving something that you don't deserve."
"God chooses to have grace on us even though we do not deserve it."
"I am NOT gonna give you what you deserve; I'm gonna bless you because God hasn't given me what I deserved."
"I don't believe he or his family deserve death threats."
"You don't forgive people 'cause they deserve it. Nobody deserves forgiveness."
"Anytime that God brings into our life a blessing, it's always something we couldn't work for, something we didn't earn, something we didn't deserve."
"We do not receive what we deserve; we are given what we do not deserve."
"Grace is something that we're given that we don't deserve."
"Abraham did not deserve to go out the way that he did."
"Through your praise, God will cause blessings that you don't even deserve to come your way."
"Love has its greatest power when it seems like it's not deserved."
"He gave me more than what I deserved."
"In Christ, we don't get what we deserve."
"Mercy is Grace given to you even then when you didn't deserve it."
"Mercy was given to us when we didn't deserve mercy."
"You were given this existence that you didn't deserve, that you don't know how it happened."
"Grace is God's generous favor bestowed on those who do not deserve it and could have never earned it."
"He's been good, so so good, better than I deserved."
"Aren't you thankful that you don't get what you deserve?"
"We have good things in our life that maybe we don't even deserve, that we did nothing to get, but we still have them, and it's good to be grateful for those things as well."