
Categories Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"If we understand that these categories can be deconstructed and built into something different if it makes us happier, then by all means we should do it."
"Poland has dominated a number of those categories."
"To say that glitchless is pointless would be the same as saying any additional categories that aren't any percent or 100% are also pointless."
"Classification: identifying which category an object belongs to."
"I think it's really something special... I think there's a lot of categories where it's deserving."
"Expense by category: [List of selected categories]."
"Everyone's pet food can be found in one of these categories."
"Washington, D.C., with a few brave exceptions, is filled with two major categories of leaders."
"Research lab categories include pharmacology, outpost development, and more."
"This is Madlibs after all, we're gonna do let's see what now would you categorize the matrix as."
"Categories we consider natural are actually socially constructed."
"The three main categories of authentication are something you know, something you have, and something you are."
"The boundary between things is really blurry... these categories are all imaginary made up."
"UAPs could likely be resolved to one of five categories: Airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomenon, US government and US industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, and the catchall other."
"Nearly all sounds can be related to significant sound categories like geophysical, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, or submarines."
"It's what we would call scientific knowledge or definitional knowledge a Genus a species and a specific difference for all the people out there that are in love with porphyry or the categories of Aristotle or these sorts of things."
"Now guys, as I mentioned at the start, we are going to do this same category but with SUVs, off-roaders, and performance cars down the track."
"Excel's inbuilt templates are organized into different categories."
"He identifies 12 categories of thought, but he does not know that categories of being."
"He's lucky enough a couple of race cars and they across two categories so group N and group s are somewhat Sim similar in the age category and also the specifications that we can run."
"Categories are solo and Stand Battle."
"If we can come up with, let's say, a set of logical categories you could use to describe the world, they would not only be descriptive in the sense that they're taxonomic logical functions, but they're actually properties of things in themselves."
"Every good collection should have a mix of different categories: dive, dress, chrono, GMT, field."
"That's the nuanced category that encompasses about 70 percent of stupid."
"The primary purpose of a bar chart is to compare categories against each other."
"Let's take the bull by the horns and see what happens when we point this categorical product tool at the biggest and most important category that we know about so far, which is this category of all categories."
"Language makes the uncommon common, but the uncommon is always outside of our usual categories."
"Inus is in the best category, I mean, it's not even a debate on that one."
"So any category with a single object and how many arrows you want is called a monoid."
"Technically Amazon has no limit for the number of categories you can be a part of."
"Categories are named after their objects, so the category of sets is the one whose objects are sets."
"If you've got categories A and B, a functor F from A to B takes each object of A to an object F(A) of B."
"Functors are mappings between categories, searching for patterns or modeling categories inside each other."
"The topics are kind of endless, but those are the big ones I see: financially, in the emotional and physical affair categories, pornography use categories, substance use categories."
"Whoever takes the categories, the other person is not far behind."
"Lean waste can be divided into eight categories: defects, overproduction, waiting, non-utilized talent or skills, transportation, inventory, motion, and extra processing."
"You have girls in sections. There's main girls, baby mamas, side chicks, phone girls, recreational use only."
"...these ghosts of categories past, what dreams may come when they've shuffled off this financial coil and passed into an undiscovered country from whose born no category return."
"Employer sponsored visas are categorized into three different categories."
"For the rest of you, stick with me. I'm going to show you what I did to my car and I'm going to show you the mods that I think fall into three different categories."
"Every category moves independently and that's."
"I don't know if we've had some people before we announced that they're like 'oh, they're picking their own categories, this won't be fun', maybe it isn't but this is why I love it."
"Some of the awards are so specific I think they have to they had to have done it in the opposite order which is they see a clip that they like and then they create a category to fit that clip best."
"Water filters fall into basically five categories."
"When we think about image optimization, we can break down the different user-controlled variables into a few basic categories."
"Apply that to food, housing, transportation, clothing, travel, exercise, and all these categories can become super efficient."
"Browse jobs by popular categories."
"I've scored each of them in four separate categories: value for money, style and design, usability, and golf functionality."
"Apparently there are four categories: analysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers."
"The resorts at Walt Disney World are classified into three main categories: deluxe, moderate, and value."
"The best niches with the most amount of demand fall into a few different categories which include health, wealth, happiness, relationships, and travel."
"The data science lifecycle really involves many parts, but I like to think of it as falling into three categories."
"I'm dividing it into four boxes because I like to divide my goals into four different categories."
"Peptides as a category are divided into essentially four groups: signal peptides, transport peptides, neural modulating or inhibiting peptides, and enzyme peptides."
"A functor takes shapes in one category and transforms them into shapes in another category."
"The word bourbon is a category that we know, but within that, there are subcategories and styles."
"Whiskey is the larger picture within which there are subsets like scotch and bourbon."
"In Bright Line Eating, our categories are vegetables, fruits, proteins, fats, grains."
"We're going to have three different categories: the first category will be design."
"To create a proper structure for your products, always use categories and tags."
"This card's biggest perk is getting five times back in rotating categories."
"There's over 900 items discussed in 20 categories."
"This is a battle to the death, so how does this work? We have seven categories: design and aesthetics, quality, blade, ergonomics, carry, deployment, and value."
"Biology has a profound capacity to erode the categories created by humans."
"I have seven categories altogether: personal, career, physical health, mental health, finances, social media, and then relationships."
"Hopefully you have a giggle, everyone's got to fit into one of those three categories, right?"
"It's a great start for Colts just about every category you can think."
"Often we're interested in variables that have more than two categories."
"Avoid orphans. You should never have a category that has only one post in it."
"Medical writing can be broken down into two main categories: regulatory writing and medical communications."
"Talent, passion, and mission fall into four categories: people, ideas, processes, and things."
"Try not to think of things in the categories."
"There are five different tiers: the trash tier, the meh tier, the decency tier, the dope tier, and then the GOAT tier, the best of the best."
"...the world could really every person in the world could really be divided up into one of three buckets those who have been loved and the love lasted those who been loved and lost it and those who never were."
"The three major categories of goals are such that they are inclusive of everything that's important to pursue in life: wealth, health, relationships."
"I've always sucked at categories."
"I'm not satisfied with the world's categories."
"Living within categories is actually not very interesting or satisfying."
"It's two kinds of music, good music and everything else."
"You'll also be able to see a breakdown of emissions by category."
"Strategic graphics on Instagram fall into three main categories: education, quotes, and aesthetic infographics."
"I feel like there's some good categories for you in here."
"When we start to believe that those categories are real and that we serve those categories rather than those categories serving us, we really need to step back and reconsider the vastness, complexity, and sometimes discord of the rhythm of life."
"Haki is separated into three categories: intimidation, presence, and spirit."
"Super Cs are just that, they're super in every category."