
Cultural Pride Quotes

There are 574 quotes

"I am so proud to be Mexican that I have had people tell me why you're not proud to be an American. Bitch, the fuck I am but like I can be proud to be both."
"Being from Okinawa is my biggest strong point. Anywhere I go, I always rep it so much."
"I think there's a really big difference between being proud of your culture and being proud of your race."
"Once we stop apologizing for the successes of the modern West, for the successes of modern America, we can have a model that the rest of the world can follow to lift themselves up."
"Black pride is rooted in like love and perseverance of culture, customs, language."
"What could be more wonderful than being part of this amazing living tapestry of growth and exploration and innovation?"
"This is the nation that came through the Blitz... but we didn't give in."
"I am proud of the Sacae blood that runs through my veins. I will not accept aid from one who disparages my heritage."
"Many people take pride in their culture, which is a good thing. However, too much pride in any given perspective buries the common links that all cultures share."
"I can make history from my island, make my people proud."
"Your Blackness is in no way a sin or curse. It's a blessing and a power."
"Embrace your melanin and wear it with pride."
"Return to the values of traditionalism that made the West great again."
"Never underestimate the will of an Irishman."
"The black man is the father of civilization."
"Black people are going, 'We need to be proud of ourselves, we need to stop looking at ourselves in the way that people who hate us look at us.'"
"I am proud to be an Asian American and I'm so proud to be a part of the NASA family."
"When we see a black character on screen, we're filled with pride. We're filled with hope for the promise of a new day."
"I'm proud to be Nigerian and I'm proud of the dishes I cook."
"When we have things on our own, black people create and maintain the greatness of it."
"We are comfortable in our culture, we are proud of our culture."
"Be proud be loud about it teach your children our history make your children proud of our culture."
"We're the funniest nation in the world, we got the best vibes!"
"Suddenly I'm like, 'Oh wait... black people were kings.'"
"They made me proud to be a part of the culture."
"This rich and very vital history of Black Wall Street will instill instant pride, multicultural awareness, improve self-esteem, and build strong character in our youth."
"Arise, say it in your own language, give props to your foundational black American ancestors."
"We Americans pride ourselves on a culture of free speech."
"What frightens me is in our curriculum in schools across the country, what we're not seeing is the history we should be proud of."
"Value only becomes valuable when competence is added to it."
"The fact that we're able to do it is such a wonderful vindication of our way of life here in the United States."
"How do we generate that sense of rootedness, that sense of pride? Temple control and universities are key reforms that are needed."
"Please like and subscribe for Mexico people, we have done it."
"One of the great heroic Jewish stories of all time."
"Embracing the food of your childhood may not sound like a radical act but for black people in the civil rights era it was an opportunity to show pride in a defining part of their history."
"Nigerian jollof rice is the best, though there's no Christmas in Miami."
"Reclaiming cultural heritage and fostering cultural pride are essential to healing and reconciliation."
"The turban is like a crown. The Guru has made every single Sikh into a King, male or female, we carry ourselves like Kings."
"Being black was beautiful long before anybody clenched and raised a fist."
"The reason why witchcraft is so integral to my life is because these practices are more than six thousand years old and I have such pride in that. I feel like I'm carrying the torch of my ancestors."
"The traditional way, the British way, is indeed the best."
"Africa to the world. This is just an introduction."
"When black people stand up and support other black people, it's a beautiful thing."
"True Norwegian chocolate 10 times better than anything in the UK."
"America is well, not even America, just black Americans in general, you come here to the best of the best."
"We have to embrace the T'Challa in us, we have to embrace the Black Panther, the kings in us."
"Our music, our food, our dress, our speech, our innovations."
"Every Asian feels like their Asian is the superior Asian."
"Stop apologizing for Western Civilization, it's the best civilization."
"Real Italians know why their anthem is special."
"We don't have to take our history and put it somewhere else. There's so much greatness here."
"The name they named teams out of strength not weakness."
"It's black excellence, it's family, it's generational wealth."
"Lift up your nations, cherish your culture, honor your histories, treasure your citizens, make your country strong and prosperous and righteous."
"We truly demonstrate the pride and the uniqueness and the vibrancy of who we are as people."
"The meaning of the music video itself... supposed to represent the meaning of African-American pride." - King Trending
"I'm definitely up for the ginger culture, do you think so?"
"France, the land of enlightenment, Liberty, and culture and number two on our list of strongest nations..."
"There's no place like the United States that has taken this to heart in such a serious way."
"In reality, the black man created every goddamn thing."
"I'm proud of my heritage and what we've been through."
"Indian skincare has a lot of potential, we need to be proud of it."
"Give props to your lineage, don't sit over here taking shots at foundational black Americans."
"The West is the most beautiful invention that humans have come up with."
"The Indian people, their desire has been aroused to see their Ram laala again in his temple in aoda."
"Somewhere where our people can feel good about ourselves as a culture."
"I did it for our people and I did it for our culture."
"I'm existing and creating black history just by being me."
"All I want you to do is to be black and proud and financially fucking literate. Does that make me a criminal or revolutionary or some radical insane person?"
"I love eclairs as much as the next guy, but nothing makes me want to drape an Italian flag around me faster than a fresh cannoli."
"Black excellence, brothers, that's what I see when I see."
"The Italian Canadian story of hard work, sacrifice, and generosity is one I am proud of."
"It's another reminder that black people are so creative and will turn nothing into something."
"I have taken it upon myself to travel the entire continent just to show the positive images of the continent by celebrating African excellence."
"I cannot think of a house more noble than the house of Ali."
"Black is the most beautiful thing on the planet Earth."
"If there was Olympics for qualifications Nigerians should take all the gold and the silver and the bronze are you joking"
"There is something very unique about the pride of an Armenian for their heritage, for their blood, for who they are."
"We will not leave any doubt about who we are as a people."
"West Coast vibes are dope. Killing on the west ain't nothing like it."
"I don't know if some of you can measure the joy in my heart whenever I see Africans winning, especially young Africans."
"I believe we Hillbillies are the toughest goddamn people on this earth."
"Our history doesn't just go back to slavery; we were once kings and queens."
"It has never been a better time to be a black nerd than now."
"I wanted us to stop being ashamed to have the language to have the history."
"Being black is beautiful and partaking in black culture is something you should rejoice in."
"She's black, beautiful, and bold. She's got a lot of wisdom. She's all like a comedian, but she's got a lot of fine points."
"America and the West together, the greatest civilization in the history of the world."
"Every Nigerian I know is successful here, thanks. Everyone. They move to places where they can be successful. They come from a proud place where they know this is me."
"Black women are beautiful and they will be beautiful."
"Yemen have quite simply an extraordinary history founded in 1948 by henry louis belmont which happens to be the birthplace of victor hugo no less."
"The Celts had a proud warrior culture where they always tried to extol courage and virtue in battle."
"Number one, America, West Side Story, Puerto Rico, my heart's devotion."
"It's not about saying 'Hey white people, you're excluded.' It's about saying 'Let's take pride in telling our stories.'"
"Our flavors are inviting to the world... It's not just the reggae music, it's not just our beaches, it's everything."
"We taking pride in recognizing the accomplishments that black people have done."
"Our pride is drawn from that. That's where it comes from."
"We are British, we are famed for our humour."
"Black excellence is knowledge yourself and that pride that can't nobody waiver you from."
"We are the bravest and most powerful warriors on our land."
"But things are changing. I think I meet a lot of young people who have pride in their own understanding, in their own culture, in their own discoveries."
"Join us and see how those who are said to be without history birthed civilization itself."
"Mike Moustakas, I'll never forget him, gotta rep my Greek boys."
"I am proud of my Ukrainian Heritage... the nation of my family has stood up." - Stafford
"It's a privilege to be black, to activate that black magnificence."
"Alaskans are proud to be different. They'd rather be weird than normal."
"People are proud of where they're from, it doesn't make you a xenophobe."
"That should be a sense of hope for us, a sense of pride for us, an aim for us for the future."
"Bad bunny is immensely proud of where he came from and has always stepped up and lent his voice when the island needed it."
"Remember what I said about countries that don't fly their own flag? I love it, lad. I love seeing countries that fly their flag."
"It's important for our children to see that African people are people of royalty, of culture, of tradition."
"I earned those feathers, so this is like some real indigenous people."
"I'd rather two Nigerians with belts than one belt."
"The more I traveled, the more I would come back proud to be an American."
"She was determined that she would one day enter Howard... she knew she had come home."
"The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, the darker the flesh, the deeper the roots."
"Rising out of the heart of Africa, the Great Zimbabwe is today a monument to a mighty African civilization that thrived while Europe languished."
"Black is beautiful, black is excellence. Let's get it back to that."
"Ain't nothing better than beautiful black people, no matter the circumstances."
"I love the fact that I am black and that I get to bring that to the table."
"I want that award because that that special that I shot in his elements meant a lot to me and it and I would love to bring that award back to the Philippines fantastic."
"I don't anti-china. I love Chinese. I love you know my country China. Yes, I hate the CCP."
"Black is beautiful, black is awesome, black is amazing, black is powerful, black is fantastic."
"In Mexico, he was the biggest star alive. Mexicans are rooted in bravery."
"For me, we're African not because we're born in Africa but because Africa was born in us."
"Nicaraguans love being Nicaraguan. In fact, they have a saying: 'Soy puro pinolero, nicaragüense por gracia de Dios.'"
"Welcome to Lebanon! Lebanon has a population of only about 5.5 million yet their food is beloved worldwide."
"Lebanese Cuisine has made a huge impact around the world."
"We're very adaptable. You can put a Lebanese person anywhere, they'll make the best out of their situation."
"We're not gonna apologize for being unapologetically black."
"Black is bold, black is beautiful, black is gold."
"We will not apologize for embracing our culture and acknowledging our history this is the true history we are the Hebrews of the Bible."
"There's pride in being Russian, people take pride in where they're from."
"It's okay to be different. It's okay to have your own culture. It's okay to love your ancestors."
"We have a great cultural inheritance here in the West. It's the greatest civilization ever in the history of the world."
"Wow, I love this. What a world. Thank you, America."
"We are powerful people, foundational black Americans in particular, even our brethren in the diaspora."
"I love all the Black people who were running their businesses, I love that, that's the thing I like the most."
"Imma keep raising my fist to the sky this ain't for everybody this is only for them conscious melanated people."
"It's one thing to attack your own men, but when you go insulting us Filipinas, then your accusations weren't a response."
"We should also have that same love for the Mali Empire for Timbuktu for Seneca or for Nigeria and for all of these other places."
"Be strong, be black, never give up, and don't apologize for being who you are."
"Black ownership is a privilege we have in this generation."
"Soul of America, the spirit Napolitano born in the Bronx Born to Be Free."
"Welcome back to the home, The Haven, the stronghold, the Everlasting Superfortress of intelligent black thought."
"Rather than choosing some random designer, we went back home and chose a dope designer from our neighborhood, a black owned designer to create our clothes."
"Schools should inculcate pride towards Indian culture and civilization."
"I thought I was honoring my ancestors, proving that I could be a valiant Latter-Day Saint too."
"They're a great source of pride and group and they're also a reminder of the cultures of South America derived long long before Europeans appeared on the horizon."
"If you love your people, you gotta be crazy."
"It's a blessing to come from a place like this. God bless Africa, God bless Zimbabwe, and God bless this city." 🙏
"We need reversal of our genocide, we need to go there as proud Indians in a secure environment."
"An Iranian immigrant to Canada defies fear for pride."
"True Irish remember the tale of William Wallace, the first alpha male."
"Black people are not meant to come in second place we have are the original man and the original woman we will be the last man and the last woman standing."
"The spirit of Texas is alive and well. It is a larger than life spirit that says no, we are going to hold on to liberty."
"It's a piece of my home, Lebanon, where everyone is welcome."
"But I'm an American and I'm glad to be one whenever especially things like this come up."
"Our ancestors aren't beggars. They aren't pleading. They never looked for no program. They were builders and innovators."
"Kudos to them, they have honored themselves, honored the Arabs, and the Palestinians."
"Our cultures are beautiful, and we deserve to carry our markings proudly."
"Celebrate your blackness, you know how the devil do."
"Black women celebrate your blackness, you know how the devil do."
"Owning the box Chevy in the hood is like having a trophy. You know what I'm saying? It's like having a bad."
"You walk in here and you just feel the energy of beautiful Blackness."
"We will stand up, we will stay proud, we will stay brown, homeboy, and we will fight for our due diligence."
"Black culture for me is very enriching it's very unique."
"If you're talking about black pride, black salvation, black love, black unity, that's what you have to do."
"The broth is what makes it special, and also being Hispanic, keep putting on for the culture."
"This is for Yoruba land, and anything we do at all that will never be too much."
"I just want to end this by saying with all that I said, don't you be [] coming in our culture all right and taking our bits and pieces you []."
"There's always been unapologetically black and proud people in our communities."
"Rajputs became increasingly obsessive about their honor, duels to defend one's honor were extremely common."
"Africa needs to be built by Africans. We need to believe in our natural assets: the landscape, the minerals, the rich culture."
"Juneteenth it's ours and guess what it is ours."
"Honestly man I love being black and I love our community I love our culture but I love humanity and I want to see a greater measure of equality and harmony."
"We take so much pride in who we are and where we come from."
"I'm not anti-anything but I'm unapologetically pro-black."
"What makes you think our Saiyans, a warrior race, just stood around doing nothing for the last 20 plus years?"
"Being proud of being white wasn't fascist or racist anymore, it was simply honoring your culture."
"The night is beautiful, So the faces of my people. The stars are beautiful, So the eyes of my people. Beautiful, also, is the sun. Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people."
"Black people have a beauty that is ours. It is uniquely ours."
"Nature's candy, it's nature's candy and to that real candy because I'm an American and I believe in God."
"The Germans are coming! I mean they make cars, man. They make nice cars. Do you agree? Yes or no?"
"Manga is the peak of Japanese culture, and it's an honor to be a manga artist."
"This is black excellence and black excellence is unmatched by anything that's ever been created in the history of this world."
"Look at these curls, these curls is popping. This is just black girl and black boy joy. It is so beautiful to see."
"Iron brew is the best scottish drink no doubt about it."
"It's time for us to support our own so I'm here to support this sister."
"Black people, we do that too man, we're the strongest, we are the first, they all want to be like us."
"And if that is not some big Scottish energy right there, then wrap me in a tartan plaid and throw me in Loch Ness because I dunnae I know what is."
"Korean food, it's like seriously the best okay I'm not saying that just as I'm Korean."
"Always remember, keep your bagpipes to hand, keep your kilt on, and I shall see you next video."
"This will be the third pole of geopolitics which we Hindus and Sanatanis deserve."
"Don't make the mistake of underestimating our samurai." - Oden
"If we don't have pride for them they're going to die."
"We are the only people that has a true culture that's worth a damn."
"Everywhere, black American women are the best hair braiders in the world."
"If you ain't got your Black divinity, you ain't got s**t."