
Social Identity Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"The people who vote the people who tend to vote vote for partisan loyalties and social identities."
"Human beings also have a natural tendency towards tribalism. We naturally create in-groups and out-groups."
"Rangers have always been the club of the British establishment...Celtic are more republican."
"Politics isn't just politics anymore. Political identity now encompasses so many other things: our social identity, our morals, our values."
"Stereotypes exist not because of what you've done but because of what people have done before you who look like, act like, dress like, or sound like you."
"If you think of people as members of groups rather than individuals, that is a bad thing."
"The most important element in terms of being a part of a tribe is loyalty."
"It becomes almost like a badge of honor sometimes to hold increasingly extreme and absurd beliefs. It's not about what's true, it's about how does this make me look to my tribal in-group and out-group."
"It's harder to be a conservative and come out as a conservative than it is to be gay."
"Of course we win. Those kids will grow up and discover who they are and figure it out, even if it means they have to go through a much more difficult childhood because they are showed a world in which they don't get to exist."
"He's a Bros bro, right, a GU guy is usually not my type."
"Your existence as a type of girl has almost nothing to do with whether you actually read Joan Didion or wear Mui Mui, and everything to do with whether you want to be seen as the type of person who would."
"That's built in the loyalty and affection towards in-group and the willingness to dehumanize the out-group."
"We all hold opinions that we do not because we've thought them through, but because it's our tribe."
"Without the mullet, how's anyone gonna recognize the area's lower-class scumbags?"
"The gang gave them that sense of belonging, sense of group, sense of purpose."
"Civil rights becomes more identified with Blackness and black equality."
"Speaking truth to power means speaking the truth about race, about people, about nation, about who we are. Have an identity. Be a part of this family."
"Being misgendered can be an incredibly painful experience."
"We want to express our affiliation for a group to increase our liking across our fellow group members."
"It feels like everyone can be ghetto and black besides ghetto and black people."
"I represent those people who are not dope dealers, who are not straight gangsters."
"Suddenly I knew who my people were, and I wanted to be with them."
"You get no points, you get no benefits, you get no bonuses for being an agent of white supremacy and speaking out against your own people and being anti-black when you're black."
"This isn't about who they are. This is about who we are."
"Identity concerns end up mattering almost as much as ideology."
"Rock music would be so perfect for that sort of group where you kind of have like the Goths and that sort of thing."
"Nerd culture is supposed to be the culture of the neglected."
"Video games: It's supposed to be the culture of the people who are never popular in high school."
"I love it like professional sports is the last vestige of civic pride we have."
"We're losing who we are, the tiny moments of delicate contact between us that are being annihilated in the pursuit of ideals that are not."
"We now see ourselves as black under one banner, which we didn't before."
"It was two types of black guys you know it was one from where he came from and then it was like he was saying you know like the uncle Tom and then uncle Tom's always got the upper hand."
"Proud to be a conspiracy theorist because that means that we're on to something."
"But he's our he's a person who defends our community."
"You're not the Archie Bunker vote, you are an elite even though you rally against them."
"This is something I was talking about a lot last summer it's like we are star-bellied sneetches and sneetches without and there are indicators by which tribal assessments are immediately made."
"I can't get over that this is what they're calling themselves. I actually cannot believe they're trying."
"We're the unwashed masses but we support you, doctor."
"It's more about whether you were an elite member of your racial group and went to college or not."
"I prefer the term ex-Muslims over Islamophobic."
"It should not be that depression is some sort of Personality trait that you hold on to and wear as if that's the only thing that makes you you."
"An u girl brings the emoticon to life through their aesthetic and demeanor."
"A lot of these people ain't really white, they just got whitened up a little later."
"Ideology tells you who your friends are, who your enemies are, and for what you're fighting and why you're fighting."
"Video game players experience race, gender, and sexuality concurrently, revealing how representation comes to matter." - Adrian Shaw
"Sports nerds are in the same category as geeks."
"Men do need to think of themselves as a class."
"If we don't identify with the term feminist but agree with all the important components that go along with it, why do they give a [ __ ] whether or not we accept the title?"
"Pink represents the social aspect of the Self."
"For the elites of Bronze Age Scandinavia, a man's hairstyle conveyed information about that man as a warrior and his role in his tribe and his wider society."
"What these hairstyles can tell us about who these people were, how they thought of themselves, and what their hair was meant to convey to their contemporaries."
"There is no religion, there's no tribe, there's no cult. I look at values, that's it."
"The way to evolve is through different social identification."
"I'll live around anybody other than just some black person pretending that we're family, we're brothers."
"It's okay to be called a hater with a cause, with a cause. You're a hater with a cause."
"Isn't it more satisfying to the ego to know that you are a member of a chosen few?"
"Sign value: Objects as symbols of status and identity."
"There's something extraordinarily dangerous about having people revert to identification with their racial identity." - Jordan Peterson
"It's hard to be different while being cool at the same time."
"Deep down inside, I think you're an oppressor and a colonizer."
"The proof is in the evidence. As you grow into a certain lifestyle, you become part of that lifestyle."
"You've labeled us correctly, okay? So now that everybody knows who we are, now we have to move toward a specific reality."
"Teenage girls have invisible illnesses and call themselves 'spoonies'."
"Does race affect a player or a tribe in the game? What does it mean to be Asian American or African American or Caucasian?"
"To you, my supporters, it is with deep regret but also with deep gratitude that I am suspending my campaign today."
"Being a short king is a massive responsibility, one that cannot be taken lightly."
"White Americans who live in virtually all-white neighborhoods like to think of themselves as progressive."
"Humans using technology in the service of social identity...the birth of the human mind occurred in Africa, left its mark as far away as Australia."
"Being gay is cool, Charlie. Though, really, yes. Being gay is cool."
"I just didn't want to be like the nerdy kid anymore."
"It's always the real alpha males who tell you that they're an alpha male and you try very hard to prove that fact."
"It's not about the actual data... it's about your tribal affiliation."
"Depends what country you're in, here right now, what depends who you are."
"No person has a single, easily stated, unitary identity."
"Skin color and nationalities are the worst way to identify people."
"The most efficient kind of health care coverage is Medicare for all."
"Double Consciousness: A peculiar sensation, this sense of always looking at oneself Through The Eyes of others."
"Being conscious and black can make you feel isolated, do you feel better when you're around like-minded folks?"
"If your group of people is full of losers, people don't want to be part of your group."
"You're not gonna come over here talking about we ghetto."
"Finding your people through things that you like doing rather than just for your sexuality."
"Race identity is still very strong in this country."
"I'm defined by the company that I keep and how well I keep it."
"It's difficult to convince people. I'm a bachelor."
"Human beings and guess what that's what you'll be, you'll become a human being and so will they."
"The reason why people have pride for those things is an effort for normalization."
"At some point in everyone's life, we all are 'that girl or boy over there.'"
"The price people pay to belong to a group can take away from who they are."
"We're the generation of misfits and meme lords."
"She's a content creator, plus-size model, and body confidence activist."
"Troy is good at golf now too, everybody. He's good at every single sport that's ever existed, and he's dating a shy girl. It's like this boy was genetically engineered in a lab to instill a sense of fatherly pride in white people."
"We have forgotten how to be human, connection is the seat of human experience, denying to ourselves that we're deeply connected is to fight who and what we truly are."
"What makes you unique as an entrepreneur, as a business person, what makes you unique as a social individual?"
"Once you comprehend it, once you understand it, it's an excellent view because you see it everywhere. You'll start seeing social identity theory and the behaviors associated with it everywhere you look around you and in the media."
"We are actually moving as a discipline to try to refer to white Christian nationalism rather than just blanket Christian nationalism. And I'll show you why—it actually operates very differently depending on whether or not you identify with one racial group or another."
"You don't want to just be known by one group of people."
"Trauma destroys social identity, which is the sense of belonging to a social group with some emotional attachment to that group."
"Everybody is already negotiating with the text. Much of that negotiation is driven by structuring power and values and engaging in boundary maintenance to serve the interests of one's social identities."
"The community at an individual level is defined by their differences, not their similarities."
"Some people made caste their whole reality."
"Greasers may not have much but they have a rep."
"That's part of the problem with group identity, that's often why stereotypes are dangerous."
"In multi-ethnic societies, people do not vote based on their economic and social interests, but rather based on race and religion."
"Navajo culture recognizes five genders: woman, man, natal, masculine female, and feminine male."
"Your social status largely comes from having a career and being able to go to parties and telling people what you are, what you do."
"Most people most places know that we are not just the product of our choices; you are the product of a community."
"It's about people who felt they were either the odd person out or that they were just a misfit."
"We have a positive face which is all about wanting to feel approved and valued."
"I'm concerned with why people see themselves as us against them."
"We need to belong to groups and once we connect with a group, we tend to want to cling to it and defend it."
"Libra gang, shout out to the Libras!"
"Race isn't simply or primarily about an identity, it is a structure of power."
"We discriminate against out groups, we attribute negative characteristics to them, and we attribute positive characteristics to our own group."
"Our social existence is not some kind of external add-on."
"Your group tells a lot about you, bro, so always watch who you sit with at lunch."
"Ethnicity... it's just a group of people that share the same culture, that recognize themselves as being part of the same social group."
"We're not really just representing a hashtag, we're representing our country as well."
"I am an intersectionalist; I recognize that class and identity are often inseparable."
"Race, gender, class, age... it's part of a coding system that's part of the discrepancies that we have to manage or deal with."
"We're always striving for positive distinctiveness both for ourselves and for our groups."
"Our social identity is the part of our self-concept that is based on what we know about group relationships."
"Social identity is derived from involvement in social groups with which we are interpersonally committed."
"Hispanics... they're not a monolithic category."
"Sports are tribal, you love a team, you hate a team; tribes are social."