
Self-pity Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Self-pity is our worst enemy, and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world."
"Don't we all love to lay face down on our bed and go, 'I'm so miserable. Don't bug me. I want to hurt.'"
"Waluigi's self-pity is the cornerstone of his character."
"Stop feeling sorry for yourselves because of your circumstances."
"Successful people did the work and not wallow in self-pity."
"The difference between great entrepreneurs and everyone else is how long they take to feel sorry for themselves."
"All you think about is how hard you have it, guess what the universe is going to give you more of?"
"I can sit here and have pity on myself... or I can look at this and get a lesson from it."
"I'm now just feeling really sorry for myself."
"Nobody should feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for myself that I, despite everything that I had, I let myself get depressed. I let myself get lonely."
"I will not be yielding to self-pity."
"Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can be pitiful or powerful, but you can't be both."
"You seem not that interested in your, uh, you don't feel especially sorry for yourself."
"Stop making yourself a victim to your life, you know."
"Sometimes I go about in pity for myself and all the while a great wind carries me across the sky."
"I felt sorry for myself and frustrated."
"Excuses sound best to the person that's making them up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get off the pity potty, telling everybody your sad and soft stories."
"We cannot linger here feeling sorry for ourselves. We must take action."
"We get the choice, like how we're going to wait. And that sounds silly but we do. We get to choose, are we going to wait with hope or are we going to wait with self-pity and drown ourselves in the sorrow?"
"Self-pity is a dead end road. You make the choice to drive down it. It’s up to you to decide to stay parked there or to turn around and drive out."
"They're feeling sorry for themselves."
"Self-pity for misfortunes, real or imaginary, is in some measure practically a universal practice."
"Self-pity is the fruit. When you feel rejected, you will always feel sorry for yourself."
"Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't try to say, 'Well, I could have done this better, they screwed me on this and that,' because that don't matter."
"You cannot feel sorry for yourself. No one else will."
"Loneliness is the thing to fear in this business, that and self-pity can destroy you if they get the upper hand."
"Self-pity is a feeling that grows on itself."
"Feeling sorry for ourselves is like a thing we all kind of do sometimes."
"Worrying and feeling sorry for yourselves is kind of like sitting in a rocking chair. You're moving but you're not going anywhere."
"Compassion is powerful and it says change. You can be changed. Sympathy says poor me, sit down with me and sympathize with me. Feed my self-pity."
"I've been so busy feeling sorry for myself that I didn't even stop to see the effect this was having in other people."
"Now is not a time to wallow in self-pity because each person here is God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus for good works."
"You just don't have time to wallow in your own self-pity."
"...stop wasting your life and wasting your time and stop feeling sorry for yourself."
"Once you remove the 'woe is me,' the 'I can't get ahead' mindset, stress comes off of you because you are empowered. You realize that waiting around and feeling sorry for yourself literally just makes things worse."
"He released his gifts to the world, never wasting a day feeling sorry for himself."
"Feeling sorry for yourself does not solve the problem."
"Wallowing in self-pity is much easier than taking action to improve your life."
"If you're going to fulfill what God has called you to fulfill, you've got to stop having pity parties."
"Self-pity is a dangerous thing... so is bitterness... it can rob you of so much joy."
"If they taught me one thing, it's not to sit around wallowing in self-pity."
"Don't for a second feel sorry for yourself. Direct all that energy to giving things to your wife. I hope you're doing enough to show your wife you're worth it. Good luck."
"It's not for somebody that wants to sit around and feel sorry for themselves this is for somebody that's ambitious somebody that's motivated somebody that wants more for their life."
"As long as you're focused on self and pity, you're not going to get encouraged."
"Self-pity is a swamp of your own choosing that nobody can drag you out of."
"Poor me, look what life dealt me. I'm going to sit on my hands and I'm just going to cry and let everybody do something about it for me."
"Whoa, is me right? Put my little violin."
"Now, did I get kicked in the nuts a few times? Yeah, in the moment, was I feeling sorry for myself? Sure, there was definitely some periods of that."
"I'm just gonna lay in a ball on the sofa all day and feel sorry for myself."
"When a catastrophe happens, it's easy to feel so sorry for yourselves that you can't even see anybody around you."
"There's a certain loneliness to it, and the great danger is self-pity."
"If you focus on the bad [__] that happened to you or the problem that you just ran into and you're just feeling sorry for yourself, you're never gonna [__] make it."
"If you want to be successful in life you mustn’t feel sorry for yourself or feel that the world is mistreating you."
"It's about time everybody stopped feeling sorry for themselves and got on with the job of winning games for England."
"Feeling sorry for yourself is also addictive. It's the worst. You're now addicted to feeling sorry for yourself. [ __ ] hell, your safety blanket. Come on, come on people, live it up."
"I felt sorry for myself for like two days and then I was just like what could I do with my time."
"Sometimes I go about pitying myself, and all the while I am being carried by great winds across the sky."
"I want to be free of self-pity; it is a tool of Satan to rot away a life."
"There is nothing less helpful than feeling sorry for oneself."
"You can feel sorry for yourself and wallow in self-pity or you can just move on and figure out what the next move is."
"The way to get rid of self-pity is through self-responsibility."
"I'm so sick of the people that do bad [ __ ] then they get punished and they go I'm a victim."
"You can feel sorry for yourself for 15 minutes."
"Self-pity is the sickest state a human being can be in."
"Feeling sorry for yourself which leads to giving yourself permission to make a bad decision."
"You open the door to pendulum summoning; you can keep feeling sorry for yourself, or you could be the example for everyone to follow."
"Use that energy for listing those ideas, coming up with a solution instead of sitting and feeling sorry for yourself."
"Sometimes I go about pitying myself, and all the while, I'm being carried by great winds across the sky."
"Feeling sorry for yourself is not going to make a change."
"We just have to play what we get dealt to the best of our ability, manipulate it to favor us, and stop feeling sorry for ourselves."
"Brooding means to think deeply about something that makes you unhappy, sulking is a form of self-pity and childishness."
"Don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself because your life isn't going the way you expected."
"He presents himself as a victim of his superiors, a victim of the state, a victim of circumstances."
"Everyone can create something; stop riding the pity train."
"There's always someone out there that has it worse off than you do. Quit having pity parties."