
Cost Analysis Quotes

There are 306 quotes

"Cheaper than a marriage, he says, and a small price to pay for what he gets."
"Medicare for All is cheaper than the system we have now, but that's only if you take a look at the total cost."
"Two million dollars is the cost to get 100 tons into orbit."
"But at what expense? Again, human integrity and dignity."
"It may cost something like 30 to $40 to actually acquire the customer, drastically shrinks our profit margin, but increases the volume that we're selling."
"The cost of his success had been substantial, depleting valuable spell cards."
"Everything's cheaper, that's a good thing right?"
"Mercenaries can be very, very powerful, but there is one big feature: they're goddamn expensive."
"This PC is the same price as a PlayStation 5 and competes or in some cases even wins in just about every game we tested including some Sony first-party titles."
"Five dollars for a loaf of bread. That seems like a reasonable amount, right?"
"How much longer and how much higher should prices go to keep the territorial integrity of the Eastern Donbas region of Ukraine?"
"Digger T-Rock: painful price for it wasn't needed renting it is completely fully suitable."
"Just because something's expensive doesn't mean it is the best."
"We're just going to make an estimate: buying a fully cooked steak costs about 58 rupees."
"The question isn't what it costs you but how much has it cost you to not decide up to this point."
"The total cost for this build is around $1,750, but when you consider..."
"It's not true that there's no cost to using a cantrip you had to choose it as a build option."
"The non-K chip for three hundred and fifteen dollars includes a cooler. The K chip for three hundred and eighty dollars sixty-five dollars more does not include a cooler."
"The RAV4 hybrid is going to be more expensive than the average Nissan Rogue, but it's possible that in the average ownership cycle of five to six years you may end up saving money."
"Building just 194 new F-22s would cost about 50.3 billion dollars in 2017 money."
"Which material is better over the 25-year lifetime of a composite deck? The maintenance savings versus wood is in the thousands of dollars."
"North American light rail costs are often high with lower ride quality."
"You can get twenty years of free college education for every child in America for one cost of the Iraq war."
"Forget the 54 million. What is this costing every day?"
"You just can't stop them from coming in. You just can't. You could theoretically, but you're going to spend more money trying to keep every single one out than if you would just legalize them."
"I know 0.57% doesn't seem like a lot, but I'll do some quick math in a minute to show you the dollar amount it costs to own this fund."
"The cost of hedging is really, really cheap."
"Hopefully, the contention that the systems are vulnerable are expensive will be relatively uncontroversial."
"Marginal cost means the next to make the next thing is very cheap."
"EV autonomous trucks are going to be cost competitive with freight rails."
"Electric cars now have a lower total cost of ownership."
"The total cost of ownership of an electric vehicle... is lower today than that for a gas-powered vehicle."
"Invest in your health; it's cheaper than your cold brew habit."
"Rek'Sai is a god tier level jungler... I do recommend you play her but she's right now pretty expensive."
"I'm just not seeing how this is worth nearly triple the price."
"How much is the land, how much does it cost to build it, how much will it rent for? That determines what it's worth."
"It's not 61p mate, it's Freedom that you're paying. It's costing you a lot more than money to have her on your money."
"Cost versus value: cost is what you pay, value is what you get."
"Every single point that Man United have accrued this season has cost them 15.54 million."
"Total system power consumption is a better reflection of how much it costs to run."
"I'm gonna tell you in this video so this question of costs and how much this three and a half years of unicycle around the world actually cost me is one I've been asked a lots."
"According to the latest numbers from industry analysts Lazard, that compares very favourably with the typical cost of existing nuclear power which comes in at between 118 and 192 dollars per megawatt hour."
"At the end of the day, the net cost is going to be zero."
"It is saying that it is cheaper at a given market rate to use 12 grades for this level... and then I can consider doing this."
"No sec abortion should be free of cost so that's just the child that's the charlie the chocolate factory when she put on the net without my daughter uh she's gonna throw us off" - A humorous analogy highlighting absurdity.
"Comparing a brand new product to a two-year-old GPU that's now selling below MSRP, the 4090 is slightly more costly but offers significantly better value."
"I think people just want the newer game to be better than what the older games were and not an actual step back that costs more."
"It costs more money to jail a person who's chronically homeless than it does to put that person connect that person to a social worker and put them in a home."
"They released this study trying to show Medicare for all cost 30 trillion dollars or whatever, but they actually showed it spent less."
"And then you actually have nice interior spots and moveable weapons and spring-loaded shooters on this Millennium Falcon that are hidden in the front end here so very very nice set 160 dollars though is a rather high price."
"Renewables are now between seven and nine percent cheaper."
"81 grand is a lot of money; you could get a full electric SUV for that money."
"When you're setting a cost... you're taking all those things into account."
"I like to believe that milling can be more efficient than that. I feel like that's a big price to pay."
"They're not particularly great points per dollar either sitting around about 1.5 certainly on the lower end out of the Space Marine range admittedly the new plastic multiart kit is very very flexible almost weirdly so in my opinion."
"I think long term with these projects. I'm not thinking ooh I'm spending $55 on the VPS um I'm only going to profit $52 because I'm not selling my pre that I'm earning right now I'm not planning to anytime soon."
"These things add up... more than 400 for a lot of families."
"All of these actions are likely to lead to higher costs and more inflation."
"One of the big questions is really is the Lance worth all this extra money... for us, they definitely are."
"The total cost of ownership (factoring in repairs, maintenance and energy costs) of a Tesla is far cheaper than an ICE vehicle over the long term."
"Everything in life is cost-benefit analysis."
"So what it really comes down to is what price would you pay to live your dream? How much can you afford?"
"There's nothing that compares and to build something that can do what this does I could probably buy two or three of them to be perfectly honest with you."
"Gas prices across the country per gallon would probably be something like $5.50 to $6 dollars."
"This car was $60,000 and some change from the dealer auction."
"When does it become not cost-effective to own a Tesla?"
"I think Tesla is one of the most incredible companies of our era."
"So, we're at about 12 plus 43 plus 10 so about 60 bucks in charging so far."
"I'm not usually a guy that endorses pre-built, but really, you're only paying $200 more for a professional to build your system."
"The bat cost a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?"
"The more I dig in here, the more seafood I'm finding. Is this actually worth $14? I would have to say yes."
"Sure, a Tesla is cool, but how well does it hold up over the long term and is it actually worth the cost?"
"How autonomous taxi networks should offer ride-sharing services for about 35 cents per mile."
"And as long as there’s no Starship flight available yet, 250,000 dollars to get to space sounds pretty amazing!"
"Drywall ceiling or drop ceiling? It's a 60/40 split. You gotta decide where your proficiency lies versus your cost."
"It's a small update but it shows that electric cars won't be well above the average forever."
"For zero credits, there's no other weapon that can compete at this price range... you really can't go wrong with the classic as a trusty secondary."
"The purpose of fortification is not to be an impregnable defense, but to make it more costly for an enemy to project power."
"The Russians are getting a persistent fear of Ukrainian drones destroying a tank with a javelin missile may look epic but it cost at least $80,000, an FPV drone costs around $500."
"Your inflation-adjusted cost of home ownership is actually lower than it was 20 years ago."
"It's about winning that battle, you know, a little bit slowly. Yes, there's a cost to winning this battle or losing the battle."
"Are American consumers willing to pay more for a t-shirt or are shareholders willing to pay more for the cost of production?"
"Shocker are very short because a lot of them are independent they're very, very true businessman they don't want to know about what's the price of the truck they want to know what's the cost the life cycle cost of the truck."
"For a price tag of 6,090 golden eagles... it's an absolute monster if you can get two on target."
"Is this a good buy for 6,090 Golden Eagles at a 7.0 battery in my opinion absolutely because the turret armor really does hold up."
"Wind and solar are already the cheapest source of energy."
"It's $550 for two days that's it two days so that's 225 bucks a day which in my eyes where I live that's some pretty good money."
"It's a hard sell when the rift s is nearly as good and cost a fraction and the index is significantly better and cost just a little bit."
"Another great speaker who's going to talk about cost on a global scale is our good friend Tom Luongo."
"The 16-inch $2500 one had the same performance as a specked out 14-inch, which is just, it's crazy."
"If you get carried away with options, the Volvo is going to be less expensive."
"RL cans worth it... although they weigh a lot and they definitely cost some coin..."
"One of each skill is so poor and even spell shield at one level it gives you almost as much magic resistance as an item that costs you 2,000 gold."
"Yes, depreciation therefore truly is the sandpaper dildo of car ownership costs."
"Every parent should be teaching you: What do you want? How much is it gonna cost you? How are you gonna pay for it? And is it really worth it?"
"If I was actually trying to buy these today and I bought the cheapest models in stock right now, as of the time of filming, these GPUs pretty much cost the same."
"Assess profitability by calculating the landed cost and using tools like the FBA calculator."
"Don't call your house an investment, because at the end of the term, you may have paid three times its worth in payments."
"The cost of things are way more expensive now than it was just a year and a half ago."
"Is the f-35 worth its 115.5 million price tag?"
"It's not efficient, it's too expensive, it takes too much time. But actually, by coming and seeing what you've got going on here, like, I challenge anyone who's watching this to not realize that this is like, this is the goal."
"Printing may seem costly, but investing in your printing skills is investing in the finalization and appreciation of your work."
"A sustainable energy economy is 60% the cost of continuing fossil fuel investments."
"The costs elevate too high. It's time to get out before."
"Crypts are pretty rare. I mean, they're kind of expensive, you gotta build them. Maybe there's not that much to do to maintain them, but it's a lot cheaper to just send them down a boat and let them on fire, right?"
"There are no magical shortcuts that are going to make it cheaper to take a kilo of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere."
"MA plans often provide worse coverage and higher costs than traditional Medicare."
"Is the $700 AI lapel pin with two batteries that warms up your little chest and also has a cool little projector and also costs $25 a month to access the cloud to make calls and texts worth it? Absolutely."
"There's a reason why there's an alternative media. It's the same reason why there's mediation instead of courts. It's because courts take you ten years and a quarter million dollars."
"When you ask why something is expensive the next question you must ask is expensive compared to what."
"You expect for development cost about a hundred and sixty thousand dollars right."
"The 3950 X is roughly 300 percent faster and costs 130 percent more than the i7 7700K."
"Money is not an issue because the cost is the downtime, not the hardware."
"Intel's latest CPUs raising eyebrows with potential price hikes. Will they deliver performance to justify the cost?"
"The cost of fire protection in that town are roughly half the costs of municipal fire protection."
"Because what is the counter to this and after talking to the guys who are involved in this there's a very real situation where it's the fact that everything's just going to be more expensive."
"The one on the Left gives you no loss whatsoever so less cactus gives you more results but it is a lot more expensive."
"This prime minister is just not worth the cost."
"It's clear that this prime minister is just not worth the cost."
"Energy weapons are here today, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's cheaper to get into PC gaming than console gaming if you're willing to buy some used parts."
"They would rather pay the cost of doing business to continue to shoot black people than they would to make the type of structural reforms that are necessary to stop these things from happening going forward."
"EVs have lower overall costs of ownership than equivalent gas-powered vehicles."
"It's just really sparkly it is kind of expensive at $59.99 but it is rose gold plated so in comparison to a lot of the other gold-plated stuff on the market it is fairly competitive and it looks really beautiful and glitzy too."
"You're gonna get something out of your hands that's probably much higher cost than one by default, and you're gonna get a cool high tempo play in the future."
"Virgin Orbit now says that the cost of their launches will be around 12 million dollars."
"Regulatory compliance is the majority of the cost of the drugs."
"So it's a good question how much should I pay per click so this is my answer which is sort of needs justification my answer is that you can you take how much average revenue you get per customer divided by 25 and that's what you can pay per click."
"It's also much cheaper to build, about one-tenth the costs of the proposed California high-speed railway system."
"The cost, an estimated 54 trillion dollars, would be cheaper than dealing with the worst effects of climate change."
"And there's a reason too beyond just their ridiculous expensiveness that they're not used."
"Our base was more than twice as expensive, but unlike our previous lunar outpost, it was relatively well thought through."
"Portrait 800 is a tricky one because in the UK it's super expensive."
"Don't be afraid to look at products that are higher than $20, $30, $40. You can get a product that costs $40 on Amazon but it costs five dollars to manufacture."
"Huh yeah it's not impossible that they could even get the cost competitive."
"The stone for this one is much less expensive than the wicked edge but I would like to show you they're wearing out fairly quick."
"The overall cost of a Thanksgiving dinner for 10 is down 4.5%."
"The cost can be fifty to a hundred thousand dollars greater, but that's also why these government incentives are very, very important."
"The first formula I want to share with you is cost over time."
"Do your math. How much is your time worth? How much are you actually saving when doing things yourself?"
"Before you buy anything, think about what it will cost to maintain."
"You might be thinking we're just purely lazy at this point, but when we did a cost breakdown of building a garage with wood... Wow, this one won."
"At the end of this video, we'll have to calculate, is it worth paying $112,500 for your engine based on fuel efficiency?"
"Your materials cost plus your labor if it's labor intensive equals your price."
"The clothes are cheap, but what's the real cost?"
"Let's get into round one, in round one we'll be looking at the actual cost of these engines, what it takes to get one and what you'll need before dropping it in your car."
"And I can see why this thing costs so much money now."
"So, there you have it, guys. That's basically everything. All in all, if I end up paying this car completely off in the full term, it's going to be $144,000."
"Opportunity cost is such a huge part of the decisions that these companies make."
"One of the reasons for this high cost … is fuel."
"Using predictions to make decisions involves understanding the cost of wrong predictions."
"In the long run, is making your own bacon cheaper than buying bacon? Probably not."
"But before we talk about specs and features, let's talk about the cost."
"The magic metric is essentially what happens when your cost to acquire a customer is less than the lifetime value of a customer meaning that what you're spending is much less than what you're earning."
"Focusing on just the absolute price or the outright cost to buy something didn't account for the additional monetary cost and time needed to replace or repair these things. What I do now is buy things based on cost per use, which saves me a lot of money and time."
"...we're able to do our markup right so we know our cost markup for emails is actually very similar to websites."
"If you calculate that in in terms of the value of your time at the end of the day if you haven't costed it in then that money is lost."
"This alone eats up almost 100,000 worth of cost."
"If you look at cost of freight, energy, those are all things that increase, high variable costs, even labor is variable as lots of employees are unionized, the biggest cost has become OCC."
"More character comes more pricey than you might think."
"The air we breathe is not free. Every part of your business costs money."
"This breakdown to determine the cost per bottle may be helpful to determine whether I buy the eight pack of one type of soda or the individual 20 ounce bottles of another brand on sale for 50 cents each."
"Cost per wear is important too, upfront cost may be higher but if you can wear it over the years, that's going to be a lot better than continuously renting."
"You guys have to know your math and exactly how much it costs you to make your chain or bracelet."
"So, you start adding up all these incremental costs, it becomes very, very cheap to just buy the $245 pass here in New Mexico."
"Each place setting at this table is going to cost you about $25 per person. Versus, once we took everything away, between $7 and $9 per person."
"Sunk cost is a cost that already has been paid or incurred, and it's irrelevant to the decision at hand."
"$600 seems like a lot until you realize they're like 10 deep."
"That's a crazy markup, 6800 for 840, that's a 45 price hike, 45."
"The average spend per conversion is your customer acquisition cost."
"Buy a watch from you or me or whoever for 9,000 means it costs a thousand dollars to wear that watch for a year not so bad."
"The further you are from the road obviously your cost goes up exponentially."
"How important is that to company sustainability? Right? Today, the average cost if you lose a sales executive, it costs you a million dollars in business."
"What does it cost to manage a homestead pantry? I'm going to be 100% honest, it's the truth. It is what does it cost to have a pantry of this size."
"There's not much that can truly be standardized with the cost to grow your own food."
"The cost of this for a home is like $1,500 to $2,000."
"Your home: 'The cost of living does not equate to the standard of living.'"
"So currently the way you think about mass for every sort of kilogram that you put in space, like that's what we talk about cost of launch, you think about it as 2.2 pounds, thank you for that."
"Graphene costs a lot. But even if we sell it for three thousand dollars a ton, one twentieth of the lowball price, we're still able to make four dollars and thirty cents per kilogram. We negative four dollars and thirty cents per kilogram it cost us to make the hydrogen."
"Long run costs are everywhere lower than short run costs."
"Almost anything is possible. There is no such thing as freeform anymore if you properly support your shells, but it tells you directly at what cost."
"For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?"
"It's more expensive to kill somebody than keep them alive for the rest of their life."
"The cost of one such aircraft can reach $100 million."
"You might have loads of cloud providers maybe you're paying a subscription and you've reached a point where you're suddenly looking at the annual numbers looking at how much it's costing you and going do you know what I'm just going to get my own server."
"You have to look at the flight, you have to look at the accommodations, you have to look at the cost of living in that location."
"Utilities we tend to be below the national average."
"In today's dollars, making these for the military would cost thousands of dollars."
"Cost variance or CV: the difference between the earned value amount and the cumulative actual cost of the project."
"We're going to see what it costs, but I'm going to have complete solar, water, and compost."
"I'm always looking at this from a really cost analytical perspective."
"Understand the costs, understand the trade-offs, and then try and reach an informed consensus among the people who have a stake in the thing."
"For which one of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has sufficient to finish it?"
"Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion?"
"A cost of capital is a weighted average of what it costs you to raise equity and what it costs you to borrow money."
"The weighted average of my cost of equity and cost of debt is my overall cost of capital."
"Opportunity cost is really the cost of the next-best forgone opportunity."
"The AWS Cost Explorer... you can get a graphical breakdown, you can break down by instance type, you can break down by region."
"Get lots and lots of quotes for your product and your shipping, that way you can be really confident that you understand how much your landed cost is."
"Cost curves can make it easier for economists to pinpoint the precise levels of output where firms can experience several conditions, including productive and allocative efficiency or profit maximization."