
Cinematic Impact Quotes

There are 397 quotes

"And I think just culminating in that final shot, that wide shot of her hanging in the tree there, like that is so creepy and it'll always disturb me."
"A good example of a film that raised the bar, I thought, was Saving Private Ryan."
"Every character on that screen just popped. They had so much energy, so much life."
"It's about those emotions, it's about those people, and I don't think there is an actor in the world who could have done this movie aside from Michelle."
"It is to date still the best SNL movie and it's not even an SNL movie."
"I feel like it's one of the definitive Friday the 13th movies in this franchise... you just have one kick-ass Friday the 13th movie despite a couple of small flaws."
"The Passion of the Christ is the most violent film I have ever seen."
"This is the most real a superhero movie has ever been."
"Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is the symbol of freedom not only in the comics but in glorious fashion on the big screen in the MCU."
"The MCU has changed forever thanks to the blip."
"I cried the first time I saw it. It's so good."
"Darth Vader's revelation is a fantastic five minutes out of another fantastic two hours."
"Star Wars has mattered to people for 42 years. I think there's a reason it's endured and we really hope that everybody feels good leaving this film."
"There's no two ways about it, Saving Private Ryan's Normandy landing sequence on Omaha Beach is the most intense opening of any movie ever."
"It's like no wonder Star Wars was a banger when it came out."
"The scene where they're going down into the furnace, looking at their fate ahead of them, and accepting that, that brings a tear to my eye."
"It's so much more than a Bond film; it's a cinematic landmark, one of the most brilliant, moving, exceptional films ever made."
"He received an honorary Academy Award for the incalculable effect he had on the motion picture industry."
"That scene didn't get to you, it's just amazing."
"Everything in this movie feels like lightning in a bottle."
"This movie did for pirates what Lord of the Rings did for fantasy films."
"Philip Seymour Hoffman was more than just an actor he was an inimitable icon of 21st Century Cinema."
"Dr. Strange is an amazing movie. It changes everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"The Avengers: A masterclass in storytelling and the first major stepping stone that allowed Marvel's grand saga to flourish."
"I feel like this is more than just a movie it's a cinematic experience."
"Stan Lee's cameos in Marvel movies are legendary."
"Jerry Dandridge from 'Fright Night' is another example of a sexy vampire, but this time in a more hypnotically gothic kind of way."
"Avengers: Endgame truly took the movie world by storm."
"A very respectful and moving tribute to Chadwick Boseman and the work that he put into this character."
"The climax of this film delivers like crazy."
"When I first watched this film I was absolutely sucked in."
"It's up there for me with stuff like endgame Inception Dark Knight where I leave completely blown away by what I've just seen."
"Permanent 'T'Challa death... but I think we're gonna see all the interesting power vacuum type stuff that happened during the blip."
"Marvel always has so much heart." - "Benjamin Byron Davies"
"The sexiest I've ever seen any man or woman in a movie was Cameron Diaz in The Mask."
"If this happens and it's able to go excuse me excuse me and nudge Avengers Infinity War out of the top five that means James Cameron one guy will have three of the top five box office films of all time three."
"Music complements it expertly. God, I just can't overstate how well this movie introduces and adapts Imperial March to a variety of scenes and its constant use."
"Return of the Jedi score is absolutely awe-inspiring."
"Faces to me feels like one of the greatest movies in my opinion because it was both revolutionary and its time and it spoke to humanity in a eternal way."
"Jonathan Kent's sacrifice in Man of Steel was beautiful."
"His impact on cinema remains indelible, solidifying him as one of the most talented actors of his generation."
"Terminator 2 used every effects trick in the book and still deserves the title of the greatest blockbuster of all time."
"It wows with its visuals, worlds, and concepts, entertains us with larger-than-life characters and thrilling action, while also giving us richer themes to analyze in our minds long after the film has finished."
"The big set piece of Dante's Peak is one of the most impressive disaster sequences in a movie."
"Just such an Epic movie and I feel like a real game changer when it came out."
"It made sense, it was classy, it brought tears to people in the theater."
"Heath Ledger's Joker will forever be one of the greatest performances of anything I've seen in a movie."
"Joker, in my opinion, one of the better movies in this last decade."
"When Mel Gibson steps behind the camera, it's an event. And when he is in front of it, even if the film isn't a grand slam, Mel Gibson still knocks it out of the park every time."
"I don't know what any movie could do to top what they pulled off in the final hour of this film."
"The Usual Suspects is easily one of the coolest flicks on this list."
"Chadwick's portrayal of that character adds a whole new level to the Marvel Universe."
"Raiders of the Lost Ark was 1981's biggest grossing film."
"Visual effects, making me believe what I'm seeing on screen is real."
"American Werewolf in London just made me feel like this is something that could happen to me one day."
"Priyanka is nothing short of a revelation, a pure delight who is riveting at all times, brutally honest in every moment with a bravery and her vulnerability comparable to any of the great performances I've seen captured on screen."
"The best thing about 'A Few Good Men' is the thing that 'Batman Returns' is missing, and that is Jack Nicholson."
"Chadwick Boseman doesn't even say a word in the whole trailer and that's amazing to sell your superhero that he doesn't even have to speak and he's still badass."
"The opening sequence of Texas Chainsaw Massacre is arguably the greatest in horror history."
"I love that you said place beyond the pines that's such an amazing film."
"Do we owe the 2011 flop a debt of gratitude for helping make the MCU what it is today?"
"Few films do this for me where I'm fully immersed. Last night I watched Dune Part One to catch up, so I was really in the mood for this film."
"One scene that I think deserves more credit is the very first Thanos reveal."
"Movies gave me a way to feel less invisible."
"Darth mother [ __ ] Vader, this dude came out of the smoke throwing literal and emotional haymakers."
"Bolo Young's contributions to Martial Arts Cinema are undeniable."
"By metaphorically saving Sharon Tate, Tarantino also saves this era of America and asks what might have happened if the party had never stopped."
"Daniel Day-Lewis just absolutely destroys everything in 'There Will Be Blood.'"
"It's challenging, it's brave, it pushes the boundaries of not only what Disney can do but what cinema can do."
"Titanic after all these years still gives me chills."
"Tony's announcement 'I am Iron Man' sets up the entire MCU and the incredible 23 films in the Infinity Saga."
"Enter Mommy Dearest... So when one does manage to hit the right buttons we hold on to it for dear life."
"The opening cinematic sets the tone and establishes the setting right off the bat."
"It's just one of the most beautiful, heart-wrenching, powerful scenes."
"Eddie Murphy's hilarious portrayal of Detective Axel Foley has propelled Beverly Hills Cop into the ranks of the top 10 box office hits in history."
"That's no Sun even a title card is intense and starts us off with a showcase of the destructive power of the Sun."
"I think that he's really on the level of what James Gunn was able to deliver for Guardians of the Galaxy."
"The Joker and Harley Quinn seeing Harley Quinn for the first time come to life margot robbie just completely absorbed this character it was Harley Quinn I think Jared Leto's Joker rivals Heath Ledger's Joker and Jack Nichols and Joker for myself."
"The Russo's sparked a renaissance for the character."
"For me, there's just no question, though I watched these movies back to back the other day, the first one is so damn good."
"His legacy lives on in the hearts of his fans and the enduring impact of his cinematic achievements." - Tribute to Simon El Rahi
"Exemplified by In Bruges manic, comedy, suspense, whiplash that has you laughing at murder and suicide in the same half breath."
"This movie really does punch above its weight."
"Zack Snyder's Justice League transcends not only what a superhero movie can be but what a movie can be."
"Avengers Infinity War is phenomenal, Avengers Infinity War has such awesome scenes."
"This movie's uncomfortable. Good job, movie, for doing your job."
"I think the way these films have brought Wakanda to life is absolutely one of those moments."
"Top Gun Maverick... it's probably one of the best films ever made."
"It's the most exciting people have been for the DC Cinematic Universe for quite some time."
"Cements himself as one of the greatest villains of all time." - A villainous legacy established.
"That trench sequence was a nice dash of spice in something that just gave the movie more depth of flavor."
"We felt like it was a great film to kind of start a discussion."
"Legendary Godzilla's ranged attack is a blinding light with enough power to blow away opponents hundreds of feet away."
"Christopher Nolan's movies bring the studio prestige, honor, and money."
"I'm all for this, especially when we're talking about a film that is like 30 years old."
"Those early Bluth films felt like kids, like when Sarah fights, it's just a smackdown."
"You're not just going to see a movie, you're helping bring down these pedophile rings."
"Marriage Story... one of the most captivating films of the decade."
"Every movie has to be a blockbuster in terms of telling stories with themes bigger than their genre."
"Maggie Gyllenhaal is Rachel Dawes, she essentially saved the Dark Knight trilogy."
"That's one of the greatest things about life, you never know what's gonna happen next."
"Hopkins's performance in particular is destined to endure as one of cinema's eternal greats."
"When John Carpenter's Halloween hit cinemas in 1978, nobody could have known the impact it would go on to have on the horror genre."
"It seemed like it kind of left them a little bit stunned or in awe of the movie."
"If I were conducting the music to a Spider-Man movie, I'd have the sheet paper and I'd be like, 'You guys want to break the internet? Watch this.'"
"Thanos is one of the best realized villains across the MCU."
"I think part of the thing that made me enjoy the movie as much as I did was how just constantly floored and surprised I was throughout the film with how good she was carrying the material."
"Unicron's presence is felt throughout the movie, especially in those action sequences."
"Groundhog Day is one of the most perfect movies because it does so much with so little."
"He's a filmmaker where you don't realize the film's full effect until the next day or the next week sometimes even the next year."
"It's as close as a director can come to insulting somebody else's movie."
"I think it's a masterpiece of filmmaking in general and I think it stands as such even when a lot of criticism is lobbed against it."
"What is my second favorite movie? The Lord of the Rings trilogy probably."
"I definitely feel like the scenes in cars have a bit more oomph and memorability to them."
"Remember Lord of the Rings? It really was that good."
"It satisfied fans of every character, and delivered something bolder and bigger than anyone imagined."
"A box office smash, 'Return of the King' put a perfect bow on the 'Lord of the Rings' film saga."
"You might as well watch a movie with the right message."
"I found the very last scene in this movie very disturbing."
"Thanos, baby! Of course, we gotta have Thanos. Endgame was a masterpiece."
"This was the movie for so many people that they were just like, 'Oh, okay, this guy's really got something.'"
"Movies are experiential events and they hit us at certain times in our lives."
"The climax of this movie is one of the greatest, I think, in movie history."
"A quality promoter will get you listeners that will follow you and eventually listen to future releases."
"Jurassic Park was deemed an immediate classic, capturing imaginations worldwide."
"Certain movies come out and they kind of change the game, like when Pulp Fiction came out, Hollywood kind of changed, right?"
"The Mission Impossible films are one of the greatest of all time."
"I think that they can do that and maybe he has yellow eyes I I feel that mole is one of the better villains we've seen in the last 20 years"
"Winter Soldier was like a 70s political thriller... it just blew me away."
"This legendary film has long been acclaimed for its groundbreaking effects."
"The drama of the movie is so effective because of just how unbelievably realistic these encounters are."
"Alfred Hitchcock successfully turned Birds into some of the most terrifying villains in Horror history."
"The shots told stories, they also made comments... they had purpose, they had beauty, they had a soul."
"Williamson took a gamble by crafting a screenplay that blended horror and comedy."
"Kevin Williamson's script changed the cinematic landscape."
"There is not a single person who watched this cinematic whose ears didn't prick up when he said that."
"There's nothing quite like walking out of the theater after a particularly moving film, feeling like you've been changed by it."
"The actor gave us one of the best superhero films of the 20th century."
"Most movies have a small handful of standout scenes that linger in the mind as pivotal moments..."
"This is the Wolverine we have all been waiting for."
"This is one of the shots that blew me away. Look at that, it's Megatron right there."
"The impact that Halloween and yes, Halloween 2 made on the horror genre is impossible to verbalize."
"The best movies don't leave you ready to move on to something else. They make you sit and wonder just what the hell is going to happen next."
"The opening scene is so cool, especially with Thanos overpowering the Hulk."
"Saint Maud is horrifying and beautiful; it's going in top tier."
"For a film I didn't know anything about going into it, my expectations were more than exceeded."
"The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest thing ever in film."
"Sometimes the film property that has less films but more respect in the long run will have bigger impacts."
"I think this movie is going to have wider-reaching consequences in the Marvel Cinematic Universe than any other MCU movie before."
"Christopher Nolan delivers something infinitely more interesting than that, and it is one of the most singular experiences as far as watching a movie that I've had in a really, really long time."
"The final 10 minutes or so of this film are perfect."
"Something changes within you once the credits roll, and you reflect a lot upon your experiences."
"It's epic in this movie, which is the only way you can go."
"Watching Rogue One is watching Star Wars in its greatest form at its fullest potential."
"This movie sits right up there with The Empire Strikes Back as cinema."
"What an incredible film. Few movies, if any, have ever matched that cinematic experience for me."
"One of the best third acts of the movies that I've watched up to this point."
"Matthew Broderick really showed us something different, he surprised us all, and it was absolutely glorious."
"The Toy Story trilogy is one of the best set of films ever made."
"Avengers Assemble scene: chills just thinking about all the Avengers lined up ready to fight."
"It changed the game and it changed film history."
"Die Hard is a movie that you could watch today for the very first time and be just as impacted by it as somebody who watched it for the first time thirty years ago."
"Avengers endgame is without a doubt one of the most epic movies ever made."
"You'll remember where you were you'll be telling your grandchildren where you were when this movie came out"
"One of the more shocking and meaningful moments in the finished film takes place on Vormir between Hawkeye and Black Widow."
"The work in Steven Soderbergh's movie brought the actor resounding fame."
"The Empire Strikes Back: another example of a sequel that is better than the original."
"It's important for us to see ourselves on the big screen."
"The guy has a great track record. He's arguably the best filmmaker working today."
"But my favorite part of that whole story was the way Black Panther just cut through everything, was like he's an unstoppable force behind a story."
"Paul Dano's take on the Riddler is haunting and engrossing."
"Paul Dano has left his mark on the Batman franchise."
"Hearing Obi-Wan tell Anakin he's sorry really got to me."
"Raiders of the Lost Ark: The pure definition of an adventure film."
"That one of the great things Andrew, and I'm glad you're pointing this out, one of the really cool things is that what movies do is not only in the watching them, but they create imagination playgrounds."
"It was worth it, it was an amazing film and it left me shattered."
"One of the most unique contemporary horror films."
"I prefer the first and that is fine though one area I can't deny Terminator 2 is a step above every film in the series and perhaps most of action cinema history is in its music."
"Upgrade came out in 2018 and was written and directed by Leigh Whannell."
"It's beautiful and I just don't think, I don't know, man. This movie right here just went to a different place that I never thought it would have gone."
"Out of all these movies that have some of the coolest scenes I've ever seen..."
"He barely shows himself throughout the movie and yet causes such terror."
"One of cinema's and perhaps real life's most dramatic transformations."
"This ending turns this clever coming-of-age comedy into one of the most brilliant and even haunting cautionary tales of young rebellion."
"I absolutely love the new dune movie. It was, I would say, it's the best movie I've seen in at least a decade."
"Seeing this image, it's exactly what I would want or hope from this movie."
"Love the music, John Williams makes Star Wars epic."
"Wesley Snipes had already given the performance of a lifetime with Blade but this film further solidified him as the character."
"I think it's gonna be a movie that stands the test of time."
"John and Emma speed is a transcendent and phenomenal movie far superior to Pulp Fiction and clerks it is a perfect action movie."
"Jeffrey Wright elevates every project that he is in. From the first time that he came onto the scene in Basquiat, if you haven't seen it, it's phenomenal."
"This movie is amazing, it's like in my top three of all time."
"I was just absolutely knocked out and mesmerized by this opening scene. I'll tell you what, I, the first time I walked out of 'Gladiator,' the first time I saw it, I remember, it was at this little movie theater..."
"For me, the best scene is when Phoenix first enters Rome. It's powerful and menacing."
"Hopefully what I really like is that anyone you know these people will still the audience will still think about the movie even after they go."
"The cinematic blew my goddamn mind, I hope it did for you too."
"It remains one of the most popular Romantic Period films ever made."
"Every time he steps into that character's shoes, he kills it."
"Man on Fire? How could anybody not love Man on Fire?"
"I think he's made such an incredible film and it's such an amazing experience going to watch it and it's uh, yeah, I haven't been like moved like that in a cinema for a long time, you know."