
Educational Reform Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"It's crucial that we change the educational system to adapt to what is happening in the area of artificial intelligence."
"This is what we have to get away from. We have to bring it back to that learning is a joy, a joyful experience."
"How do you think we should redesign schools...? I'd be putting all the Hands-On classes back into schools."
"Then all of a sudden, you've kind of done something very disruptive to the whole higher education, even the high school place."
"The concept of defunding universities and colleges is good yet there isn't any narrative that has a strength to replace the academic paradigm we haven't had right-wing universities since World War One in the West."
"Traditional colleges absolutely have their issues. But one of my biggest issues with traditional colleges are the cost and how inaccessible it becomes for so many people."
"We've got to go back to an idea that says there ought to be 50 different kinds of schools that serve 50 different kinds of students."
"If you take away standardized tests, you allow education to happen."
"Our teaching of history has been incomplete."
"They don't listen to their fans nearly as much as they should."
"How do we generate that sense of rootedness, that sense of pride? Temple control and universities are key reforms that are needed."
"For me, I would like to see if in a school like that, for them, the thing about hiring new educators who are of color that do understand this."
"Learning the right lessons and creating political vehicles capable of teaching them."
"Revolution of the educational system: more freedom and custom-based approach."
"We need to break the College Board's monopoly on Advanced Placement testing."
"You cannot forgive student loans. You have to fix the system before forgiving students. Fix it first."
"Giving parents a choice is a good idea yet it always meets with opposition from the educational establishment."
"But I hope these tips were helpful for you guys. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and as always, don't forget sunscreen and subscribe."
"The tides are turning in favor of school choice."
"Randy Weingarten did more to advance the concept of homeschooling parental rights and school choice than anyone could have ever imagined."
"The model of school is not the problem, it's the information that they're providing that's the problem."
"If you wanted to break that cycle, you would have to have better schools, better mentorship programs, better structures."
"We're in a post-corporate education reform movement era."
"NEP 2020 emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and personalized teaching methods."
"We have a once in a generation opportunity to make a qualitative improvement in the kind of education we give to our children."
"The arts, and music especially, can lead all education into the 21st century."
"Maybe we should be telling our boys not to rape them."
"We absolutely need to defund the federal department of education. Not saying that as clickbait. It is absolutely not only what I believe but what I'm pretty sure you will at least understand when you watch this show."
"So if you think about it the big thing that stands out is that socialism in practice has led to terribly just devastated lives."
"A transformational education should be radically accessible and affordable."
"AI literacy is joining media literacy efforts these days and it should be a part of curriculum."
"The world is changing faster and we're unprepared with education."
"More school choice, not through the federal government but locally."
"It's not so much that capitalism needs an overhaul, our education system needs an overhaul."
"Fix the fundamental problem in traditional Public Schools or you're going to have to deal with people demanding something else."
"Educators must recognize school systems as racialized and political."
"Don't stop complaining about the system. Go challenge education."
"Flashback: Is now a time to forgive student debt and then restructure how we pay for college? The answer is yes."
"Elon Musk holds several promises to improve this great country... Elon Musk is sure to revamp the whole education sector in America."
"The era of judging four-year-olds based on a single test is over. Every New York City child deserves to reach their full potential."
"So spirituality is not sort of a fundamental part of modern science so how do you bridge that gap? I think it takes us to relearn and unlearn the ways that we have been taught science especially when it comes to you know being objective."
"We can do both. We can shut down the schools until right and create our own schools."
"Education should not be for sale like this is a big problem."
"I think this is something that can really shape Justice going forward in Belgium and just in University campuses around the world."
"We are the ones who are saying that we need to go back to core knowledge."
"Rethinking our institutions of education and higher learning is going to be vital towards making sure that that experiment continues to flourish in the years and decades ahead."
"Culturally responsive sustaining education will truly begin when you admit you're willing to change your mind."
"We need to radically rethink our view of intelligence."
"I think we need social-emotional learning in schools... if you're not scoring if you're not on the playing field."
"We can be better than this... reform education not by throwing more money at it but by focusing on things to make a difference for the ability of these kids to succeed."
"Why don't they teach you how to do taxes in school? They really should."
"We need to stop denigrating the humanities and seriously build them into our education."
"Accuracy is advised. We need to institute Operation Eagle-Free into more institutes of America."
"We need reform in the system so that we can get the cost of college under control." - Senator Warnock
"Teachers stop using academic language and standard English as the accepted communicative norm."
"We have to radically reform our education system in this country because it is failing kids and students."
"We'll make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"Booker T. Washington sought to lift the veil of ignorance."
"It's all about finding people with the highest latent talent, and that doesn't always show up in test scores."
"Let's change the whole system. Let's actually collect much better data on these applicants. Let's have them do very different things, and then we can make the right decision for the most talented people."
"Faculties of Education, they need to be fixed."
"Corona is in the land to move the giants—Giants of Education, the Giants of the movie industry, the Giants of racism."
"Ultimately my hope is that we change the way we think about early childhood."
"What we call the fall of Dhaka is actually the rise of Dhaka."
"The teaching profession has to stop operating in the 1970s when it comes to how they pay people and deal with where we are in the 21st century."
"That's why I think even though yes, there's plenty more reform to be done and these institutions need to be better funded and there need to be tuition caps... I support doing the thing we can do now."
"We should bring in the subjects of happiness, strength, and health into our schooling system."
"Want some [ __ ] want trades and coding taught in our schools..."
"I think abolishing grading is a step we need to take."
"Neanderthals were not the dumb, bumbling cavemen you were taught in school."
"Barely literate America needs better schools."
"Just imagine what a world would look like if we had that kind of education system in place right now. That would be a very different world that would change everything."
"We have to address the structural issue that is public education."
"The solution does involve taking a careful look at those policies at the school level."
"What we really need to do is have a free college option in every state."
"The real lesson is we need more financial literacy in our public schools."
"We rarely learn about its most interesting players... about to change right now."
"Do your own research, when you do you'll never believe what you've been taught."
"The notion that European countries have disregarded the advancements of African civilizations finds its roots in historical biases."
"It is simpler to work toward tenure instead of truth and it's simpler to get an A by regurgitating from a textbook rather than challenging its accuracy and relevance."
"The reality is if we don't revolutionize our education of K-12, whatever else happens to America, we're going to be a second-rate nation."
"We need school choice, funding students instead of systems."
"I think the college degree requirement is outdated. I think the college degree itself is outdated."
"Knowledge is power, and if we want to achieve our goals, we have to start by taking over the educational process of our children."
"there's no reason that schooling and the needs of people and kids and the future is so it's just such a no-brainer it almost makes you want to like take the other person just shake them and say what the hell is wrong with you."
"Medical schools have been slower to integrate evolutionary approaches because of the limitations on what can be added to existing medical curricula."
"The overarching problem is that we need better mental firewalls for the information constantly coming at us. Critical and first principles thinking should be a required course in middle school."
"I will be the president who finally fixes education in America."
"We need to build teams in every single school district all up and down California and start fighting this."
"I see teachers getting better pay and technology helping with student assessments."
"College is a scam... let's make it not a scam anymore."
"Introduce competition into school, that's going to improve schools."
"Napoleon further reformed education ensuring a system based on individual ability meaning now simeon had to compete with everyone else and napoleon could get the cream of the crop to help him run the republic."
"What this proposal for the voucher scheme does is to make available to lower and middle-income parents the same range of alternatives that those of us in the upper income classes have now."
"Parents should design the educational system."
"We need to get back to the reality of what kids should be learning in school."
"Time for us to have a reset, cancel student debt and make higher education free."
"See one of the things we need to learn in school especially in America is how to properly verify sources."
"Matilda offers a utopian new vision of what education could look like."
"It's not taught in schools... now is the perfect time for us."
"The Core Curriculum must be grounded in actual history."
"The educational pyramid needs to be turned upside down."
"I threw the books in the trashcan... we're starting from what do we want."
"Under my leadership we will bring back God to our schools and our public squares and that will happen very quickly."
"Don't just ban critical race theory. Be an advocate for a 1776 based curriculum. Actual history. Patriotism. Anti-communist. Anti-marxist teaching."
"School choice might be the way out of the education mess."
"There's a lot of change that needs to happen within the realm of Education."
"In a free educational system, all of this would be spelled out in high school if not earlier, certainly in any discussions at the college level."
"America's education system must prepare students for the unforeseen challenges of the future."
"Families mobilized right now to support policies that fund people instead of institutions."
"President Trump called on Congress to pass school choice legislation to expand educational opportunities for All American children, especially those in our nation's inner city."
"We need a higher education system that works for everyone."
"There is a way to achieve consistent transformational results if we focus on studying as a system."
"We need a different type of education than the type of education that, at least most schools provide."
"During the war, there had been significant reforms to the education system."
"One of the most interesting and important things that have happened in American education is the protest of the students against an archaic and obsolete system of education."
"Singapore's education system discovered that putting grades in students' report cards was counterproductive."
"Entrepreneurial ventures are not at the forefront of what gets pushed onto these kids in the public school system."
"True education is a revolution... it's about a full education system that creates health and happiness physically, spiritually, and mentally."
"The emphasis of school must shift from examination to education."
"We need schools that can move from the Industrial Age... to schools where kids are investigating, inquiring, discovering, and using knowledge in new ways."
"Education on both sides of the fence needs some kind of reform."
"We have to do everything in our power to make sure that the educational crisis does not entrap them and cause them to be stuck and their dreams to be deferred."
"Above all, his cultural and educational renaissance defined his rule and not his bloody triumphs."
"The deterministic nature of education can liberate these children from the ignorance in which they will most likely end up trapped if they are allowed to continue learning in their current hegemonically oppressive, elitist, and dehumanizing environments."
"Charter schools have been an enormous benefit to the education system by choosing competition."
"Schools wouldn't simply be conveyor belts of information; they'd be templates of emotional healthy development."
"We are in this country at a turning point. Will we choose reinforcing the factory model schools of the past or will we choose developing schools where students are able to apply their knowledge to critical thinking and problem-solving situations?"
"This country must change its way of thinking about education clear back to the kindergarten."
"The overriding aims of the reforms are still very much to improve outcomes for all children at age five."
"If a world is so different now, why are our classroom structures still very similar?"
"All of that has been as a result of the way Brown destroyed segregation, formal segregation in all ways, not just in schools."
"Horace Mann starts putting all sorts of reforms forward such as longer school terms, compulsory attendance, and expanded curriculum."
"There needs to be a radical rethink in terms of what we're doing in terms of Education."
"We need to bring back diplomatic history and military history; too many people who make decisions on policy and strategy involving war have been educated in social science theories."
"We will overthrow Prop 13 in our lifetime. We will fund schools in our lifetime."
"I'm very proud of the school funding reforms and other associated reforms... we wanted to bring an education revolution."
"What if the educational system was designed to promote healthy emotional and brain development rather than strictly the inculcation of a certain curriculum?"
"We have to move from those word walls to something like this, organizing by sound as opposed to just the first letter."
"The problem of education does not concern me quite as much as the solutions to the problem of education are starting to concern me."
"We need to go out and do on Monday, we need to go do something to fix education."
"Montessori strongly believed that she had found an infallible system that would revolutionize society."
"Montessori was part of the progressive movement in education that was happening at the time, but she was the first to put the theories into practice."
"This work pressed for educational reforms for women in the 18th century."
"Reforming education is one of the most difficult things that anybody can do."
"Her education policy will help all students."
"We need to change education, we need to teach even the non-black kids about the important figures of our community, the black leaders."