
Spiritual Anticipation Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"We are looking forward to that day when we shall see him face to face."
"It's never entered into the mind of man what God has in store for those who love Him."
"We were waiting for God to return and raise his servants to redemption."
"The things that God has prepared for them that love Him... eyes have not seen, nor ear heard."
"I'm going to send you the Holy Spirit so that you don't have to wait to get to heaven to experience heaven."
"We pray that you may find peace, help many others to find it, and pass it along. There will be a wonderful thousand years of peace when the Lord comes again."
"It's probably going to end up being miraculous."
"It's three loaf time. They're coming. Turn to somebody and say, 'The lost are coming. Your sons and your daughters are coming. Your grandchildren are coming.'"
"The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand and it is up to you to be ready for it, so be ready and keep your eyes fixed on our savior."
"It will be worth it all... the day we hear the trumpet of God sound."
"Start thanking God for what he's going to do."
"Let your will be done and I believe just as your word says no eye has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."
"We are on the threshold of that great move of God where the glory is going to come in such a demonstrative way we don't even have context for what's about to happen."
"Thank God in advance for what is already yours."
"Words cannot even begin to express the excitement that I feel in my heart for what God has planned for us."
"I would be surprised if Jesus didn't come in my lifetime. Now if he don't come get me, I'll go get him."
"We are entering into the very final harvest."
"We're becoming more pregnant with expectation and hope as a Believer."
"There's going to be something even greater than what we have, and greater than Azusa Street."
"We're living in the most prophetic time since the first coming of Jesus Christ."
"Trust that God is working in your favor; a significant change is about to occur."
"And when these things begin to come to pass then look up, lift up your heads for your redemption draws nigh."
"Look up because Jesus is coming soon. See you in the next video."
"When we see Nations being shaken the next thing on his agenda is filling his house with Glory."
"Mark it down. We are on the preface of Hallelujah. At any moment, our eyes are going to open, and when it does, all Heaven is going to break loose."
"May Allah allow us to see Ramadan, may Allah allow us to see Ramadan, may Allah allow us to see Ramadan."
"Behold Him and it's so fun because he's been talking about him for so long that it's like that moment where he's like okay this thing I've been talking to you about for so long it's here."
"I've not experienced the power of God like this with no one touching them."
"For those of you who have been believing and contending for Revival it's coming."
"Jesus says, 'Welcome to the amazing year of 2023, where incredible things are about to happen.'"
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of paradise; it prepares us for the experience of eternity."
"May our Sabbath experience be in anticipation of resting in Christ until that day."
"He's about to do something new, can you not see it?"
"We're getting closer to seeing Jesus...we're that close, guys."
"Jesus is waiting right past this very thin veil and that he is loving that we are coming to meet with him."
"When the role is called up yonder, I don't mind you calling the role down here."
"Your citizenship is in heaven and we are expecting a savior from there to come here and transform everything."
"It's hope but it's not the end of the story."
"On that day, it will be so wonderful to finally see his face."
"Jesus knows the difference. Does it excite us about His coming?"
"At times like this we just gotta believe, right? We just gotta believe that we got the second coming."
"Jesus is coming and that's our only hope amen."
"There's coming the greatest Revival across the globe that we've ever seen."
"Mass Revival is coming back to Pensacola and it's a different level that's happening."
"We could be on the verge of the greatest outpouring in America's history."
"God's about to work in your life, the solar clip's going to be beautiful."
"When these things begin to happen, look up, your redemption draws near."
"For me, I just live in excitement and anticipation of the Fulfillment of it all."
"It's native within us as his followers to be excited and expectant about him."
"God's got a plan your eyes have not seen nor has your ears heard or has it entered into your mind the things that God has prepared for you."
"If you see these things begin to take place, look up, because your Redemption draws near."
"You will feel it before God blesses and comes, you're gonna speak it."
"Hope is untamed optimism, expectation, and anticipation that God will do what He said."
"Thank you for all you do in all of our lives and we're so excited for the things that are about to manifest here on this Earth, all in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen."
"Our king is returning, and he's intricately designed this whole system including these festivals to point our eyes to him."
"Remove everything that hinders because the glory is coming."
"The Maranatha message is the plumb line, the essence of the gospel, the Blessed hope."
"It's time to look up because your Redemption draws near."
"We're going to see a move of God in America like you have not seen before."
"I can't wait to see the Lord, and be with mom when I do."
"Keep looking up, for your Redemption is drawing nigh. God bless all of you."
"Then look up, lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh."
"We're expecting a very powerful healing service."
"May you go forth with the joy of the Lord you have every reason to be hopeful and glad the king is coming and the time is near in Jesus name amen Hallelujah praise the one who set me free."
"The righteous have every reason to look joyfully forward."
"You're going to be surprised what you hear from God in the next 75 days."
"Patience does not mean inactivity but represents a dynamic faith that actively anticipates God's movement and promises."
"You're going to overcome it. God, can I tell you this? Whoever can grab hold of it, God has blessings in your life that you ain't even seen yet."
"Keep looking up because our Redemption is near."
"Keep looking up because our Redemption is Drawing Near."
"Everything I'm going to say today is crazy because that's not even the word crazy, everything I'm going to say today is impossible but who operates in the impossible God does."
"When you see these signs, lift up your head and rejoice, your redemption draweth nigh."
"God has shown me before he has something even greater coming."
"Deliverance is coming, deliverance is coming!"
"One day, we're going to walk through the gates into the New Jerusalem."
"At the hour of her third death she will usher in our humming."
"We're about to witness something that's where to be biblical that's about to manifest."
"Faith is saying God thank you before I even see the results."
"God is about to unleash the torrent of favor and Esther's favor is coming upon the Earth."
"Look up, lift up your head for your Redemption draweth nigh."
"We do look forward to a time when all is made new."
"Some of you guys are waiting for the divine. They're waiting for you."
"Look up, lift up your head because your Redemption draweth Nigh."
"That's why it's so important to be saved, so you can enjoy that world with Jesus. And I look forward to that world."
"I have not seen, nor ear heard, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
"Each time you take communion, you're actually looking forward to a time where you and your Savior are going to feast together."
"You have to declare what God is going to do."
"Things will shake in the heavens, things will shake in the earth."
"What eyes haven't seen, what ears haven't heard, I will see in this new season."
"Please God, we'll see the coming of true miach quickly in our time."
"I have prepared for my righteous servants something that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard."
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things that God has in store for them that love Him."
"Holy is the one who was and is and is to come."
"When kingdom comes, may it be we walk right through that open door."
"God's favor is waiting for them, you know, at the other end of that."
"'The greatest move of God the earth has ever known will take place.'"
"We are kept by the power of God unto salvation until the day that we see him."
"For whoso dwells in this mortal beatitude, does already anticipate those special powers which men prize so highly."
"The greatest thing about dying and going to heaven will be seeing Jesus."
"Your blessing is coming through; He's going to pour you out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive."
"When Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory."
"God is more eager to answer our prayers for revival than we are to pray them."
"God has a plan for the releasing of his glory."
"Before Jesus comes again, there will be an outpour of the Spirit greater than anything in all of history."
"Lift up your heads and rejoice, your Redemption draweth nigh."
"The story is about anticipating the coming day when heaven and earth are one again."
"Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand."
"I can't wait for eternity, join the song they're already singing: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord."
"The Earth groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"On the other hand, I've never had a greater anticipation of the moving of the Spirit of God."
"God wants to call you, but maybe he's waiting on you."
"Jesus is eager to see it, eager to wait to have you join him in it."
"Be watchful to the end, and when it comes, you will rejoice in me."
"For I'm about to work a work in all the earth."
"Manifest Your glory tonight, Hallelujah."
"We enter into Christ by faith, who has already entered into God's rest ahead of us."
"Shout, God is about to answer my prayer!"
"The glory of the Lord is about to cover the earth."
"God will reveal and I prophesy over you today that before the Sun Goes Down, God is going to reveal and expose and do things in your life that you never dreamed he was going to do."
"I have not seen, nor ear heard, neither entered in the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
"We're getting ready to see the greatest outpouring of God's blessing that the church has ever seen."
"God's power, the powers of the age to come, are about to be pulled off of the shelf for this time."
"The earth is groaning, waiting for the revelation of people that are full of the Spirit of God."
"I has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the hearts of men the things that God has prepared for those who love him."
"We are waiting for the revival. We are preparing for the revival."