
Financial Gain Quotes

There are 758 quotes

"Does this make me feel good? Does it really make me feel good? Like even sometimes making some money doesn't really make me feel good."
"This is insanely powerful and it actually makes us money, which is pretty cool."
"Unexpected relationship and unexpected money, and good money."
"Unexpected money coming your way... it's written in the stars."
"Focusing on your work is going to pay off because you have the toil of labor and sudden wealth, so there is wealth coming to you."
"As business owners, as investors, we make money by solving the needs and problems of others."
"Unexpected income this week is really going to make you happy."
"The opportunities that were given to represent the state to financially enrich themselves were deeply problematic."
"Donald Trump just got a billion dollars richer, maybe a little bit more."
"We got the promotion! We have a lot of money."
"If you can watch these kinds of corrections and you can be buying somewhere around here, you're almost guaranteed to make some money on the bounce."
"There's a lot of like money coming your way."
"If you have a situation, it's like, 'Yo, make this shoe design and then give it to me and I'll give you back two million dollars on Tuesday.' Right? Boom."
"JoJo's trolling is working, the more you make fun, the fatter her wallet gets."
"We beat big Pharma so bad, they're running to the bank with it."
"Essentially over 20 percent gain thirty minutes holding that option and just flipping the premiums."
"We need to continue to build this, continue to fix this, and... oh mulligan time again!"
"The Apple commercial happened and then that gave me a very big paycheck."
"We're going to be able to get millions of dollars for this video."
"This image has made over 70 thousand dollars in gross."
"All I ever do is win. I get this money, I fight, I show up, I support other fighters, I support the fight business."
"They were two professionals that stood to make a ton of money."
"They're preying on people's emotions. They're exploiting somebody's spirituality in order to reap the benefits from it."
"Monetize your YouTube shorts and make over $1000 with just one video!"
"Some of the best gains are in digital assets over the next five to ten years."
"That single post ended up generating me almost a thousand dollars in a single day."
"We get perhaps the most exciting 3-bet bluff shove through of my life to be up almost 10,000 dollars on the session."
"One of my students made $35,000 understanding the mechanics of this crypto."
"Doug's win is likely over 300k, a strong start to the challenge."
"You might have extreme influx of money influx of gaining from other people because 11th house does kind of rule those things."
"It's crazy how much do you make from those videos."
"If you're making $100k from 10 grand, your profit's $90k. You've got to give $45 away."
"I ended up making all that money back in one trade, in four hours."
"Can you imagine how many hundreds of billions of dollars would have been made if there had been a thought process behind that?"
"The people that buy in this bear market... are going to see life-changing money gains if they just pay attention."
"Looks like resourcefulness and financial gain can happen..."
"Money going in your favor like it's coming in for you."
"Tommy getting the money. There you have it, Tommy Smokes, congratulations you [ __ ] wreck."
"What would you do if your life savings turned up out of nowhere? I'd say all things considered, that would be a pretty good day."
"Not only good for her pocket but good for history also."
"Finding these little wrinkles in the market can provide you with great opportunities to get high returns."
"Big money's coming to you guys, but actually through another source that you don't know yet."
"It's almost impossible to fail and to not make money with some of these things."
"Unexpected financial gains, tangible or intangible."
"You could have flipped a call option literally in 10 minutes and tripled your money."
"If you're successful on the pitch, you'll make the money off the pitch anyway."
"Prosperity lies ahead so you guys might be running into a large amount of money or just a decent amount of money."
"Profit boosts, oh you like that kind of stuff."
"Wow, $500 already and haven't even started working. Wow, awesome!"
"He didn't collect the most massive check, but 1.6 million and to get in the winner's circle, life-changing for a guy that's been toiling for this many years and finally got the victory."
"If you got in on Solana... you are sitting at three to five times your money."
"Thanks so much for making your first appearance here and making money."
"He looks at the screen and finds out that he now has 10 billion yen in his game account."
"Theta is definitely a monster for me, I'm seeing a 10x 10 to 12x from Theta for the remaining."
"Mastering your craft, you're awesome at what you do, and there's more money coming in here."
"Turned comedy to fortune, funny into money, plenty of money."
"You have sudden wealth coming in, blessings."
"Look at all this, we're gonna get so much money!"
"Wow, that was uh, what? We've hit some, we're hitting some money now."
"I love my job. I whoop people for truckloads of cash."
"Disrespect pronouns and get money, that is the new phrase that I think we should all surf on because there's an individual in the United States who has done this and got paid 400 grand for disrespecting pronouns. Not even joking, seriously."
"Ace of Pentacles: big opportunity coming in."
"You're getting a lot of money here, unexpected financial gain that's coming towards you, where it's gonna bring a lot of peace and happiness."
"A broker's job is to sell his clients' dreams, while stuffing actual cash in his own pockets."
"If you can pick the key narrative in crypto early enough, you will make thousands of dollars."
"Luckiest or genius? Turning $5,000 into $300,000 in a week."
"225.2 mil was made from 1,000 hard clue scrolls."
"Anybody that bought this stock in the past month or two has made an incredible amount of money."
"Because the money was good and Baron himself was making a piece."
"The pinnacle: money's coming your way, the wheel is turning in your favor."
"I bet that the warriors would win and they won so and it was worth 4k."
"He knew what he was doing as far as the purchases... also how he was gonna profit from their deaths."
"A thousand dollars, the most glorious time we've had!"
"My goodness, it just kept throwing money at me!"
"That's not a bad day at the office if you ask me."
"Holy moly guacamole, look at this! Almost three hundred dollars!"
"The universe is granting you some new money or they're giving you just unexpected money."
"Ocean's 8: 'Seems to me eight shares of $150 million is better than seven shares of nothing, right, Chili?'"
"You've got to go, and if you're thinking about staying because you think you can make a little bit more money well low low face, you know, reap the Whirlwind because who knows what will happen."
"He stood to make nearly half a million pounds from his wife's death."
"Exceptional time for financial rewards, recognition, and promotions."
"It's the fastest growing asset class to make money quickly."
"The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how well you understand your marketplace's pain."
"It wasn't just the money I was earning but also the life skills to help me get ahead in the workforce."
"The only person winning is the lawyers. They're definitely getting their bag, aren't they?"
"Complete it correctly and we can easily complete these in less than five minutes."
"As long as you're completing those pay phone hits on cooldown every 20 minutes by phoning Franklin you will have no problem in making at least two million dollars."
"Okay not a bad shot here we go yep you had that coming apparently gonna leave the area and there we go 85 000 for exactly three minutes of work now that's really really good."
"That's a lot of money for just under two hours' work."
"If you learn from your bad trades...you can make so much money."
"I can't believe I'm leaving here today with ten thousand dollars."
"This is the center back that we all thought Liverpool, when they signed him, he was going to be the Van Dijk before Van Dijk."
"There's a breakthrough, a huge opportunity coming towards you to do something with your heart that will lead to a lot of finances."
"Now that people have seen all this fantastic talent, there's money, there's profit."
"Dividends are another obvious choice. I love getting paid while I invest and dividend payers just tend to beat other stocks."
"I'm all here for the decentralization of crypto, but if I think a coin is going to perform well, I'm going to exploit that and try to make some money off of it."
"If you were to stick a thousand dollars into an investment like this and it worked to 100x, your $1,000 would now be worth $100,000."
"Cashing out at eight hundred and forty for a profit of one hundred and eighty or so, beautiful."
"Babysitting, that's another lucrative way to make money."
"It's always good to get some money from somewhere."
"Even if you knew what the market was going to do tomorrow, you would make so much money. And I don't know if someone is doing that type of stuff, they definitely aren't announcing it on YouTube."
"If you are holding bitcoin, you are winning."
"Money is going to come your way because of it."
"I hope all the Cardano holders make life-changing money."
"From 20 K to 310 K in one day, I'm so happy now."
"A single deal can be worth a lot of money if you position yourself correctly."
"Imagine buying something for around fifty-eight hundred dollars and in five years you have 1.2 million."
"We're going to make life-changing money on weekends sometimes I make the most money trading on weekends."
"Let's keep the foundations building and keep the growth coming."
"I want to see absolute savagery in this next challenge because not only are you increasing your bank account but you're stealing it out of someone else's, and that, that is the juice right there baby."
"This bonus, bonus, oh yeah, I got your bonus number, nice."
"That's an awesome investment if you had a product where you spent only 123 million and you get 16 billion back."
"You're being blessed here because there's an increase in wealth and value."
"This is literally the card of getting paid for hard work."
"I actually made money when I bought this property, I actually got a surplus, so it used no money."
"It'd be great for them if Trump is elevated as the nominee, and two, they get to make a lot of money off Donald Trump."
"The Wheel of Fortune is coming in, so I see financial gain and celebrations and wish fulfillment."
"Business-wise the numbers were going up like crazy, I was making more money than I'd ever made."
"Benefield walks away with more than 200 grands."
"Helping others sell their business can earn you massive rewards."
"All you need is a couple of big moves and you can make a lot of money but the key part of all of this is time and actually holding you could try to time all these events if you just look for every big currency."
"Getting revenge is always sweet, how about six million dollars for your efforts?"
"You're gonna get that bag, you're gonna get that money, there's a major contract of success here."
"The best aspect of it is, is man, you can really make a good, good amount of money."
"I invested about 3,800 and got up to like 26,000."
"I made $22,000 in December while the overall market dropped about fifteen percent."
"If you can get $50 out of a PSA 10 and you're buying the card for under $10, then there's potential."
"I looked up and by the grace of God, I made $3,000 in a week."
"This was a stock that has got me over 10x now, over a thousand percent gain."
"Getting your financial gain unlocked along with your body game all up in your spiritual getting a look really does help as well."
"Crypto did rally on this news, positive explosion: 3500 gain in Bitcoin."
"Covered calls will make you so so so much more money."
"That's best shot of the day. I'm banking a lot of cash this back, man."
"I would be so happy if I were an Apple investor."
"If you ask practically anyone what they'd love to find unexpectedly, money would probably be a popular answer."
"A 10x gain is a 10x gain, no matter how much your coin costs."
"Holding is by far the easiest and most efficient way to end up with more cash."
"Tesla bought $1.5 billion of bitcoin around $33,000. That means they have now made over $1 billion on that investment in less than 45 days."
"Tesla did buy 1.5 billion dollars worth of bitcoin, they did so when bitcoin was around thirty three thousand dollars, at sixty thousand dollars today, Tesla is up roughly 1.2 billion dollars on that trade."
"The career mode will give you some easy levels and money, as well as getting you familiar with how the game is played."
"I put all this effort into this brand deal for $3000, for me, $3000 might as well have been $30k."
"Shane's ticket was the only winner of the giant 451 million dollar jackpot."
"Emi Buendia: signed for 1.6 million pounds, inspiring Norwich to promotion, sold for up to 38 million pounds."
"Real-life consequences are about getting that bag."
"PT is single-handedly the scariest piece of media I have ever experienced in my life."
"For every Leo, it's a lucky career and money break..."
"You're looking at a full light here... Could indicate some kind of chunky inheritance money coming to you."
"Not only did we make 180, but British Gas bought us out for another 150. So we made like 300 million dollars in literally 24 months."
"If I can get 150 million people to hate my guts, the treasure will rain on me."
"Gold smuggling is lucrative. You invest one crore in the morning and you get 1.2 crores in the evening."
"If you bought one of these for a thousand dollars and you're selling it for a hundred thousand dollars maybe that pays off your house."
"It's surprisingly strong and it's a good chunk of money."
"You're making off of putting a hundred and seventy dollars."
"What are you doing? You're getting fat stacks, that's what you should do."
"We've never made this much money during a race world first, that's for sure."
"I think that was a good trade for literally holding it for less than 30 minutes."
"We've only gone and done it, Scam Art Online has made two million pounds!"
"We'll make so much more money just by being there."
"That's why she's doing this because in turn those videos of the debaucherous purchases get more views because like oh my god this is crazy people love to watch people spending money they love watching living vicariously through the creators."
"I'll take 13 grand on 100 grand in two days, that's awesome!"
"Invest some money and get some significant return on investment."
"We generated a four billion dollar gain for our shareholders."
"Some of you are gonna get money, you may get a raise or a bonus."
"Aaron Dunbar, congratulations. You have just earned yourself one hundred thousand dollars."
"Two 500 winners in one pack, tax-free claimer!"
"Let's go! Eighteen thousand dollars I got paid today, good job!"
"Money always comes, especially if you got talent."
"If you like money in crypto, make sure to hit the subscribe button."
"You make so much more money on the longs than you do on the shorts."
"I made a profit of .17 BTC, so about 6,500 dollars."
"This implies that Peter Parker from Miles's universe made a profit off of his superhero life."
"Finally, some kind of financial abundance or blessings comes through for you."
"One store can net fifty thousand a month in my pocket."
"As you guys can see, I've earned almost 51 million dollars with my bunker in Grand Theft Auto Online."
"We made like a couple of hundred quid; they paid for our trip."
"It's suddenly Friday, and now we're up to 17 grand."
"What a geek so... Each so just won $1042 dollars, that is a pretty good deal!"
"I made $290,000 selling books. Never forget this genius who streamed a pay-per-view UFC match by pretending to play it."
"This is honestly how I made a ton of coins this year."
"Just like anything in real estate, if it is in good condition and in a good area, you will still make money off of that property."
"Maybe those old buggers will get a few bob out of it in the end. Ah, you know what? Crime does pay."
"Take a vacation and you'll have unexpected gains."
"There can be some sudden unexpected gain of money... or gain of support of some sort or help."
"You know, if you buy a house that's a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand dollars and then if you put money into it and then your house flips for 400 K."
"We're so lucky. To make money on this is a dream. People literally dream whatever you want and people come up and say what up to you."
"I'm very thankful that I got the ten thousand dollar date."
"This ain't the same! This guy finally is cashing in and he ended up making more than the UFC deal for this one fight."
"Catch some of the winners with a nice reward to risk."
"We got a boatload of cash and we're frothing at the mouth."
"Every single time I've had a setback in my life it always ended up making me more money."
"Life-changing money abounds, all the honor, all the privilege."
"That Harvest made us seven thousand and seventy-one dollars!"
"It's a chunky money eclipse, bringing unexpected financial gains."
"It was the last 2008 built, and so this car that I'd bought for two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars I was able to sell about fourteen months later for three hundred and fifty grand."
"You actually do make pretty good money if you have a hit song on the radio."
"The fact that so many of you are starting to receive money... is like..."
"If you follow this exact strategy using the Lux algo well in the past two weeks you would have made a total of four trades and you would be up more than 40 percent."
"Unexpected money, gifts, or stability coming your way."
"A lot of people have made a lot, a lot, a lot of money."
"Capturing breakouts that lead to large candles making big moves and equaling massive profits."