
Orthodoxy Quotes

There are 275 quotes

"We have to recognize that there is an attempt to subvert the Catholic tradition and orthodox Christianity."
"You need to have people asking questions to challenge Orthodoxy."
"We remember the importance of Orthodox symbolism for Wagnerians."
"The truth isn't a process of collective discovery but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else."
"If you lose academic freedom, if you lose the ability to contest what appears to be an orthodoxy, then we will actually get worse at dealing with all kinds of problems."
"This is what's happening in the culture more broadly... it's this idea of stifling dissent and, you know, any view outside of whatever the orthodoxy is... that's unacceptable."
"However, the Rum Millet of the Ottoman Empire, and the appeals of the Russians Czars as protectors of Orthodoxy in the Early Modern Period, can be seen as descendants of the bonds of the Byzantine Commonwealth."
"The heresy of heresies was common sense, and what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise but that they might be right."
"If you don't do it like the Bible, you're not in the church."
"There's this longing among young people for reality, for order, for orthodoxy."
"Doctrine matters... if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received let him be a curse... Doctrine matters."
"Business schools often talk a lot about the importance of relationships, innovation, social responsibility, but at the same time are still very intolerant of ideas that deviate from traditional business orthodoxy."
"The idea that somehow the New Testament writers had a different view of these things... no, this is the Orthodox biblical Christian consistent view."
"We are now eternal defenders of the orthodox faith, virtue without fault."
"Orthodox Christians remained faithful to the word of God and defended and expounded Christian teaching such as the Trinity and Christ's Incarnation against all heresy."
"One lives as an Orthodox Christian by doing as Christ instructed by denying themselves taking up their cross and following Christ."
"Modernists want to have their way and they sell you error by simply wrapping it in what sounds like Orthodox teaching."
"When Hagia Sophia is returned to that Orthodox Christian world, they will then become closest in love and affection for this Ummah."
"I'm a fan of orthodoxy. I am the way the truth and the life, but I am a fan of unity because if you are not one, you are not mine."
"There are a lot of people out there who do feel like there's an Orthodoxy that needs to come to an end."
"If people don't agree with the orthodoxy... then they're stupid, they're idiots, they're racists, they're misogynists, they're Islamophobes, they're transphobes."
"Christ shines most clearly and fully within the Orthodox tradition."
"I cannot say that people outside of the canonical boundaries of the Orthodox Church do not know Christ or have any contact with Christ at all."
"Mount Athos: The spiritual center of all Orthodox Christianity."
"We need to speak this timeless truth of Orthodoxy to a world that is thirsty to hear it."
"He is a stalwart champion of Orthodoxy in our time."
"This isn't about ego, this isn't about continuationists and cessationists, this is about the false teaching of redefining Jesus."
"Come back to orthodoxy and don't take things like Jesus had to be born again."
"The crisis comes from the fact that the Pope and the Bishops... do not teach the Catholic faith."
"If Orthodox Christianity declines, my bet would be that something like the woke religion will be stronger."
"This is the generous Orthodoxy of Hans right or as we've been talking about for the last 50 minutes this is a harmonious Orthodoxy in the making."
"Orthodoxy is about balance; salvation belongs to Christ."
"We need orthodoxy and orthopraxy, we need right belief combined with right behavior."
"The champions of credal trinitarian Orthodoxy in the late 4th Century believed that they were following in the footsteps of these early theologians."
"It is crucial for us to remain vigilant against heretical teachings."
"What an incredible thing; the small word orthodox conveyed such powerful meaning because of individuals who have lived their faith with exactness and integrity."
"There is a mere Christianity, a core deposit of apostolic orthodoxy that has been taught, defended, and promoted over 2000 years."
"The whole idea of papal infallibility is that God prevents the pope from ever forcing us to choose unity or orthodoxy."
"The hermeneutical moves necessary to justify evangelical feminism cannot sustain the kind of confessional orthodoxy represented by the first generation of the Council of biblical equality."
"Orthodoxy is good in terms of spiritual nourishment... but Western Christianity has a really strong potential to serve to expand God's kingdom."
"Once we complete this necessary work of humility, then and only then can we begin to rebuild the edifice of our faith, but this time on the principles of orthodox Christian truth."
"Protecting the people from your heresy supersedes all."
"The Orthodox reaction divides the Fathers, and so that's another non-sensational, maybe too academic, realm of falsification for me."
"Get ready for a revolution of Orthodoxy."
"The most Orthodox communities in Judaism today were the most Hellenized, a realization that might seem paradoxical but holds true in history."
"When we start throwing around the label 'heresy' over doctrines we just don't like, we're assuming a level of authority that we don't have."
"In Orthodoxy, it becomes the connecting of the mind and the heart."
"We're living in a very similar moment to the split between the Liberals and the fundamentalists 100 years ago... the more Orthodox Christians made a huge mistake in throwing the baby out with the bathwater."
"The church defended protected the truth. Only one faith existed in the church and for a thousand years, this one church existed."
"I'm attracted to those old ideas again, actually, of, you know, in Orthodoxy we call it theosis. It's, you know, moving slowly in your stumbling way, you fall into the mind of God as Paul says it so."
"The church hasn't pronounced on these matters so they remain open to a modicum of theological speculation, but I think it's good to just kind of delimit the conversation so as to have a sense for the bounds in which orthodoxy falls."
"If you build an orthodox, godly marriage household church whatever, you're going to be accused of these things."
"Both men were thoroughly converted Bible believers, orthodox on the basics, and both of them passionately concerned about holiness."
"Empathy over orthodoxy. You cannot have both."
"No single bishop or Synod can universally bind the conscience of Orthodox faithful the way a magisterial teaching of the papacy can."
"In Orthodoxy, our role model is a woman."
"If you find yourself constrained by the prevailing Orthodoxy then fight it. And if you can't fight it, leave. Let others do it. But the institution survives and the institution thrives."
"The Orthodox Bible encompasses ten more books."
"The Orthodox Church doesn't see a dichotomy between Holy tradition and scripture."
"The truth of Orthodoxy is in the details."
"He made some statements on the atonement I don't blame him for it because people claim like that Orthodox don't even have a doctor in the atonement which is wrong."
"Orthodoxy is a well-kept secret in the West, going back to when the church was young. We're not talking about innovation, we're always speaking about perpetuation."
"The council defines Orthodox or Catholic beliefs and creates the Nicene Creed."
"The forces of orthodoxy seemed all but defeated, by the end of the decade, their blood was once again up, and they were out for revenge."
"Orthodoxy was sanity, and to be sane is more dramatic than to be mad."
"Orthodoxy cannot be guaranteed by a piece of paper, but by the faith and conviction of the people themselves."
"His poetry was just critical of Orthodoxy, and so it didn't matter."
"We think he fits within the category of orthodox, yes."
"The word above all words is Grace, and insofar as orthodoxy runs counter to grace, and I think we feel the injury, we're doing to ourselves. We'll know, depart from that standard, it becomes unattractive."
"The reason why the Society of St. Pius X is now on the verge of leading the priests, their own priests, and there are many thousands of people back to the modernists is because they fail to take the right position."
"People who publicly impose a false religion are public heretics."
"If you're not under red hot expository preaching, you're in danger of being lulled to sleep. And you could have a man in the pulpit who's orthodox, but he doesn't know how to preach and he certainly doesn't preach the Bible."
"Every movement that has created a Canon within a Canon has proved heretical."
"Our Orthodoxy must be loving and forgiving."
"Dead orthodoxy is a great substitute for the fervent pursuit of lost people."
"...the truth will always win out, the good will always win out, Orthodoxy will prevail."
"The Orthodox view is you know, the church doesn't just decide the canon of scriptures."
"The traditions of Orthodoxy are kept and maintained not because somebody said at live fourth or fifth century or earlier or later but because it is proved to work."
"The confession is regulative... it regulates our churches, it regulates our institutions."
"You look back far enough, and you find it was the Orthodox Church. They've had these battles and these debates for centuries from the beginning of time, and they've had answers. And those answers still hold true to this day."
"We knew that we had done things differently, we had sort of flipped a lot of those orthodoxies that are inherent to skating on their heads, and that felt good."
"It's not enough just to be Orthodox. We need to love the Lord Our God with all our hearts, all of who we are."
"It's not enough to be Orthodox and I think with parenting too and this is for all of us right we don't want to just teach the right truths we don't even want to just do the right actions we want to train the heart to actually desire the right things."
"Orthodoxy is going to challenge your concepts and your mindset."
"The Orthodox Church understands herself as one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."
"the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in the year 1453 might have signaled the end of the Byzantine Empire by no means however did it Mark the end of the patriarchate of Constantinople or the end of Eastern Orthodoxy."
"in the future Orthodoxy is going to be a matter of personal commitment increasingly only those people will be Orthodox who have actually chosen to be so their faith will need to be far more conscious."
"the universal appeal of Christian Orthodoxy lies in the heart of its Humanity, philanthropia God's loving kindness toward mankind."
"If your theology requires you to think that's not miraculous, you have departed far from any kind of Orthodox understanding of scripture."
"...the council of Nicaea simply wound up codifying the position of one side of the argument."
"The PCA, the ARP, the OPC, and the RPCNA are faithful Reformed biblical historical Orthodox confessional witnesses to the faith once and for all handed down to the Saints."
"In this day we are experiencing a work of grace in which God is restoring to the Orthodox Church that which rightly belongs to her."
"To be truly Orthodox yet fully American seems to be the only real Orthodox tradition."
"The recovery of Orthodoxy in the West is well underway in our Western right parishes."
"Their motto was 'Follow the Brethren.' They stressed the need for orthodoxy throughout the system."
"The form of Christianity that you see now is the Orthodox tradition."
"The magnificence and truth of our orthodox faith should be revealed as the only faith that teaches and provides theosis to its members."
"This is the mystery of our Orthodox faith and life."
"Listen to teachings from a plurality of Christians within orthodoxy and then compare that with scripture."
"What's attractive about Orthodoxy is personal responsibility."
"We are in the 40-day sacred period after the repose of the highly esteemed and deeply respected elder of Mount Athos, Father Emilianos."
"Father Emilianos has had a tremendous edifying influence on Orthodox Christians and many beyond the church throughout the whole world."
"Adam represents in this dialogue the nervous voice of the poem's orthodoxy, and Eve represents the questioning voice, the voice that questions and critiques that orthodoxy."
"He became the first Orthodox martyr, St. Juvenal in North America."
"St. Peter the Aleut became the first Native-born Orthodox Saint in North America."
"Coming to Orthodoxy is like coming home."
"It feels like coming home to the truth."
"The Orthodox Church is beautiful, it's holy, it's reverent."
"The essence of a balanced Orthodox life is joy, permanent joy that doesn't depend on what's going on today."
"The fact that the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church were one for the first ten centuries in our history."
"The embrace of Orthodoxy is opened wide for anyone that wants to dialogue with Christ."
"Participation in the sacraments implies that we are in communion and communion for the Orthodox means that we share the same faith."
"We all believe the same things and all of us Orthodox included are always striving for authentic Christianity."
"We believe in one baptism; you're baptized once in your life."
"Mending the rifts between the Orthodox... what do we need to work on in order to become one? Technically we are one."
"We need to rediscover a radical allegiance to Christ, recognizing the reality of the battle we were in and reclaiming core Christian orthodoxy."
"Orthodox Christians live today in one of the great critical times in the history of Christ's Church."
"Revolution means constantly re-evaluating orthodoxy and convention, and being open to fundamentally changing how we view the world."
"He guaranteed Sufism an official place in orthodox Islam alongside law and theology."
"The divergence in just the basic way of life between Orthodoxy and secularism is so dramatic."
"James was basically what we would consider today to be an orthodox rabbi."
"For Orthodox Christians, icons or holy images of persons and events are an integral part of an act of prayer."
"The intertwined traditions of Athens and Jerusalem are quite literally symbolized by the Greek Orthodox Church."
"What does the Coptic Orthodox Church have to offer? Well, it has to offer that idea of being truly thankful and faithful in everything concerning everything and for all things regardless of what comes."
"We want to be a voice of true Orthodoxy within World Orthodoxy."
"One thing I will say about Patriarch Ilia is that over the years he was very intelligent."
"As long as we make Orthodoxy and the teaching of the church the basis by which we come to agreement, we'll see greater and greater things happen."
"The humility of Orthodoxy is to say I'll stay where the church is unless I'm sure that the church has always been wrong about this."
"Orthodoxy is quite literally the only thing that brings life; it is alive."
"What an amazing person, this is what being an orthodox is like."
"The true sacraments in the sense that Christ founded them are to be found only in the Orthodox Church."
"Orthodoxy is intellectual; it just knows the limits of intellect alone."
"If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, shall prescribe what shall be orthodox in religion, nationalism, politics, or any other matters of opinion."
"Despite the absence of a hierarchical organization that can define and, if necessary, impose an orthodoxy, Islam has been less subject to schism than has Christianity."
"Orthodox faith and morality maintains your salvation."
"The Novationists were in fact orthodox and not heretics."
"We did not set out to discover Orthodoxy; we set out to find out what the ancient church was really like, and in doing so, we discovered Orthodoxy."
"This was how Judaism became Orthodox Judaism."
"If we are struggling in an Orthodox way, we are receiving the grace of God, which is the only thing that can raise us above this world that lies in evil."
"Our Orthodox faith comes down to us through tradition... it is something passed on from father to son, from one generation to the next, which we see being practiced around us by our fathers and brothers in the faith."
"Orthodoxy is something first of all of the heart, not just the mind, something living and warm, not abstract and cold."
"Only in the Orthodox Church will we find these unchanging truths."
"Orthodoxy cannot be simply an aspect of national identity... it's got to be conscious and that means a spiritual choice by people."
"Orthodoxy is not negation but affirmation."
"The Greek fathers represent the universality of Orthodoxy."
"Orthodoxy is still a hidden treasure in the sense that enormous numbers of people still have no idea what Orthodoxy really stands for."
"Christian orthodoxy has always modestly acknowledged we don't yet get it; we still see through a glass darkly."
"Father Meindorf was a premier Orthodox theologian and Byzantineist of the 20th century."
"The Byzantine spirit is what characterizes Orthodox Christianity."
"It is to be desired that some Orthodox Christian, having studied the applied sciences, would then study the fundamentals of the asceticism of the Orthodox Church and bequeath to mankind a true philosophy."
"The Orthodox teaching of the Holy Fathers is not something of one age; it has been transmitted in unbroken succession from the time of Christ and His apostles to the present day."
"This is the true faith, we orthodox think accordingly."
"The first people to recover an authentic Christian orthodoxy in modern times have usually been artists and literary figures."
"Every orthodoxy is based on the orthodoxy of the previous generation; in the same way, every heresy is based on a heresy in the previous generation."
"Every Orthodox church is the marriage supper of the lamb here and now."
"The divine Holy Scriptures are to be interpreted as the Orthodox Church teaches."
"If the Trinity plus the three divine persons seems like you have four things which are divine, that's one more thing than Orthodox requires."
"We believe this, the Orthodox Christians has been the same from the beginning."
"There will be a time when there will be women in rabbinic authority in the Orthodox, in the modern orthodox framework."
"The altar is where the mystery of Christ kind of all comes together for Orthodox Christians."
"We eastern Catholics really want to someday be Orthodox and in union with Rome."
"If you want to experience the fullness of the life in Christ available to us here in this life, you will become Orthodox."
"Thomas was a defender of Christian orthodoxy; it's the same orthodoxy that the reformers taught and the great Protestant confessions and catechisms expressed."
"Literally translated, the word Orthodox means 'correct glory'."
"Orthodoxy is that which is right, that which is textual, that which is pure, that which is rightly guided."
"Orthodoxy alone of all the religions is God's religion and therefore it does not deny those faculties which God gave us."
"The goal was not to make a new or superior translation, but simply to make a text for Bible reading of Orthodox Christians."
"The symbol... indicates that the material so cited is read throughout the liturgical year of the Orthodox Church."
"The mainstream has been shifting, and the liberal orthodoxy of the post-war period is ever less hegemonic."
"Science has always been about questioning the orthodoxy."
"The Orthodox Church believes and history is borne out that the people have a responsibility to defend the faith."
"May the Lord Our God protect all Pious Orthodox Christians."
"Orthodoxy practicing Orthodoxy really aims to cultivate the virtues to make you a better person."
"The ultimate presupposition here for the way that we formulate the argument is the existence of the orthodox conception of God."
"No copy of John in any century is going to give you Islam or Manichaeism or Gnosticism; it's going to give you the historic orthodox Christian faith."
"An Orthodox church is that part of God's creation which has been set apart and reclaimed for the kingdom of God."
"We should always approach an Orthodox church with the deepest attitude of reverence."
"Orthodox means following the Torah, the Old Testament, the way it was given without changing it."
"These are the major doctrines that distinguish Christianity from cults."
"We've had 20-25 years of this economic Orthodoxy and it's resulted in stagnation."
"...what fundamentally divides Orthodoxy from any other kind of ideology is precisely this: the Dignity of the Divine individual and what this means for us as spiritual and physical beings."
"We have 2,000 years worth of tradition showing Orthodox Christianity never changed."
"Christ in our midst, that's how we live him in the Orthodox Church."
"The views that were affirmed in the major ecumenical councils established the boundaries of Orthodoxy."
"If a person claims to be a Christian and says, 'I deny that God is three persons in one nature,' they put themselves outside of the boundaries of Orthodoxy."
"Given the fact that I've heard so many times that your information has led people down the path of Orthodoxy, I think it's time to finally dive in and see beyond the surface level."
"This is an admission that the Orthodox ecclesiological system is Apostolic, ancient, patristic, and canonical."
"The apostles ordained successors... that's where the Orthodox Church derives the doctrine of apostolic succession."
"That Grace is always a movement towards Orthodoxy, always a movement towards the source of that Grace, which is the actual Body of Christ."
"We definitely want to participate in Christ, but the doctrine of theosis in the Orthodox Church is that we never lose our identity."
"It's really important to contrast the Orthodox expression of what a saint is, which is a unified expression and experience that does not differ."
"The Orthodox Church is the true body of Christ, and the arguments that all divided and separated groups and sects making up the body of Christ is a denial of the unity of the body of Christ."
"Everything in the Orthodox Church is Christology."
"There's really no way to have a consistent metaphysic that's orthodox and be a nominalist."
"We actually have historic apostolic liturgies, and that's what we do in the Orthodox Church."
"Orthodoxy has that power to change things."
"Orthodox Christianity is a holistic religious epistemology."
"The absurdity of your worldview... and the coherence and grounding work that the Orthodox Christian worldview does for things like universals, laws of logic, objective ethics, identity over time... make sense in a world where God is the creator."
"The cosmic scope of redemption is fundamental to everything in Eastern Orthodoxy."
"The centrality of theosis in Orthodoxy is what has preserved the possibility of helping people see this and encounter it and practice it."