
Predatory Behavior Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Any guy who goes after a girl significantly younger than them is severely lacking in their life...it's ultimately predatory."
"If your entire purpose for taking someone out on a date is to sleep with them and then you get angry when they don't sleep with you, you are a predator."
"I've come forward after all these years because I want this type of predatory behavior to be brought to people's awareness."
"This guy is a predator in every single definition of the word."
"The whole thing screams incredibly predatory... we don't need more Jake Pauls and Austin McBrooms running around in the world."
"I feel like these individuals who are doing these abductions and trying to lure women what better place to go than a ladies night at a popular club."
"Enjoy your 20s, but older folks are definitely preying on you as we speak."
"Police believe that Barone constantly prowled the area searching for vulnerable women to abduct, molest, and kill."
"I see David as another predator." - Alexa Nicholas
"Honey badgers: fierce predators attacking lions, buffaloes, and even six lions at a time."
"The same pattern. Isolating young women, getting them alone, women in a position of directly working for Weinstein or being professionally dependent on him."
"He was a man who had come to have a taste for strangling the life out of women who were not able to protect themselves."
"That's one ruthless killer right there, kitty then rubs itself off in the mud and gets ready for a feast."
"Pitou enters the story very much like a predatory cat, appropriately."
"You got to take care of that [ __ ] because if you don't, you got these vultures ready to prey."
"It's sad, but wherever prey is vulnerable, predators will follow."
"My biggest gripe with child stardom is the amount of predatory behavior that happens in Hollywood."
"The monster remained tranquil, stared at its prey, and bit the whale in two with one chomp."
"I personally think they're very predatory they're very scammy they tend to target like moms stay-at-home moms."
"The thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of the kill were the only currencies he abided by."
"Migration affects the behaviors of predatory species, leading to an evolutionary arms race."
"We cannot laissez-faire won't work if you've got a predator in the room."
"Doma is known for targeting women, especially those with strong and healthy bodies."
"I am NOT a fan of censorship... but in the case of predatory behavior, something does need to be done."
"A bloodthirsty worm that shoots webs like Spiderman to snare prey."
"He is actually hunting for victims under the guise of journalistic research."
"What is it that humans, the greatest predator of all time, the most dangerous creature to ever live, that we know of, what would we be afraid of?"
"He preyed upon the weakest person possible, the ones that he could get away with the most."
"Nature can be brutal. It can seem like every animal out there is just basically trying to eat every other animal, and it can turn out super messy. But it's actually a lot more complex than just that."
"What Ken Rex put the people of Skidmore through could frankly be described as hellish. He was violent volatile and he preyed on children."
"King cobra: capable of attacking a small monitor lizard, finishing it off, and swallowing it whole."
"Common snapping turtle: characterized by incredible jaws and teeth, capable of devouring snakes and humans."
"The goal is ending predatory behavior and that usually starts with education... educating people and getting people to understand how predatory behavior is able to be rewarded and to prosper and not to face any type of accountability."
"What are you supposed to do when the people that are supposed to keep us safe are also predators?"
"It stings you with this little heart-shaped stinger and you love it even if you're prey you will love it."
"Thylacoleo was possibly dispatching the unfortunate prey items... by delivering fatal bites."
"He was always looking for someone that he was certain would not fight back, and they can't do anything to stop him."
"This man was not looking for a home; he was looking for a victim."
"Harpy eagle: with deadly talons that can exert several hundred pounds of pressure, crushing their prey's bones and killing victims instantly."
"Part of that is because they already have an archetype in mind for grown men who enjoy being pedophiles."
"It's concerning, it's predatory, and it's absolutely groomer behavior."
"There are [ __ ] who prey on [ __ ] for a living, it's true."
"The second sister's greatest weapon is her ability to predict the behavior of her prey."
"People exploit those trying to talk to their dead; it's predatory and wrong."
"The bear seemed to be predatory there was no doubt the Bear's intention was to kill."
"It acknowledged that Brookside was preying on the people who were least able to fight."
"Both of these animals had bites that could inflict some serious damage to each other."
"A bite from a Tyrannosaurus Rex could crush flesh and bone alike with ease."
"Oh my God, he's going to eat that marmot. He is going to eat that marmot."
"It's like she has total control of her prey while she watches them struggle."
"Watch out, he's coming to take all your money!"
"An enormous marine reptile that emerged from the sea, its jaw can easily break through shell."
"The Stargazer fish also has the power to produce electricity to shock any threats, and has two venomous spines near its gills to kill prey and predators alike."
"You're the ones I'm preying on here so listen up."
"The peregrine falcon: reaches 200 miles per hour in attack mode."
"Eventually, it throws the bodies into the main aquarium tank - and watches with a slimy, blank expression as the fish begin to feed."
"Bears are apex predators that prey on a wide range of animals."
"I think it's weird stuff and I've seen too many of these alleged allies just being predatory to the people that they're allegedly trying to be allies to."
"People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey."
"What's the conduct this man has been charged with? Inviting a 13-year-old boy to get in his car."
"It's just very predatory, exploitative."
"Muskies bite their prey and then they turn it around or they turn themselves around and then they eat things head first. A lot of fish do that."
"I mean, let's not mince words. He is a predator."
"There's tons of current ripping through here right now so you've got a ton of predatory fish posted up in the Eddies."
"Male lions will often spawn-wipe their prey by attacking the ones that have just given birth"
"This man was looking at me like a hunter staring at his prey, a hunter who made little effort to hide the fact that he was after me."
"The scene was brutal, as if something had played with its food."
"The flag-tailed assassin bug is a methodical murderer—it stalks its prey very softly and smoothly."
"It could swallow prey half its size and surpass nearly everything in the ocean in terms of speed."
"Please start thinking of Deinonychus less like a giant lizard that hunted in wolf-like packs and more like a large ground hawk with teeth and claws that attacks from above."
"The head and neck was flexible, they argued that it would have been used more like a modern bird of prey."
"Owls are predators that'll eat literally anything, including crows, and crows are smart enough to do something about it."
"The African crowned eagle might be the only bird of prey to actively target human children."
"This was no slugging match of movie dinosaurs, but a surgical hit."
"Carnosaur sinks teeth into brontosaurus left rump, attempts to drag down victim, foot of the carnosaur penetrates deeply into the mud."
"This is extraordinary, it's a species of shark that actually attacks living whales."
"Isn't it crazy this guy can take down a full-grown red fox or a feral cat, even other types of owls they'll hunt down?"
"It's not about where you have a prototype in your fantasy and you go trolling for the victim; it's more that kind of primitive, animalistic thing."
"The grooming predator, they're very nice, but they are certainly not good."
"These aggressive creatures use electric discharges to intimidate other life forms and kill their prey with a single deadly shock."
"They're predators... they wait for the perfect time to grab their prey."
"Energy vampires prey on people that are very very kind-hearted and very nice like yourself."
"Jaguars do something that no other big cat does because while lions, tigers, and leopards put their prey out of their misery by biting the neck, jaguars go directly for the head."