
Personal Risk Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"I had to be willing to risk my relationship with her to get her out."
"The same thing that makes him entertaining constantly threatens to destroy his career and everything he's built."
"I know I'm taking a risk right now, but as Jim Caviezel says, if we don't stand up for the truth, then we're the ones held responsible."
"When an officer comes forward with a story of an encounter, he or she risks everything: their career, their personal life, maybe their marriage, their family. They're putting it all on the line."
"Donald realizes that he's constantly putting his life on the line for others and that in itself is its own superpower."
"Piper is brave, putting herself personally in harm's way not because she's greedy but to help other people."
"I couldn't knowingly continue on this path silently without speaking out against the weaponization I witnessed, even if it meant losing my job, my career, my livelihood, my family's home, and now my anonymity."
"I certainly was conscious of the fact that if I were going to be found out, and I did think I would be found out eventually, that there would be serious ramifications. But I just thought it was important."
"Nobody ever thinks it's gonna happen to them until it does."
"If you want to be saved, I'll risk my life to save you. If you don't want to be saved, I'm not going to care more than you do about your own life."
"He's putting his life at risk. This is a guy that, if he chooses to go back to Iran, he more than likely is facing death."
"Preaching is a very dangerous thing, it's dangerous for me."
"But you did risk your life to save me earlier. For that, I'm grateful."
"My dad always said if something happens to me in a race car... I'm doing what I love to do."
"Esther's courage shines through her choices."
"Esther's bravery lies in her willingness to risk her life."
"I will risk, I will fail, I will risk, I will try, but I will not regret. Because when you're taking your final breaths, you're not worried about anything other than did I make the most out of this life or do I have a life full of regrets."
"I stopped by to ask you are you willing to live an abundant life at the risk of having it all abundant?"
"I'm leaning into the censorship. I'm willing to lose everything."
"The power is in your hands. You can risk your entire account, or you can risk one percent of your account."
"Putting yourself out there, speaking your truth, being authentic, taking a real risk in life, pursuing a passion, is scary because it could fail."
"Brazil's Bolsonaro says he will be killed, arrested, or reelected."
"One of the biggest risks that I've taken was making the move to Los Angeles."
"I may have to put on my coat one of these days and kiss you all goodbye and say I'm going to the church, and I might be in prison tonight because that's where we're headed. And it's worth it, amen."
"The Freedom Riders were a group of young people that set out, at great personal risk, to make a change, and they did it, you know? There were forces all lined up against them, but they didn't let anything stop them."
"Everyone thinks it's never going to happen to me... is the day that you really need to think about."
"Liberating yourself from your own limits, taking a risk on who you are."
"Women with no standards are playing Russian roulette in the dating world."
"It's very strange that people seem to be just approaching this from a 'well I might be putting myself in danger but I'm going to do it anyway' perspective."
"People have died... You do your duty to the country and you put yourself in a position now where you're a target of threats."
"I could put this pill on tinfoil and take two hits and be dead."
"You know, if you sign up to be any type of entertainer and you still want to live a normal life, you put yourself at jeopardy to all these new nuances that are out there."
"It occurs to me if I do this right now, there's a chance that they're going to get hurt."
"Live free or die." Most people aren't even willing to get arrested or go to court for freedom and truth.
"I'd rather die in my own hands rather than die in other people's. If I chose to do something and if I fail, cool, man. I'm still satisfied because I did it."
"Taking a bet on yourself and seeing like what might be possible."
"To be a citizen in a democracy is to understand that you have to take a certain amount of risk yourself. The system doesn't sustain itself on its own."
"Risk like everything in life is a risk. I'm not saying do or don't do anything. This is ultimately a personal decision."
"What happened to me can happen to any one of you, can happen to every one of you, will certainly happen to a slew of people who are on Donald's Hit List."
"I turned down the project... Why should I risk my life for other people's mistakes?"
"Being honest with the people closest to you sometimes puts you in danger."
"You aren't breaking this guy out unless you have a really good reason, and the reason would be the most, the only reason on the table right now is love."
"I think even in the back of my head I'm like maybe I'd get out on that snow."
"That's why when I put him into those cage matches dude it was like so risky for me because I really wanted it because it was like if I didn't if I lost those I would have him now and this would be completely different."
"Harry's selflessness never wavers, he risks his neck all the time."
"He has found some friends that he's willing to risk his life for."
"Even if I got to risk my life for it I'm more average or I'm the average move him out the way type thing type [ __ ] till 12 tapping with my supporters I'm the pr I don't need no hype you should get one."
"Courage is the ability to exert one's will honorably and morally in the face of risk."
"These are not the good old days... Anybody's trying to rob you and take what you got."
"I love that he took that risk even if it meant defying the principles he'd built around himself."
"Nobody wants to risk their life just to move to a new country and live in fear of deportation for the rest of their life."
"We're always down to put ourselves on the line for these investigations."
"Even though we can see people but at least we can verify their identity talk to them over face time it's still a risk because you're meeting a stranger."
"Seriously, thank you for sticking your neck out for me."
"Risking his jeopardy in his own life to actually help the Canadian people."
"The worst that can happen is you get rejected."
"I am putting my head on the guillotine. I am mustard of compared religion." - Dr. Sakir Nayak
"You can either die for doing your magic or you can die anyway from not doing your magic because you're dead if you're not doing your magic."
"This woman is a true hero who has taken a stand and is concerned about her personal safety but she's taken a stand for what's right in this case."
"Erica is going to be left holding all of the bags."
"You will always be connected to this person."
"He stood by her during her divorce... risking it for her friend."
"At some point, this has to stop. People need to stand up and speak up, take risks, expose themselves to criticism."
"We're risking our life we're placing ourselves out there we could be doing it behind a screen or something to that extent but what gain do we have by pointing the obvious."
"I'm not afraid to die. I don't want to, but I'm not certainly not worried about it at all because I think it's worth saying what you think. And if that gets you taken out, okay. But doesn't make it any less worth it."
"Jamie Dimon, while barely in his early 30's, invests everything he's got - $425 thousand dollars, into the company."
"You can fail at doing what you don't love, so you might as well take a chance at what you do."
"Take a risk, the universe is really encouraging you to go after your heart's desire."
"I'm risking my life giving you all this information, but somebody's gotta say it."
"She truly believed her undercover work could be the reason for her daughter's death."
"Despite the danger to my life and my family, I am steadfast in the need to speak the truth."
"They warned Tawfiq that he might be hit by a car."
"I nearly killed myself half a dozen times for that thing, and those risks will have saved hundreds, no thousands alive."
"My life is on the line so I would rather have somebody up there that knows the details and is going to tell the truth."
"I would donate half of my lung to you and take my chance."
"Tell the truth, blow up your life, and maybe it'll be worth it."
"He swore it on your lives not his. He swore it on my life that he wouldn't do it again so if he does it again I die. What the [__] man why don't put that on us."
"They were out to frame the President... they can do it to them, imagine what they can do to you or I."
"Even if you're right, I'm 22, I'm 25, I would have been just fine, but who could you have infected?"
"I think you need to risk being seen as a fool... I feel like you are going to be seen as an eagle."
"I am risking my future for Nostalgia and Vibes but I am going Roy Nelson because Luke you know what if you're going to live by the sword you might as well die by it."
"He's putting his neck and his life on the line to get you the truth."
"Once you get to the point where you feel like you'll off yourself, you're dangerous because you don't give a [ __ ] about nothing."
"Nothing is more dangerous than a desperate woman who has nothing to lose"
"You're more at risk of losing your life to somebody that you know in your circle as opposed to some stranger."
"They're showing me a sense of, 'I want to take a chance towards Scorpio, I'm willing to open up, I'm willing to risk it all.'"
"Your mother out here catching gunshots for you and never quit, never gave up, never said 'I'm scared, I can't go out there no more' to do it, putting herself at risk like that."
"I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there. Hopefully, it hasn't come down to something terrible happening in your life."
"December 5th, 1976: Despite risks, Bob Marley valued his country's unity over his own safety."
"I'd accidentally run in front of a car to save my French Bulldog."
"I wondered if I was about to become another statistic; if my two boys would grow up without a father."
"I'm glad knowing you're out there in airwaves, risking your life."
"He was a prolific musician who dared to be himself at a time when doing so was a literal threat to his life."
"When somebody from China tries to speak out against China, they get absolutely destroyed."
"Courage is ultimately about what you risk it for."
"I'm putting myself in jeopardy. You living that life not knowing that you hurting everybody that loves you in the process."
"I doubled down on my hobby. Took a leap of faith and just ran with it."
"Open up your heart, take that leap of faith because what you want wants you."
"I'll throw away my freedom and just wait on a PPP loan."
"You're putting your life in somebody else's hands; this is something that you need to really process."
"It was a big risk, but ultimately I bet on myself."
"They'll literally take a bullet for you once they really truly love you."
"Sometimes I think of how easy it would have been for that guy to just knock me off my bike and inflict life-changing injuries upon me."
"He was there at work Thursday morning when this thing broke out and he worked all morning to help evacuate the patients from the hospital risking his own life and limb."
"A certain woman was she's in a moment where she's willing to risk it all and reach out one more time in Desperate Faith."
"Learn to listen to the small but mighty voice within. Give yourself permission to take a chance and go out there to dance with the unknown."
"For someone to publicly say you know I'm on someone who's in any sense in the right I am now against the police that's a big bullet to take."
"They're risking their lives every day to oppose this lack of freedom that they have."
"If these [__] took that amount of risk in me before I seen it and in myself bro I can only imagine bro that they have my best interest at heart."
"Sometimes you may just get beaten up a little."
"Live at your own risk seems to be short distance away from being a reason to end the lockdown."
"I do not want to spend the rest of my life wondering if I would have missed out on the biggest opportunity I ever had."
"History is made by those willing to risk it all. I refuse to live in fear."
"Every nearfall was like putting your own life on the line."
"I would not personally allow my life to be uprooted like that without some kind of safety net to catch me when I fall."
"What if that path to redemption involved putting you in harm's way?"
"You're gonna be taking a leap of faith towards something you were too afraid to before."
"She's putting it all on the line. It's all in the line. She's like no, I'm not recanting because it happened. That's impressive. That takes guts."
"Your entire life is already impacted every single day by threat actors in other parts of the world."
"If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to any of us."
"I'm not scared to go to jail, I'm trying to save my country."
"Credit to her for the courage to come out and expose it knowing the risks she would face."
"This is about you taking a risk on what you know is best for yourself and what you need to be honest with yourself about in order to find this financial independence."
"This person is going to get vulnerable, they're going to open themselves up, they're going to communicate, they're going to take a risk."
"He very well have lost his life... as a result of being an opponent of every single advocate of truth."
"He kept almost 1,300 people out of harm's way during the genocide at great personal risk."
"My life is still at risk, but in the law of duality, there's two opposites: fear and faith."
"You never know what's gonna happen when you put yourself out there."
"The only time that you really succeed and find things in life that matter are when you're willing to lose it all."
"It's time to walk towards something new, take the risk and move on."
"I care about our future and I care about our First Amendment, our Second Amendment, and the issues that we all face together."
"To be a black figure who chooses to be honest about white supremacy in this country is dangerous business."
"I have a lot more to lose than anybody else."
"He's dangerous but it's okay, that's all that matters."
"Sedan decided risking his own life was worth it if it meant that he could save garnet's."
"The worst case scenario is that you personally are hacked, somebody gets a hold of your keys and then they're able to take your assets from you."
"You have to be willing to be canceled, you have to be willing to be thrown off social media, you have to be willing to lose your job even in order to simply speak the truth."
"I might never be able to go back to China. I have to take that risk."
"You've got to take the risk and take the chance and take the plunge on yourself and heal yourself from the inside out, re-establish your relationship with yourself, fall in love with yourself."
"Profiles in courage: people who are standing up for their beliefs and putting their careers on the line."
"Sometimes you just have to take a risk and make the first move."
"Tick tock, tick tock, Jesse. What's it gonna be? The flint and steel or your lives?"
"Even while her clothes were on fire, she still continued to save lives."
"You become a target... You're rapping about these people."
"If they steal the election again, I'm going to be the biggest pain in their, I'm willing to tell them that, and they're going to have to kill me to stop me."
"Anytime you bet on yourself it's a risk. I admire the guy for doing it."
"You cannot change somebody else's objectives. You cannot stop them. You can try to stop them, you'll lose your life."
"Lazar's whistleblower style made him appear to be a defender of the truth, willing to risk his safety to reveal potentially revolutionary facts."
"I am making a stand for myself and you know what, if this whole thing backfires, well at least I tried and I stuck up for myself."
"You having to look at everything you've built your life for, to say I'm willing to risk it for the sake of hum it does something to you."
"I'm a truth seeker and a truth teller, and for that I am also a target."
"You knew that whoever you were talking to who was taking a risk, talking to you was more important to him than the possibility of six months in jail."
"He is putting himself on the line... we're moving into this new consciousness."
"I decided to defect and to entirely dissociate myself from the brutal regime."
"So today is a celebration not just of reaching 1 million subscribers but a celebration of you guys."
"We ask you to sit on the pointy end of a rocket and risk your life to advance our nation's goal to explore the unknown."
"I was like, even if I were to fail, be homeless, never make it, and just be this old kind of guy in the street just playing his guitar, is it worth it and does it beat the alternative? And the answer was yes."
"I was willing to risk everything to win, but I still couldn't pull it off."
"I'm learning that I'm a person, not a risk to be managed."
"Life is a risk. You have to risk the safety afforded by the personas that we built for ourselves in order to come closer to the self."
"People die when I involve myself, and I could fall in the same way my master did."
"It was really the events of 9/11 that shook me to the core and made me risk and take a chance."
"If you want to endanger your own life, honestly listen, I wouldn't advise it, but power to you, but you're going to endanger other people's lives."
"Unless the writer is personally at risk, unless the book has been, in some way, for the writer, an adventure into the unknown, it's not worth reading."
"I don't care about the political and personal consequences, we will face them together."
"Just one clue, a single decisive factor is all I need. A single piece of evidence is all it would take. It could cost me my life."
"He's risking his life to be here, which he's never ever done. He hates to lose."